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瓜实蝇密度和蜂密度对印啮小蜂寄生效能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在实验室内以瓜实蝇幼虫作寄主研究了寄主密度和蜂密度对印啮小蜂寄生效能的影响。结果表明:印啮小蜂对瓜实蝇的寄生量受寄主密度影响显著。寄主密度为5~20头/管时,寄主密度的增加对印啮小蜂的寄生效能有增强作用,而当寄主密度过高时,寄主密度的增加会使印啮小蜂的寄生效能降低。印啮小蜂个体之间存在相互干扰作用。平均每头雌蜂的寄生量和寄生率、每头雌蜂产仔蜂量随蜂密度的增加而减少,说明蜂密度的增加降低了印啮小蜂的寄生效能。当蜂密度从2头/管增加到15头/管时,平均每头雌蜂寄生的瓜实蝇数量降低了近3/4。蜂虫比例越低,子代的雌性比率越高。 相似文献
本文用图文简要记述了从美洲大蠊卵鞘中育出的浅沟长尾啮小蜂Aprostocetus asthenogmus(Waterston)的形态特征。这是该蜂在我国的首次报道,有望今后用于蜚蠊的生物防治。 相似文献
近年来,在我国桉树上发生了一种严重的外来入侵害虫——桉树叶瘿球角姬小蜂Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead)(膜翅目:姬小蜂科Eulophidae),其在桉树叶片上形成密密麻麻的小疱状虫瘿,造成桉树叶片大量脱落。为了利用天敌对该害虫进行生物防治,我们开展了该害虫的天敌调查。通过采集受害桉树叶片进行饲养,获得了一种寄生该害虫的寄生蜂——桉树扁角金绿姬小蜂Closterocerus chamaeleon(Girault)(膜翅目:姬小蜂科Eulophidae)。该寄生蜂为我国新纪录种,本文对其形态特征进行了详细描述,并提供了成虫鉴别特征的彩色照片。桉树扁角金绿姬小蜂原产地是澳大利亚,现在已被引进到世界上许多桉树栽培的国家和地区防治桉树叶瘿球角姬小蜂,防效十分显著。桉树扁角金绿姬小蜂是自然控制该害虫的优势天敌,我国现在发现了这种天敌,将在我国生物防治这种桉树外来入侵害虫上发挥重要作用。 相似文献
橘小实蝇寄生蜂凡氏费氏茧蜂Fopius vandenboschi(Fullaway)隶属膜翅目小茧蜂科潜蝇茧蜂亚科,是田间控制橘小实蝇的优势蜂种,在国外田间控制橘小实蝇已获得巨大成功,而国内应用寄生蜂田间控制橘小实蝇尚属空白。本研究室在研究中发现田间已有凡氏费氏茧蜂F.vandenbosch定殖,并室内繁殖成功。本文详细地描述了该寄生蜂的特征,旨在为田间应用奠定基础。 相似文献
桔小实蝇生物防治研究进展 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
本文综述了国内外桔小实蝇的生物防治研究进展,概括了国内外对桔小实蝇起主要控制作用的主要天敌种类,论述了桔小实蝇寄生性天敌、捕食性天敌的利用;病原微生物中真菌、线虫、共生菌等的利用;对桔小实蝇具有引诱作用的水解蛋白、化学物质和植物次生物利用;桔小实蝇不育技术的应用等方面,并讨论了今后持续控制桔小实蝇中生物防治方面的发展趋势,以期为今后桔小实蝇持续控制提供生物防治方面的参考。 相似文献
杨桃园桔小实蝇种群数量动态具有明显的规律,且与杨桃果实的成熟期密切相关。通常3月实蝇种群数量开始上升,4月~10月为发生盛期,其间出现3~4个发生高峰,11月次至年2月虫量较低。桔小实蝇对杨桃果实的成熟度具明显选择性,偏好硬度(成熟度)在89度以下的果实。单个果实中约有6个产卵孔、30头幼虫,杨桃从被害到落果时间长度一般为9d。经分析,发现产卵孔数和落果中的幼虫数量、产卵孔数与落果时间长度之间显著相关,建立了两者间关系方程。在以上研究基础上,确定了杨桃园桔小实蝇防治的一些关键时期。 相似文献
本文记述广东省橘小实蝇的寄生蜂4科8种,包括茧蜂科Braconidae的阿费氏茧蜂Fopius arisanus(Sonan,1932)、凡氏费氏茧蜂Fopius vandenboschi(Fullaway,1952)、长尾全裂茧蜂Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead,1905)和弗氏短背茧蜂Pasyttalia fletcheri(Silvestri,1916)、姬小峰科Eulophidae的印啮小蜂Aceratoneuromyia indica(Silvestri,1910)、小蜂科Chalcididae的吉氏角头小蜂Dirhinus giffardii(Silvestri,1914)和匙胸瘿蜂科Eucoilidae的柔匙胸瘿蜂属Aganaspis sp.1和Aganaspis sp.2。 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is a major pest that infects fruits and agricultural products worldwide. The latest resistance monitoring of B. dorsalis from mainland China has identified high levels of resistance to insecticides. In this study, the biochemical and molecular characteristics of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in four field populations of B. dorsalis are investigated. RESULTS: Among the four populations, the DG population and its purified AChE were found to be the least susceptible to malathion and five inhibitors, whereas the KM population and its purified AChE were the most susceptible. The highest catalytic activity of purified AChE was found for the KM population, and the catalytic activity of the DG population was the lowest. Among developmental stages, the AChE purified from larvae was found to be the most insusceptible to inhibitors, but its catalytic activity was the highest. Sequence analysis of the cDNA encoding AChE showed that some residue differences existed. However, no significant differences in expression levels of the AChE gene among populations and developmental stages were detected. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the decrease in susceptibility of B. dorsalis was mainly caused by decrease in AChE activity, and they provide a broad view on the relation between AChE and resistance. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Insecticide resistance of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in mainland China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
BACKGROUND: In order to investigate the extent of resistance of oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), which is a widespread pest throughout tropical, subtropical and temperate fruit crops, 25 populations of this insect were collected from 13 sites in mainland China in 2007 and 2008. In addition, resistant strains were established that showed increasing development of resistance. RESULTS: Compared with the susceptible strain, one population of B. dorsalis expressed high resistance (RR = 70.4‐fold), 16 populations expressed medium resistance (11.5‐fold < RR < 25.8‐fold) and eight populations had low resistance or remained susceptible (1.4‐fold < RR < 8.9‐fold) to trichlorphon. As regards β‐cypermethrin, one population showed high resistance (RR = 44.0‐fold), nine populations expressed medium resistance (12.2‐fold < RR < 28.4‐fold), 14 populations expressed low or minor resistance (3.0‐fold < RR < 9.7‐fold) and one population remained susceptible (RR = 1.1‐fold). As regards avermectin, five populations had developed high resistance (44.3‐fold < RR < 104‐fold), seven populations expressed medium resistance (11.4‐fold < RR < 38.6‐fold) and three populations expressed low or minor resistance (3.5‐fold < RR < 5.6‐fold). A continuous resistance selection in the laboratory strain showed that the resistance ratios to trichlorphon, β‐cypermethrin and avermectin were 71.6‐fold, 333‐fold and 70.4‐fold respectively. CONCLUSION: The data provided a comprehensive survey of insecticide resistance in Bactrocera dorsalis in mainland China. All results suggested that early resistance management programmes should be established for restoring the efficacy of pesticide‐based control measures. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献