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The purpose of this work was to assess the influence of several healthy meals (0, 1 and 2) prior to the infectious one on the vectorial competence of Glossina morsitans morsitans (Mall). The teneral flies (< 32 h old) of this line were divided into three groups. The tsetse flies of group A received no meal. The ones of group B received one healthy meal on day 1, whereas those from group C were given two consecutive healthy meals on days 1 and 2. All the flies were experimentally infected with Trypanosoma congolense IL 1180 when the maximum age reached 32 h for flies with no meal, 56 h for those with one healthy meal and 80 h for those who received two healthy meals. When both sexes were considered, the meso-procyclic and metacyclic indexes as well as the vectorial competence (VC) of the flies receiving no meal were 0.99 +/- 0.01, 0.96 +/- 0.02 and 0.95 +/- 0.03. Considering the flies which were fed one healthy meal, the respective values were 0.42 +/- 0.13, 0.50 +/- 0.01 and 0.21 +/- 0.06, whereas the values for the flies receiving two healthy meals were 0.45 +/- 0.11, 0.29 +/- 0.19 and 0.13 +/- 0.05. The meso-procyclic and metacyclic indexes as well as the VC in both sexes were more important in the flies which received no meal than those fed with one or two healthy meals. The meso-procyclic and metacyclic indexes and VC did not show any significant differences between the flies fed one or two healthy meals, whereas the metacyclic index of male flies which received one healthy meal was significantly higher than those fed two healthy meals. These results indicate that the number of non-infected (healthy) meals prior to an infected meal reduces the interaction between G. m. morsitans infected and T. congolense.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments and field observations clearly show that tsetse flies can be carriers of mixed trypanosome infections. Question remains how easy it is for the tsetse fly to acquire such a mixed infection during the first bloodmeal. This is of particular importance in the epidemiology of Trypanosoma brucei s.l., often a cryptic infection and difficult to transmit to non-teneral tsetse flies. To determine the transmission rate of T. brucei as part of a mixed infection, teneral Glossina morsitans morsitans were fed once on cattle with a mixed (Trypanosoma brucei brucei/Trypanosoma congolense) or single (T. brucei) infection. Of the 140 flies fed on animals with a mixed infection and examined 30 days later, 4 had a metacylic T. brucei infection, 29 a T. congolense infection and 13 a mixed T. brucei/T. congolense infection. There was no significant difference between the transmission rate of T. brucei as a single or as part of a mixed infection. The high proportion of mixed T.b. brucei/T. congolense infections was explained best by a model implying that if a fly is refractory to T. congolense, it is also refractory to T.b. brucei and vice versa. Hence, results suggest that the transmission of T.b. brucei is affected mainly by the vectorial capacity of flies and not by concurrent trypanosome infections in the host.  相似文献   

Summary Trypanosome infection rate ofGlossina morsitans submorsitans in Bahr El Arab fly belt, Sudan was investigated in four areas using fly rounds with screen and bait animals together with traps during the dry season February to May 1985. The overall infection rate of tsetse flies captured in the four areas was 5.1%. The infection rate ofvivax group trypanosomes comprised 64.7% of total infections,congolense group 31.2% andbrucei group typanosomes 3.9%: 27.3% of thevivax and 31.3% of thecongolense were immature trypanosome infections. Mixed trypanosome infections were encountered in a few flies. Trypanosome infection rate of flies differed with the sampling technique employed. A linear positive correlation existed between the physiological age of males and their trypanosome infection rates.
Tasa De Infeccion Con Tripanosoma DeGlossina Morsitans Submorsitans En Bahr El Arab, Provincia Darfur Sur, Sudan
Resumen Se investigó la tasa de infección con tripanosoma deG.m. submorsitans, en Bahr El Arab, Sudan. La metodología consistió en atrapar moscas en cuatro áreas, utilizando mallas y animales vivos como carnada, y trampas. El estudio comenzó durante el período seco en febrero y continuó hasta mayo 1985. La tasa de infección encontrada en las moscas tsetse capturadas en las cuatro áreas fue de 5.1%. La tasa de infección del grupo de tripanosomasvivax fue 64.7%, del total de la infección; la tasa de infección del grupocongolense fue de 31.2% y del grupo brucei 3.9%. El 27.3% de infecciones convivax y el 31.3% decongolense, fueron inmaduras. Se encontraron infecciones mixtas en algunas moscas. La tasa de infección de las moscas varió con la técnica de muestreo empleada. Se encontró una correlación linear positiva, entre la edad fisiológica de los machos y la tasa de infección de los mismos.

Taux D'Infestation Par Les Trypanosomes DeGlossina Morsitans Submorsitans Au Bahr El Arab, Province Du Darfour Au Soudan
Résumé Pendant la saison sèche de février à mai 1985 les taux d'infestation par les trypanosomes de Glossines du genreG. morsitans submorsitans ont été étudiés dans quatre zones en utilisant des écrans attractifs, des animaux-appâts et des pièges.Le taux global d'infestation des mouches tsé-tsé capturées dans ces zones était de 5,1%. Le taux relatif aux trypanosomes du groupevivax représentait 64,7% du nombre total des mouches infestées pour 31,2% pour les trypanosomes du groupecongolense et 3,9% pour ceux du groupebrucei. Les infestations par trypanosomes immatures représentaient 27,3% du total pour lesvivax et 31,3% pour lescongolense.Des infestations mixtes ont été trouvées chez quelques mouches. Les taux d'infestation des mouches variaient en fonction de la technique d'échantillonnage utilisée. Une corrélation linéaire positive existait entre l'âge physiologique des mâles et leur taux d'infestation par les trypanosomes.

Rabbits exposed to feeding tsetse flies developed cutaneous hypersensitivity responses to fly bites. These responses had characteristics of immediate and delayed type hypersensitivity. Saliva components from the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans centralis were electrophoretically separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Major salivary proteins of 160, 92, 66, 64, 55, 42, 33, 28, and 15 kilodaltons were identified. Separated salivary components were transferred to nitrocellulose filters and probed with lectins and with whole sera and purified IgG from rabbits which had been exposed, via fly feeding, to tsetse antigens for variable periods. Many of the salivary proteins were identified as glycoproteins. Several major salivary proteins were recognized by antibodies from sensitized rabbits.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs infested with Glossina morsitans weekly for 5 weeks exhibited marked peripheral blood basophil and eosinophil responses to each infestation, with a dominant cutaneous basophil response to challenge infestation. G. morsitans feeding was completed within 3--10 min, depending upon prior exposure, and flies were reluctant to feed and probed longer on hyperexposed animals. Blood basophil responses exhibited the greatest increases over controls (up to 12-fold) compared to eosinophils (up to 3-fold). After the first and third infestations, both basophil and eosinophil levels increased, whereas after the second and fourth infestations both cell types declined. Greatest blood basophil responses developed after the first infestation with levels ranging from 0 to 14 +/- 9 cells/mm3 in infested animals to 0 and 2 +/- 2 cells/mm3 in uninfested controls. Eosinophilia increased with each infestation where levels ranged from 57 +/- 23 cells/mm3 after the first tsetse feeding to 110 +/- 20 cells/mm3 after the fourth infestation; compared to 11 +/- 11 to 50 +/- 12 cells/mm3 in uninfested controls. Fly-feeding sites were marked by hemorrhages, and probing behavior resulted in a line of small hemorrhages when the underside of the skin was examined. Histologically, G. morsitans feeding sites in naive guinea pigs 24 h post-infestation were dominated by mononuclear cells (93% of the infiltrate) with a weak granulocyte component, of which eosinophils were dominant (1.3%). Tsetse feeding sites in guinea pigs exposed 3 times previously were again dominated by mononuclear cells (57% of the infiltrate), but granulocytes comprised a significant part of the response (43% of the infiltrate) where basophils were dominant (25%).  相似文献   

Between March 2004 and February 2005, the monthly incidence of trypanosome infections was measured in cattle from nine sentinel herds in the Adamaoua province of Cameroon. Three herds of 20 cattle each were kept on the plateau which has been cleared from tsetse flies about 10 years ago, three other herds were grazing in the tsetse infested valley whereas the last three were herded in the buffer zone. The cross-sectional study showed that the initial trypanosomosis prevalence was 1.8, 5.2 and 2.0% on the plateau, in the buffer zone and the valley, respectively. During the longitudinal study, the trypanosomosis incidence was high in the valley (3.7-20%) and the buffer zone (1.8-13.4%), whereas it was significantly lower (0-2.1%) on the plateau. Tsetse flies, mainly Glossina morsitans submorsitans and a few G. tachinoides, were caught in the valley and the buffer zone, but none on the plateau. The data indicate a low trypanosomosis risk on the plateau. Further entomological studies, however, are required to clarify the origin of the trypanosome infections on the plateau.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the susceptibility of buffaloes, cattle and goats to infection with Trypanosoma vivax transmitted either by Glossina morsitans centralis or by syringe inoculation. Three different isolates of T vivax (two from East Africa, one from West Africa) were used to compare skin reactions, parasitaemia, anaemia and the development of trypanosome-specific antibodies in buffaloes, cattle and goats. African buffaloes reared in captivity in an area free from trypanosomiasis proved to be highly resistant to infection with the three stocks of T vivax tested, irrespective of whether infection was by tsetse transmitted metacyclic forms or by intradermal or intravenous inoculation of bloodstream forms of the parasite. The bites of 19 tsetse infected with a West African T vivax stock did not cause local skin reactions, detectable bloodstream infections or antibody responses in two buffaloes. Following the bites of 120 tsetse flies infected with the same stock, two different buffaloes showed no local skin reactions, but had detectable bloodstream infections without showing signs of anaemia. Cattle and goats infected in a similar way showed severe local inflammatory skin reactions, high levels of parasitaemia and severe anaemia. The two East African stocks of T vivax caused no local skin reactions and only a transient parasitaemia in buffaloes following tsetse-transmitted infection or intradermal inoculation of bloodstream forms. On the other hand, cattle and goats infected with the East African stocks showed high parasitaemias but local skin reactions only occurred in the goats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In large parts of Africa the control of livestock trypanosomiasis relies on the use of trypanocidal drugs. Resistance against the available compounds is developing rapidly in the trypanosome population. The effect of the development of drug resistance on the fitness of the trypanosome is not well known. To determine the effect of the development of resistance to isometamidium chloride on the trypanosome's transmissibility, transmission experiments were conducted. Use was made of three isogenic clones of Trypanosoma congolense with different susceptibility to the drug. The infection rate in Glossina morsitans morsitans differed significantly between clones and was significantly higher in tsetse flies infected with the T. congolense clone with the highest level of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Biting flies were collected from the umbilical areas of Onchocerca lienalis-infected cattle in New York (state) from June through September of 1980. Of the 766 flies collected, 705 were Simulium jenningsi. Microfilariae were detected in the midguts of 37 (50%) of 73 females dissected immediately after the flies had fed. The mean number of larvae per positive fly (fly with microfilariae) was 15.2. Third-stage larvae were recovered from 25 (21.9%) of 114 S jenningsi dissected 8 to 13 days after they had fed on the infected cattle; the mean number of 3rd-stage larvae per positive fly was 3.5. Dissections of flies performed on days 1 through 7 after feeding yielded various numbers of 1st and 2nd-stage larvae from the thoracic muscles. Ovarian dissections performed on 304 S jenningsi attacking cattle indicated an overall parous rate of 58%. Naturally occurring infections with filarial larvae indistinguishable from O lienalis were found in 7.3% of the parous females. Three of these flies, or 1.7% of the parous collection, harbored 3rd-stage larvae. The onset of naturally occurring filarial infections in the population of S jenningsi coincided with a peak in the parous rate in late June. Thereafter, filarial infections were generally detected when the parous rate was above 50%.  相似文献   

In an on-farm trial conducted amongst the Maasai pastoralists in Nkuruman and Nkineji areas of Kenya between April 2004 and August 2005 designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a synthetic tsetse repellent technology, we assessed the relationship between tsetse challenge and trypanosomosis incidence in cattle. Six villages were used in each area. Each of these villages had a sentinel cattle herd that was screened for trypanosomosis on monthly basis using buffy coat technique. Animals found infected at each sampling were treated with diminazene aceturate at 7 mg kg(-1) body weight. Treatments administered by the owners over the sampling intervals were recorded as well. Tsetse flies were trapped at the time of sampling using baited stationary traps and apparent tsetse density estimated as flies per trap per day (FTD). A fixed proportion (10%) of the flies was dissected and their infection status determined through microscopy. Blood meals were also collected from some of the flies and their sources identified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Tsetse challenge was obtained as a product of tsetse density, trypanosome prevalence and the proportion of blood meals obtained from cattle. This variable was transformed using logarithmic function and fitted as an independent factor in a Poisson model that had trypanosomosis incidence in the sentinel cattle as the outcome of interest. The mean trypanosomosis incidence in the sentinel group of cattle was 7.2 and 10.2% in Nkuruman and Nkineji, respectively. Glossina pallidipes was the most prevalent tsetse species in Nkuruman while G. swynnertoni was prevalent in Nkineji. The proportions of tsetse that had mature infections in the respective areas were 0.6 and 4.2%. Most tsetse (28%) sampled in Nkuruman had blood meals from warthogs while most of those sampled in Nkineji (30%) had blood meals from cattle. A statistically significant association between tsetse challenge and trypanosomosis incidence was obtained only in Nkuruman when data was pooled and analyzed at the area but not at the village-level. In the later scenario, lagging tsetse challenge by 1 month improved the strength but not the significance of the association. These findings show that when the spatial unit of analysis in observational studies or on-farm trials is small, for instance a village, it may not be possible to demonstrate a statistically significant association between tsetse challenge and trypanosomosis incidence in livestock so as to effectively control for tsetse challenge.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Chlamydia pecorum and Chlamydia pneumoniae infections in two free-range koala populations was assessed using genus-specific PCR combined with species-specific DNA probe hybridisation. Population A had a very high overall level of chlamydial infection (85%) with significantly more of these infections being due to C. pecorum (73%) compared to C. pneumoniae (24%). The second population had a much lower prevalence of infection (10%) with equal levels of both species. An important finding of this study was that. while five of 24 C. pecorum-infected koalas had clinical signs of the disease (both ocular and urogenital sites), none out of seven C. pneumoniae-infected koalas had signs of clinical disease. This suggests that C. pecorum may be the more pathogenic of the two chlamydial species infecting this host. The level of infection (assessed by intensity of the specific hybridisation signal) also differed between chlamydial species, with C. pecorum infections ranging from low to high grade whereas C. pneumoniae infections were always low grade. When the age of infected koalas was examined, 58% of young, sexually immature koalas were found to have C. pecorum infections, increasing to 100% of koalas in the older age groups. This suggests that, in this population at least, young koalas are readily infected with C. pecorum from their mothers. While the infection levels with C. pneumoniae were too low to be statistically significant, again, sexually immature koalas were found to be infected. The recent separation of chlamydial infections in koalas into two species is beginning to indicate different epizootiologies for koala C. pecorum compared to koala C. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

To determine and compare the prevalence of trypanosome infections in different livestock species (cattle, pigs and goats) in areas where game animals are scarce and livestock constitute the main food source of tsetse, a survey was conducted on the plateau of the Eastern Province of Zambia in Katete and Petauke districts where Glossina morsitans morsitans is the only tsetse species present. Blood was collected from a total of 734 cattle, 333 goats and 324 pigs originating from 59 villages in both districts and was examined using the buffy coat method and the PCR-RFLP as diagnostic tools. The prevalence of trypanosome infections differed substantially between livestock species. Using microscopic diagnostic methods, trypanosome infections were detected in 13.5% of the cattle and 0.9% of the pigs. All goats were parasitologically negative. The PCR-RFLP analyses increased the trypanosomiasis prevalence to 33.5, 6.5 and 3.3% in cattle, pigs and goats respectively. The majority of the infections (91.2%) were due to Trypanosoma congolense. The presence of a trypanosome infection in cattle and pigs resulted in a significant decline in the packed cell volume. The outcome of the study clearly shows that despite the availability of goats and pigs, cattle seem to be the major livestock species affected by the disease in trypanosomiasis endemic areas. The high proportion of infections in cattle could be partly attributed to their higher availability and attractiveness to tsetse.  相似文献   

To determine their capacity to host Brucella abortus, face flies were examined 1 to 120 hours after feeding on broth containing bacteria and bovine erythrocytes. Brucella abortus was cultured in large numbers from whole flies for 12 hours after feeding, but not after 72 hours. Histologic analysis showed that brucellae were rapidly taken into the midgut, sequestered from erythrocytes, transiently stored, and shed in the feces; there was no evidence of bacterial replication within epithelial cells. Immunoperoxidase and immunogold techniques revealed that most brucellae in the gut were confined to the lumen by the peritrophic membrane, that brucellae were degraded in secondary lysosomes of midgut epithelial cells, and that intact brucellae passed into connective tissues surrounding the midgut. Bacterial excretion without midgut replication is consistent with transient, but not long-term, insect transmission in nature.  相似文献   

The efficacy of febantel paste formulation (6 and 12 mg/kg) against natural infections of gastrointestinal helminths in lambs (n = 33) in Kentucky was evaluated in a controlled test. For the test, 23 lambs were treated orally (17 at 6 mg/kg and 6 at 12 mg/kg) and 10 lambs were not treated. Removals at both dosages in treated lambs were 95% to 100% for species of immature and mature Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, and Cooperia; and mature Ostertagia females, Nematodirus, and Strongyloides. For immature Nematodirus, removals were 92% and 77% at the dosages of 6 and 12 mg/kg, respectively. Only a few specimens (av less than 100) of some other species or stages were found in the nontreated group and removal of them (at both dosages) were 94% to 100% for Ostertagia (immature and males), Strongyloides (immature), Oesophagostomum (immature), and Moniezia (mature); and 61% (at 6 mg/kg) and 100% (at 12 mg/kg) for Capillaria (mature), 0% for Trichuris (mature, at both dosages), and 67% (at 6 mg/kg) and 100% (at 12 mg/kg) for Oesophagostomum (mature).  相似文献   

A total of 440 teneral Glossina palpalis gambiensis received one single bloodmeal on a guinea pig infected chronically with Trypanosoma brucei brucei EATRO 1125. Metacyclic infections were present in 11.29% of the flies, in 2.32% infections were limited to procyclical stages. No significant difference in vectorial capacity was observed between male and female flies, the level of metacyclic infections being 13.19% in the former and 9.55% in the latter. The parasitaemia level, the percentage of stumpy forms at the moment of the blood meal and the maintenance conditions of the flies seemed to influence the infection of the flies.  相似文献   

A series of coupled differential equations was used to model the temporal dynamics of rabies in raccoons in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The model takes explicit account of the development of natural immunity to rabies and was used to evaluate culling and vaccination elimination strategies. For habitats typical of the mid-Atlantic states, and given the assumptions of the model, it was estimated that elimination of rabies in raccoons by culling may involve the annual removal of over 32% of the raccoon population or the yearly vaccination of up to 99% of the susceptible fraction. Assuming a constant marginal cost for both culling and vaccination, the model suggests that, whatever the actual cost of each method, the cheapest strategy will always involve either culling or vaccination alone. A combined strategy of culling and vaccination will be cheaper than culling alone only when the per capita cost of vaccination is around one-fifth or less the per capita cost of culling.  相似文献   

Present study was carried to determine the sand fly species composition, breeding sites ecology, seasonal abundance, and spatial distribution in district Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. In addition, risk factors associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) were also evaluated. Survey of indoor and outdoor habitats was carried out using sticky traps in 31 villages of Dargai and Batkhela tehsils of Malakand. Soil from habitats of adult and immature sand flies was analysed. Questionnaire-based household survey was also performed in these villages to assess risk factors associated with CL. Soil samples from selected CL positive households were analysed for its contents. Additionally, clinicoepidemiological data from local health centres was examined for the year 2019. Total of 3,140 sand flies belonging to 18 species were collected. Phlebotomus sergenti was the most abundant species (38.16%). Its abundance had a strong positive correlation with mean monthly relative humidity and negative correlation with average temperature. Phlebotomus sergenti and Phlebotomus papatasi were abundant at an elevation ranging from 320 to 1,120 m above sea level and in agricultural lands near human settlements. Flight height preference apparatus collected maximum sand flies at 30 cm (1ft) above the ground and all species associated negatively with height. Soil analysis from habitats of adult and immature flies showed that highest mean number of adults and immatures were recorded from silt loam which carried highest concentrations of K2O, Mg, Ca, and Zn. Number of immature sand flies correlated moderately (r = .7, p < .05) with K2O soil concentrations. There was significant similarity between organic matter contents in soil samples from positive breeding sites and CL households (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, p = .1976). In multivariate analysis model for CL risk factors, age (26–35 and >35 years), knowledge of leishmaniasis, living in a middle and upper class, preachers visit to villages, and assumption that Afghan refugees are more prone to CL were significant. CL patient's archived data from health centres showed that majority of patients had lesions on face and hands. Patient's influx was highest in February and March.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 1421 domestic cats (561 healthy, 860 sick) were tested for FIV-, FeLV- and coronavirus infection. The results were stored in a computer data base and compared with epidemiologic data and clinical findings. All 3 infections were significantly more prevalent in sick than healthy cats: FIV was found in 0.7% of healthy and 3.4% of sick cats. For FeLV the prevalence was 3.0% and 13.0% and for coronavirus 21% and 36.2%, respectively. FIV-infected cats were mostly male (73%); no sex predilection was observed in FeLV- and coronavirus infection. In sick cats FIV-infection was significantly more prevalent in cats greater than 2 years of age; no age-dependence was found in FeLV- and coronavirus infections. The prevalence of FIV-infection increased significantly with the number of animals per household. In contrast, the frequency of FeLV infection decreased with the number of animals per household. Prevalence of coronavirus infection did not vary with group size or living conditions. The following clinical symptoms were associated with infection: FIV: general depression, diseases of the urinary tract; FeLV: general depression, fever, rough hair coat, lymphadenopathy, impaired functions of heart and circulation and muscle atrophy; coronavirus: lymphadenopathy and alterations in the abdomen. It was concluded that based on the clinical symptoms alone FIV-infection could not be diagnosed nor differentiated from the other 2 infections.  相似文献   

In 1986, a retrospective examination of histologic data determined that 68 histology accessions at the Georgia Poultry Laboratories had a diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis. These cases represented 6.4% of the 1065 histologic examinations of chickens performed at the facility. Of the protozoan infections, only Eimeria sp. was diagnosed more frequently (105/1065 = 9.9%). Infected chickens came from 11 companies. Most of the cases were significantly (chi 2 = 103, df = 10, P less than 0.001) associated with two of these companies. These chickens ranged in age from 14 to 51 days. The number of cases per age group was significantly correlated (r = 0.85, t = 3.98, df = 6, P less than 0.01) with the number of cases per age group of the population of histology accessions. Additionally, cases of cryptosporidiosis had a significantly (P less than 0.05) uneven temporal distribution in that few cases were diagnosed during the winter.  相似文献   

The efficacy of 2 injectable formulations of ivermectin, administered intraorally at the dosage of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight, was evaluated against naturally occurring infections by abomasal nematodes in lambs in 2 controlled tests. One test (A) included 17 lambs treated with the equine formulation and 16 nontreated lambs. For the other test (B), 14 lambs were treated with the bovine formulation, and 12 were nontreated. In controlled test A, only mature nematodes were recovered, and removals were 98% to 100% for Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia circumcincta male, O trifurcata male, Ostertagia spp female, and Trichostrongylus axei. For controlled test B, removals were 99% to 100% for Haemonchus spp (immature), H contortus (mature), Ostertagia spp (immature), O circumcincta male (mature), O trifurcata male (mature), Ostertagia spp female (mature), Trichostrongylus spp (immature), and T axei (mature). Toxicosis was not evident in treated lambs.  相似文献   

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