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Bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. possesses a genetic variation for the ability to survive and reproduce under salt stress conditions. Durum wheat (T. durum Desf.) is in general more sensitive in comparison to bread wheat, however, exceptions can be found showing the same extent of salt tolerance. Endemic wheats in general are characterised by a high adaptability to their environment. The level and variability of salt tolerance were assessed in a germplasm collection of 144 winter and spring wheat accessions from Georgia comprising Triticum aestivum L., T. durum Desf., T. dicoccon Schrank, T. polonicum L. and Georgian endemics: T. carthlicum Nevski, T. karamyschevii Nevski, T. macha Dekapr. et Menabde, T. timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. and T. zhukovskyi Menabde et Ericzjan. The accessions were tested for salt tolerance at the germination stage. Large variability in salt tolerance within the Georgian germplasm was found among the different wheat species. The endemic hexaploid winter wheat T. macha and the endemic tetraploid wheat T. timopheevii were among the most tolerant materials, thus presenting promising donors for salt tolerant traits in future breeding efforts for salinity tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

Variation and geographic distribution of stem solidness and environmental stress tolerance were assessed under dryland conditions in a collection of 2420 durum wheat landrace morphotypes collected in 28 administrative provinces of Turkey. The former trait is known to confer resistance to wheat stem sawfly – a serious pest insect in West Asia and North Africa. Both characters were scored on a visual five-level scale. Score mean values and frequency distributions in the different provinces were significantly different for both traits according to analysis of variance and chi-square test, respectively. Two groups of provinces emerged with high frequency of solid-stemmed, and hollow-stemmed accessions, respectively. The former could be of interest in durum wheat breeding against the sawfly. The group of solid-stemmed province germplasms was collected at lower altitude than the other, being also different on average for higher temperatures and evapotranspiration, and shorter growing season at sites of origin. Overall frequency of morphotypes tolerant to stress conditions prevailing in the evaluation site was rather low (10%). This low frequency may be due to low adaptation of materials in this harsher environment than those of origin where rainfall is usually higher and temperatures markedly lower. Nonetheless, differences among provinces in frequency distribution of stress tolerant morphotypes were evidenced. The relatively more tolerant gene pools originated either along the western coast or in the southern part of the country, along the Fertile Crescent. The least tolerant province germplasms originated either in the North along the Black Sea or in the highlands of the eastern Anatolian Plateau. Germplasm from provinces Malatya and Izmir combined good levels of both stem solidness and stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Stem rust is one of the important diseases of tetraploid wheats worldwide. One hundred and five landraces from the Watkins collection were assessed for seedling and adult plant stem rust response variation. Seedling resistance genes Sr8a, Sr8b, Sr9e, Sr9g, Sr12, Sr13, Sr17 and Sr23 were postulated in 28 genotypes using Australian and Indian Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici pathotypes. Four genotypes possessed either uncharacterized seedling stem rust resistance gene(s) or combinations of known stem rust resistance genes with compensating avirulences among pathotypes used. Adult plant stem rust response assessments were made on 73 seedling susceptible genotypes in Australia and Ethiopia. Adult plant stem rust responses varied from 1 (very resistant) to 7 (moderately susceptible) on a 1–9 scale. The Ethiopian nursery was exposed to Ug99 (TTKSK) and JRCQC (virulent on Sr9e and Sr13). Some genotypes that exhibited high responses in Australia were scored low in Ethiopia. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of some resistance gene(s) that were ineffective in Australia. The opposite trend was also noted. Over 50 % genotypes exhibited commercially acceptable rust responses varying between 2 and 5 across sites and years. Genotyping with the Sr2-linked molecular marker csSr2 did not detect Sr2 in any of the genotypes. The marker gwm533 however detected the presence of Sr2 in eight genotypes. Stem rust resistant genotypes that carried varying levels of APR could carry new genes. Genetic analysis and deployment of these uncharacterized sources of seedling and APR in new cultivars will ensure durable stem rust control through increased diversity.  相似文献   

We used amplified-fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to evaluate genetic variation in a set of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces and improved materials. Landraces collected from different geographic and agro-ecological zones in Pakistan in 1987, 1989 and 1991 were separated into two groups based on their geographic origins: northern (Himalaya) and south-western (Balochistan) Pakistan. Six AFLP primer combinations detected 453 AFLP markers in the 43 landrace accessions and four high-yield varieties (HYVs). Of these, 225 (49.67%) were rare (shared with < 5% of all accessions). Among these rare alleles, 23 (10.22%) were common in the Himalaya (shared with > 10% of accessions collected there) but were not found in Balochistan. We conclude that there is a higher probability of collecting rare alleles at overall, but which are in contrast locally common ones in the Himalayan region. Gene diversity was 0.17 in the Himalayan group and 0.15 in the Balochistan group. Considerable genetic variability was found in both groups. Accessions from different agro-ecological zones were indistinguishable by cluster analysis, indicating intensive seed trading within the country. Cluster analysis indicated that the landraces and the HYVs are genetically distinct; suggesting that genetic erosion of wheat landraces has been unlikely taken in place. This study provides an example of how analysis of existing materials and data, can serve as a basis for future collection planning and conservation policies.  相似文献   

基于文献分析的北方冬麦田氨挥发特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国北方地区是冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系的主要集约化农业区,过去30多年间化学氮肥投入量大和肥料利用率低的现象较为普遍,氨挥发等农业面源污染严重,需要对冬小麦生长过程中的氨挥发规律及测定方法等进行系统研究。该研究对1980年至2018年的华北平原冬小麦氨挥发文献进行研究总结,采用回归方程和T检验等统计学方法分析了不同施氮水平、施肥时期和测定方法对冬小麦氨挥发的影响。研究发现,随着化肥施氮量的增加,冬小麦氨挥发累积量呈现指数函数增加趋势(y=2.64e0.006 6x),净氨挥发量呈现幂函数增加特征(y=0.004 8x1.358 9)。不考虑激发效应的净氨挥发量比考虑激发效应的高估约21.8%。冬小麦生产中,基追比为1∶1的情况下,基肥期氨挥发量显著高于追肥期氨挥发量(P<0.05),占整个生育期氨挥发量分别为58.7%和41.3%。在180 kg/hm2氮肥水平时,海绵吸收法与真空抽气法测定的氨挥发数量无显著性差异。冬小麦季的氨挥发控制,应该重点通过优化氮肥施用数量,主要在基肥期进行控制。田间生产中,采用海绵吸收法和真空抽气法监测氨挥发应考虑不同施肥水平下的高估。  相似文献   

Expert systems and numerical classification in general are reviewed and their relative ability to improve soil classification systems are discussed. The inductive and deductive elements of expert systems are seen as corresponding to the class establishment and class assignment phases of classification; computerized expert systems have so far been set up only for very simple assignments. To date, numerical classification has been useful in the analysis and organization of local low-level soil data but has been largely untried at the higher global levels of soil classification because of a lack of suitable data and scientific commitment. It is concluded that numerical classification has a potentially useful part to play in establishing soil classes and generating rules for assignment in expert systems. The inference procedures and user interface of expert systems should allow more integration and realistic assignment of available data and increase the usefulness and predictability of soil information, especially if presented in a user-friendly mode.  相似文献   

A study of Aegilops tauschii subspecies constitution was undertaken. The data on allozyme and morphologic variation among 308 plants from 154 accessions were used for multivariate analysis. ACPH1 and (glume width)/(rachis segment width) ratio were found to be reliable criteria to distinguish between sspp. tauschii and strangulata.  相似文献   

小麦全蚀病是检疫性的土传病害,对小麦生产危害极大,对其发生的监测是治理的根本。遥感技术可实时、宏观监测病害发生发展,尤其是成像光谱技术的图谱合一,可精准对病害识别和分类。该文首先通过主成分分析提取不同小麦白穗率的冠层光谱特征;再通过灰色聚类分析方法,研究白穗率等级的可分性;最后利用基于径向基(RBF,radial basis function)核函数的支持向量机对全蚀病害的近地成像高光谱图像进行分类,从而验证近地成像光谱在全蚀病监测上的可行性。研究结果显示:该方法对5种程度的小麦全蚀病白穗率的分类精度均达94%以上,Kappa值大于0.8。研究表明利用该方法,通过近地成像光谱图像可以准确监测小麦全蚀病的病情,对小麦全蚀病的治理有指导意义。  相似文献   


Glaucousness is the visible opaque-white or bluish-green wax which appears in plant cuticles. Although W1 and Iw1 loci on chromosome 2B mainly play a role to determine glaucousness/non-glaucousness trait in polyploid wheat, in the chromosome 2A of polyploid wheat, the non-glaucous inhibitor locus has not been reported. We explored the glaucous phenotypes for leaf, spike and stem in 274 accessions of Triticum urartu Thumanjan ex Gandilyan (2n?=?2x?=?14, genome AuAu), the A genome progenitor of polyploid wheat. The 272 accessions of T. urartu were non-glaucous for leaf, spike and stem. It was thought that non-glaucousness of T. urartu played an important role for plant adaptation throughout the Fertile Crescent. However, PI 662236 was glaucous in leaves, leaf sheaths and spikes, whereas PI 662271 was glaucous on the leaves and leaf sheaths, but non-glaucous in the spikes. Prior to heading PI 662236 and PI 662271 mimicked T. urartu by showing glaucous leaves and leaf sheaths. The plant form and somatic chromosome number indicated that PI 662236 and PI 662271 were tetraploid Triticum dicoccoides (Körn. ex Asch. & Graebn.) Schweinf. (2n?=?4x?=?28, BBAuAu genome). The occurrence of T. dicoccoides in the collections of T. urartu demonstrated that even famous botanists can make mistakes in identifying grasses. However, these mistakes lead to finding two rare types of T. dicoccoides with occurrence of glaucousness. The majority of T. dicoccoides that are non-glaucous. The genotype of PI 662236 was assigned as iw1iw1iw3iw3 for glaucousness and that of PI 662271 was iw1iw1Iw3Iw3 for the inhibitors for non-glaucous spikes.


Between 1998 and 2008, numerous projects were conducted by the Canadian national genebank, Plant Gene Resources of Canada, for the regeneration, characterization and evaluation of the whole flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm collection. The whole collection comprised 3378 accessions and, according to the passport data, several of these were probably genetically very similar or even identical. Therefore, a subset of 381 accessions was selected that represented the diversity found in the whole collection. Sampling accessions from the whole collection was made using characterization and evaluation data and followed six different methods: (1) For seven qualitative characters, each unique combination of character expression was represented by three accessions; (2) for quantitative characters, a fixed number of accessions representing the lowest and highest observed values was included; (3) for stem fibre content, disease ratings, seed vigour and drought tolerance, a fixed number of accessions with desirable performance was included; (4) a subset of the 57 most distinct accessions based on RAPD markers was included; (5) a subset of 40 pure lines that were created based on extreme low and high values for 1000 seed weight, seed oil content and fatty acid profiles was included; (6) a subset of fibre flax cultivars of known relevance in European flax breeding and another subset of flax cultivars of known relevance for North American linseed breeding were included. The goal was to maximize the diversity available in a limited number of flax accessions by preserving the range of variation present in the whole collection, while improving evenness. The core collection was assembled in response to requests by flax breeders. This paper compares distribution parameters in the whole and core collections.  相似文献   

Wheat phytase was purified to investigate the action of the enzyme toward its pure substrate (phytic acid - myo-inositol hexakisphosphate) and its naturally occurring substrate (phytate globoids). Phytate globoids were purified to homogeneity from wheat bran, and their nutritionally relevant parameters were quantified by ICP-MS. The main components of the globoids were phytic acid (40% w/w), protein (46% w/w), and several minerals, in particular, K > Mg > Ca > Fe (in concentration order). Investigation of enzyme kinetics revealed that K(m) and V(max) decreased by 29 and 37%, respectively, when pure phytic acid was replaced with phytate globoids as substrate. Time course degradation of phytic acid or phytate globoids using purified wheat phytase was followed by HPIC identification of inositol phosphates appearing and disappearing as products. In both cases, enzymatic degradation initiated at both the 3- and 6-positions of phytic acid and end products were inositol and phosphate.  相似文献   

Surface sample collection and dust source analysis in northwestern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of particle size shows that fractions of PM50 (particle <50 μm in diameter) in the alluvial and lacustrine sediments, gobi deserts, shrub dunes, mobile dunes and deteriorated land are 37–99%, 5–7%, 0.26–36%, 0.05–0.4% and 51–62%, respectively. Mobile dunes, which are extensively distributed in northwestern China, are not a significant contributor to geogenic dust emissions due to their very low fractions of PM50. Particle size distributions of different surface types, SEM, X-ray diffractogram and element content analysis all show that lacustrine sediment, shrub dune, gobi desert and deteriorated land are the most potential geogenic dust contributors. These analyses were also applied to the dust samples. Results and monthly dust disposition and dust event distributions show that the dust in the urban region of northwestern China, to a large extent, comes from non-geogenic contributors such as motor vehicle exhaust, coal burning and industrial emission.  相似文献   

Fifty bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were selected from the HEALTHGRAIN germplasm collection based on variation in their contents of total and water-extractable arabinoxylan. FT-IR spectroscopic mapping of thin transverse sections of grain showed variation in cell wall arabinoxylan composition between the cultivars, from consisting almost entirely of low-substituted arabinoxylan (e.g., T.aestivum 'Claire') to almost entirely of highly substituted arabinoxylan (e.g., T.aestivum 'Manital') and a mixture of the two forms (e.g., T.aestivum 'Hereward'). Complementary data were obtained using endoxylanase digestion of flour followed by HP-AEC analysis of the arabinoxylan oligosaccharides. This allowed the selection of six cultivars for more detailed analysis using FT-IR and (1)H NMR spectroscopy to determine the proportions of mono-, di-, and unsubstituted xylose residues. The results of the two analyses were consistent, showing that variation in the composition and structure of the endosperm cell wall arabinoxylan is present between bread wheat cultivars. The heterogeneity and spatial distribution of the arabinoxylan in endosperm cell walls may be exploited in wheat processing as it may allow the production of mill streams enriched in various arabinoxylan fractions which have beneficial effects on health.  相似文献   

含醇溶蛋白小麦回生抗性直支链淀粉性质分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为研究含醇溶蛋白小麦回生抗性直支链淀粉性质,该文采用醇溶法从小麦粉中提取醇溶蛋白,采用回生-酶解法分离得到小麦直、支链淀粉。通过可见光谱、红外光谱、X-射线衍射、差热扫描等方法分析研究醇溶蛋白对小麦直、支链淀粉回生的影响。结果表明,在凝胶化及回生过程中醇溶蛋白与淀粉相互作用,导致淀粉回生率增加。红外光谱研究表明,直链淀粉与醇溶蛋白在高压糊化后干燥或回生的条件下,醇溶蛋白的酰胺Ⅱ键伸缩振动从1 546 cm~(-1)降低至1 539 cm~(-1),即直链淀粉与醇溶蛋白通过氢键结合。X-射线衍射图谱显示在2θ衍射角为17°,19°,22°等的衍射峰没有发生明显变化,表明添加醇溶蛋白后,直、支链淀粉的晶型未发生明显改变。DSC结果显示直链淀粉与醇溶蛋白之间的氢键是在共同回生过程中产生的,样品中多晶结构和双螺旋结构共存。研究结果表明,淀粉中空间位阻小的6位碳原子上的羟基与醇溶蛋白中的脯氨酸和谷氨酰胺通过氢键结合,这种类型的氢键阻碍了α淀粉酶对淀粉的解离,即醇溶蛋白通过与淀粉形成新型氢键而促进了淀粉的回生。该研究提供了一种提高小麦淀粉的回生率的新技术,为进一步深入研究醇溶蛋白促进淀粉回生的机理提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The wild tetraploid oat Avena insularis, which was recently discovered in Sicily has now been detected in two regions in Tunisia. It grows there in a similar habitat as in Sicily and is confined to uncultivated patches. Hybrids between Tunisian populations from Temime and Bargou were partly sterile due to a chromosomal rearrangement and probably other genetic factors. Hybrids between representatives of these populations and Sicilian populations from Gela and Mt. Bubonia were also partial sterile. This sterility suggests that the Sicilian populations of A. insularis have not originated directly from the Tunisian populations.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important index in ecological and meteorological studies. The litter trap method is commonly used to measure LAI in deciduous forests. To reduce the time consumed in sorting leaf litterfall by species in the litter trap method, we developed four models to predict LAI using litter traps and tree census data. The local dominance model, which estimates the leaf litterfall amount of each species by their local dominance, predicted mean and spatial variability of LAI most accurately compared to the 2 models that did not take into account spatial heterogeneity of species distribution within a forest or the model that estimated litterfall amount from leaf dispersal function. Therefore, this model can be employed instead of sorting leaf litter by species. Furthermore, we found that leaf mass per area (LMA) of at least 10 dominant species are essential for accurate estimation of LAI. Present results suggest that spatial variability of LAI is mainly due to spatial variance of leaf litterfall followed by spatial heterogeneity of species distribution within a forest, and difference in LMA among species.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the analysis of DNA microsatellites for the detection of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in semolina and durum wheat bread (prepared from Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). The results enabled selection of an efficient D-genome-specific repetitive DNA sequence to detect common wheat in semolina and breads by qualitative PCR with a threshold of 3 and 5%, respectively, lowered to 2.5% by real-time PCR. This is of major importance for checking during production of some typical products recently awarded the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) mark such as Altamura bread, which should not contain soft wheat flour. The feasibility of quantification of common wheat adulteration in semolina using real-time PCR was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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