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Cost-effective scaring of brent geese from fields of winter wheat was achieved by suspending long lines of red tape across the field, under experimental conditions where there were untaped fields of wheat available. However, when all the fields were tapped the geese eventually grazed in the taped fields but at a lower grazing intensity than in years when this scaring method was not employed.  相似文献   

Wheat streak mosaic (WSM), caused by the Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), which is transmitted by the wheat curl mite (Aceria tosichella), is the most prevalent virus disease of wheat in the Texas High Plains. Infected plants initially exhibit mosaic symptoms, which lead to severe stunting, complete chlorosis and, in the most severe cases, eventually plant death. Wheat plants infected with WSMV have lower forage and grain yields and exhibit reduced water-use efficiency compared to non-infected plants. The disease impact on water-use efficiency raises an important issue of whether diseased fields should be irrigated as frequently as non-diseased fields. The issue becomes more relevant when energy costs and the dwindling water resources from the Ogallala Aquifer are taken into consideration. This study examined the potential economic losses due to WSM, using data collected from two fields in 2007 and 2009. A hand-held hyperspectral radiometer was used to quantify severity of WSM in multiple 1 m2 plots along two transects, each stretching from the edges of the fields to their centers. Grain yield declined exponentially (R2 = 0.79, P < 0.0001) with increasing disease severity, as measured by reflectance at 555 nm. For economic analysis, grain yield from each plot was used for determining cost adjustments and linked revenues in relation to WSM severity levels, which allowed calculations of potential profit reduction. The method enables one to compare losses associated with different levels of WSM severity to a baseline with little or no WSMV infection. Results show that losses from the disease are primarily an outcome of reduced revenue due to a decrease in grain yield, and, as expected, losses incurred per unit land area rapidly increase with increasing disease incidence and severity. Furthermore, producers incur additional marginal losses when irrigating fields with WSM because there is little or no return for irrigation inputs, as water-use efficiency of severely diseased wheat is drastically reduced. Results from this study are useful in estimating losses at differing levels of disease incidence and severity and represent the first step in development of an economic threshold for wheat streak mosaic.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is a sequence-specific RNA degradation system that is conserved in a wide range of organisms. The elucidation of the mechanism of RNA silencing has stimulated its use as a reverse genetics tool, because RNA silencing strongly down-regulates the expression of the target gene in a sequence-specific manner. The major protein fraction of wheat grain is gluten which is largely responsible for the functional properties of dough. Gliadins contribute mainly to the extensibility and viscosity of gluten and dough, with the polymeric glutenins being responsible for elasticity. The aim of this work was therefore to silence the expression of specific γ-gliadins by RNA interference, to demonstrate the feasibility of systematically silencing specific groups of gluten proteins. The sequence of a γ-gliadin gene was used to construct the pghp8.1 plasmid. The hpRNA silencing fragment was designed on the basis of 169 base pairs (bp) in sense and antisense orientation with the sequence of the Ubi1 intron as spacer region between the repeats. Two lines of bread wheat were transformed by particle bombardment. Gliadins were extracted from 30 mg of flour, separated by acid-PAGE and determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Seven transgenic lines were obtained and all of them showed reduced levels of γ-gliadins. All seven transgenic plants were fully fertile and their grain morphology and seed weight were comparable to the control lines. MALDI-TOF MS showed that six peaks, present in the untransformed line, were missing in transgenic lines of the BW208 genotype whereas three peaks were missing in the BW2003 genotypes. The proportion of γ-gliadins was reduced, by about 55–80% in the BW208 lines and by about 33–43% in the BW2003 lines. The ELISA assay based on the R5 antibody showed reductions in total gliadins (μg/mg flour) in three of the BW208 lines and in one BW2003 line, but an increase in one BW208 line (C613).  相似文献   

油菜是我国种植面积最大的油料作物,是国产食用植物油的重要来源。油菜生长过程可以优化土壤结构、增加土壤养分、培肥土壤地力,具有用地养地的特征优势。同时,因其具有较强的环境适应能力,可作为先锋作物改良障碍土壤。然而,近年来由于劳动力不足、种植效益低、农民种植积极性不高等因素,导致冬闲田面积逐年增加,冬季光温水土自然资源未能得到有效利用。而油菜作为冬季种植的油料作物,不与粮争地,是开发利用冬闲田最有潜力的作物。利用冬闲田发展油菜生产,不仅可以提升油料产量,还可以充分发挥其养地优势提高后茬作物产量品质、增加种植收益,对维护我国食用油供给安全、助力粮油兼丰及农业绿色可持续发展具有重要意义。本文结合我国油菜生产现状,针对南方稻区冬闲田油菜轮作的生产发展需要,综述了油菜用地养地(油用或肥用)的作物优势,旨在为因地制宜利用南方冬闲田发展油菜生产助力油料产能提升提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Non-leaf green organs of wheat plants may have significant photosynthetic potential and contribute to grain yield when the plants are subjected to stress at late growth stages. Canopy structure, change of green non-leaf organ area (e.g., ear, peduncle, sheath), the proportion of green non-leaf organs area to total green area and the contribution proportion from different organs’ photosynthate to grain yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied at Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agricultural University, Hebei, China, in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 using two winter wheat cultivars, Shijiazhuang8 (SJZ-8) and Lumai21 (LM-21). Four irrigation treatments used were W0 (no water applied during spring), W1 (750 m3 ha−1 water applied at elongation), W2 (1500 m3 ha−1 applied 50% at elongation and 50% at anthesis) and W4 (3000 m3 ha−1 applied 25% at upstanding, booting, anthesis and grain filling), respectively. Results showed that the area of top three leaf blades decreased and the proportion of green non-leaf organ area to the total green area at anthesis increased with the decreasing of water supply. Root weight increased in the 0-100 cm soil layer and decreased in the 100-200 cm layer when water supply increased, suggesting reducing irrigation enhanced root weight in deep soil layer. The photosynthetic contribution of non-leaf organs above flag leaf node to grain yield increased with decreasing water supply, and was significantly higher than that of the flag leaf blade contribution. Winter wheat grain yield increased, but water use efficiency (WUE) decreased, with increase in water supply. Higher light transmission ratio in the canopy after anthesis was achieved with smaller size and high quality top leaf blades, higher grain-leaf ratio and larger proportion of green non-leaf area, which lead to higher canopy photosynthetic rate and WUE after anthesis. Irrigation of 1500 m3 ha−1 applied in two parts, 750 m3 ha−1 applied at elongation and another 750 m3 ha−1 applied at anthesis, was the best irrigation scheme for efficient water use and for high yield in winter wheat.  相似文献   

The rapid visco analysis (RVA) system was used to measure rheological behaviour in 20% (w/v) gluten-in-water suspensions upon applying temperature profiles. The temperature profiles included a linear temperature increase, a holding step, a cooling step with a linear temperature decrease to 50 °C, and a final holding step at 50 °C. Temperature and duration of the holding phase both affected RVA viscosity and protein extractability. Size-exclusion and reversed-phase HPLC showed that increasing the temperature (up to 95 °C) mainly decreased glutenin extractability. Holding at 95 °C resulted in polymerisation of both gliadin and glutenin. Above 80 °C, the RVA viscosity steadily increased with longer holding times while the gliadin and glutenin extractabilities decreased. Their reduced extractability in 60% ethanol showed that γ-gliadins were more affected after heating than α-gliadins and ω-gliadins. Enrichment of wheat gluten in either gliadin or glutenin showed that both gliadin and glutenin are necessary for the initial viscosity in the RVA profile. The formation of polymers through disulphide bonding caused a viscosity rise in the RVA profile. The amounts of free sulphydryl groups markedly decreased between 70 and 80 °C and when holding the temperature at 95 °C.  相似文献   

Four two-year field trials, arranged in randomised split-plots, were carried out in southern Sweden with the aim of determining whether reduced N fertiliser dose in winter wheat production with spring under-sown clover cover crops, with or without perennial ryegrass in the seed mixture, would increase the clover biomass and hence the benefits of the cover crops in terms of the effect on the wheat crop, on a subsequent barley crop and on the risk of N leaching. Four doses of nitrogen (0, 60, 120 or 180 kg N ha−1) constituted the main plots and six cover crop treatments the sub-plots. The cover crop treatments were red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in pure stands and in mixtures. The winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was harvested in August and the cover crops were ploughed under in November. The risk of N leaching was assessed in November by measuring the content of mineral N in the soil profile (0–30, 30–90 cm). In the following year, the residual effects of the cover crops were investigated in spring barley (Hordeum distichon L.) without additional N. Under-sowing of cover crops did not influence wheat yield, while reduced N fertiliser dose decreased yield and increased the clover content of the cover crops. When N was applied, the mixed cover crops were as effective in depleting soil mineral nitrogen as a pure ryegrass cover crop, while pure clover was less efficient. The clover content at wheat harvest as well as the amount of N incorporated with the cover crops had a positive correlation with barley yield. Spring barley in the unfertilised treatments yielded, on average, 1.9–2.4 Mg DM ha−1 more in treatments with clover cover crops than in the treatment without cover crops. However, this positive effect decreased as the N dose to the preceding wheat crop increased, particularly when the clover was mixed with grass.  相似文献   

Investigation of the fracture mode for hard and soft wheat endosperm was aimed at gaining a better understanding of the fragmentation process. Fracture mechanical characterization was based on the three-point bending test which enables stable crack propagation to take place in small rectangular pieces of wheat endosperm. The crack length can be measured in situ by using an optical microscope with light illumination from the side of the specimen or from the back of the specimen. Two new techniques were developed and used to estimate the fracture toughness of wheat endosperm, a geometric approach and a compliance method. The geometric approach gave average fracture toughness values of 53.10 and 27.0 J m−2 for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Fracture toughness estimated using the compliance method gave values of 49.9 and 29.7 J m−2 for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Compressive properties of the endosperm in three mutually perpendicular axes revealed that the hard and soft endosperms are isotropic composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of the fracture surfaces and the energy–time curves of loading–unloading cycles revealed that there was a plastic flow during crack propagation for both the hard and soft endosperms, and confirmed that the fracture mode is significantly related to the adhesion level between starch granules and the protein matrix.  相似文献   

Phytase (EC hydrolyzes phytic acid to myo-inositol and inorganic phosphate through intermediate myo-inositol phosphates. Microbial phytase has been employed to minimize the negative effects of phytic acid in cereal-based feeds, however, other sources such as wheat, would be natural alternatives. Investigations were therefore carried out to determine the levels of phytase activity in various cultivars and how the extraction of the enzyme may be enhanced using buffers fortified with glycanases. We screened 23 cultivars and the results showed that bran from hard white wheat cultivars had relatively lower levels of activity, ranging from about 1.5 to about 2.5 FTU/g bran, whereas hard red wheat cultivars had much higher levels, ranging from approximately 2 to 5.5 FTU/g bran. These levels were greatly enhanced, up to 5-fold, when extraction buffer contained a commercial preparation consisting of β-glucanase (EC and endo-xylanase (EC (Natugrain) (opt 1%) from BASF. The effect of glycanases was concentration and cultivar dependent, but not significantly influenced by temperature exposure of mixtures of samples with extraction buffers prior to extraction. Relative increases were more substantial in hard white than in hard red wheat cultivars. The additional value of supplementing grain-based diets with glycanases for monogastric animals is discussed.  相似文献   

Grain texture is an important component of end-use quality in wheat. The effects of water availability on the components of texture; vitreosity, determined using a Light Transflectance meter (LTm), grain hardness measured using the single-kernel characterisation system (SKCS), and protein content, were studied in field experiments of winter wheat in the UK in 2001/2002 and 2002/2003. Experiments were grown on a drought prone soil and employed a mapping population of 46 doubled haploid (DH) lines and their parents, Beaver (+1BL/1RS, soft wheat) and Soissons (1B, hard wheat). The results showed that drought increased hardness in both seasons, but the effect was never sufficient to move a line from the soft class into the hard class. Puroindoline (PIN)-a:b peak height ratio explained ca. 78% of the variation in hardness, and drought also appeared to increase the amounts of PINs in the grain. Minor quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were found for hardness on chromosomes 2A, 2D, 3A and 6D, also associated with QTLs for PINs. Vitreosity also increased in response to drought in both seasons. Variation in vitreosity explained 7–11% of the overall variation in texture within a hardness class, with hardness increasing on average by 2.2 SKCS units for each 10% increase in the proportion of vitreous grains. The relationship between vitreosity and protein content was poor, despite the fact that protein content also increased in response to drought. Minor QTLs associated with both protein content and vitreosity were found on chromosomes 1B, 4D and 5D. A minor QTL for vitreosity was also found on chromosome 2D. However, there appeared to be no direct relationship between alleles at the Ha locus, the gene which controls the difference between hard and soft wheats, and vitreosity. A positive relationship between the presence of the 1BL/1RS translocation and the proportion of vitreous grains was identified, suggesting that vitreosity was strongly linked to changes in protein quality.  相似文献   

我国冬油菜区域试验品种的高产稳产和适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高产稳产和广适性是油菜育种的重要目标,利用GGE双标图方法对品种稳产性和适应性进行科学评价,有助于提升油菜新品种的选择效率和推广应用效果。本研究采用GGE双标图方法分析了2016-2017年长江下游国家冬油菜品种区域试验中参试品种高产稳产性和适应性。结果表明:1) 油菜产量的基因型、环境、基因型与环境互作效应均达极显著水平(P<0.01),两组试验平均环境主效占处理平方和的66.0%,而基因型主效占8.1%,基因型与环境互作效应占26.1%。2)德徽油88和中油600丰产性好,稳产性较好;创油17号在区域试验中丰产性好而稳产性差;对照品种秦优10号丰产性较好,稳产性有待提高。3)理想指数分析揭示了中油600的高产稳产性综合表现优秀,德徽油88次之,而对照品种秦优10号的综合表现一般。4)德徽油88适宜种植区域最广,是所有参试品种中适应性最广的品种;创油17号的适应区域也较广,但同时在其余区域的表现有待提高;秦优29和中油600的适应性较好;而秦优10号、秦优29、宁杂118、宁杂158、荣华油50和苏6006等品种仅在个别区域适宜种植,适应性有待提高。  相似文献   

Effects of leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina f. sp. tritici Eriks.) and powdery mildew [caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer f. sp. tritici Em. Marchal], on performance of 50 soft red winter (SRW) wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars were evaluated under natural field conditions. Widely grown cultivars released from 1919 to 2009 with varying disease resistance were grown in split-plot experiments in 2010 and 2011. Treated replications received seed treatments of triadimenol, captan and imidacloprid and foliar applications of propiconazole and prothioconazole + tebucanazole fungicides. Non-treated replications received only tebucanazole + metalaxyl + imazalil seed treatments. Final mean disease severity, agronomic, yield-related traits, yield components and spike characteristics were analyzed to determine individual and combined effects of leaf rust and powdery mildew on the cultivars. Yield losses as high as 54% were observed in the susceptible cultivar Red May. Average yield losses ranged from 1% to 21%. Yield losses primarily due to powdery mildew were as high as 14%, and losses primarily due to leaf rust were as high as 33%. Powdery mildew had the largest negative correlation with harvest index and seeds/spike. Leaf rust was most negatively correlated with plant biomass and harvest index, with a less consistent negative relationship with kernel weight.  相似文献   

Twelve wheat varieties were studied for their phytic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, copper and phosphorus contents, which respectively ranged between 114–166, 25.1–53.5, 3.41–5.55, 0.71–3.00, 0.65–1.32 and 298–314 mg/100 g. The molar ratios as Ca:Phy, Phy:Fe, Phy:Zn, Phy:Cu were found to be 0.14–0.29, 1.96–3.86, 5.11–20.5 and 13.0–23.9, respectively. Significant dephytinization, ranging between 35.3 and 69.3% in different varieties, was achieved on exogenous enzymatic treatment. Enzymatic dephytinization in the in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion resulted in significant increase in the bioavailability of essential minerals. The increase in bioavailability of calcium, iron, zinc and copper on exogenous enzymatic dephytinization ranged between, respectively (x-folds): 1.30–1.96, 1.11–1.52, 1.22–1.78 and 1.11–1.73.  相似文献   

Foliar pathogens such as Zymoseptoria tritici and Puccinia striiformis causing septoria leaf blotch and yellow rust respectively can cause serious yield reduction in winter wheat production, and control of the diseases often requires several fungicide applications during the growing season. Control is typically carried out using a constant fungicide dose in the entire field although there may be large differences in crop development and biomass across the field. The objective of the study reported in this paper was to test whether the fungicide dose response curve controlling septoria leaf blotch and other foliar diseases in winter wheat was dependent on crop development and biomass level. If such a biomass dependent dose response was found it was further the purpose to evaluate the potential to optimize fungicide inputs in winter wheat crops applying a site-specific crop density dependent fungicide dose. The study was carried out investigating fungicide dose response controlling foliar diseases in winter wheat at three biomass densities obtained growing the crop at three nitrogen levels and using variable seed rates. Further the field experiments included three fungicide dose rates at each biomass level, an untreated control, and 75%, 50% and 33% of the recommended fungicide dose rate and the experiments were replicated for three years. Crop biomass had a significant influence on occurrence of septoria and yellow rust with greater disease severity at increasing crop biomass. In two of three years, the interaction of crop biomass and fungicide dose rate had a significant influence on disease severity indicating a biomass-dependent dose response. The interaction occurred in the two years with high yield potential in combination with severe disease attack. If the variation in crop density and biomass level obtained in the study is representative of the variation found cultivating winter wheat in heterogeneous fields, then there seems to be scope for optimizing fungicide input against foliar diseases site-specific adapting the dose according to crop density/biomass.  相似文献   

A two-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of foliar Zn combined with N or P on Zn concentration and bioavailability in wheat grain and its milling fractions under different soil N levels. At maturity, grains were harvested and fractionated into flour and bran for nutrient analysis. Both high soil N supply and foliar Zn-enriched fertilizer applications greatly increased Zn concentration and bioavailability in both whole grain and grain fractions. Compared with foliar Zn alone, foliar Zn combined with N increased Zn concentration and bioavailability, whereas foliar Zn combined with P decreased Zn concentration and bioavailability. However, foliar Zn combined with P slightly increased the protein concentration compared to foliar Zn alone. Protein concentration significantly increased, whereas phytate concentration decreased, in whole grain and flour, both in soil N and foliar Zn-enriched N treatments. Therefore, foliar Zn plus N (with appropriate soil N management) may be a promising strategy for addressing dietary Zn micronutrient deficiencies, especially in countries where flour is a significant component of the daily diet.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA), a potential human carcinogen, is formed in strongly heated carbohydrate-rich food as a part of the Maillard reaction. The amino acid asparagine (Asn) and reducing sugars are considered to be the main precursors for AA formation. In a 2-year field trial the impact of nitrogen (N) amount and timing on the content of AA precursors and the potential of AA formation in different winter wheat cultivars (cv.) were studied in association with respective grain yields and parameters of baking quality. Depending on year, cultivar and nitrogen treatment Asn contents ranged between 4 and 18 mg 100 g−1 flour dry-matter (DM). Nitrogen treatments affecting crude protein contents in flours above 13% caused a considerable increase in free Asn. Nitrogen amounts of 220 kg N ha−1 increased the contents of free Asn by between 130% and 270% depending on year and cultivar compared to the untreated controls. A close linear correlation between the content of free Asn and the potential of AA formation (2004: R2 = 0.89, 2005: R2 = 0.83) could be observed, whereas no correlation could be found between reducing sugars and the potential of AA formation, pointing to the importance of free Asn as the limiting and thus determining factor for the AA formation potential in wheat flours. To reach high crude protein contents and good sedimentation values demanded for breadstuffs, nitrogen amounts of at least 180 kg N ha−1 were necessary. Nitrogen fertilization measures resulting in high crude protein contents above 13% enhanced the potential of AA formation by increasing the content of free Asn in flours. As long as demands from traders and producers for flour with high crude protein contents are not revised, lowering Asn contents and thus the potential for AA formation by application of N amounts below 180 kg N ha−1 and abandoning the late application of N do not appear to be successful ways to reduce the risk of AA formation in breadstuffs.  相似文献   

水稻“三控”施肥技术是以控肥、控苗、控病虫(简称“三控”)为主要内容的一种新型施肥技术。引进江西后,在试验示范过程中常出现分蘖肥、穗粒肥施用时期与当地传统施肥习惯不一致的情况,造成除草效果不佳、生产成本提高及稻米品质难控制等一些问题。针对此情况,开展了其关键技术的研究攻关,再创新了适合江西推广应用的水稻“三控”节本增效技术。与传统施肥习惯相比,该技术可实现水稻增产408.0 kg/hm2、节省成本258.0元/hm2,最终节本增效1 287.0元/hm2。  相似文献   

Starch granule (SG)-associated proteins are involved in starch synthesis and the interaction between SGs and the endosperm protein matrix. In this study, SG proteins were sequentially extracted with the chaotropic reagent, urea from 1 M to 4 M, and then profiled using an integrated proteomic approach including one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results demonstrated that the SG-associated proteins were dominated by granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), gliadin, low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), serine protease inhibitors, α-amylase inhibitors and puroindolines. A protein with an apparent molecular mass of 50 kDa, expressed in cultivar hard wheat Kukri but not in soft wheat Triller was identified as a novel member of the ‘S’ group of LMW-GS, designated as LMW-GS-‘S’. Further characterization using a broad wheat population revealed that LMW-GS-‘S’ was selectively expressed in hard wheat cultivars while deleted in all soft wheats tested. Its relationship with hardness was confirmed by its expression in tetraploid durum wheats, which are among the hardest wheats around the world. Monoclonal antibody (MAb) F8-14E6 against LMW-GS-‘S’ was developed and used in an ELISA to screen 90 Glu allele-defined doubled haploid Janz/Kukri wheat lines. The allele that encodes LMW-GS-‘S’ was mapped to GluB3h (p < 0.001).  相似文献   

Long-term field experiments are needed to fully realize positive and negative impacts of conservation tillage and poultry litter application. A study was initiated on a Decatur silt loam soil at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center, Belle Mina, AL, USA in 1996 to evaluate cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) performance with long-term poultry litter (PL) application under different tillages and to study the build up of phosphorus (P) with application of PL. Treatments include incomplete factorial combinations of three tillage systems [conventional till (CT), mulch till (MT), and no-till (NT)], two cropping systems [cotton-fallow and cotton-winter rye (Secale cereale L.)], and two nitrogen sources and rates [100 kg N ha−1 from ammonium nitrate (AN), and 100 and 200 kg N ha−1 from poultry litter (PL)]. Cotton was rotated with corn (Zea mays L.) every third year. Results from 2003 to 2008 showed that all tillages gave similar cotton lint yields with AN at 100 kg N ha−1. Application of PL at 100 kg N ha−1 in NT plots resulted in 12 and 11% yield reductions compared to that of CT and MT, respectively. However, NT plots with higher quantity of PL (200 kg N ha−1) gave similar yields to CT and MT at 100 kg N ha−1. During corn years, higher residual fertility of PL, in terms of grain yields, was observed in NT plots compared to CT and MT. Long-term PL application (100 kg N ha−1 year−1) helped to maintain original soil pH in CT and MT while AN application decreased soil pH. In NT plots, PL at 100 kg N ha−1 was not sufficient to maintain original soil pH, but 200 kg N ha−1 maintained original pH. Although not-significant, elevated P levels were observed in all tillages compared to original P levels which indicates possibility of P build up in future with further application of PL. Application of PL at double rate (200 kg N ha−1) in NT plots resulted in significant build up of P. Results indicate that NT gives similar yields to CT when received AN, but needs higher rate of PL application to achieve similar yields to CT.  相似文献   

Grain hardness, a major determinant influencing end-use quality of common wheat, is mainly controlled by Puroindoline a-D1 (Pina-D1) and Puroindoline b-D1 (Pinb-D1) genes. Recently, additional puroindoline genes, designated Puroindoline b-2 (Pinb-2), were described. This study examined frequencies of Pin-D1 alleles and Pinb-2 variants in 94 West European wheat genotypes and assessed their association with 13 quality traits considering population and family structure. The survey was completed by analyzing the Grain softness protein-1 gene. Results indicated sequence variation only for Pinb-D1 and Pinb-B2 genes. Pinb-D1b was the predominant hard allele. Pinb-B2v3-1 was the most common Pinb-2 variant, followed by a newly discovered variant Pinb-B2v3-5. Association mapping carried out in the whole sample population showed that Pinb-D1 alleles were associated with 11 quality traits, whereas Pinb-B2 variants were only associated with semolina extraction. Considering only the panel of hard wheat genotypes, variation for flour ash content, sedimentation value, gluten index and loaf volume was found to be associated with Pinb-D1 mutations suggesting that different Pinb-D1 mutations might have particular effects on quality traits. Our study indicated that Pinb-D1d was associated with inferior sedimentation value, gluten index and loaf volume, for which reason this mutation should be disregarded in breeding for quality wheat.  相似文献   

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