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Stand structure and fuel mass were measured before and after a post-fire logging operation conducted 2 years after the 1996 Summit Wildfire (Malheur National Forest), in a ponderosa pine-dominated forest in northeastern Oregon. Variables were measured both pre- and post-logging in four replicate units for each of three treatments [un-logged control, commercial harvest (most dead merchantable trees removed), fuel reduction harvest (most dead merchantable trees removed plus most dead trees >10 cm diameter)]. Post-fire logging resulted in a significant decrease in mean basal area, down to 46% pre-treatment level in commercial units, and down to 25% in fuel reduction units. Logging significantly reduced tree density, especially for the smallest (<22 cm diameter) and intermediate (23–41 cm) diameter classes. Fuel reduction units also had significantly fewer snags (dead trees >30 cm diameter—4 ha−1), compared to both commercial (23 ha−1) units and to un-logged controls (64 ha−1) in the year following timber harvest. Logging did not change ladder height or tree species composition (% ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir and grand fir). Total woody fuel mass increased significantly in fuel reduction units when compared to controls, with the greatest difference among treatments occurring in the slash fuel (<7.6 cm diameter) component (mean of 6.2 Mg/ha for fuel reduction stands versus 1.3 Mg/ha for un-logged stands). Logging activity caused no change in the mass of the forest floor (litter or duff). Model projections of the fuel bed using the fire and fuels extension of the forest vegetation simulator (FVS–FFE) indicate that the disparity in slash fuel mass between fuel reduction and un-logged units would be sustained until about 15 years post-logging, but a re-burn of moderate intensity occurring during this time would likely kill all young trees, even in un-logged units, because of the influence of other components of the fuel bed, such as grasses and shrubs. Model projections of 1000-h fuels (woody fuels >7.6 cm diameter) indicate that standing structure in all stands would collapse quickly, with the result that un-logged stands would contain two- or three-fold greater masses at 25 and 50 years post-logging, leading to much higher consumption rates of fuel in the event of a re-burn in the same place. Variation in dead tree fall and decay rates did not change the relationship among treatments in 1000-h fuel loads, but changed the time at which treatment differences were projected to disappear. Despite treatment differences in heavy fuel accumulations over time however, FVS–FFE predicts no differences among treatments in mortality of young trees due to either moderate or high intensity fire occurring in the same place at 25, 50, or 100 years post-fire logging. The lack of a re-burn effect is in part due to the reliance on flame length as the primary mechanism leading to tree death in the fire effect models used by FVS–FFE. If tree death turns out to be caused more by root burning or cambial heating, the observed variations in 1000-h fuel loadings among treatments could be significant in the event of a future re-burn.  相似文献   

Søe AR  Buchmann N 《Tree physiology》2005,25(11):1427-1436
Soil CO2 efflux (soil respiration) plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle and efflux rates may be strongly altered by climate change. We investigated the spatial patterns of soil respiration rates in 144 measurement locations in a 0.5-ha plot and the temporal patterns along a 300-m transect in the 0.5-ha plot. Measurements were made in an unmanaged, highly heterogeneous beech forest during 2000 and 2001. We investigated the effects of soil, roots and forest stand structure on soil respiration, and we also assessed the stability of these spatial patterns over time. Soil temperature alone explained between 68 and 95% of the temporal variation in soil respiration; however, pronounced spatial scatter of respiration rates was not explained by soil temperature. The observed spatial patterns stayed remarkably stable throughout the growing season and over 2 years. The most important structural parameter of the stand was the mean diameter at breast height of trees within a distance of 4 m of the measurement locations (m-dbh4), which explained 10-19% of the variation in soil respiration throughout the growing season. Among the soil chemical parameters, carbon content (bulk as well as dissolved) and magnesium content explained 62% of the spatial variation in soil respiration. The final best model combining soil, root and stand structural parameters (fine root biomass, soil carbon content, m-dbh4 and soil water content) explained 79% of the variation in soil respiration, illustrating the importance of both biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Structures and dynamics of old-growth coniferous stands are affected by several types of disturbances including typhoons. We report the forest dynamics of four old-growth Chamaecyparis stands in central Japan that differ in the disturbance history of typhoons over a period of 23 years. The stem number, basal area and mortality were examined. In a predominant stand of C. obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl., 24 % of the C. obtusa canopy trees died, mainly as a result of the severe damage of a strong typhoon that caused a single tree-fall gap and the following gap enlargements. In this stand, the total basal area decreased to 76.5 % of the initial value, although the mortality declined in recent years. In contrast, the other three stands decreased only slightly in the stem numbers (0.0–5.6 %) and increased in the basal areas of C. obtusa canopy trees. It is confirmed that the stand-level ingrowths of 300-year-old C. obtusa canopy trees could contribute to the increase in the stock of each stand. Our results support an idea that the dynamics of old-growth Chamaecyparis forests were greatly affected by typhoons. The stand structures will be gradually changed (with the processes of gap dynamics) and C. obtusa will continue to be dominant, potentially over hundreds of years.  相似文献   

Forest structure is influenced by the origin, history and manner of forest management. All these aspects may affect the occurrence of many forest dwelling organisms. We investigated the simultaneous impact of forest patch size and ownership structure on selected forest characteristics in central Poland. We sampled stand composition, the DBH of particular tree species, basal area, species number and species diversity in all 32 forest patches found in a farmland-dominated area of 150 km2. Forest ownership status was linked to patch size: large patches were state-owned and small ones were private. Ownership status also affected the average DBH and basal area of all tree species pooled, with lower DBH and basal area found in private forests. The share of deciduous trees was negatively affected by forest size, while pine was positively affected, which could suggest that forest management and economic interests may be related to this factor. The share of non-native species was higher in state forests. Our results showed that forest patch size could be associated with its ownership status, which is commonly ignored in research on the relationship between forest size and species occurrence. Historical as well as sociological aspects related to private forests in Poland are also presented.  相似文献   

Large tree species have a disproportional influence on the structure and functioning of tropical forests, but the forces affecting their long-term persistence in human-dominated landscapes remain poorly understood. Here we test the hypothesis that aging forest edges and small fragments (3.4–295.7 ha) are greatly impoverished in terms of species richness and abundance of large trees in comparison to core areas of forest interior. The study was conducted in a hyper-fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest, northeast Brazil. Large tree species were quantified by recording all trees (DBH ≥ 10 cm) within fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots distributed in three forest habitats: small forest fragments (n = 28), forest edges (n = 10), and primary forest interior areas within an exceptional large forest remnant (n = 20). Large tree species and their stems ≥10 cm DBH were reduced by half in forest edges and fragments. Moreover, these edge-affected habitats almost lacked large-stemmed trees altogether (0.24 ± 0.27% of all stems sampled), and very tall trees were completely absent from forest edges. In contrast, large trees contributed to over 1.5% of the whole stand in forest interior plots (2.9 ± 2.8%). Habitats also differed in terms of tree architecture: relative to their DBH trees were on average 30% shorter in small fragments and forest edges. Finally, an indicator species analysis yielded an ecological group of 12 large tree species that were significantly associated with forest interior plots, but were completely missing from edge-affected habitats. Our results suggest a persistent and substantial impoverishment of the large-tree stand, including the structural collapse of forest emergent layer, in aging, hyper-fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

根据研究对象的特性和研究目的,确定植物景观评价因子及其权重,建立城市森林公园林下景观的评价模型。采用AHP法对深圳梧桐山风景区林下典型群落进行了评价,最后得到景观美景度值,就平均得分在6分以下的指标提出相应的改造对策,为森林公园的建设提供依据。  相似文献   

In forests worldwide, ~10?40% of bird and mammal species require cavities for nesting or roosting. Although knowledge of tree cavity availability and dynamics has increased during past decades, there is a striking lack of studies from boreal Europe. We studied the density and characteristics of cavities and cavity-bearing trees in three categories of forest in a north-Swedish landscape: clearcuts with tree retention, managed old (>100 years) forest, and unmanaged old forest. Unmanaged old forests had significantly higher mean density of cavities (2.4?±?2.2(SD)?ha?1) than managed old forest (1.1?±?2.1?ha?1). On clearcuts the mean cavity density was 0.4?±?2.3?ha?1. Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula) had a higher probability of containing excavated cavities than other tree species. There was a greater variety of entrance hole shapes and a higher proportion of cavities with larger entrances in old forest than on clearcuts. Although studies of breeding success will be necessary to more accurately assess the impact of forest management on cavity-nesting birds, our results show reduced cavity densities in managed forest. To ensure future provision of cavities, managers should retain existing cavity-bearing trees as well as trees suitable for cavity formation, particularly aspen and dead trees.  相似文献   

The mixed deciduous forests of the upper Midwest, USA are approaching an ecological threshold in which early successional canopy trees are reaching maturity and beginning to senesce, giving way to a more diverse canopy of middle and late successional species. The net primary production (NPP) of these forests is generally considered past peak and in decline, but recent studies show a striking resilience in the NPP trajectories of some middle and late successional forests; yet, the mechanisms controlling such temporal changes in NPP are largely unknown. At the University of Michigan Biological Station in northern Michigan, we used a ≥9-year continuous record of wood net primary production (NPP), leaf area index (LAI), canopy composition, and stem mortality in 30 forested plots to identify the constraints on wood NPP as a mixed forest transitions from early to middle succession. Although wood NPP decreased over time in most stands, the rate of decline was attenuated when the canopy comprised a more diverse assemblage of early and middle/late successional species. The mechanism for sustained NPP in stands with more species diverse canopies was the proliferation of LAI by intact later successional tree species, even as stem mortality rates of early successional trees increased. We conclude that projections of carbon sequestration for the aging mixed forests of the upper Midwest should account for species composition shifts that affect the resilience wood NPP.  相似文献   

The availability of coarse woody debris (CWD) and distribution of dead trees into categories of mortality (dead standing, broken and uprooted) were investigated in north-temperate forests of central Europe (Lithuania). The studied area comprised 188.7 ha and included 18 different stands 40–130 years of age with a variety of tree species (spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), birch (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh.), aspen (Populus tremula L.), oak (Quercus robur L.), forest types (caricus-sphagnum, vaccinium-myrtillus, oxalis, myrtillus-oxalis, caricus-calamagrostis) and edaphic conditions (peaty, sandy, loamy soils of different moisture). The stands were excluded from wood harvesting for at least 30 years. A total of 11 365 dead trees (over 10 cm in DBH) or 6160.7 m3 of dead wood was found (60.2 trees/ha and 32.6 m3/ha). The volume of CWD per hectare was larger in older stands (rS=0.78, P<0.01). Tree mortality during the last 2 years consisted of 482 trees and 381 m3, or 1.28 trees/ha×year and 1.01 m3/ha×year. In 25–33% of cases it was wind-related. Uprooted and broken trees were of larger DBH than dead standing. The distribution into the categories of mortality was strongly dependent on tree species (chi-square test, d.f.=10,P=0). Dead standing dominated in CWD of pine and alder. Broken trees comprised almost a half in CWD of aspen, and about one-third in birch, alder and oak. Uprooting most often occurred in spruce, aspen and birch. Edaphic conditions and stand age had a pronounced impact on distribution into mortality categories for spruce (chi-square test, d.f.=20, P<0.00001) and pine (d.f.=8, P≤0.0003). On peat soil, only a minority of trees of both pine and spruce was uprooted, and standing dead prevailed. In CWD of spruce and pine, the proportions of both dead standing and broken decreased and that of uprooted trees increased on mineral soils of higher moisture and bulk density in older stands. By contrast, uprooting in birch and alder occurred less often on more wet sites, where the proportions of standing snags were higher. A total of 41 species of wood-decomposing polypores were found in the study area. Among those, 10 (24%) were of conservation value.  相似文献   

Numerous approaches have been developed to quantify forest structure modules.A variety has measured each as part of stand attributes.This study was carried out in managed mixed stands in northern Iran.The objective was to quantify stand structure and its variation before and after tree marking through the Gini index and structural triangle method.A full sampling inventory was taken in 2004 and 2014 at the beginning and end of a period,before and after tree marking operations in five stands.The results indicate that the Gini index was 39.5,62.2,43.0,82.0 and 74.0%forⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣandⅤstands respectively.Furthermore,approximate structural diameters were determined as a large category forⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅤstands while standⅡhad an intermediate-large class pre-tree marking to an intermediate-small class post-tree marking.The paired t-test results were not significant for tree numbers and growing stock changes for all species,and for beech,hornbeam,and velvet maple before and after tree harvesting in the whole stand.Therefore,the Gini index and the structural triangle method can be used for natural stand modeling,structural diversity designation,and for management practices in nature-oriented forestry strategies.  相似文献   

高碧文  张运杰  刘艳 《森林工程》2000,16(3):13-14,58
本文着重从森林景观角度出发,探讨了不同森林采伐模式对作业迹地森林景观的影响。在实地调查的基础上。采用定性定量相结合的方法对作业地的森林景观进行了评价。提出了一套评价标准。初步研究结果表明,楔形采伐为一种既维持生态景观又兼顾木材生产的采伐方式,且对森林景观具有较积极的影响。  相似文献   

The Humus Index, based on the visual assessment of topsoil horizons and a classification of humus forms, is a numerical score which can be used as a correlate of stand and soil properties. In oak stands from the Montargis forest (Loiret, France) we observed a good linear relationship of the Humus Index with most parameters describing stand development (age, basal area (BA), height and diameter at breast height of dominants) and soil type (depth of clay horizon). The relationship with parameters describing nutrient availability (exchangeable bases, base saturation) was similarly good but nonlinear. In the studied forest the Humus Index was affected first by stand age and second by soil type. When corrected for age and soil type, data (96 pooled estimates) indicated a slight decrease in the Humus Index (shift towards more active humus forms) in stands converted from old coppices-with-standards when compared with even-aged high forest.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation are major factors leading to forest biodiversity decline. This paper discusses landscape planning as strategy to improve connectivity in a landscape with a heterogeneous distribution of ecologically valuable areas across land owners. A tax-fund system is proposed, that following the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, tries to spread the burden of conservation equally across land owners while optimizing the environmental outcome. Design options of such a tax-fund system are discussed along the lines of a simple theoretical model. Financial effects of a tax-fund system are computed for a small model landscape set in Sweden. Two design questions stand out as particularly important. The first is whether the policy is intended to be self-sustained among the land owners or if the budget can be supplemented by general tax money. The second is whether the land owners or the relevant authority select the stands for conservation set-aside.  相似文献   

We studied the bark beetle guild (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in the ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona to explore if the species assemblages and relative abundance differ between managed and unmanaged stands. Four stand conditions were assessed: (1) unmanaged stands with high tree density, (2) thinned stands, (3) thinned and burned (with prescribed fire) stands and (4) stands that had been burned by stand replacing wildfires. The study was conducted in the ponderosa pine forests of the Coconino Plateau, northern Arizona. For several decades this area has been relatively free of bark beetle outbreaks despite the current overstocked condition of many stands. We found that a similar species assemblage composed of Dendroctonus frontalis, D. brevicomis, D. valens, D. approximatus, D. ponderosae, and Ips pini occurred across all four stand conditions over 3 years of study. The population levels of all these species were endemic across all stand conditions. The non-aggressive D. approximatus and D. valens were indicator species for thinned and unmanaged stands, respectively, but this was not consistent among years. The ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus sp. and the bark beetle predator Enoclerus sp. consistently indicated stands burned by wildfire. In addition to our field experiment, we analyzed the historical pattern of attacks of bark beetles in our area of study. Our findings suggest that the pattern of attack of D. brevicomis (the only Dendroctonus species for which attacks have been reported) and Ips spp. has been through scattered small infestations in groups of 1–10 trees. Whereas small infestations by Ips spp. are increasing, those for D. brevicomis are decreasing. Although we agree that the high density stands in northern Arizona are in an “unhealthy” condition, our results do not show that they were supporting large bark beetle outbreaks. Our results challenge the theoretical assumptions about the relationship between stand structure, tree resistance and bark beetle performance.  相似文献   

The seasonal trend of plant carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration is related to the photosynthetic activity, which in turn changes in response to environmental conditions. Great interest has turned to the CO2 sequestration (CS) potential of temperate forests which play an important role in global carbon (C) cycle contributing to the lowering of atmospheric CO2 concentration. In such context, the CS of an unmanaged old broad-leaf deciduous forest developing inside a Strict Nature Reserve, and its variations during the year were analyzed considering the monthly variations of leaf area index (LAI) and net photosynthetic rates (NP). Overall, the total yearly CS of the forest was 141 Mg CO2 ha?1 year?1 with the highest CS value monitored in June (405 Mg CO2 month?1) due to the highest LAI (5.0 ± 0.8 m2 m?2) and a high NP in all the broadleaf species. The first CS decline was observed in August due to the more stressful climatic conditions that constrained NP rates. Overall, the total CS of the forest reflects the good ecological health of the ecosystem due to its conservative management.  相似文献   

Forest carbon stocks have increased in both Europe and North America in recent decades. National forest inventories are often used to indicate recent carbon dynamics, but the data from unmanaged forests are often incomplete. Here we calculate changing biomass carbon stocks for a mixed, unmanaged British woodland with two different management histories: (1) older growth stands untouched since 1902 and (2) younger growth stands clear felled in 1943 but have developed naturally since. Transects in the older growth have been monitored since 1945 and the younger growth since 1977. Separate estimates of tree carbon (C), soil C and dead wood C were obtained to verify how C is apportioned in these stands. Tree biomass C stocks had approximately doubled in the older growth stands since 1945 and 60% of C was stored in tree biomass, 38% was stored in soil and 2% stored in coarse woody debris. This study suggests that natural older growth stands are storing more C than typical managed forests, with tree biomass the most important compartment for C stores. If management is to be shifted from biomass production to increased C stores, due consideration should be given to the role of unmanaged, older growth forests.  相似文献   

墨西哥哈里斯科(Jalisco)林分结构小面积估测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对小的生态经济区开展自然资源统计是很困难的,政府决策人员只能依靠州水平的数据库来评价一定区域或局部的自然资源(森林、牧场、草地、农田等)状况。小面积评估技术可以用于评定这些资源。然而,哪一种小面积估测法可以给出最可靠、最准确的结果还不得而知。本研究检测了小面积评估分析常用的两种方法(即综合估计法和回归估计法)的可靠性、准确性。运用这两种方法分析墨西哥哈里斯科(Jalisco)州全州的自然资源数据,从而检测每种方法对所选择的森林林分结构特征预测结果的好坏。研究表明,回归方法在多个地理尺度上,对森林林分结构特征预测的可靠性和准确性均最好。因此,推荐州或地方资源管理者,在没有其他适当的辅助信息资料的情况下,可运用回归分析法来评估小区域内自然资源状况。图4表5参14。  相似文献   

The long-term development of stand characteristics and tree spatial patterns (TSP), their mutual relation, and linkage to site and tree species were studied in the Boubín primeval forest (protected since 1858). Surveys were carried out in 1851, 1961/1964, 1972, 1984/1989, 1996 and 2010 on one to six research plots sized 0.58-1.00 ha. To see how results from these surveys could be generalized, results were also compared with whole-area data sets (46 ha) from 1972 to 2010.The proportion of Abies alba continually decreased, from 20% in 1851 to 2-3% in 2010. This decrease started no later than at the beginning of the 20th century. In contrast, the proportion of Fagus sylvatica slightly increased. The sum of dead and living wood volume was stable during the 159 year period, with deviations of only up to 5%. From 1961/64 to 2010, the number of living trees continually decreased, but the mean-tree volume and volume of dead wood increased. The distribution of dead wood always differed from the distribution of living trees.A random TSP was always most common, which seems to be typical for this type of forest. This was true even when A. alba was gradually forced out from the stand structure. Nevertheless, the pronounced decrease of A. alba found during the 1961/64 survey compared with 1851 was reflected in a tendency towards clustering, as gaps from A. alba dieback gradually closed. In these gaps, competitive pressure was lower, resulting in more clustered distributions. Regular distribution was recorded only rarely. F. sylvatica maintained a random or clustered TSP over long periods, depending on site conditions. On water-affected plots, it had a consistently higher tendency towards clustering. The only step change in TSP occurred due to Hurricane Emma in 2008. Otherwise, the most marked TSP changes over time were found for Picea abies, in which there was a gradual trend from clustered to random, connected with a decreasing number of individuals.The main reason for the decline of A. alba and the decreased number of living trees from 1961/64-2010 was the on-going effect of a high stock of red deer at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The decreasing trend in the number of living trees showed no marked change, even 60 years after the game pressure was strongly reduced. However, the vertical structure became increasingly homogenized due to the long-term absence of severe abiotic and/or biotic disturbances.  相似文献   

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