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随着银杏叶用价值开发的深入,对银杏叶用品种分类,从中筛选优良的叶用品种,促进银杏叶生产力的提高,成为生产中的一个非常紧迫的问题。对湖北省银杏品种收集圃12个银杏品种叶片表型性状进行遗传多样性分析,结果表明:银杏表型性状遗传变异丰富,各项性状平均变异系数为14.0%,叶形指数、叶柄、叶基角是银杏品种鉴别与优树选择的特征指标;应用主成分分析法,从样本相关矩阵出发,提出了4个反映银杏表型的主成分;经系统聚类,把12个品种分成2类。12个银杏品种的表型变异与其地理来源无关。  相似文献   

To test if some leaf parameters are predictors of productivity in a range of Populus deltoides (Bartr.) Marsh. x P. nigra L. clones, we assessed leaf traits and productivity in 2-month-old rooted cuttings from 31 clones growing in 4-l pots in a greenhouse, under conditions of controlled temperature and optimal irrigation. We evaluated four groups of variables describing (1) productivity (total biomass), (2) leaf growth (total leaf number increment and total leaf area increment rate), (3) leaf structure (specific leaf area and nitrogen and carbon contents) and (4) carbon isotope discrimination (delta), which is negatively correlated with time-integrated water-use efficiency. High-yielding clones did not necessarily display high leaf growth rates, but they displayed a larger total leaf area, lower specific leaf area and lower leaf nitrogen concentration than clones with low productivity. Total leaf area was mainly controlled by maximal individual leaf area and total leaf area increment rate (r = 0.51 and 0.56, respectively). Carbon isotope discrimination did not correlate with total biomass, but it was associated with total number of leaves and total leaf area increment rate (r = 0.39 and 0.45, respectively). Therefore, leaf area and specific leaf area were better indicators of productivity than leaf growth traits. The observed independence of delta from biomass production provides opportunities for selecting poplar clones combining high productivity and high water-use efficiency.  相似文献   

Oaks’ decline in vitality is attributed to a complex process that involves interactions of several factors leading to increased trees’ mortality. This study investigates the structure of trunk wood of oaks with reference to its physiological role in hydraulic conductivity. On the basis of the crown condition, the oaks were classified into three health groups: healthy trees, declining trees and dead trees. Anatomical traits of wood, such as annual ring width, vessel density, vessel diameter of earlywood and theoretical hydraulic conductivity, were measured and calculated. The narrowest annual rings formed by the cambium were observed in dead oaks. These trees were also characterized by the smallest diameter of earlywood vessels, not only in the period of occurrence of dieback symptoms, but also during their whole life. It is suggested that the formation of narrow annual rings and earlywood vessels of small diameter increases susceptibility of a tree to decay. A reduced vessel diameter implies changes in hydraulic conductivity of oak trunks and thus impairs the water transport, which affects the health of trees. The process of oak decline is considered to have characteristics of natural selection and leads to the elimination of the weakest trees.  相似文献   

H. Butin 《Forest Pathology》1992,22(4):237-246
Observations in the field suggest that certain species of endophytic fungi which occur, but are normally dormant, in the leaves of Quercus robur can be stimulated to pathogenic development by the feeding activity of certain gall insects. As a result of the death of leaf tissue the gall is also killed. This antagonistic relationship between endophytic fungi and gall insects is illustrated in the following three examples: Kabatiella apocrypta / Trioza remota, Gloeosporium quercinum / Neuroterus numismalis and Dichomera saubinetii / Polystepha panteli.  相似文献   

The ongoing global change could be an additional threat to the establishment and the long-term survival of Populus nigra L., an emblematic European riparian species. With the general aim of gaining insights into the adaptive potential of this species, we (i) quantified variations within and among three French P. nigra populations for key physiological attributes, i.e., water-use efficiency (assessed from bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, Δ(13)C), growth performance and related leaf traits, (ii) examined genotype and population by environment interactions, and (iii) explored the relationship between Δ(13)C and growth. Thirty genotypes were sampled in each of three naturally established populations and grown in two different sites, Orléans (ORL) and Guémené-Penfao (GMN). In ORL, two similar plots were established and different watering regimes were applied in order to test for the drought response. Significant variations were observed for all traits within and among populations irrespective of site and watering. Trait variation was larger within than among populations. The effect of drought was neither genotype- nor population-dependent, contrary to the effect of site. The population ranking was maintained in all sites and watering regimes for the two most complex traits: Δ(13)C and growth. Moreover, these two traits were unrelated, which indicates that (i) water-use efficiency and growth are largely uncoupled in this species, and (ii) the environmental factors driving genetic structuration for Δ(13)C and growth act independently. The large variations found within populations combined with the consistent differences among populations suggest a large adaptive potential for P. nigra.  相似文献   

Li  Yanan  Zhang  Tengzi  Zhou  Yongbin  Zou  Xiaoming  Yin  You  Li  Hui  Liu  Liying  Zhang  Songzhu 《European Journal of Forest Research》2021,140(5):1039-1048
European Journal of Forest Research - Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) can enhance drought resistance of host plants by increasing nutrient and water absorption. Calcium (Ca) plays a central role in...  相似文献   

I describe variation in leaf morphology of Quercus crispula and Quercus dentata assemblages within and among their contact zones. Such relationships provide a relatively fast and accurate method for detecting hybridization. Using discriminant function (DF) analysis based on leaf characteristics, I was able to differentiate between these two species in pure zones. In three of five contact zones, the DF scores showed broad, continuous distributions with three or more peaks. The trees showing intermediate leaf morphology are considered to be hybrids. In the other two contact zones, the DF scores showed distinct bimodal distributions, suggesting that Q. crispula and Q. dentata rarely hybridize in these sites. Thus, the method described in this study should be effective for detecting probable hybridization between these two species in contact zones, and the relative frequency of hybridization among contact zones. However, there was likely to be intraspecific variation of Q. crispula between geographic ranges, restricting interpretations to patterns occurring within sites or limited geographic ranges.  相似文献   


The ecological literature has documented the effects of plant hybridization on phenotypic variation, and dominant, intermediate, or novel morphological, chemical and physiological traits in hybrids. It is important to understand the ecological consequences of hybridization by evaluating their impact on phenotypic expression of functional traits. We evaluated the relationship between genetic diversity of Quercus laurina and functional foliar traits along an oak diversity gradient. We selected five study sites that represent an oak diversity gradient where Q. laurina is present. Using chloroplast and nuclear microsatellites, we evaluated genetic diversity, measured functional foliar traits of Q. laurina in each site and assessed the effects of local climate variables on the oak community and functional traits. We found a greater abundance of Q. laurina in all study sites. We did not find a relationship between the number of accompanying red oak species and the population genetic diversity in Q. laurina, but higher genetic diversity was found in all study sites in comparison with European oak species. Sites with more oak species had more variation of foliar functional traits. Our results do not support the hypothesis that predicts higher levels of genetic diversity of Q. laurina in communities with greater oak diversity from the same section, but we demonstrated an increase in the foliar functional traits of Q. laurina associated with oak richness and climate variables. We highlight the need to consider environmental and ecological variables linkages as regulatory mechanisms of the phenotypic plasticity expressed in changes of some functional attributes of oaks.


Endophytic behaviour of Biscogniauxia mediterranea, the causal agent of charcoal disease of oak, was studied over two growing seasons on Quercus cerris in a forest in central Italy. Isolation of the fungus from asymptomatic tissues varied with tissue type, period of sampling and year. Presence of the fungus in asymptomatic plants was significantly higher in fall, compared with that in spring and summer. However, a significant effect of tissue water content on the presence of B. mediterranea was recognized. The results suggest that proliferation of B. mediterranea is favoured during the endophytic phase by a decrease in host water potential.  相似文献   

Rust S  Roloff A 《Tree physiology》2002,22(8):597-601
We tested the hypothesis that changes in crown architecture of old pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L. ssp. robur Kl. et Kr. et Rol.) reduce leaf specific hydraulic conductance of shoots, thereby limiting stomatal conductance and assimilation of affected shoots. At the end of summer 1999, hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance, measured with a high-pressure flow meter in 0.5- to 1.5-m long shoots, were 27 and 39% lower, respectively, in shoots of low vigor compared with vigorously growing shoots in a 165-year- old stand in southeastern Germany. Two types of bottlenecks to water transport can be identified in shoots of old oak trees, namely nodes and abscission zones. The reduction in hydraulic conductance was especially severe in shoots with diameters of less than 2 mm. Maximum stomatal conductance and maximum net assimilation rate increased significantly with hydraulic conductance and leaf specific hydraulic conductance. Our data support the hypothesis that changes in shoot and consequently crown architecture observed in aging trees can limit photosynthesis by reducing shoot hydraulic conductance. Thus, in addition to increasing pathway length and lower conductivity of xylem in old trees, structural changes in shoot and crown architecture need to be considered when analyzing water relations and photosynthesis in mature and declining trees.  相似文献   

GARDINER  A. S. 《Forestry》1970,43(2):151-160
Early nineteenth-century studies of variation in the genus QuercusL., particularly those relating to Pedunculate and Sessile oakby Lasch and Greville, illustrate the confused situation thatawaited the forest botanist. Attempts of that period and laterto explain this condition led to the general acceptance of atheory of unlimited hybridization and introgression betweenthe two species. Experimentation and observations between thethirties and fifties of the present century by Dengler, Høeg,Jones, and others demonstrate the weakness of this popular concept—hence the controversy. More recent investigations by Johnssonand Krahl-Urban, supported by the biometric research of Cousens,Carlisle, and Brown, have helped in the production of a moreaccurate picture of the form and extent of hybridization. Agreat deal still remains to be done to elucidate the naturalfrequency of F1 hybrids, and backcrossea in different regions.The karyotypes of both species and hybrids have still to bedefined.  相似文献   

Quercus robur (L.) and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. are European oak species that often grow in forest soils with high soluble manganese (Mn2+) concentrations. We tested the effects of Mn2+ at concentrations of 0.0024 mM (control), 0.24 mM (typical of acidic forest soils) and 1.2 mM (typical of forest soils under strongly reducing conditions) on the growth, tissue anatomy, foliar element concentrations, subcellular element distribution and gas exchange of solution-cultured seedlings. At the highest Mn2+ concentration, seedlings were grown with and without an elevated concentration (1.2 mM) of magnesium (Mg2+). At 0.24 mM Mn2+, foliar Mn concentrations were higher than observed in the field. Vacuoles of the leaf epidermis and mesophyll were the main sites of manganese accumulation. High nutrient solution Mn2+ concentration significantly lowered foliar iron (Fe) and Mg concentrations. Elevated Mg2+ concentration raised the foliar Mg concentrations to control values, but Fe concentrations and gas exchange remained depressed. In seedlings grown in the 1.2 mM Mn2+ treatment without elevated Mg2+ damage to the phloem of the petioles and a reduction in root mass were observed in both species. The effects on shoot and root growth were greatest in Q. petraea. Alleviation of manganese toxicity symptoms by Mg2+ in Q. petraea was less effective than in Q. robur. Our results suggest that the soil solution Mn2+ concentrations that occur in European oak forests are unlikely to affect the distribution and performance of Q. robur and Q. petraea in the field.  相似文献   

研究了种植在次生常绿阔叶林下的版纳省藤Calamus nambariensis var.xishuangbannaensis、盈江省藤C.nambariensis var.yingjianggensis、多穗白藤C.bonianus和小省藤C.gracilis幼苗叶片的光合特性、叶绿体色素含量、比叶面积(ASLA)、形态解剖特征以及幼苗生物量。结果表明:版纳省藤、盈江省藤和多穗白藤的最大净光合速率(Pmax)显著地大于小省藤的,并且光饱和点(DLSP)与最大净光合速率表现出相同的变化特点;多穗白藤和盈江省藤的光补偿点及暗呼吸速率显著大于版纳省藤和小省藤的(p0.05),并以小省藤的最低;单位面积最大净光合速率高的种,其叶片相对较厚、气孔密度较大、叶片单位面积的叶绿素含量及类胡萝卜素含量也相对较高,但比叶面积则较小;单位面积叶片光合速率与单位面积叶绿素含量成正相关,并随比叶面积的增大而减小;多穗白藤、盈江省藤和版纳省藤对弱光的适应能力较强,生长较快,适宜在次生常绿阔叶林下进行人工种植。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic acclimation to highly variable local irradiance within the tree crown plays a primary role in determining tree carbon uptake. This study explores the plasticity of leaf structural and physiological traits in response to the interactive effects of ontogeny, water stress and irradiance in adult almond trees that have been subjected to three water regimes (full irrigation, deficit irrigation and rain-fed) for a 3-year period (2006-08) in a semiarid climate. Leaf structural (dry mass per unit area, N and chlorophyll content) and photosynthetic (maximum net CO(2) assimilation, A(max), maximum stomatal conductance, g(s,max), and mesophyll conductance, g(m)) traits and stem-to-leaf hydraulic conductance (K(s-l)) were determined throughout the 2008 growing season in leaves of outer south-facing (S-leaves) and inner northwest-facing (NW-leaves) shoots. Leaf plasticity was quantified by means of an exposure adjustment coefficient (ε=1-X(NW)/X(S)) for each trait (X) of S- and NW-leaves. Photosynthetic traits and K(s-l) exhibited higher irradiance-elicited plasticity (higher ε) than structural traits in all treatments, with the highest and lowest plasticity being observed in the fully irrigated and rain-fed trees, respectively. Our results suggest that water stress modulates the irradiance-elicited plasticity of almond leaves through changes in crown architecture. Such changes lead to a more even distribution of within-crown irradiance, and hence of the photosynthetic capacity, as water stress intensifies. Ontogeny drove seasonal changes only in the ε of area- and mass-based N content and mass-based chlorophyll content, while no leaf age-dependent effect was observed on ε as regards the physiological traits. Our results also indicate that the irradiance-elicited plasticity of A(max) is mainly driven by changes in leaf dry mass per unit area, in g(m) and, most likely, in the partitioning of the leaf N content.  相似文献   

Wood discs were sampled from 6 heights up the stem of 248 trees representing 10 subraces and 116 families grown in an E. globulus base-population progeny trial. The lower stem had the least favourable wood properties for kraft pulpwood and most solidwood applications: bark was thickest, basic density was lowest and kino, decay and shrinkage traits were greatest at or below 12% of tree height. Significant genetic differences at the subrace level were revealed in diameter, bark thickness, basic density, decay and gross shrinkage and at the family within subrace level in diameter, basic density and decay. However, subrace-by-height-category interactions in bark thickness, basic density, decay and gross shrinkage indicated that differences among subraces were dependent on height in these traits. Examination of longitudinal trends revealed some evidence that the zone of thick basal bark extended further up the stem in thicker-barked subraces and that the Southern Tasmania subrace might be less effective than other subraces in restricting the longitudinal spread of decay after infection.  相似文献   

Prewein C  Vagner M  Wilhelm E 《Tree physiology》2004,24(11):1251-1257
Somatic embryos of oak (Quercus robur L.) were matured on P24 media differing in gel strength (0.8, 0.9 and 1.0% (w/v) agar). Viscosity and osmotic potential (Psipi,medium) of the media were determined. Developing cotyledonary embryos were analyzed at maturity Stages I-III for water content, osmotic potential (Psipi,embryo) and concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and proline. Proliferation of embryogenic tissue, germination rates and the number of embryos formed were also determined in order to relate embryo quality to physiological parameters. Viscosity increased with agar concentration, a phenomenon apparently related to water availability. Many Stage III embryos with high germination potentials were obtained on P24 medium containing 1.0% agar. Embryo water content decreased progressively from 94 to 80% during embryo maturation. Stage I and II embryos that matured on media containing 0.8 or 0.9% agar had similar values of Psipi,embryo, whereas Psipi,embryo of Stage III embryos that matured on medium containing 1.0% agar was significantly lower, although Psipi,medium was unaffected by gel strength. Stage III embryos showed a nearly 16-fold increase in proline concentration and a 50% decrease in ABA concentration compared with Stage I embryos. We conclude that tissue water status and a complex relationship between ABA and proline concentrations, modulated by medium gel strength, are important factors in the maturation process and the quality of oak somatic embryos.  相似文献   

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