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Carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) is a useful surrogate for integrated, plant water-use efficiency (WUE) when measured on plants grown in a common environment. In a variety of species, genetic variation in delta(13)C has been linked to the distribution of genotypes across gradients in atmospheric and soil water. We examined genetic variation for delta(13)C in seedlings of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.), an invasive grassland shrub that thrives in the southwestern USA. Fifteen maternal families, representing progeny of 15 adult trees, were studied in three common garden experiments in a greenhouse. The 990-km east-west transect along which the adult trees were located encompasses a wide precipitation gradient, and includes mesic grassland, semiarid grassland, and Chihuahuan desert ecosystems. Genetic variation for delta(13)C in mesquite was substantial, with the rank order of half-sib families based on delta(13)C relatively stable across experiments, which were conducted under different environmental conditions. Conversely, rankings of families by mean seedling height (an index of growth rate) varied markedly among experiments. Seedlings derived from Chihuahuan desert adults emerged more quickly and had more negative delta(13)C (indicative of lower WUE) than seedlings derived from the other regions. Although delta(13)C and seedling height were not correlated, these results suggest that mesquite genotypes at the drier, western extreme of the species' range are adapted for quicker emergence and possibly faster growth than genotypes from mesic areas. Together, these traits may facilitate exploitation of infrequent precipitation events. 相似文献
核桃栽培存在的问题与对策探讨 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为解决核桃栽培管理方面的问题,笔者采用全面普查和典型调查方法,对十堰市核桃分布及栽培情况进行调查分析,提出了十堰核桃生产中目前存在的粗放管理、病虫害、过早采摘等5个主要问题,并相应提出了解决办法和对策。为提高核桃栽培水平,促进核桃产业化进程进行了初步探讨。 相似文献
核桃实生群体物候的观测 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为给核桃抗晚霜品种的选育和晚花性状的分子辅助选择研究奠定基础,对泰安地区核桃F1实生群体的物候期进行了连续4年的观测。结果表明:核桃实生群体从3月中下旬开始萌动,3月下旬进入萌芽期,4月初至5月初随着叶片展开、新梢生长,混合芽中的雌花及枝条上的裸芽雄花陆续开放,8月下旬至10月初果实成熟,10月中下旬至11月上旬进入落叶期;核桃的物候特征是不同单株固有的遗传特性,不同年份其物候期不尽一致,但各单株上出现的先后次序是相对稳定的,而且,核桃实生群体中不同单株间的各物候时期的变异系数较高,这为晚花抗晚霜优良单株的选择提供了丰富材料。 相似文献
核桃在湖北省宜昌市栽培历史悠久,是营养价值很高的木本油料果树。笔者就宜昌市核桃产业发展现状、问题及对策谈了几点看法,供同仁参考。 相似文献
建设核桃高效采穗圃,在8a经营期内,投资回收期短、净现值比值高、内部收益率大于50%、投资净现值比值高、经济效益显著。 相似文献
摘要:笔者从1999年开始湖北核桃资源调查,初选出50棵优株,经复选、决选、品比试验等。在鄂西南、鄂西北等主产区进行区试,试验与扩大生产示范结合,连续多年多点对其植物学特征、生物学特性、果实经济性状、抗病抗逆性等进行系统观察分析。结果表明:选出的优株EH9909其丰产性、坚果品质、抗核桃褐斑病、核桃细菌型黑斑病能力明显优于湖北省兴山普通核桃。 相似文献
Earlier modeling has suggested that long distance gene flow is of importance in increasing the adaptability of tree populations in a changing climate. In times of warming temperatures, early flowering phenotypes may be favored, because early flowering may be connected to early onset of growth. Long term direct measurements of flowering, pollen cloud and intrapopulation fecundity variations are needed to test this hypothesis. Having one of the furthest transported types of pollen grains, birch may have good potential for long distance gene flow. Our daily observations over eight years, of 30 silver birches (Betula pendula Roth), showed that the onset and duration of flowering phenology was determined by the accumulation of spring temperature sums, but the window for potential long distance gene flow was narrow. The interannual phenology variations were large, the order of timing of female and male catkins in various trees of this monoecious species tended to differ, and the timing of generative and vegetative spring phenologies were not correlated at tree level. Early flowering trees tended to have a higher variation in germinability than later flowering trees. No other connection between timing of phenology of flowering and seed quantity or quality was found. Although stochastic climatic conditions produce interannually variable phenological windows, probability for long distance gene flow from areas differing in timing of spring temperature accumulations may be low in silver birch. Intertree variations in fecundity were high, and the majority of seeds and pollen were produced by only a few trees. Moreover, the amount of seeds produced was positively related to seed germinability, thus large phenotypic fecundity variations may decrease interannual genetic variations in seed sets. 相似文献
植物芽的生理成熟是对植物嫁接的基础,核桃生长期嫁接均采用半木质化为指标。以‘云新’7个早实核桃品种为对象,采用对生长期方块芽接不同芽位的植物学特征观察,归纳核桃半木质化枝条生理成熟的植物学形态特征。通过生产检验结果表明,适宜作生产方块芽嫁接接穗的植物学形态特征是:枝条接穗段圆形;表皮颜色达到品种成熟枝条的色度,如灰白、深灰、灰绿色;表皮无毛. 相似文献