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马铃薯脱毒种薯生产繁育体系不健全,种薯生产不规范,种薯质量检测制度不健全,品种结构不合理,贮藏设施不配套是山西省马铃薯种薯生产中的主要问题,针对这些主要问题,提出了加强种薯繁育体系建设,规范生产行为,加快马铃薯专用型品种的引进筛选和培育,增加科技投入,加强基础设施建设,加强质量检测体系建设等项符合山西省马铃薯生产实际的发展对策。  相似文献   

加拿大是全球主要农产品生产国和出口国之一,农业产业发达。依托国家高强度农业科研投入、严格的品种繁育与释放程序,完备的种薯生产与质量安全保障体系,加拿大马铃薯产品与种薯质量一直位居世界前列。本文从马铃薯研究与发展体系、品种繁育与释放体系和种薯生产与质量安全保障体系等方面对加拿大马铃薯产业进行分析,希望能为中国马铃薯产业发展提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

马铃薯二年制脱毒种薯体系建设及其关键技术改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯脱毒种薯生产和利用是马铃薯生产的重要环节,传统的脱毒种薯生产体系因繁殖周期长,病毒再侵染风险高,使种薯质量很难保证。本研究以品种脱毒和试管薯生产为基础,以微型薯生产和标准种薯生产为扩繁环节,建成了二年制种薯生产体系。该体系将种薯生产在田间多年繁殖改进为只需一年繁殖,从而降低了病毒再侵染机率,保证了脱毒种薯质量。  相似文献   

荷兰马铃薯种业发展对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过阐述荷兰马铃薯品种,种薯生产过程中的检测、认证,以及认证制度的法律、标准等保障措施,了解荷兰马铃薯种业发展的先进性。比较中国和荷兰马铃薯种业状况,提出发展中国马铃薯产业的建议,指出中国马铃薯品种鉴定内容和审定程序要与市场接轨,规范种薯生产环境,建立种薯质量保障法律体系和检测认证制度。  相似文献   

为了提高半干旱地区马铃薯生产质量和水平,为马铃薯种薯扩繁和商品薯生产提供理论依据,对8个马铃薯品种的原原种、原种和常规种3个级别种薯应用效果进行了试验研究。结果表明,不同级别种薯对马铃薯生育期、卷叶病病情指数、单株大薯重量和产量都有显著的影响,以原种做种薯马铃薯生育期最长、产量最高。单株大薯重量为原种常规种原原种。  相似文献   

早熟马铃薯品种生产中几种主要栽培技术的对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 前 言核心种薯的生产是马铃薯种薯生产中的关键环节。其质量的高低和数量的多少直接影响马铃薯以后各代的生产。而且这种影响是成数量级地增长。因此 ,把握好核心种薯的生产是整个马铃薯种薯生产的关键。当前马铃薯脱毒核心种薯的生产主要方法有“试管内诱导微型薯法”、“温室内基质扦插栽培法”、“网棚内扦插栽培法”以及作为高新栽培技术新兴起来的“气雾栽培法”。本试验旨在比较这几种方法生产脱毒核心种薯的效果 ,为种薯生产提供可靠的试验数据 ,以指导生产实践。2 材料与方法2 1 供试材料试验于 1999年春季进行 ,供试的品种…  相似文献   

雾培马铃薯不同品种生长及微型薯产量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雾培法生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯是一项新型的无土栽培技术。甘肃省马铃薯微型薯雾培法生产中存在品种数量较少、多样性程度较低的问题,阻碍当地马铃薯产业化发展。为筛选出适宜雾培法生产微型薯的马铃薯新品种,促进甘肃省马铃薯产业的发展,选用4个马铃薯品种,以当地雾培主栽品种‘庄薯3号’为对照,采用马铃薯微型薯雾培法进行品种比较试验,对不同马铃薯品种的形态指标、生理指标及微型薯产量进行比较研究。结果表明,不同品种在株高、茎粗、根长、叶面积、叶绿素SPAD值、匍匐茎数量和微型薯产量方面存在差异。从单株结薯数来看,‘庄薯3号’(CK)微型薯产量最高,‘庄薯4号’和‘天薯11号’次之,‘陇薯10号’和‘冀张薯8号’产量最低。通过比较研究,‘庄薯4号’和‘天薯11号’品种生长性状好、微型薯产量高,适合雾培繁育微型薯。  相似文献   

苏玉鹤 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(6):374-375
德化地区秋马铃薯由于种植的时间短,一般在中稻收割后的10月中旬或下旬才开始播种,马铃薯尚未进入成熟期就遭霜冻,产量低下,如何克服秋马铃薯的生长限制,延长马铃薯的生育期,提高马铃薯的产量质量,对发展秋马铃薯的生产具有十分重要的意义,现将提高秋马铃薯产量质量的几点关键措施总结如下,供同类地区参考。1异地调种和秋繁种薯选择适合本地气候条件、生育期较短、抗逆性强、产量高、品质好的外地品种,德化县等周边地区则采取北种南调,如克新3号、克新4号、大西洋、中薯3号等品种的脱毒种薯。利用高山地块的秋繁种薯留作第二年在低海拔田块…  相似文献   

马铃薯种薯是马铃薯产业发展的关键和首要因素,了解其发展历程及现状有利于发展中国的马铃薯种薯产业。针对马铃薯种薯的发展历程,生产模式,质量影响因素,种薯质量控制以及中国的马铃薯种薯质量认证工作发展情况等方面进行了综述。此外,还发现了种薯质量认识不足,质检队伍和机构缺乏,种薯质量认证试点示范工作覆盖范围小等问题。最后,提出加强马铃薯种薯质量检测工作的宣传和科普工作,进一步培养质检人才,加强质检机构建设,扩大种薯质量认证试点范围等建议。  相似文献   

脱毒马铃薯微型薯的标准化生产技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在我国随着马铃薯栽培面积的不断扩大,种薯质量的控制和安全生产与标准化栽培是提高单产水平的关键。近几年种薯生产的实践和大量产销信息反馈证明,种薯生产微型化,栽培技术标准化可有效减少病毒病及真菌性病害与细菌性病害传播为害。脱毒马铃薯微型薯生产方便,不但种薯质量高且单位面积效益好,微型薯可减少种薯运输成本,易推广,适宜农户和大型农场种薯繁育种植,同时容易提升种薯质量。现将脱毒马铃薯微型薯的标准化生产技术介绍如下,供种薯生产单位及企业参考。  相似文献   

为改变目前马铃薯脱毒种薯生产中存在的多、杂、乱、差、代数不清的局面,改革原有的脱毒薯多级生产体系,建立二级脱毒种薯生产体系,为市场提供质优、价廉的脱毒种薯.本试验尝试直接用脱毒试管苗经很植后,移栽于网棚内,株行距为20 cm×60 cm,生产零代薯.从而省去了用脱毒苗生产微型薯的环节,并且结薯量远远高于生产微型薯,大大...  相似文献   

四川省马铃薯种薯体系现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
受立体气候条件影响,四川省不同地区一年四季均有马铃薯种植和收获。自2006年来全省马铃薯年种植面积已达到60万hm2以上,2009年达到了73.3万hm2。全省需要种薯量达到了近150万t,其中来自农民自留种的比例约为70%,外购种薯约占30%。虽然各级部门正想方设法改进种薯体系,但存在着优质种薯供应量不足、三代种薯体系尚未建立、质量控制体系尚未健全和种薯质量较差等问题,造成全省马铃薯产量长期徘徊在每公顷16.5~17.9 t之间。通过建立省级基础脱毒种苗供应中心、建立三代种薯体系、增加各级种薯生产能力、改进种薯贮藏条件、提高自留种薯质量和规范种薯繁供体系,将迅速提高全省种薯质量,促进马铃薯产业健康发展。  相似文献   

Seed Potato Production in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this research was to analyze the regional distribution and quality of potato seed production in Poland from 2007 to 2011. The research was based on 10,559 tuber samples taken for the official post-harvest inspection assessment of seed potato lots. A very detailed map of seed plantation locations in Poland was created at the municipality level. The greatest concentration of seed production was from the northern and southern parts of Pomorskie Province, where many seed potatoes were cultivated, and in the north of the Zachodniopomorskie Province, around the towns of Koszalin and Ko?obrzeg. In both provinces, cultivars which were highly susceptible to PVY were cultivated on nearly half of the area. Over time a clear increase in the production of elite material and a decrease in those certified as the lowest category, CB, were observed. The quality of seed potato material was poorest following the harvest in 2008, because of high levels of virus infection; 30 % of the seed lots were not certified. Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was recorded occasionally and it is at present of no economic importance in Poland. The role of potato virus Y (PVY), increased, probably because of the growth in the share of foreign cultivars (mainly Dutch) which are more susceptible to PVY. There were also changes in the populations of PVY strains. The share of Polish cultivars in potato seed production decreased to 36.3 % in 2012.  相似文献   

通过对正常留种和夏播留种的对比试验,可以获得正常留种和夏播留种的差异性,为当地马铃薯生产提供相关的理论依据。试验结果表明:由于夏播留种生长时间短,它的各项生长指标弱于春播留种是很正常的。但从产量和经济效益分析来看,夏播留种试验是成功的。按当年商品薯地头收购价格计算,夏播留种每667 m2收入为727.5元,比当地农民平均每667 m2毛收入700元多27.5元,说明夏播留种在当地实施是可行的,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

First, an extensive literature review was performed with respect to Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance sources and their further utilization in a breeding programme. On the basis of that review we present a scheme of backcrossing and new cultivar creation on the basis of five detected sources of PVY resistance and one source of Potato virus X resistance. Some cultivar pedigrees are presented reflecting the differences in the breeding strategies. Moreover, results of investigations on some polygenic traits such as field resistance against late blight and starch content are presented. For these purposes progenies were screened for suitable recombinant genotypes which were used in further crossings. Also the results of investigations on resistance to the potato golden nematode and on the selection of cultivars suitable for processing are briefly analysed. We also describe a programme of parallel evaluation of identical hybrid populations in different soils and climatic zones. The development of seed potato production systems facilitated the conditions to improve the quality of potato seed material, to increase potato production and to allow Russia to participate in the international potato market. Systems of virus detection, norms and methods of laboratory tests as well as requirements for quality and tolerance levels of different seed classes (generations) were unified and harmonized with European systems.  相似文献   

辽宁省马铃薯繁育体系建设研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立健全良种繁育体系,是推广应用脱毒薯的必要条件。3年来,本溪所已完成高山地区3级繁育体系的研究;大连所建立了春繁夏播2年4级的繁育体系;蚕业所建立了冷藏夏播3级繁育体系;建平示范场建立了高海拔3级繁育体系。以上4种体系各具特色,为推广脱毒薯提供了可行的模式。  相似文献   

Summary Flowering and true seed production from different order inflorescences in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated in two experiments. The number of flowers per inflorescence, berry set, berry weight, number of seeds per berry and seed weight generally decreased from primary inflorescences to tertiary inflorescences and inflorescences on lateral stems. The possible relation with carbohydrate distribution is discussed. Quality of the seeds produced from the different orders of inflorescences was a function of seed size; larger seeds showed better germination, emergence and seedling growth. Late harvest of berries increased berry weight and number of seeds per berry from primary inflorescences. Application of additional nitrogen during the flowering period did not affect flowering or differences between inflorescence positions in seed production, but it significantly decreased the number of seeds per berry. The practical implications of these results for true seed production are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This notice displays trials of farmer seed potato production in Mali using micro and minitubers. A simple phytotechnique has been development to use this kind of prebasic material. In spite of severe culture conditions in Mali, the average yield varies from 6 to 12 t/ha for a microtuber plantation and from 8 to 14 t/ha for minitubers. Between two successive crops, the seeds are stored under diffuse light in a ventilated room. The profitability of the local seed production scheme seems interesting. The cost price of the second generation is already below the import price of seed potato.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区是我国马铃薯重要的种薯生产基地,从70年代初期开始研究脱毒种薯生产技术,80年代已在生产上大面积推广应用,增产效果极为显著。内蒙古农科院马铃薯小作物所在原有研究工作的基础上,在UNDP及农业部两项目的资助下,对脱毒小薯快速繁育的一些关键技术措施进行了系统的研究。现已研究出一套快速繁育脱毒小薯的生产技术:试管苗采用简化培养基切段快繁,脱毒苗剪枝扦插快速育苗,基础苗以蛭石为基质采用A2营养液4d浇灌1次或6d1次,以肥土为基质网室栽植育成的脱毒苗密度3万株/hm2左右,56d收获,收后栽于原地可再收脱毒小薯1~2次;并于8月上旬有翅桃蚜迁飞极盛期前割蔓,提早收获,以防止桃蚜危害并可预防晚疫病发生。采取这些配套的快速、丰产、低成本、优质的繁育技术措施,可为规模化生产脱毒种薯提供大批量的10g左右的优质脱毒小薯(原原种)。  相似文献   

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