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许志斌  杨国虎 《种子》1997,(6):21-23
被测的两个同源自交系和相配的两个姊妹种.系与系之间、系与姊妹种之间、姊妹种之间(正反交)产量差异都不显著、而产量之间的差异主要是由于测验种之间的差异造成的。配合力测定结果.两个同源自交系和两个姊妹种中,系与系之间,系与姊妹种之间,两个姊妹种之间一般配合力差异不显著,说明利用配合力差异不显著的姊妹种替代自交系是可以作为杂交亲本生产种子的。  相似文献   

Root system architecture is important for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) adaptability to diverse environments. Beans employ complex adaptive root mechanisms for coping with multiple stresses in production environments. Understanding genetic control of root traits is central to improvement of common bean for adaptation to marginal environments. The objectives of this study were to (i) determine combining ability of root and agronomic traits and (ii) estimate the heritability and genetic correlation of root and agronomic traits in common bean. Four bean lines with superior root traits were crossed with four locally adapted varieties in a North Carolina II mating scheme to generate 16 crosses. The 16 F1s were selfed and advanced to F2 generation. Eight parents and their F2 progenies were evaluated in an alpha-Lattice design with two replications. General and specific combing ability mean squares were significant (p ≤ .05) for all traits measured. General predictability ratios ranged from .47 to .68 across locations suggesting that both additive and non-additive gene action modulate root traits and seed yield. Positive and significant (p ≤ .05) phenotypic and genetic correlations revealed significant association between root traits and yield. Moderate to high heritability estimates of between .43 and .67 were realized. Such estimates point to possible deployment of a successful selection programme. Genotype AFR398 displayed significant positive GCA effects among its crosses for both root and agronomic traits hence a potential candidate genotype for inclusion in a bean genetic improvement programme for marginal environments.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess which environmental factors (local, season or years) are the most important to contribute for the interactions with genotypes of common black beans and to verify the existence of genotypes with broad and/or specific adaptation to the diverse planting seasons in Central Brazil. Data of grain yields for 13 genotypes in 18 field trials used for cultivar registration were utilized, across 2?years (2003 and 2004). Analyses of variance were carried out with decomposition of the genotype x environment interactions. Firstly, data of 18 trials were used, allowing a partial isolation of factors and, subsequently, eight trials were used to allow a complete isolation of the factors. The genotype x sowing seasons (R2?=?4.2?%) and genotype x year (R2?=?4.1?%) interactions were of the greatest important, while genotype x location was less important (R2?=?3.0?%). It was concluded that is more important to conduct evaluations of genotypes in different seasons and years rather than in different locations. The majority of the genotypes tested presented specific adaptation, although it was possible to identify superior lines with wide adaptation.  相似文献   

A partial diallel set of crosses was made between 14 potato cultivars chosen for their fertility, from those included in a potato breeding programme at the NEIKER – Basque Institute for Agricultural Research. The progeny were grown in completely randomized trials from 1997 to 1999. Performance for yield, tuber number and average tuber weight was analysed in seedling and two clonal generations. Variance estimates due to both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were significant in all generations for all traits under study. However, SCA was more important than GCA in almost all cases. Correlation coefficients among characters, generations, GCA and SCA effects were examined. For tuber yield no relation was obtained between generations; however, average tuber weight and yield were positively associated in all generations. The results indicate that appropriate selection criteria depend strongly on the particular cross. The implication for a breeding strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Ten F1's obtained from crosses among five common bean genotypes of Andean (WAF 15, Mineiro Precoce and Batatinha) and Middle American (BAT 304 and Ouro) gene pools were assessed for their combining abilities for root nodulation with Rhizobium tropici strain CIAT 899. The plants were grown under controlled conditions and evaluated for number of nodules per plant (NN), nodule dry weight (NDW), mean nodule weight (MNW) and plant fresh weight (PFW). The subdivision of the treatment effects on the general (GCA) and specific combining effects (SCA) were performed according to Griffing's diallel analysis method 2, model 1. The analyses of variance and estimates of quadratic components showed that non-additive gene effects were more important in the expression of NN and PFW, whereas additive gene effect was predominant for NDW and MNW. A close association was observed between high number of nodules and GCA. Generally, crosses involving parents of different gene pools yielded hybrids with high positive estimates of SCA for all assessed traits. The genotypes of Andean origin WAF 15 and Mineiro Precoce are the most promising parents for breeding programs to increase NN and NDW in common beans. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Five parents from each of four race groups of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were hybridized to produce five crosses within each group. Also, five crosses were made for each of the six possible combinations among four groups. Parents, F1 and F2, and parents, F2 and F3 were evaluated for seed yield in 1990 and 1991, respecitively, at two locations in Colombia.Yield of parents belonging to Middle American races and crosses among them was higher than that of races of Andean origin. Positive correlations were found among the mid-parent value, F1, F2 and F3. Also, the mid-parent value predicted the mean seed yield of all possible lines that could be derived from the F-generation in 42 out of 47 crosses. Four crosses, all between common bean races of Andean and Middle American origin, indicated a possible loss of favorable epistatic parental alleles. On average, mean yield of interracial F1 hybrids was higher than that of intraracial ones.Positive heteroris (26.4%–123.8%) over the mid-parent in 31 crosses, and F1s yielding higher (23.7%–91.8%) than the high parent in 20 crosses and yielding higher (22.1%–53.2%) than the highest control among all parents (MAM 13) in 12 crosses, were found. Heritability, estimated by the parent-offspring regression, ranged from 0.42± 0.07 to 0.49±0.04. Expected and realized gains from selection (at 20% selection pressure) ranged from 10.3% to 21.0% over the mean of F1 hybrids and F2 and F3 population bulks.  相似文献   

Eight-parental diallel cross and SSR molecular markers were used to determine the combining ability of common wheat lines grown under well-watered (WW) and water-stress (WS) conditions. Analysis of variance of yield indicated highly significant differences among the progenies. General combining ability (GCA) determined most of the differences among the crosses. Specific combing ability (SCA) was also significant but less important. The estimates of GCA effects indicated that one line was the best general combiner for grain yield under drought. Neis genetic distance, measured using SSR markers, differed from 0.20 to 0.48 among the eight genotypes. The correlation of Neis genetic distance with SCA for grain yield and heterosis ranged from 0.4 to 0.5. These results indicate that the level of SCA and heterosis depends on the level of genetic diversity between the wheat genotypes examined. Microsatellite markers were effective in predicting the mean and the variance of SCA in various cultivars combinations. However, selection of crosses solely on microsatellite data would miss superior combinations.  相似文献   

Evaluation of 397 common bean accessions of diverse origin revealed the presence of effective sources of resistance against bean common mosaic potyvirus strains prevalent in Himachal Pradesh, a north-western Himalayan state of India. 21 accessions viz., KR 7, KR 225, KR 295, KRC 4, KRC 7, KRC 11, KRC 12, KRC 13, KRC 16, KRC 22, Amanda, Black Turtle Soup, Contender, Hans, Great Northern UI 123, Improved Tender Green 40031, Jubila, Kentucky wonder, Monroe, Premier and Sanilac, were found resistant to NL-1n and NL-7n strains. Some of the genotypes showed strain specific resistance. Pattern of inheritance studied in Hans, Contender, KRC 4 and KRC 22 of Indian origin against strain NL-1n revealed that single dominant gene governed the resistance in Hans and Contender whereas single recessive gene determined the resistance in KRC 22 and KRC 4. SCAR marker SW13690 amplified a product of 690 bp in Hans and Contender, confirmed the presence of I gene in these cultivars. The implications of above genes in breeding for programme for BCMV resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Large experiments and breeding trials are often conducted over years, seasons (or planting dates), and locations, and with replication (blocks). This is costly and time-consuming, but it is usually deemed necessary to sample a range of environments. In this paper, we describe a general approach to optimum allocation of sampling effort, and apply it to once-over-harvest cucumber trials. Two criteria for optimality are considered: minimizing the variance of a genotype (or treatment) mean, and minimizing cost per unit information. Costs could include penalties for delaying a breeding program. Thus, costs may depend on the goal, as well as the size, of the experiment or breeding trial.We found that efficient allocation of resources favors using more years and/or season, with fewer locations and/or replications. Using more years with fewer locations and/or replications is suggested when genotypes are to be evaluated by yield alone. When both yield and quality variables are of interest, as is likely, using more seasons with fewer locations and/or replications is recommended.Paper No. 11302 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 27695–7601.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans was monitored in field plots of potato genotypes selected from population A of the International Potato Center (CIP) germplasm collection. Disease severity was measured as percent blighted leaf area and used to compute area under disease progress curves (AUDPC), apparent infection rates (r) and severity at epidemic onset (Yo). AUDPCs revealed more distinct differences among the genotypes than any other disease assessment parameter. Percent disease severity measured 67–77 days after planting (D67-77)explained more variation in AUDPCs than measurements made on any other single day. Increase in percent diseased leaves fit the monomolecular model more closely than the Gompertz, logistic or exponential model. All disease assessment parameters varied among the genotypes and were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with each other. Genotypes with larger AUDPCs generally had higher DS67-77 and faster rates of disease increase (r). Clones 386191.7 and381403.23 were more susceptible to late blight than all other entries tested. The lowest disease levels were observed on clone 382155.2. Frequency distribution of AUDPCs among genotypes appeared continuous and did not differ significantly (p <0.05)from normal distribution suggesting the observed resistance may be attributable to minor genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Three multilines each of Kalyansona and PV 18 varieties of wheat were compared for their stability of yield and agronomic characters and disease resistance against the respective recurrent parents. The experiments were conducted for four years at nine locations.The multilines had more tillers and bolder seeds than the recurrent parents. There were, however, no differences for plant height, ear length and number of spikelets per spike.The genotypes x years x locations interaction was much more important than genotypes x years or genotypes x locations interaction as well as the main effects for genotypes. It is suggested that the number of test locations should be increased while decreasing the number of years.The stability parameters indicated that the multilines had a higher mean yield in the case of Kalyansona multilines whereas the yield of multilines of PV 18 was not significantly inferior to that of the recurrent parent. The regression coefficients were very close to unity except for KSML 3 (b=1.132). The deviations from regression were much larger for the multilines than for the recurrent parents.For rust resistance the multilines were superior over the varieties Kalyansona and PV 18.This is publication No. 9 of the series Studies on multilines in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  相似文献   

Summary In common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) the diaphorase (DIA) allozyme variant Diap-2 105 is frequently present in plants with upright, type II plant architecture. The genetic relationship between upright plant architecture and Diap-2 105 was investigated in eight F2 populations derived from crosses between navy bean and pinto bean parental lines differing for type I, II, and III growth habit and DIA genotype. Segregation at the Diap-2 locus followed the expected 1:2:1 ratio in all eight F2 populations and when pooled across F2 populations. F2 data from 1345 individuals indicated that plant architecture and the Diap-2 locus are not linked (r=0.03, P=0.333). However, the Diap-2 105 allozyme was present in 71% of advanced navy, pinto, and great northern genotypes with type II plant architecture. Due to random drift, Diap-2 105, initially associated with type II architecture through founder effect, may be maintained in such genotypes without providing greater fitness or without being associated with a locus or linked loci governing upright plant architecture.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew can cause severe yield losses in bean crops. Limited information about resistance sources, and nature and inheritance of resistance are available to bean breeders and plant pathologist. Sources of resistance were searched in seedling tests under controlled conditions in 44 well-known genotypes and in a Spanish germplasm core collection consisting on 201 accessions. A 0–4 scale was used to describe the infection types (IT) observed. Only six out of the 245 evaluated genotypes showed a complete resistance (IT0) without visible symptoms on the leaves: Amanda, Belneb, Cornell 49242, Negro San Luis, Porrillo Sintetico and the local accession BGE003161. Inheritance of resistance was studied in F2 and F2:3 segregating populations. Observed reactions in the five segregating populations fitted to Mendelian ratios with different modes of inheritance. Results revealed that cultivar Porrillo Sintetico carries two dominant and independent resistance genes: one gene conferring complete resistance (IT0), and another gene conferring IT3, characterized by a moderate mycelial development on the leaves. Both genes show a dominant epistatic relationship. Inheritance of response to powdery mildew in cv. Cornell 49242 was similar to cv. Porrillo Sintetico although the correspondence with the genes described in Porrillo Sintetico was not established. Line X2776 carries one dominant gene conferring IT3, and shares this gene with cv. Porrillo Sintetico. In cv. Amanda, two complementary genes appear to be involved in resistance to this fungus. This information will be relevant for the implementation of breeding programs focused on the development of cultivars carrying genetic resistance to powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is grown in regions where water deficits during reproductive development significantly reduce yield. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of specific phenological and physiological traits with drought resistance in common bean. Five genotypes were grown under and near a rain shelter in 1988, and an additional 16 progeny lines were included in 1990. Drought stress determined by the drought intensity index was severe (0.78) in 1988 and more moderate (0.63) in 1990. Water stress reduced the expression of most traits with the exception of days to flower and leaf moisture retention capacity. Seed yield among genotypes was reduced from 22 to 71% due to drought. Yield under stress was correlated with yield under nonstress in 1990 and negatively correlated with the drought susceptibility index in 1988. Yield components which exhibited the largest differential genotypic responses to stress were pod and seed number, whereas seed size was more stable. Genotypic variation was detected in all the partitioning indexes, chiefly harvest index and relative sink strength, and the heritability estimates for these traits were high. The limited genetic variability observed among water relations traits and their role in water conservation would restrict their potential use in the selection for drought resistance in common bean. The differential correlations between phenological, biomass and partitioning traits and the indexes for yield and drought susceptibility would suggest that the most effective approach in breeding for drought resistance in common bean would be based first on selection for high geometric yield followed by selection among the high-yielding individuals for low to moderate levels of the drought susceptibility index. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Combining ability of seed vigor and seed yield in soybean   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Youngkoo Cho  Roy A. Scott 《Euphytica》2000,112(2):145-150
Studies have shown no consensus in relationships between seed yield and vigor in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. The lack of information regarding the inheritance of seed vigor prompted this study to determine the types of gene action and combining ability estimates for seed vigor and its related traits. Five high and six low seed vigor soybean genotypes were crossed in a diallel, and selfed to produce 55 F2 progenies, which were examined, along with the parents, for seed vigor, yield, and seed weight. Significant genotype and environment effects were found for seed vigor and yield. General combining ability (GCA) effects for seed vigor and seed yield were significant (p≤ 0.01) and larger than specific combining ability (SCA) effects. Significant GCA and SCA effects were found for seed weight, indicating that both additive and non additive genetic effects were involved in conditioning seed weight. The ratios of mean square, 2GCA / (2GCA+SCA), were 0.96 for seed vigor and 0.93 for seed yield. These ratios indicated that additive gene effects were more important than non additive gene effects for seed vigor and seed yield in these crosses. Mean seed vigor(83.8%), as determined by accelerated aging germination, and mean seed yield (2,155 kg ha-1)in high vigor × high vigor crosses were higher than the high vigor × low vigor and low vigor × low vigor crosses. Mean percent accelerated aging germination rates in F2 populations from diallel crosses were significantly related to mid-parent seed vigor(r2 = 0.52**) and midparent seed size (r2 = 0.31**). These results indicated that levels of seed vigor can be improved through breeding, while maintaining high yields because of the predominance of GCA effects in both seed vigor and seed yield. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Choosing germplasm based on elite and diverse genetic sources is essential for the genetic improvement of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the agronomic and economic potential of maize population and single-cross hybrids and whether significant maternal (ME) and reciprocal effects (RE) reside in elite population hybrids for seed production purposes. Seven elite maize populations currently under recurrent selection at North Dakota State University (NDSU) [NDSCD(M-S)C11, NDSAB(MER-FS)C14, BS21(R)C7, BS22(R)C7, LEAMING(S)C4, CGL(S1-S2)C5 and CGSS(S1-S2)C5] were crossed in a diallel mating design to form 42 population hybrids, including their reciprocals. The 42 population hybrids with eight single-cross hybrids were evaluated at six U.S. North Central locations in 2005. Data collected across locations indicated that differences across genotypes were significant (P ≤ 0.05) for all traits observed, except for grain yield ear components. General combining ability (GCA) effects were on average larger than specific combining ability (SCA) effects. ME and RE were not significant for all traits, except for ear height. The large grain yield differences between macro-environments were reflected in the ranking of genotypes, with BS21(R)C7 × BS22(R)C7 being the top performer in eastern environments and CGSS(S1-S2)C5 × NDSAB(MER-FS)C14 being the top one across western environments where drought is the major limitation. The increased ethanol production and demand from maize make test weight (and grain quality), earliness, lodging resistance, and drought tolerance as important as grain yield for maintaining a sustainable maize-ethanol relationship. Part of the thesis submitted by McDonald B. Jumbo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a MS degree at North Dakota State University.  相似文献   

Dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important grain legume for small-scale farmers in eastern Africa who nonetheless, grow beans with limited phosphorus (P) fertilizer supply or none at all. Phosphorus rank second, after nitrogen (N), as the most limiting soil nutrient in bean production in East African soils. This study was conducted to determine combining ability for five polygenic traits in the red mottled, large seeded bean market class, under low and high soil P conditions and two locations. Three parents tolerant to low soil P were hybridized with five well adapted, but non-low P tolerant lines in a diallel mating scheme. The resulting 28 F1 hybrids were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications, under low and high soil P conditions at two sites. There were highly significant (P ≤ 0.001) differences among the genotypes for all the traits under all the study conditions. The GCA mean squares were highly significant (P ≤ 0.001) for these traits, indicating importance of additive effects for both study conditions and sites. The GCA × Environment and SCA × Environment were significant for all the parameters and test conditions. CAL143 had positive GCA effects that were significant; except for 100-seed weight under P stress; for all the traits and under all the study conditions. The negative GCA effects for the none P tolerant parents indicate that they impacted positively in imparting earliness.  相似文献   

S. Liu    K. Yu    S. J. Park 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(1):62-68
Common bacterial blight (CBB) of common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.), is one of the major diseases that decrease yield and quality. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for CBB resistance from line XAN 159 was transferred into two bean lines, HR45 and HR67. Previous studies identified that two markers are linked to this QTL but the chromosome location was not consistent. To identify more tightly linked markers and to verify the chromosome location, 65 additional markers were mapped using 81 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross HR67 × OAC95-4. The QTL was mapped to a 13 cM region on chromosome 1 and defined by eight molecular markers that explained 25–52% of the phenotypic variation. Six tightly linked amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (0.6–9.7 cM from the QTL peak) were converted into seven sequence tagged site markers, three of which were mapped to this QTL. Five tightly linked markers were used to screen 907 F2 plants derived from a cross HR45 × 'OAC Rex' and four of them were linked to each other within 4.2 cM. These markers may be useful in marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning of this major QTL.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume, cultivated by small farmers and is usually exposed to unfavorable conditions with minimum use of inputs. Drought and low soil fertility, especially phosphorus and nitrogen (N) deficiencies, are major limitations to bean yield in smallholder systems. Beans can derive part of their required N from the atmosphere through symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF). Drought stress severely limits SNF ability of plants. The main objectives of this study were to: (i) test and validate the use of 15N natural abundance in grain to quantify phenotypic differences in SNF ability for its implementation in breeding programs of common bean with bush growth habit aiming to improve SNF, and (ii) quantify phenotypic differences in SNF under drought to identify superior genotypes that could serve as parents. Field studies were conducted at CIAT-Palmira, Colombia using a set of 36 bean genotypes belonging to the Middle American gene pool for evaluation in two seasons with two levels of water supply (irrigated and drought stress). We used 15N natural abundance method to compare SNF ability estimated from shoot tissue sampled at mid-pod filling growth stage vs. grain tissue sampled at harvest. Our results showed positive and significant correlation between nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) estimated using shoot tissue at mid-pod filling and %Ndfa estimated using grain tissue at harvest. Both methods showed phenotypic variability in SNF ability under both drought and irrigated conditions and a significant reduction in SNF ability was observed under drought stress. We suggest that the method of estimating Ndfa using grain tissue (Ndfa-G) could be applied in bean breeding programs to improve SNF ability. Using this method of Ndfa-G, we identified four bean lines (RCB 593, SEA 15, NCB 226 and BFS 29) that combine greater SNF ability with greater grain yield under drought stress and these could serve as potential parents to further improve SNF ability of common bean.  相似文献   

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