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Investigation of cotton nutritional components is important because its seeds provide a useful nutritional profile and can possibly serve as a biofuel resource. In this study, five cultivars, 13 cotton chromosome substitution (CS-B) lines, their donor parent, '3-79', and their recurrent parent, 'TM-1', were evaluated for seed traits over four environments. A mixed linear model approach with the jackknife method was employed to estimate variance components and to predict genotypic effects for each seed trait. Genotypic effects were more important than genotype by environment interaction for all seed traits. Chromosome associations with these seed traits were detected using the comparative method by comparing the differences between each CS-B line and TM-1. For example, chromosome 4 of 3-79 in TM-1 background was associated with reduced seed index (SI), embryo percentage, protein percentage while associated with increased seed oil percentage and seed fiber percentage. Other chromosome associations with these seed traits were also observed in this study. SI was highly correlated with three seed index traits: seed protein index, seed oil index (OI), and seed fiber index. Lint percentage, boll number, and lint yield were positively correlated with protein percentage while negatively correlated with SI and OI. SI and seed fiber content exhibited negative correlations with micronaire but positive correlations with fiber length and strength. Results suggested that agronomic traits and seed nutrition components can be improved simultaneously.  相似文献   

Using three varieties of Brassica rapa, cv. Hauarad (accession 708), cv. Maoshan-3 (714) and cv. Youbai (715), as the maternal plants and one variety of B. oleracea cv. Jingfeng-1 (6012) as the paternal plant, crosses were made to produce interspecific hybrids through ovary culture techniques. A better response of seed formation was observed when ovaries were cultured in vitro at 9–12 days after pollination on the basal MS and B5 media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and naphthylacetic acid (NAA). The best response was observed for cross 714×6012 with the rate of seeds per ovary reaching 43.0%. Seeds for cross 715×6012 showed the best germination response (66.7%) on the regeneration medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.05 mg l–1 NAA). In all three cross combinations, good response in terms of root number and length of plants was observed on the root induction medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.1 mg l–1 NAA). A better response was observed for the regenerated plants cultured for 14 days than for 7 days. The ovary-derived plants with well-developed root system were hardened for 8 days and their survival rate reached over 80%. Cytological studies showed that the chromosome number of all plants tested was 19 (the sum of both parents), indicating that these regenerated plants were all true hybrids of B. rapa (n = 10) × B. oleracea (n = 9). The regenerated plants were doubled with colchicine treatment, and the best response in the crosses 708×6012, 714×6012 and 715×6012 was observed when treated with 170 mg l–1 colchicine for up to 30 h and their doubling frequency reached 52, 56 and 62%, respectively.  相似文献   

Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) combined with SSRs, RAPDs, and RGAPs was used to construct a high density genetic map for a F2 population derived from the cross DH962 (G. hirsutum accession) × Jimian5 (G. hirsutum cultivar). A total of 4,096 SRAP primer combinations, 6310 SSRs, 600 RAPDs, and 10 RGAPs produced 331, 156, 17 and 2 polymorphic loci, respectively. Among the 506 loci obtained, 471 loci (309 SRAPs, 144 SSRs, 16 RAPDs and 2 RGAPs) were assigned to 51 linkage groups. Of these, 29 linkage groups were assigned to corresponding chromosomes by SSR markers with known chromosome locations. The map covered 3070.2 cM with a mean density of 6.5 cM per locus. The segregation distortion in this population was 9.49%, and these distorted loci tend to cluster at the end of linkage groups or in minor clusters on linkage groups. The majority of SRAPs in this map provided an effective tool for map construction in G. hirsutum despite of its low polymorphism. This high-density linkage map will be useful for further genetic studies in Upland cotton, including mapping of loci controlling quantitative traits, and comparative and integrative analysis with other interspecific and intraspecific linkage maps in cotton.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW, Verticillium dahliae) is a worldwide destructive soil-borne fungal disease and employment of VW resistant cultivars is the most economic and efficient method in sustainable cotton production. However, information concerning VW resistance in current commercial cotton cultivars and transfer of VW resistance from Pima (Gossypium barbadense) to Upland (Gossypium hirsutum) cotton is lacking. The objective of the current study was to report findings in evaluating commercial cotton cultivars and germplasm lines for VW resistance in field and greenhouse (GH) experiments conducted in 2003, 2006, and 2007. In the study, 267 cultivars and germplasm lines were screened in the GH, while 357 genotypes were screened in the field. The results indicated that (1) VW significantly reduced cotton yield, lint percentage, 50% span length and micronaire, but not 2.5% span length and fiber strength, when healthy and diseased plants in 23 cultivars were compared; (2) some commercial cotton cultivars developed by major cotton seed companies in the US displayed good VW resistance; (3) many Acala cotton cultivars released in the past also had good VW resistance, but not all Acala cotton germplasm are resistant; (4) Pima cotton possessed higher levels of VW resistance than Upland cotton, but the performance was reversed when the root system was wounded after inoculation; (5) VW resistance in some conventional cultivars was transferred into their transgenic version through backcrossing; and (6) some advanced backcross inbred lines developed from a cross between Upland and Pima cotton showed good VW resistance. The successful development of VW resistant transgenic cultivars and transfer of VW resistance from Pima to Upland cotton implies that VW resistance is associated with a few genes if not a major one.  相似文献   

One approach to improve cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield is to identify stable genotypes for low or no bollworms damage as it accounts low cost of cultivation to a considerable extent. The objective of the study was to identify stable genotypes for low bollworms damage under protected and unprotected experiments. Fifty cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes were evaluated for open bollworms damage percent (spotted, pink and Heliothis bollworms) for 3 years during 2003–2005 under protected and unprotected conditions. Variance due to genotypes, environments, genotype × environment and genotype × environment (linear) components were highly significant for the trait in protected and unprotected experiments. Under protected experiment, genotypes CSH 3020 and 3045 were found to be desirable and stable while genotype CSH 3058 was suited for poor environments. Fourteen genotypes viz. CSH 3034, 3035, 3043, 3044, 3047, 3051, 3053, 3058, 3059, 3094, 3106, 3114, 3123 and CSH-3157 were fairly stable under unprotected environments. The study lead to the conclude that in general for the two experiments the genotypes differed for stability for low bollworms damage.  相似文献   

Crosses between Gossypium barbadense L and Gossypium hirsutum L. (Upland cotton) have produced limited success in introgressing fiber quality genes into the latter. Chromosome substitution lines (CSBL) have complete chromosomes or chromosome arms from G. barbadense, line 3-79, substituted for the corresponding chromosome or arms in G. hirsutum in a near isogenic background of TM-1. We top crossed nine CSBL and their parents (TM-1 and 3-79) with five cultivars. Parental lines and their F2 populations were evaluated in four environments for agronomic and fiber quality traits. The CSBL and their F2 hybrids showed wide ranges for both agronomic and fiber traits of economic importance. Genetic analysis showed that additive variances were larger than dominance variances for lint percentage, boll weight, lint yield, fiber length, strength, elongation, micronaire, and yellowness; whereas, dominance variances were larger than additive variances only for uniformity of fiber length and equal for fiber reflectance. For all traits, except boll weight and lint yield, significant additive effects of one or more chromosomes from 3-79 in TM-1 background were greater than the corresponding TM-1 chromosome. In addition, we identified specific chromosomes from G. barbadense (3-79) that carry alleles for improvements in specific fiber quality traits in Upland cotton. Favorable additive effects of individual chromosomes or chromosome segments from 3-79 relative to corresponding chromosomes or chromosomes segments from TM-1 were identified in this study as follows: Lint percentage, chromosome/arms 10, 16-15; longer fibers, chromosome/arms 01, 11sh, 26Lo; more uniform fibers, chromosomes/arms 01, 11sh, 10, 17-11; stronger fibers, chromosome/arms 01, 11sh, 12sh, 26Lo, 17-11; fiber elongation, chromosomes/arms 01, 11sh, 26Lo, 10, 17-11; reduced fiber micronaire, chromosome/arms 01, 12sh, 4-15, 16-15, 17-11; fibers with more reflectance, chromosome/arms 10, 4-15, 16-15, 17-11; fiber with less yellowness, chromosome arms 4-15, 17-11. Based on the present study, we concluded that by using CSBL, favorable fiber quality alleles can be introgressed into Upland cotton, thus greatly improving the breeder’s ability for improvement of Upland cotton for a variety of traits. These data should provide useful genetic information to the cotton breeding industry at large.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids were developed between Trifolium alexandrinum cultivar Wardan × Trifolium vesiculosum and T. alexandrinum cultivar BL1 × T. vesiculosum through embryo rescue, as the crosses failed to set seed under natural conditions. Trifolium vesiculosum was used as a donor/male parent in this study as it is reported to possess tolerance to stem rot and high forage yield. Fertilization in crossed florets of the crosses was manifested from the recovery of swollen ovaries (< 7.80%) and confirmed from the presence of one degenerated ovule in most (> 93.00%) of the swollen ovaries. The hybrid embryos at various developmental stages (heart, torpedo and cotyledonary) were rescued at a frequency of 2.56% from Wardan × T. vesiculosum and 6.12% from BL1 × T. vesiculosum. Differentiation occurred only in the cotyledonary stage embryos, resulting in 17 putative interspecific hybrid plantlets. The assessment of plantlet hybridity through SSR markers (for the alleles inherited from the donor parent), micromorphological leaf traits (leaf texture and stomata) and morphological characters (plant height, leaflet length and width) confirmed production of two interspecific hybrids designated as AV1 and BV3 representing both the crosses. AV1 displayed moderate resistance and BV3 was resistant to stem rot.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization was carried out between Lilium longiflorum and L. lophophorum var. linearifolium by using the cut style method of pollination, as a contrast, intraspecific hybridization between L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ and L. longiflorum was also made, but no mature seeds and offspring were obtained from the two combinations under in vivo condition. Ovules excised from each carpel 5–35 days after pollination (DAP) were cultured on B5 or half-strength B5 medium containing sucrose at different concentrations in vitro. In L. longiflorum × L. lophophorum var. linearifolium, only 1.17% of ovules excised at 10 DAP developed into seedlings, and in L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ × L. longiflorum, only 0.99% of ovules excised at 25 DAP developed into seedlings; none of the ovules excised at other different DAP in the two cross combinations produced any seedlings. The results showed that interspecific hybridization had a more serious post-fertilization barrier than the intraspecific hybridization, and that a lower concentration (3%) of sucrose led to better embryo development and higher percentage of seedlings in ovule cultures. All hybrid seedlings obtained were successfully transplanted to soil and grew normally. The progenies investigated were identified as true hybrids based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis.  相似文献   

Developing chromosome segments substitution lines (CSSLs) is an effective method for broadening the cotton germplasm resource, and improving the fiber quality and yield traits. In this study, the 1054 F2 individual plants and 116 F2:3 lineages were generated from the two parents of MBI9749 and MBI9915 selected from BC5F3:5 lines which originated from hybridization of CCRI36 and Hai1, and advanced backcrossing and repeated selfing. Genotypes of the parents and F2 population were analyzed. The results showed that 19 segments were introgressed for MBI9749 and 12 segments were introgressed for MBI9915, distributing on 17 linkage groups. The average background recovery rate to the recurrent parent CCRI36 was 96.70% for the two parents. An average of 16.46 segments was introgressed in F2 population. The average recovery rate of 1054 individual plants was 96.85%, and the mean length of sea island introgression segments was 157.18 cM, accounting for 3.15% of detection length. QTL mapping analysis detected 22 QTLs associated with fiber quality and yield traits in the F2 and F2:3 populations. These QTLs distributed on seven chromosomes, and the phenotypic variation was explained ranging from 1.20 to 14.61%. Four stable QTLs were detected in F2 and F2:3 populations, simultaneously. We found that eight QTLs were in agreement with the previous research. Six QTL-clusters were identified for fiber quality and yield traits, in which five QTL-clusters were on chromosome20. The results indicated that most of QTL-clusters always improve the fiber quality and have negative additive effect for yield related traits. This study demonstrated that CSSLs provide basis for fine mapping of the fiber quality and yield traits in future, and could be efficiently used for pyramiding favourable alleles to develop the new germplasms for breeding by molecular marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

A phytase gene (phyA), isolated from Aspergillus ficuum (AF537344), was introduced into cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to increase the phosphorus (P) acquisition efficiency of cotton. Southern and Northern blot analyses showed that the phyA was successfully incorporated into the cotton genome and expressed in transgenic lines. After growing for 45 days with phytate (Po) as the only P source, the shoot and root dry weights of the transgenic plants all increased by nearly 2.0-fold relative to those of wild-type plants, but were similar to those of transgenic plants supplied with inorganic phosphorus. The phytase activities of root extracts prepared from transgenic plants were 2.4- to 3.6-fold higher than those from wild-type plants, and the extracellular phytase activities of transgenic plants were also 4.2- to 6.3-fold higher. Furthermore, the expressed phytase was secreted into the rhizospheres as demonstrated by enzyme activity staining. The transgenic plants accumulated much higher contents of total P (up to 2.1-fold after 30 days of growth) than the wild-type plants when supplied with Po. These findings clearly showed that cotton plant transformed with a fungal phytase gene was able to secret the enzyme from the root, which markedly improved the plant’s ability to utilize P from phytate. This may serve as a promising step toward the development of new cotton cultivars with improved phosphorus acquisition.  相似文献   

The genus Psidium includes important fruit crops. However, there are very few studies focusing on its reproductive biology, which limits the establishment of breeding programs. The present work investigated the reproductive biology of Psidium guajava and Psidium cattleianum in terms of compatibility of crossings between these two species aiming at interspecific hybridization because the latter species is an important source of resistance against the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii. Several types of crosses were performed to understand the reproductive biology of these species, including the compatibility of intra- and interspecific crossings, using assisted in vivo germination of pollen grains on the stigma. In addition, the in vitro germination of both Psidium species was studied at different stages of fruit development to rescue young seeds to improve the chances of obtaining the hybrids. No fruits of 270 pollinations were obtained on guava buds at the pre-anthesis stage, regardless of the source of the pollen grain and the cultivar used as female genotype. Microscopic analyzes demonstrated the germination of pollen grains and pollen tube growth at crosses between guava cv. ‘Pedro Sato’ (P. guajava) and Psidium cattleianum. High germination percentages of Psidium cattleianum seeds were obtained in MS medium without sucrose or containing 15 g/L of this carbohydrate.  相似文献   

The usual practice of estimating association and direct and indirect effects among various traits in Gossypium hirsutum is with ungrouped genetic material based on staple length and strength. During 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 genotypic and phenotypic association among ten characters were estimated in G. hirsutum genotypes: (i) set-1: 10 genotypes of low fibre strength (≤196.2 mN/tex) and medium staple length (≤25.0 mm), (ii) set-2: 10 genotypes of high fibre strength (≥235.44 mN/tex) and long staple length (≥28 mm) and (iii) set-3: 20 genotypes of set-1 and 2. The differences in the estimates of associations, direct and indirect effects for different characters in fibre quality groups were examined. The complete analysis of variance for the characters under study viz; days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm), number of monopodial and sympodial branches per plant, seed cotton yield per plant (g), boll weight (g), total number of bolls per plant, lint %, 2.5% span length (mm) and fibre strength (mN/tex) indicated highly significant genotypic differences for genotypes, years and genotype × years interaction. Variation within medium staple length and low strength (set-1), high staple length and high strength genotypes (set-2) and their interaction with year were also significant. Medium staple length and low strength (set-1) versus high staple length and high strength component (set-2) was significant for all the traits indicating significant variability between the sets. A true relationship and direct selection were observed for days to 50% flowering, number of monopodial and sympodial branches per plant with seed cotton yield in the three sets suggesting that separation of genetic material based on staple length and fibre strength for improvement of seed cotton yield through these traits is not required. Magnitude and direction of direct effect and association with yield of the other traits; plant height, number of total bolls per plant, boll weight, lint %, staple length and fibre strength differed between the sets. This study concluded that more successful planning of a breeding programme can be made through path coefficient analysis if the genetic material is grouped based on staple length and fibre strength. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The germplasm with exotic genomic components especially from Sea Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L. Gb) is the dominant genetic resources to enhance fiber quality of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L., Gh). Due to low efficiency of phenotypic evaluation and selection on fiber quality, genetic dissection of favorable alleles using molecular markers is essential. Genetic dissection on putative Gb introgressions related to fiber traits were conducted by SSR markers with mapping populations derived from a cross between Luyuan343 (LY343), a superior fiber quality introgression line (IL) with genomic components from Gb, and an elite Upland cotton cv. Lumianyan#22 (LMY22). Among 82 polymorphic loci screened out from 4050 SSRs, 42 were identified as putative introgression alleles. A total of 29 fiber-related QTLs (23 for fiber quality and six for lint percentage) were detected and most of which clustered on the putative Gb introgression chromosomal segments of Chr.2, Chr.16, Chr.23 and Chr.25. As expected, a majority of favorable alleles of fiber quality QTLs (12/17, not considering the QTLs for fiber fineness) came from the IL parent and most of which (11/12) were conferred by the introgression genomic components while three of the six (3/6) favorable alleles for lint percentage came from the Gh parent. Validation of these QTLs using an F8 breeding population from the same cross made previously indicated that 13 out of 29 QTLs showed considerable stability. The results suggest that fiber quality improvement using the introgression components could be facilitated by marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding program.  相似文献   

Successful identification of homozygous and heterozygous transgenic plant with currently available techniques such as southern blot hybridization, dot blot hybridization, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and so on, demands tedious and time-consuming procedures with a high proportion of ambiguous results. Real-time PCR is a quantitative and extremely precise method with high throughput that could be applied to the analysis of large number of plants differing only by a factor of two in the amount of target sequences. In the present study, we determined zygosity level of transgenes in cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L.] with two zygosity assays, based on TaqMan technology that uses a fluorogenic probe which hybridizes to a PCR target sequence flanked by primers. TPS, a single copy gene per haploid Gossypium hirsutum genome was used as the endogenous reference to estimate copy number of transgene. Both assays were accurate and reproducible in determination of the number of transgenes present in a cell line. These methods are standard curves and Delta delta C t method.  相似文献   

In this research, we used two sets of cotton aneuploid (G. hirsutum × G. tomentosum and G. hirsutum × G. barbadense) plants to locate AFLP markers to chromosomes using deletion analysis method. Thirty-eight primer combinations were used to generate 608 polymorphic AFLP markers. A total of 98 AFLP markers were assigned to 22 different cotton chromosomes or chromosome arms. Of those assigned markers, 63.3% were assigned to A genome and 36.7% were assigned to D genome. A low rate (14.3%) of common markers were found between those assigned AFLP markers with the AFLP markers from an intraspecific cross population developed previous in our lab. Based on the 16 common markers, we were able to associate the 13 linkage groups previously identified in our lab to eight chromosomes. Further research will be carried out by using SSR markers with known location to associate unassigned linkage groups to chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) cultivars highly resistant to the southern root-knot nematode (RKN) [Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood] are not available. Resistant germplasm lines are available; however, the difficulty of selecting true breeding lines has hindered applied breeding and no highly resistant cultivars are available to growers. Recently, molecular markers on chromosomes 11 and 14 have been associated with RKN resistance, thus opening the way for marker assisted selection (MAS) in applied breeding. Our study aimed to determine the utility of these markers for MAS. Cross one was RKN resistant germplasm M240 RNR × the susceptible cultivar, FM966 and is representative of the initial cross a breeder would make to develop a RKN resistant cultivar. Cross two consists of Clevewilt 6 × Mexico Wild (PI563649), which are the two lines originally used to develop the first highly RKN resistant germplasm. Mexico Wild is photoperiodic. We phenotyped the F2 of cross one for gall index and number of RKN eggs per plant and genotyped each plant for CIR 316 (chromosome 11) and BNL 3661 (chromosome 14). From this, we verified that MAS was effective, and the QTL on chromosome 14 was primarily associated with a dominant RKN resistance gene affecting reproduction. In the first F2 population of cross two, we used MAS to identify 11 plants homozygous for the markers on chromosomes 11 and 14, and which also flowered in long days. Progeny of these 11 plants were phenotyped for RKN gall index and egg number and confirmed as RKN highly resistant plants. Generally about 7–10 generations of RKN phenotyping and progeny testing were required to develop the original RKN highly resistant germplasms. Our results show that commercial breeders should be able to use the markers in MAS to rapidly develop RKN resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Forsythia suspensa and F.Courtaneur’ were used as female parents to cross with Abeliophyllum distichum in 2011 and an intergeneric hybrid of F. suspensa × A. distichum was obtained, though with very low seed set. The morphological characteristics, flower fragrance and volatile organic compounds of flowers were analysed. The intergeneric hybrid had intermediate morphological characteristics of both parents and flower fragrance and was confirmed as a true intergeneric hybrid by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Compared with its mother parent (F. suspensa), flowers of the intergeneric hybrid are pale yellow with delicate fragrance. Volatile organic compounds of flowers were retrieved by purge-and-trap techniques, and determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The main volatile organic components of F. suspensa were isoprenoids, while the main volatile organic components of A. distichum and the hybrid of F. suspensa × A. distichum were aliphatics. To determine the time and the site of intergeneric hybridizing barriers occured, the pollen tubes’ behavior after pollination was observed under fluorescence microscopy. It was found that significant pre-fertilization incompatibility existed in intergeneric crossing combinations [F. ‘Courtaneur’ (Pin) × A. distichum (Thrum) and F. suspensa (Pin) × A. distichum (Thrum)], and only a few pollen tubes of A. distichum penetrated into the ovaries of Forsythia. In our research, an intergeneric hybrid between Forsythia and Abeliophyllum was obtained for the first time, which will provide a solid foundation for expanding the flower color range of Forsythia and breeding fragrant-flowered cultivars.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii R. Alef, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber was assessed by challenge inoculation and by natural infection of CMV. Among the 31 genotypes of C. sativus var. hardwickii collected from 21 locations in India the lowest mean percent disease intensity (PDI) was recorded in IC-277048 (6.33%) while the highest PDI was observed in IC-331631 (75.33%). All the four cultivated varieties (DC-1, DC-2, CHC-1 and CHC-2) showed very high PDI and susceptible disease reaction. Based on mean PDI, 8 genotypes were categorized as resistant, 13 as moderately resistant, 9 as moderately susceptible and one as susceptible. A chi-square test of frequency distribution based on mean PDI in F2 progenies of six resistant × susceptible crosses revealed monogenic recessive Mendelian ratio 1(R):3(S) to be the best fit. This monogenic recessive model was further confirmed by 1(R):1(S) ratio as the best fit for back cross with resistant parent and no fit for either 3:1 or 1:1 in the back cross with the susceptible parent. The results revealed that CMV resistance in C. sativus var. hardwickii was controlled by a single recessive gene. Considering the cross compatibility between C. sativus var. hardwickii and cultivated cucumber, the resistance trait can be easily transferred to cultivated species through simple backcross breeding.  相似文献   

Wild Cicer species are considered to be more resistant for biotic and abiotic stresses than that of the cultivated chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Alien genes conferring resistance for biotic and abiotic stresses can be transferred from wild Cicer species to the cultivated chickpea but success in interspecific hybridizations has already been achieved with only two wild Cicer species. The current study was undertaken to compare fruitful heterosis in F2 and F3 for yield and yield criteria and to identify transgressive segregation in F2 and F3 in reciprocal interspecific crosses between C. arietinum and C. reticulatum Ladiz. We define fruitful heterosis as a useful parameter that can be used instead of residual heterosis. Considerable fruitful heterosis in F2 and F3 was found for number of seeds, pods per plant, biological yield, and seed yield. Maximum values of most of the characteristics in F2 and F3 were higher than that of the best parent indicating that superior progeny could be selected for yield from transgressive segregation. Progeny selection should be based on number of seeds, pods per plant, and biological yield since these characteristics had the highest direct effect on seed yield. The narrow sense heritability was found to be the highest for 100-seed weight. It was suggested that the cultivated chickpea could be used as female parent in interspecific hybridization to increase yield and yield criteria since progeny in F2 and F3 had better performance when it was used as female. In conclusion, interspecific hybridization of wild and cultivated chickpea can be used to improve yield and yield components and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses as well.  相似文献   

Coffee varieties with resistance for the plant-parasitic nematodes Pratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus arabocoffeae are limited in Vietnam. A selection of imported varieties and high yield varieties of Arabica coffee in Vietnam were evaluated for resistance to both plant-parasitic nematode species in Northern Vietnam. The same experiments were carried out with hybrid arabica coffee, three selected clones of Coffea canephora and one clone of Coffea excelsa in the Western Highland of Vietnam. The screened coffee accessions from Ethiopia (KH1, KH13, KH20, KH21, KH29, and KH31) were susceptible and good host for P. coffeae. Also accessions 90P4 (Portugal) and Oro azteca (Mexico) had a reproduction factor Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), 90/6 (Vietnam), 90P3 (Portugal), 90P2 (Vietnam), Variedad (Mexico), 90T (Portugal), and Garnica (Mexico) were poor hosts (Rf < 1) but not tolerant to P. coffeae, expressed by a reduction of root weight compared to untreated control plants. Most of the coffee accessions tested in Northern Vietnam were intolerant to R. arabocoffeae, except 90T which showed no reduction of root weight, even at high initial nematode densities (4,000/pot). Good hosts for R. arabocoffeae were Variedad, KH1, KH21, KH29, KH20, KH31, and KH13 with Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo, 90/6, 90P3, 90P2, 90T, Oro azteca, and Garnica were poor hosts (Rf < 1). In the Western Highland experiment, all arabica coffee accessions were susceptible for P. coffeae with Rf ranging from 1.41 to 1.59. Tolerance to P. coffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei, Hong34 and Nhuantren. Coffea excelsa, Hong34, Nhuantren, and H1C19 were tolerant to R. arabocoffeae at the highest inoculation density (4,000 nematodes/pot). The most susceptible accessions were Nhuantren and K55. Resistance (Rf < 1) to R. arabocoffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei and Hong34. This article reports on the first screening for resistance and tolerance to P. coffeae and R. arabocoffeae in coffee accessions in Vietnam and shows promising results for enhanced coffee-breeding.  相似文献   

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