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A large proportion of the world’s population is at risk of developing symptoms of zinc deficiency due to its low levels in food. The objective of this research was to estimate the heritability in early hybrid generations for the zinc content character in seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), to investigate possible maternal effects on zinc contents and to evaluate the potential for genetic improvement. Reciprocal F1, and F2 generations as well as backcross (RCP1 and RCP2) populations were produced by crosses of three cultivars. The seed zinc content was measured by the nitric-perchloric digestion method and using the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The range of variation in zinc content among tested progenies was from 21.76 mg kg−1 dry matter to 53.48 mg kg−1 dry matter, and no significant maternal effect was discovered. Narrow sense heritability was of an intermediate 57.5% to high 77.84% value and transgressive segregation was observed. These results suggest that breeding for increased zinc content in the seeds of common bean can be quite successful; an increase of 37.3% was obtained using just the three parents tested in this study.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) improvement programs have been successful using conventional breeding methods to accomplish a wide array of important objectives. Specific achievements include the extension of range of adaptation of the crop, the development of cultivars with enhanced levels of disease and pest resistance and breeding lines that possess greater tolerance to drought. The most effective breeding method depends on the expression and inheritance of the trait to be selected and the target environment. Many bean improvement programs use molecular markers to facilitate cultivar development. In fact, several recent germplasm releases have used molecular markers to introgress and or pyramid major genes and QTL for disease resistance. Related species (P. coccineus and P. acultifolius) via interspecific hybridizations remain an important albeit long-term source for resistance to economically important diseases. Slow progress has been made in the improvement of traits such as adaptation to low soil fertility and tolerance to high levels of soluble Al in the soil using conventional breeding methods. The inability to directly measure root traits and the importance of genotype × environment interaction complicate the selection of these traits. In addition, symbiotic relationships with Rhizobium and mycorrhiza need to be taken into consideration when selecting for enhanced biological N fixation and greater or more efficient acquisition of soil P. Genomic examination of complex traits such as these should help bean breeders devise more effective selection strategies. As integration of genomics in plant breeding advances, the challenge will be to develop molecular tools that also benefit breeding programs in developing countries. Transgenic breeding methods for bean improvement are not well defined, nor efficient, as beans are recalcitrant to regeneration from cell cultures. Moreover, if issues related to consumer acceptance of GMOs cannot be resolved, traits such as herbicide tolerance in transgenic bean cultivars which would help farmers reduce production costs and decrease soil erosion will remain unrealized.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in Kenya. It is cultivated across a wide range of agro-ecologies which include high potential and marginal areas. Eastern Kenya alone, largely semi-arid, accounts for 35% of the country’s total bean production. Bean farmers mainly small-scale have limited access to quality seed, chemical pesticides and fertilizer. Therefore, bean yield under on-farm conditions still remains below 500 kg ha−1 while the potential is about 1,200 kg ha−1 under semi-arid conditions. To asses the farmers’ views on bean varieties and a key insect pest and associated constraints contributing to yield loss, research was undertaken. The research included survey to quantify the yield loss and Participatory Rural Appraisal to determine the level of adoption and criteria for variety choice in semi-arid eastern Kenya (SAEK). The results show that farmers consider drought and insect pest problems as main causes for low yields. The adoption rate for improved varieties is high but self sufficiency in beans stands at 23% in the dry transitional (DT) agro-ecology and at 18% in the dry mid-altitude (DM) agro-ecology, respectively. This could be attributed to low adaptability since most of the improved varieties grown were selected for high potential areas but now found in marginal areas. Drought, earliness, yield stability, and insect pest resistance are the main reasons for choice of varieties by farmers. Bean fly (Ophiomyia sp.) was identified as one of the key crop pests of beans limiting yield. Besides, African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and bean aphid (Aphis fabae) were ranked higher. Due to limitations of the conventional breeding approach, a participatory plant breeding approach is suggested so as to provide an opportunity to develop insect pest resistant varieties adapted to the SAEK region.  相似文献   

Summary Significant advances in increasing tolerance to the leafhopper Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore in common bean have been obtained using a new breeding scheme where yield under leafhopper attack is the principal selection criterion in the evaluation of progenies. However, to further refine this breeding scheme, a study was conducted to determine whether selection for nonprotected yield would be more effective in early versus late generations. Two selection strategies were compared. In Strategy I, early generation selections in the F2 and F3 were compared to Strategy II where late generation selections were made in the F4 and F5, with the F2 and F3 generations advanced using single pod descent and bulk practices, respectively. Yield trials of the F6 lines from both selection strategies were conducted under nonprotected and insecticide protected treatments. No significant differences were detected between the two selection strategies. However, Strategy II did produce advanced lines with greater nonprotected yields than did Strategy I, with the best F6 line, in three out of four crosses, coming out of Strategy II. Late generation selection is recommended over early generation selection. Results of the new leafhopper breeding scheme, based on yield, are compared to the old breeding scheme where selections were made using visual selection practices in early generations.  相似文献   

Breeding programmes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have mainly focused on performance under monoculture conditions. Interactions among cultivars and cropping systems do occur and genotypes bred for pure cropping may not be suitable for intercropping. This study was undertaken to obtain estimates of genetic parameters of quality traits for bush bean landraces grown in two cropping systems, and the interrelationships of these traits between pure cropping and intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.). Field experiments were conducted at two locations for two years. Expression of most traits was not strongly influenced by genotype × environment interactions. Heritability estimates were similar in both cropping systems for most pod and seed quality traits. Positive correlations were observed between pure cropping and intercropping for pod characters (weight, length, width and texture) and seed characters (dry and imbided weight, length, hardness, coat proportion, water absorption and crude protein). Use of a selection index is suggested for breeding for seed size, water absorption,coat proportion and crude protein for both cropping systems. However, larger gains would be expected in pure cropping for most traits. Bean accessions PHA-0267, PHA-0285, PHA-0286 and PHA-0299 should be used for developing acceptable culinary and high protein breeding lines for either cropping system. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to arrange the basic information needed for using primary trisomics in localizing single and complementary dominant and recessive genes, accounting for random complete chromatid and random chromosome association, for heterozygosity of the trisomics and for female and male transmission rates. The expected ratios are given separately for the di-, tri- and tetrasomic group in each population. Also the ratios in the total populations have been calculated for different rates of female and male transmission of the extra chromosome. Both the backcross procedure and that of selfing trisomic F1 plants are considered. Finally the use of trisomics for studying quantitative characters is discussed in connection with the breeding and incompatibility system of the crops and in relation to the frequent morphological differences among trisomics as well as between trisomics and their disomic counterpart.  相似文献   

N. Mutlu    P. Miklas    J. Reiser  D. Coyne 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(3):282-287
Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli reduces common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield and quality worldwide. Genetic resistance provides effective disease control; however. a high level of resistance is difficult to attain and does not exist in pinto bean, the most important dry bean market class in North America. Our objective was to determine if a backcross breeding approach with the aid of molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to CBB in a donor parent could be used to attain higher levels of resistance to CBB in pinto bean. QTL conditioning CBB resistance from the donor parent XAN 159 were introgressed into the recurrent parent‘Chase’using classical backcross breeding and intermittent marker‐assisted selection.‘Chase’pinto bean is moderately resistant and the breeding line XAN 159 is highly resistant to Xanthomonas campestris. Marker assays confirmed the presence of independent QTL from GN no. 1 Sel 27 and XAN 159 in advanced backcross‐derived pinto bean lines with improved CBB resistance. Agronomic characteristics of‘Chase’were fully recovered in the backcross‐derived lines. An important QTL for CBB resistance from XAN 159 on linkage group B6 was not introgressed because tight linkage between this QTL and the dominant V allele that causes an unacceptable black‐mottled seed coat colour pattern in pinto bean could not be broken.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding of Phaseolus vulgaris L. for resistance to common bacterial blight (CBB) can be done with visual evaluations of symptoms to distinguish broad resistance classes, but a more quantitative measure was needed for genetic studies of resistance. A novel method of evaluation was developed by quantifying Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (XCP) in bean leaf tissue infected with CBB using a 32P-labeled probe and densitometric analysis of hybridization signals. Quantification of bacterial populations using the probe was highly correlated (r=0.98) with the number of colony forming units (CFU) from plate counts of the same leaf samples. The probe was used to follow XCP population dynamics on susceptible (BAT 41) and resistant (OAC 88-1) bean genotypes. OAC 88-1 supported a maximum XCP population which was approximately tenfold less than BAT 41. The probe was also used to study an F2/F3 population segregating for resistance. Narrow sense heritability estimates were less for resistance measured on the basis of bacterial populations (0.18–0.26) than on visual scores of symptoms (0.29–0.38). The anticipated response to selection for CBB resistance would be less based on bacterial numbers than based on symptom expression in this population. In breeding for resistance to CBB, selection based on visual symptoms combined with measurements of XCP populations using a DNA probe can be used to develop bean genotypes that are both resistant to symptom development and bacterial multiplication.Abbreviations CBB common bacterial blight - CFU colony forming units - XCP Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic progress after four cycles of recurrent selection in common bean. The base segregating population was obtained from 10 parents, and derived the S0:1 and S0:2 families that were evaluated. The S0:3 families with higher grain yield and grain color, like the standard carioca were selected, and were intercrossed to generate the population of the following cycle. This process was repeated for four cycles. The best families were evaluated in each cycle by many generations and locations, and the five best lines of each cycle were identified. The 20 lines thus obtained were evaluated in two growing seasons, sown in July and November 2002. The grain yield (kg/ha) and grain type (scale of scores) were evaluated. Genetic progress was confirmed for both traits. The mean annual gain with selection for the grain type was 10.5% and 5.7% for grain yield, with no evidence of variability reduction in the population. These results show that recurrent selection is a good alternative for improving common bean quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans was monitored in field plots of potato genotypes selected from population A of the International Potato Center (CIP) germplasm collection. Disease severity was measured as percent blighted leaf area and used to compute area under disease progress curves (AUDPC), apparent infection rates (r) and severity at epidemic onset (Yo). AUDPCs revealed more distinct differences among the genotypes than any other disease assessment parameter. Percent disease severity measured 67–77 days after planting (D67-77)explained more variation in AUDPCs than measurements made on any other single day. Increase in percent diseased leaves fit the monomolecular model more closely than the Gompertz, logistic or exponential model. All disease assessment parameters varied among the genotypes and were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated with each other. Genotypes with larger AUDPCs generally had higher DS67-77 and faster rates of disease increase (r). Clones 386191.7 and381403.23 were more susceptible to late blight than all other entries tested. The lowest disease levels were observed on clone 382155.2. Frequency distribution of AUDPCs among genotypes appeared continuous and did not differ significantly (p <0.05)from normal distribution suggesting the observed resistance may be attributable to minor genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important legume crop worldwide. The International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and its national partners in Africa aim to overcome production constraints of common bean and address the food, nutrition needs and market demands through development of multitrait bean varieties. Breeding is guided by principles of market‐driven approaches to develop client‐demanded varieties. Germplasm accessions from especially two sister species, P. coccineus and P. acutifolius, have been utilized as sources of resistance to major production constraints and interspecific lines deployed. Elucidation of plant mechanisms governing pest and disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance and grain nutritional quality guides the selection methods used by the breeders. Molecular markers are used to select for resistance to key diseases and insect pests. Efforts have been made to utilize modern genomic tools to increase scale, efficiency, accuracy and speed of breeding. Through gender‐responsive participatory variety selection, market‐demanded varieties have been released in several African countries. These new bean varieties are a key component of sustainable food systems in the tropics.  相似文献   

The analysis of multiples traits has been largely employed in animal and forestry crop breeding; however, in annual crops such as common bean this approach is practically lacking. This study examined the selective accuracy and estimates of genetic parameters in common bean using single- and multi-trait analyses in several designs of genetic correlations and heritabilities by means of simulated- and real-traits. We also compared the efficiency of the Bayesian and REML methods as regarding its selective accuracy and estimates of genetic parameters. In real data experiments, 100 endogamic families of common bean were assessed for grain yield (GY) and grain type (GT) in three environments using a 10?×?10 triple lattice design. Single- and multi-trait analyses were applied for these traits using REML-based BLUP analysis and Bayesian methods. In simulated experiments, traits corresponding to GY and yield components in common bean were simulated under several levels of genetic correlations and evaluated under different levels of heritability in order to verify in which genetic/experimental design it is advantageous to apply single- or multi-trait analyses. The results obtained in this study indicated that GY and GT present low genetic correlation and, therefore, multi-trait analysis may be unjustifiable for these traits. The Bayesian and REML multi-trait analyses were equivalent in point and interval estimates of genetic parameters and predictive accuracy, both for the field and simulated experiments. In addition, it was found that multi-trait analysis is justified in situations where the traits present low/moderate heritability and medium/high genetic correlations among them. It also was found that GY in common bean may be outstandingly favored in accuracy when evaluated jointly with its components. Thus, one can conclude that the simultaneous analysis of GY and yield components in common bean may provide superior gains accuracy and selection efficiency, being the response to selection better obtained by use of the multi-trait heritability.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of the photoperiod response in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was investigated using DNA markers and recombinant inbred populations. Two loci affecting photoperiod response were resolved, the previously defined primary locus (Ppd), at which the dominant allele confers sensitivity to photoperiod, and a second locus (herein defined as Hr), which influences the degree to which a plant responds to photoperiod. The DNA marker P51600 cosegregated with the recessive allele, ppd, displaying a recombination frequency with the photoperiod locus of about 3%. A second marker, B303600, was linked to the recessive allele at Hr and mapped approximately 13 cM from this locus. The markers demonstrated that in crosses involving Redkloud and several photoperiod sensitive lines, insensitivity to photoperiod is primarily controlled by ppd and that Hr does not significantly affect flowering time in ppd/ppd plants under the environmental conditions used. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

If we are to breed common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for durable resistance to diseases, we must understand pathogenic variation and find sources of resistance. Our first objective was to determine the patterns of pathogenic variation found among isolates of Phaeoisariopsis griseola (PG), the fungus that causes angular leaf spot (ALS) in common bean. We characterized 433 PG isolates from 11 Latin American and 10 African countries, using differential cultivars, isozymes, and/or random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. We also systematically screened, for ALS resistance, common bean accessions from the world collection held at CIAT, and assessed the progress so far made in breeding for resistance to ALS. Despite their great diversity within and between countries on both continents, the PG isolates were classified into two major groups: Andean, and Middle American. Although each group had internal differences for virulence, and biochemical and molecular characteristics, the ‘Andean’ PG isolates were more virulent on common beans of Andean origin, than on those of Middle American origin, thus, suggesting a host-pathogen co-evolution. The ‘Middle American’ PG isolates, although more virulent on common beans from Middle America, also attacked Andean beans, thus, exhibiting a much broader virulence spectrum. To find sources of resistance, we tested 22,832 common bean accessions against naturally occurring PG isolates in the field at CIAT's Experiment Station, Quilichao, Colombia, between 1985 and 1992. The resulting 123 intermediate (scores of 4 to 6) and resistant (scores of 1 to 3) accessions were then tested in the greenhouse against selected 14 PG isolates of diverse origins. Nineteen accessions were intermediate or resistant to at least 13 of 14 PG isolates. Similarly, of 13,219 bred lines tested in the field between 1978 and 1996, 89 were intermediate or resistant. Of these, 33 bred lines proved intermediate or resistant to at least eight of nine PG isolates to which they were challenged in the greenhouse. We suggest that, to breed for durable resistance to ALS, common bean populations should be developed from crosses between Andean and Middle American gene pools. The populations should then be systematically evaluated and selected against the broadest range of the most virulent PG isolates of diverse evolutionary origins. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for six quantitative traits in the early generation of segregating populations of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were evaluated. A Bayesian approach was used for estimating the variance components, breeding values and broad sense heritability of the quantitative traits under analysis. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method was utilized to analyze the contribution of genes affecting complex traits. Twenty-four F3 families were evaluated in the field during 2005 in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. With regard to the grain yield and yield components, the additive variances were relatively similar to the dominance variances. This result is confirmed by the 95% credible set from the posterior distribution. The mean estimates of broad-sense heritability (H2) varied from 11.5% to 64.2%. The heritability estimates of yield and yield components were higher than the estimates for the number of days until flowering and reproductive period. However, for grain yield, the 95% heritability credible set included the heritability estimates from point of crop duration. The predicted genetic gain reached the highest value for the number of pods per plant (10.95%). Days to flowering and reproductive period had the lowest values of genetic advance. One hundred seed-weight, grain yield and seeds per pod exhibited a similar predictable level of genetic gain: GA = 5.73%, 5.81% and 4.77%, respectively. The Bayesian framework provided information that is useful for a breeding program, since it contributes to the understanding of how quantitative traits are genetically controlled.  相似文献   

The main goal of this work was to introduce resistance genes for rust, caused by Uromyces appendiculatus, and anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, in an adapted common bean cultivar through marker-assisted backcrossing. DNA fingerprinting was used to select plants genetically closer to the recurrent parent which were also resistant to rust and to race 89 of C. lindemuthianum. DNA samples extracted from the resistant parent (cv. Ouro Negro), the recurrent parent (cv. Rudá), and from BC1, BC2 and BC3 resistant plants were amplified by the RAPD technique. The relative genetic distances in relation to the recurrent parent varied between 9 and 59% for BC1, 7 and 33% for BC2, and 0 and 7% for BC3 resistant plants. After only three backcrosses, five lines resistant to rust and anthracnose with, approximately, 0% genetic distance in relation to the recurrent parent were obtained. These lines underwent field yield tests in two consecutive growing seasons and three of them presented a good yield performance, surpassing in that sense their parents and most of the reference cultivars tested.  相似文献   

Knowledge of patterns of genetic diversity among existing cultivars helps to broaden the genetic base of new cultivars and maximizes the use of available germplasm resources. This study examined the organization of diversity for morphological traits in 66 landraces of cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Galicia and its relationship with phaseolin seed protein diversity. Data on growth habit, seed and pod traits obtained from field evaluations at two locations during the 1989—91 cropping seasons were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. Cluster analysis based on 14 quantitative variables and five qualitative variables identified 11 groups. The landraces were also characterized by phaseolin electrophoresis. The results allowed separation of these landraces into Middle and Andean American groups, which could be further divided into at least eight groups within the Andean American cultivars and three within the Mesoamerican cultivars. These groups in turn corresponded to the previously described races Nueva Granada and Peru of South American origin, and races Durango, Jalisco and Mesoamerica from the Middle American domestication centre. These results confirm the existence of two major groups of germplasm in the cultivated common bean landraces from Galicia, Mesoamerican vs. Andean American.  相似文献   

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