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Serology is currently used for the diagnosis of canine sino-nasal aspergillosis (SNA). However, the accuracy of serological testing using commercially available, standardized purified antigen preparations of Aspergillus (CAPurAspAg) has only been poorly documented. The aim of the present study was to assess the diagnostic value of an agar-gel double immunodiffusion (AGDD) test and an anti-Aspergillus IgG ELISA, using CAPurAspAg and the commercially available Platelia test for the detection of serum galactomannan. Sera from 17 dogs with SNA, 18 dogs with a nasal tumour (NT), 11 dogs with lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis (LPR) and 33 control dogs were tested with the 3 methods. AGDD result was positive in 76.5% of dogs with SNA, whereas all sera from dogs with non-fungal nasal disease and control dogs were negative. A positive IgG ELISA result was obtained in 88% of dogs with SNA and in 18% of dogs with LPR. All patients with NT and control dogs had a negative IgG ELISA result. The Platelia test was positive in 24% of dogs with SNA, 11% of dogs with NT, 9% of dogs with LPR and 24% of control dogs. The results of this study suggest that (1) the detection of serum Aspergillus-specific antibodies with AGDD or ELISA, using CAPurAspAg, provides excellent specificity and good sensitivity, (2) the specificity is higher for AGDD (100%) than for ELISA (96.8%) while sensitivity is higher for ELISA (88.2%) than for AGDD (76.5%) and (3) serum galactomannan quantification with the Plateliat test is unreliable for the diagnosis of canine SNA.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To evaluate the most appropriate sampling procedure and the effect of incubation temperature on fungal culture in the diagnosis of canine sinonasal aspergillosis (SNA).
M ethods : Sixteen dogs with SNA and 20 dogs with non-fungal nasal disease entered a prospective study. Nasal secretions and mucosal biopsies were collected in all dogs. Fungal plaques were also sampled in dogs with SNA. Each specimen was taken in duplicate from each dog and incubated at room temperature and 37°C.
R esults : In dogs with SNA, nasal secretions, mucosal biopsies and fungal plaques yielded fungal growth at room temperature in one, one and seven dogs, respectively, whereas fungal growth was obtained at 37°C in three, 12 and 14 dogs, respectively. No specimen collected from any dog with non-fungal nasal disease yielded fungal growth at room temperature or at 37°C.
C linical S ignificance : The diagnosis of canine SNA is more likely to be confirmed following culture of mucosal biopsies or fungal plaques than nasal secretions sampled blindly with swabs. Incubating cultures at 37°C is more likely to provide a diagnostic outcome than when samples are cultured at room temperature. Fungal culture of nasal specimens has good specificity for the diagnosis of SNA in dogs.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the high sensitivity of real time PCR (qPCR) in the diagnosis of Leishmania infantum infection. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate a qPCR detection system for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniosis (VL) in dogs. Specific primer sets were developed for the Leishmania donovani complex, in which a fragment of 132 bp of kDNA from L. infantum was amplified. The reaction was performed using the ABI PRISM 7000 system with ABI PRISM software used to carry out the analysis. When canine blood samples were assessed using this system the detection limit of the method was found to be 0.07 parasites per reaction, the efficiency was 94.17% (R2 = 0.93, slope = −3.47) and the sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 83.33% respectively. The use of such a sensitive, reproducible and rapid qPCR-based assay will be useful in the diagnosis and control of L. infantum infection in endemic areas, where serological surveys often underestimate true disease prevalence.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of 1% bifonazole cream in the treatment of canine sino-nasal aspergillosis (SNA). The cream was instilled through perendoscopically placed catheters into the frontal sinuses and was used either as single therapy after debridement (DC) or as adjunctive therapy after 2% enilconazole infusion (DEC). Twelve dogs were treated initially with DEC: 7 and 3 of these dogs were free of disease after 1 and 2 procedures, respectively, while 2 dogs were cured after DC was used as a second procedure. Five dogs were treated with DC only: in 3 dogs with moderate disease, cure was obtained after a single procedure while, in 2 debilitated patients, cure could not be confirmed. Topical administration of 1% bifonazole cream appears as an effective therapy in SNA, either as an adjunctive therapy to enilconazole infusion or as sole therapy in moderately affected patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the sensitivity and specificity of serologic evaluation and fungal culture of tissue for diagnosis of nasal aspergillosis in dogs. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 58 dogs with nasal discharge and 26 healthy dogs. PROCEDURES: Dogs with nasal discharge were anesthetized and underwent computed tomography and rhinoscopy; nasal tissues were collected for histologic examination and fungal culture. Sera were assessed for antibodies against Aspergillus spp (healthy dog sera were used as negative control specimens). Nasal aspergillosis was diagnosed in dogs that had at least 2 of the following findings: computed tomographic characteristics consistent with aspergillosis, fungal plaques detected during rhinoscopy, and histologically detectable fungal hyphae in nasal tissue. Histologic characteristics of malignancy were diagnostic for neoplasia. Without evidence of neoplasia or fungal disease, nonfungal rhinitis was diagnosed. RESULTS: Among the 58 dogs, 21 had nasal aspergillosis, 25 had nonfungal rhinitis, and 12 had nasal neoplasia. Fourteen aspergillosis-affected dogs and 1 dog with nonfungal rhinitis had serum antibodies against Aspergillus spp. Fungal culture results were positive for Aspergillus spp only for 17 dogs with aspergillosis. With regard to aspergillosis diagnosis, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 67%, 98%, 93%, and 84%, respectively, for serum anti-Aspergillus antibody determination and 81%, 100%, 100%, and 90%, respectively, for fungal culture. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that seropositivity for Aspergillus spp and identification of Aspergillus spp in cultures of nasal tissue are highly suggestive of nasal aspergillosis in dogs; however, negative test results do not rule out nasal aspergillosis.  相似文献   

Canine sino-nasal aspergillosis is usually caused by Aspergillus fumigatus and is similar to human chronic erosive non-invasive fungal sinusitis. The pathogenesis of the disease is poorly understood. We investigated the nature of the local immune response mounted in canine sino-nasal aspergillosis. Quantitative RT-PCR was carried out on RNA isolated from nasal biopsies from diseased and control dogs, using specific assays designed to amplify mRNA encoding a panel of cytokines and chemokines. Canine sino-nasal aspergillosis was associated with significantly increased expression of mRNA encoding MCP-1, -2, -3 and -4, IL-8, IL-10, IL-18 and TNF-alpha relative to controls (P<0.01) but there was no difference between groups with respect to IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-12, TGF-beta, and eotaxin-2 and -3. The up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines related to the influx of phagocytic cells might account for the localisation of this infection to the upper respiratory tract. The up-regulation of the expression of the immunomodulatory cytokine IL-10 in nasal tissue from affected dogs might be important in limiting the extent of local tissue destruction, but might also account for the fact that infected dogs are generally unable to clear this infection spontaneously.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn dogs with sinonasal aspergillosis (SNA) the utility of PCR in the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease after treatment has not been assessed.ObjectivesTo evaluate the presence of fungal DNA using quantitative PCR targeting Aspergillus fumigatus (Aspfum) and Aspergillus spp. (PanAsp), and PCR targeting multiple fungal species (PanFun), in samples obtained from nasal cavities of dogs with SNA, other nasal diseases and healthy dogs.AnimalsSixty‐two dogs including 20 with SNA, 12 with cured SNA (of which 10 are from the SNA group), 20 dogs with Non‐SNA nasal disease, and 20 healthy dogs.MethodsProspective cross‐sectional study. Aspfum, PanAsp, and PanFun were performed on blindly collected nasal swabs obtained in anesthetized dogs.ResultsIn SNA dogs, Aspfum and PanAsp were positive in 13/20 and 14/20 dogs. In all dogs in the 3 other groups, A. fumigatus DNA was not detected using Aspfum. PanAsp was positive in 3 non‐SNA dogs: 1 with cured SNA and 2 with Non‐SNA nasal disease. A Ct cut‐off value of 33.3 for Aspfum demonstrated 65% sensitivity and 100% specificity. A Ct cut‐off value of 34.5 for PanAsp demonstrated 70% sensitivity and 96.2% specificity. PanFun was positive in 16/20, 12/12, 19/20, and 7/20 dogs in the SNA, cured SNA, Non‐SNA, and healthy groups, respectively.Conclusion and Clinical Importance Aspfum and PanAsp on blindly collected nasal swabs can be useful for the detection of SNA at diagnosis and at cure, especially when more invasive methods are not available.  相似文献   

Use of ketoconazole in the treatment of canine nasal aspergillosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fifteen dogs with nasal aspergillosis were treated with ketoconazole (5 mg/kg of body weight, q 12 h, PO) for 2 to 18 weeks. Four dogs whose conditions deteriorated during treatment received ketoconazole for less than the prescribed 6 weeks. Six months or more later, only 47% of the dogs were determined to be disease-free, on the basis of no fungal growth on culture. It was concluded that ketoconazole at this dosage is a useful treatment for canine nasal aspergillosis, but is no more effective than thiabendazole.  相似文献   

Blood transfusions in veterinary medicine have become increasingly more common and are now an integral part of lifesaving and advanced treatment in small and large animals. Important risks associated with transfusion of blood products include the transmission of various infectious diseases. Several guidelines suggest what infectious agents to screen for in canine and feline transfusion medicine. However, while the risk of bacterial contamination of blood products during storage and administration has not been documented in veterinary medicine, it has emerged as a cause of morbidity and mortality in human transfusion medicine. Clinical experience shows that the majority of blood component bacterial contaminations are caused by only a few species. Unlike other types of bacteria, psychrotolerant species like Pseudomonas spp. and Serratia spp. can proliferate during the storage of blood units at 4°C from a very low titer at the time of blood collection to a clinically significant level (> 105 CFU/mL) causing clinical sepsis resulting from red blood cell concentrate transfusions in human medicine. The purpose of this report was to describe the detection and quantification procedures applied in 4 cases of bacterial contamination of canine and feline blood units, which suggest the need for further investigations to optimize patients’ safety in veterinary transfusion medicine.  相似文献   

一、病原、发病特点 (一)犬真菌性皮肤病的病原主要有三种: 1.犬小孢霉,又称羊毛状小孢霉,属不全菌丝孢目丛梗科小孢霉属。 2.石膏状小孢霉,属不全菌类丝孢目梗孢科小孢霉属。  相似文献   

Nineteen goslings with pulmonary and systemic aspergillosis were the subject of the study. The lungs and air sacs were the main sites affected by the disease, and were generally characterised by diffuse yellowish-white granulomas. In 7 cases with pulmonary and air-sac involvement the granulomas were scattered to the serosal linings of the gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tracts, to the liver, spleen and kidneys, and in two cases also to the bursa of Fabricius, musculus (m.) longus colli and adventitia of aorta. The granulomas were often characterised by a necrotic centre surrounded by heterophils, macrophages, lymphocyte and plasma cells, and in late granulomas by multinucleated foreign-body giant cells, and again by an outer thin fibrous capsule. Numerous fungal hyphae were found within the necrotic debris of the granulomas by Gridley and PAS staining techniques. Immunohistochemistry reliably confirmed aspergillosis in all of the cases. Fungal elements in the lungs of goslings severely affected by the disease stained heavily within the centre of the granulomas, whereas few antigens reacted in the chronic cases. Fungal fragments, which were not discernible using routine fungal stains, reacted clearly in the cytoplasm of macrophages and giant cells. Thus, although fungal elements within the granulomas were histologically indicative of aspergillosis, immunohistochemistry also had to be applied to obtain a definitive diagnosis of the disease and to differentiate it from many of the filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

The potentially fatal hemostatic disorder of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is initiated in bacterial sepsis by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced tissue factor (TF) expression on monocytes. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a potent inhibitory cytokine that downregulates monocyte inflammatory and procoagulant responses. We hypothesized that canine recombinant IL-10 (rIL-10) would inhibit LPS-induced TF upregulation on canine monocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), obtained by double-density gradient centrifugation, and monocytes, purified from PBMC by immunomagnetic bead separation with an anti-canine CD14 antibody (Ab), were stimulated in suspension with LPS (0.1-1000ng/mL) for various times. Recombinant IL-10 (10-5000pg/mL) was added with LPS or up to 2h later. Tissue factor procoagulant activity was measured by cleavage of a chromogenic substrate by activated Factor X generated by the TF-factor VII complex. We found that rIL-10, when given concurrently or 1h after LPS, strongly inhibited LPS-induced TF procoagulant activity in canine PBMC and monocytes. This inhibition was dose-dependent and blocked by an anti-canine IL-10 Ab. Our results indicate that rIL-10 effectively inhibits LPS-induced TF upregulation in canine monocytes and could potentially be useful in limiting the development of DIC in dogs with endotoxemia.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize otic fungal flora encountered in normal dogs, atopic dogs with no clinical or cytological evidence of otitis and dogs with otitis externa. Forty‐two normal dogs, 23 atopic dogs and 32 dogs with otitis were included in the study. Samples for otic fungal culture and cytology were obtained from all animals, for a total of 194 ears. Sixty‐seven ear samples (34%) were culture positive for saprophytic fungal organisms, as follows: 43 (64%) Penicillium species, 13 (19%) Aspergillus species and the remaining 17% comprised of various other saprophytic fungal organisms. Cytological evidence of saprophytic fungal colonization or infection was not found in any animal. There was no relationship between positive saprophytic fungal culture and any study group. Thirty‐three ear samples (17%) were positive for Malassezia pachydermatis. Cytological findings of Malassezia were significantly associated with positive culture for Malassezia (P = 0.006 left ear; P = 0.019 right ear). Furthermore, increased numbers of Malassezia led to a higher chance of positive culture (P = 0.003 left ear; P = 0.008 right ear; McNemar’s test). Malassezia pachydermatis was more likely to be cultured from ears with increased cerumen. Ear type (erect or pendulous) was not significantly associated with positive culture for Malassezia or saprophytic fungal organisms. There was no relationship between positive Malassezia culture and any study group; however, Malassezia was more likely to be cultured from individual dogs in the atopic or otitis groups that also had other dermatological signs consistent with allergic dermatitis and/or pyoderma (P = 0.031 left ear; P = 0.005 right ear).  相似文献   

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