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早籼杂交稻汕优89组合的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究是以改良IR24恢复系的早熟性、稻瘟病抗性、白叶枯病抗性为育种目标,通过以IR50为供体亲本,用IR24杂交和2次回交(IR50/IR243),逐代鉴定、选择等方法,育成恢复系早恢89,使早恢89同时获得3个目标性状有关的表达基因,又保留了IR24良好株叶形态、丰产性、性复系和好米质,基本达到预期育种目标.与珍汕97A配组成汕优89并已通过审定  相似文献   

早籼杂交稻汕优89组合的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究是以改良IR24恢复系的早熟性、稻瘟病抗性、白叶枯病抗性为育种目标,通过以IR50为供体亲本,用IR24杂交和2次回交(IR50/IR24^3),逐代鉴定、选择等方法,育成恢复系早恢89,使早恢89同时获得3个目标性状有关的表达基因,又保留了IR24良好株叶形态、丰产性、性复系和好米质,基本达到预期育种目标。与珍汕97A配组成汕优89并已通过审定。  相似文献   

对23个早籼杂交稻新组合的14个籽粒性状进行因子分析,选取了5个公因子,其方差累计贡献率为85.99%;通过5个公因子作为综合指标的聚类分析,其结果可分为6类;并以23个组合的5个公因子选择指数,求得每个杂交组合的综合选择指数,结果表明,根据综合选择指数的大小,不但可作为决选杂交组合的依据,而且可衡量决选的杂交组合达到理想组合的程度。  相似文献   

以早籼杂交稻金优433、T优535和中熟晚籼杂交稻金优207为材料,进行直播栽培和育苗移植栽培比较试验.结果表明,金优433的产量,比对照高1.4%,T优535的产量比对照低5.9%.同时,分析了直播栽培省工省力、产量较高的原因,得出选用分蘖力较强、株高较矮、穗较短和结实率高的优质早籼杂交稻品种做晚稻直播栽培适宜在丘陵地区推广的结论.  相似文献   

早籼杂交稻新组合“京福1优150”的选育与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用台湾粳稻资源台农67与优质恢复系中间材料HB85杂交育成的优质、早熟恢复系"闽早恢150",与京福1A配组育成新组合京福1优150,该组合具有高产、稳产、适应性广等特点。  相似文献   

高产抗病优质早熟早籼湘早籼21号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

早籼新品种8B40,经四年试验和多点较大面积的试种,平均亩产400公斤左右,比二九丰增产5%以上,全生育期110天,适宜在我省沿江和江南地区种植。  相似文献   

杂交稻农优28在越南的示范表现及高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
农优28是国内新育成的一个米质好、抗性较强、产量高的杂交水稻组合,2005年通过越南国家审定,有望成为中国杂交水稻种子出口的主要组合之一.该组合在越南累计种植面积已达6 000 hm2,2006年夏季农优28在越南多乐省示范种植5 hm2,其大田平均产量高达11.91 t/hm2,最高田块的产量高达15.02 t/hm2,比当地的主推杂交稻品种平均增产1.96 t,t/hm2,增幅19.70%.介绍了该组合在越南的高产栽培技术.  相似文献   

早籼S9042的选育及高产栽培技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
概述了早籼S9042的选育经过、特征特性、试种实绩及其栽培技术。  相似文献   

This paper describes in a general way the objectives, contents and methods of molecular breeding, and the application of molecular breeding in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

该文介绍了赣优明占在武夷山市试种表现及栽培技术,其中栽培技术包括适时播种移栽、合理密植、水肥管理和病虫害防治。  相似文献   

论杂交水稻的育种方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推广杂交水稻是增加粮食产量的最有效途径;杂交水稻育种是发展杂交水稻的技术核心;杂交水稻育种方法是决定其选育成效的关键。笔者近年在杂交水稻育种方面取得了一定成就,为了总结经验,便于交流,就杂交水稻育种所采用的方法进行回顾。探讨杂交水稻育种方向的确定方法和育种目标确定的原则,认为杂交水稻育种必须符合国家经济建设和社会发展需求,必须符合市场经济规律需求,必须符合企业盈利需求,必须符合未来发展需求;提出杂交水稻育种性状选择要做到"全优、中庸、和谐",即双亲遗传距离适当,绝大部分性状的选择只选中间类型的,且所选性状要求达到与人和谐、与环境和谐以及性状之间相互和谐;高度重视亲本优良性状选择和杂交种性状全优;突出早发性、理想株形、抗倒性、高结实性、后期强功能性、稻米低垩白粒率等性状选择;必须人为创造或利用自然条件对一些重要性状进行增压选择;少种植育种材料和测交F1,多安排品比组合;特别重视品比试验的质量和准确性;注重品种审定规则及标准等。  相似文献   

介绍了中国超级杂交稻育种的目标,技术路线和育种理论,综述了中国超级杂交稻育种研究的概况,以及在亲本选育,品种选育和分子育种技术等方面取得的进展,阐述了通过加强水稻种质资源的创新与利用,扩大亲本遗传差异,提高水稻生物学产量,改善水稻生理机能等技术策略,选育出综合性状优良的超级杂交稻新组合,进一步提高中国超级杂交稻产量水平。  相似文献   

Views and comments concerning rice high-yielding breeding in China had been touched upon: (1) historical development of rice breeding in China and its prominent contributions recounted; current challenges evolved from rapid population increase, erosion of key natural resources and socioeconomic changes envisaged; (2) concept of extra or super high-yielding rice breeding and related ideas embraced nowadays in the main rice-producing countries assessed; the conception of so-called superrice in China could have been misled and misunderstood, and no substantial genetical differences could be affirmed yet between superrice and modern high-yielding rice; (3) two strategical approaches of rice production and breeding in China would have been persistent in the construction of most favorable-to-growth rice fields to plant rice varieties with high-yielding potentiality as well as renovation and rejuvenation of less favorable rice fields to plant most adaptable-to-ecoenvironment varieties with promising productivity; in addition, breeding for rice varieties compatible with the specific rice regions ridden by adverse ecoenvironments; (4) overview of the relationship between the development of genetical researches and the perspective of rice breeding; integration of the classical genetical principles and breeding methods and techniques wherefrom with molecular biotechniques underscored. Finally, appeal to the breeders to adhere to due attentions to the development of genetics and promote pragmatism and traditional ethic solemnly so as to live up to implementing the national rice breeding mandates. __________ Translated from Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2007, 30(1): 129–135 [译自: 南京农业大学学报]  相似文献   

杂交水稻为我国稻米生产和粮食安全作出了巨大贡献,经过30多年的发展,我国杂交水稻育种队伍越来越壮大,全国各地每年育成的杂交水稻亲本和组合也越来越多。据农业部全国农业技术推广服务中心统计,当年种植面积在6666.7hm2以上的杂交稻组合,由1989年的39个增加到2005年的379个,增加了近8倍。我国主要杂交水稻省区,目前每年申请参加区试的杂交稻新组合都是数十上百,甚至数以百计。但是组合数的增多,并没有使杂交稻面积增加,每个组合的平均种植面积反而越来越少,新组合中有重大突破的也极少,组合的平均使用寿命也缩短许多,这说明目前我国杂交水稻育种和组合应用效率在下降。如何提高杂交水稻育种和组合应用效率,变得非常重要,因此,文章针对这个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

超级杂交稻育种的创新思维与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
超级杂交稻育种的创新思维提出了超级杂交稻育种三步法设想,即超级亲本选育——超级杂交组合选育——超级杂交制种,并详细阐述了各步骤的标准和实现其目标的技术路线;提出了水稻光温敏不育机理新设想:即水稻光温敏核不育系育性转换是主效不育基因与其位置相近的发育感光基因或(和)发育感温基因相互作用的结果,不育基因位点(微效不育基因)可影响两用核不育系的不育起点温度的高低.按照超级杂交稻育种三步法的技术路线,成功选育了父本996和两用核不育系C815S两个超级杂交稻亲本,利用前者选育出适合长江中下游稻区作双季早稻种植的超级杂交早稻组合陆两优996,用后者选配出C两优87和C两优396等增产幅度大、极有应用前景的超级稻新组合.遵循水稻光温敏不育系选育的技术路线,育成C815S,P88S和9771S等实用的水稻两用核不育系.  相似文献   

嫁接育苗不仅使茄子连作成为可能,也可以满足设施栽培常年用苗的需求。该文以农友长茄为接穗,以托鲁巴姆为砧木,研究了茄子嫁接育苗技术。  相似文献   

Environmental conditions greatly affect the growth of rice. To investigate the geographic differences in yield formation of single-season high-yielding hybrid rice in southern China, experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in the upper and middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River with 10–30 main locally planted high-yielding hybrid cultivars used as materials. Compared with rice planted in the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River, rice planted in the upper reaches has a longer tillering duration, higher accumulated temperature(≥10℃) during tillering period, but lower accumulated temperature and solar radiation from initial booting to maturity. Yield traits comparison between the upper and the middle–lower reaches of Yangtze River showed that the former had 48.1% more panicles per unit area while the latter had 46.4% more grains per panicle; the rice yield in the former was positively correlated with the seed setting rate and the dry matter accumulation before heading, while the latter was positively correlated with grains per panicle and dry matter accumulation from booting to maturity. Comparison of the same variety Tianyouhuazhan planted in different regions showed there was a significant positive correlation between panicle number and the duration of and accumulated temperature during the tillering period(r=0.982~(**), r=0.993~(**), respectively), and between grains per panicle and accumulated solar radiation during booting period(r=0.952~*). In the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, more than 90% of cultivars with an yield of greater than 11 t ha~(–1) had an effective panicle number of 250–340 m~(–2), and there was a significant negative correlation between seed setting rate and grains per panicle; therefore, the high-yielding rice production in these regions with a long effective tillering period(40 d) should choose varieties with moderate grains per panicle, adopt crop managements such as good fertilizer and water measures during vegetative growth period to ensure a certain number of effective panicles, and to increase the dry matter accumulation before heading. While in regions with a short effective tillering period(20 d) but good sunshine conditions during the reproductive growth period, such as the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River, high-yielding rice production should choose cultivars with large panicles, adopt good water and fertilizer managements during the reproductive growth period to ensure the formation of large panicles and the increase of dry matter accumulation after heading.  相似文献   

杂交籼稻新组合特优649具有高产稳产、适应性广、株叶型好、米质较优等特点,2004年通过广西区农作物品种审定委员会审定。通过研究不同的父母本播差期、父母本行比和"九二O"用量对特优649制种产量的影响,结果表明,当第Ⅰ期父本与母本同播、1.5叶时播第Ⅱ期父本,父母本行比为2∶14,"九二O"用量在195~225g/hm2时,F1种子产量最高,为3240.0kg/hm2,这是特优649高产制种的关键。  相似文献   

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