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ABSTRACT Environment-controlled studies were carried out to determine the growth of Taphrina deformans under different conditions of temperature, humidity, and nutrient availability similar to those found on plant surfaces during the peach-growing season. Both ascospores and blastospores were able to bud at all temperatures tested (5 to 37 degrees C), with the optimum at 14 and 21 degrees C, respectively. Temperature <20 degrees C favored ascospore production and release, with the optimum at 10 degrees C. Budding was approximately two-and-a-half times higher in a film of water than on a dry substrate, with 100% relative humidity and blastospores also maintained a certain budding ability at lower humidity levels (minimum tested = 47%). Both spore types did not bud after approximately 50 to 55 h in the absence of external nutrients. In the presence of a periodically renewed carbon source, such as simple sugars, at concentrations that typically are present on peach plant surfaces, the fungus maintained its budding capability over time. Results showed that T. deformans is able to bud profusely under a wide range of environmental conditions that occur on peach tree surfaces. This work supports the hypothesis that T. deformans is a part of the normal epiphytic mycoflora of peach trees throughout the entire growing season.  相似文献   

Natural occurrence of a geminivirus causing severe leaf curl disease on sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) was recorded in India. The association of a geminivirus with the disease was demonstrated by whitefly transmission tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA fragments of expected sizes with three pairs of degenerate geminivirus primers. The PCR-amplified viral DNA fragments were further characterized by Southern hybridization with a geminivirus probe consisting of the cloned coat protein (CP) gene of Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ITLCV). Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of a PCR-amplified CP fragment revealed that the geminivirus from sunn hemp was different than ITLCV.  相似文献   

The yellow leaf curl disease of tomato is caused by a complex of virus species, two of which, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-Sar and TYLCV-Is, are involved in epidemics of southern Spain. Plants of Mercurialis ambigua and Solanum luteum showing abnormal upward leaf curling and leaf distortion collected in the vicinity of tomato crops were found to be naturally infected with TYLCV-Is and TYLCV-Sar, respectively. These weed species, as well as Datura stramonium and S. nigrum, which had also been found to be naturally infected by TYLCVs in the same region in previous studies, were tested for susceptibility to TYLCV-Sar or TYLCV-Is by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated and by Bemisia tabaci inoculation. Results indicated that both TYLCV-Sar and TYLCV-Is were able to infect D. stramonium and M. ambigua, whereas only TYLCV-Sar infected S. nigrum and S. luteum. Implications for the epidemiology of TYLCV are discussed. This is the first report of M.ambigua and S. luteum as hosts of TYLCV.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 20th century, pine trees in Japan have been seriously damaged by the pine wilt disease. This disease is caused by the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is transmitted by the Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus. The control of disease depends to a large extent on chemicals, but the public is now demanding environmentally friendly control methods. The virulence of B. xylophilus varies very widely. Pre-inoculation of young pine trees in a nursery with avirulent B. xylophilus has induced systemic resistance of trees against a subsequent inoculation with virulent B. xylophilus. This induced resistance was considered a hopeful means for developing a biological control for the disease. The induced resistance by the avirulent nematodes was also expressed in mature pine trees in a forest where the disease was naturally epidemic. However, the effects of induced resistance were not satisfactory for practical biological control. Since the inoculation with higher concentrations of the avirulent B. xylophilus induced the resistance more effectively, the pre-inoculation method will need to be improved to develop the biological control. The induced resistance of pine trees by avirulent B. xylophilus should be one of the candidate biological control methods against pine wilt disease. This induced resistance also provides an experimental system to clarify physiological interactions between the nematodes and pine trees.  相似文献   

Ascospores and conidia released into the air were recorded around plots on which garlic debris infected by Stemphylium vesicarium were fixed onto the soil surface. Symptoms in garlic trap plots located in the vicinity of infected debris, started in March and developed during April–May to reach disease incidence close to 100%, final disease severity values being lower in 1993 and 1995 than in 1994 and 1996. Whereas daily concentrations of ascospores were rather erratic, with 30% of captures between 0 and 6 h, conidia showed a daily periodicity with highest concentrations between 12 and 18 h, with a pronounced peak between 14 and 16 h, and lowest values at night. Ascospore release occurred mainly in February and March. It coincided with rainfall periods, 14 h with vapour pressure deficit 5 mb and solar radiation <145 W m–2 on the current day of the capture. In contrast, greatest captures of conidia started in late April and were prevalent in May, and were associated with rainfall in days previous to the capture in which rather high temperature occurred and solar radiation was 109–345 W m–2. Among the weather variables considered, rainfall appeared directly related to the aerial concentration of ascospores and conidia. The role of relative humidity seemed essential when rainfall did not occur. There was a relationship between conidia concentration in the air and number of hours with temperature in the range 12–21 °C. Ascospore production was not essential for infections to take place, since primary infection from conidia may occur and disease can develop from them readily.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to screen wild and domesticated tomatoes for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Israel (TYLCV-Is) and Tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore isolate 4, India (ToLCV-[Ban4]) to find sources of resistance to both viruses. A total of 34 tomato genotypes resistant/tolerant to TYLCV-Is were screened for resistance to ToLCV-[Ban4] under glasshouse and field conditions at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. Resistance was assessed by criteria like disease incidence, symptom severity and squash-blot hybridization. All the tomato genotypes inoculated with ToLCV-[Ban4] by the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) produced disease symptoms. In some plants of the lines 902 and 910, however, the virus was not detected by hybridization. The tomato genotypes susceptible to ToLCV-[Ban4] by whitefly-mediated inoculation were also found susceptible to the virus under field conditions. However, there were substantial differences between genotypes in disease incidence, spread, symptom severity and crop yield. Despite early disease incidence, many genotypes produced substantially higher yields than the local hybrid, Avinash-2. Sixteen tomato genotypes from India resistant/tolerant to ToLCV-[Ban4] were also tested for TYLCV-Is resistance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. Accessions of wild species, Lycopersicon hirsutum LA 1777 and PI 390659 were the best sources of resistance to both viruses. Lines 902 and 910, which were, resistant to TYLCV-Is were only tolerant to ToLCV-[Ban4] and accession Lycopersicon peruvianum CMV Sel. INRA, resistant to ToLCV-[Ban4], was only tolerant to TYLCV-Is. Implications of using the resistant lines in breeding programme is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolates of plant reoviruses causing severe stunting and dark leaf symptoms on wheat in Hebei province, on maize in Hubei province and on rice in Zhejiang province, China have been characterized. Four of the ten genome segments corresponding to Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) S7, S8, S9, S10 were amplified by RT-PCR from the Hebei and Zhejiang isolates and sequenced. Sequences of S9 and S10 were also obtained from the Hubei isolate. Sequences of corresponding segments of the Chinese isolates were very similar to each other (94.0–99.0% identical nucleotides and 96.3–100% identical amino acids) and were closer to those of a previously reported Japanese RBSDV isolate (90.0–94.9% identical nucleotides and 91.1–98.6% identical amino acids) than to those of an Italian Maize rough dwarf virus isolate (85.1–88.1% identical nucleotides and 85.5–94.3% identical amino acids). The Chinese isolates should be classified as RBSDV.  相似文献   

Recent research on the epidemiology of Fusarium ear (or head) blight (FEB or FHB) of small-grain cereals is reviewed, focusing on inoculum, infection and disease forecasting. Both conidia and ascospores have been shown to be important for causing FEB. For Fusarium graminearum, propagules from crop debris are the main source of initial inoculum. Inoculum production is critically dependent on rainfall although the precise relationship is not clear. Recent work on understanding the effects of climatic variables on FEB development has been based on field observations. These field-based studies confirmed that warm and moist conditions during anthesis are the key factors for FEB development. Several empirical models were derived from the field data and proposed for use in disease forecasting. However, these models may not be applicable to a broader range of areas because of the limited nature of the field data. Several areas are proposed for future research, focusing on the development of more generally applicable forecasting models and on understanding the relationships between disease severity, fungal biomass and the production of associated mycotoxins.  相似文献   

The Epidemiology of Purple Leaf Blotch on Leeks in Victoria, Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of purple leaf blotch disease was investigated on seven successive commercial leek crops grown at Cranbourne, Victoria between 1996 and 1997. First symptoms occurred on older leaves, 54–69 days after transplanting. Lesions with typical symptoms were colonised by either Alternaria porri (6%), Stemphylium vesicarium (42%) or mixtures of both pathogens (52%). Purple leaf blotch was caused by a disease complex and was endemic at nobreak Cranbourne due to the continuous cropping of leeks. Disease incidence in all monitored crops increased as plants matured (123–158 days after transplanting) until harvest but never exceeded 11% due to fortnightly applications of mancozeb. Disease levels showed no significant correlation with weekly temperature, precipitation, relative humidity or leaf wetness duration. Disease levels were significantly (P < 0.05) higher on autumn/winter (May/June) 1997 crops when 38 periods of leaf wetness 8 h because of dew and low temperatures (10–13 °C). The weekly rate of increase of disease incidence was significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with days after transplantation. nobreak Concentrations of airborne A. porri and S. vesicarium conidia within leek crops showed a diurnal periodicity and maximum numbers were trapped between 11:00 and 15:00 h. The concentration of airborne S. vesicarium conidia was three to six times the concentration of airborne A. porri conidia. Conidia were more abundant during spring/summer (September–February). Ascospores of Pleospora allii were found during May–September. The greater concentrations of airborne S. vesicarium conidia suggest that it may be the dominant pathogen in the purple leaf blight complex. Fungicide sprays were unnecessary until 8–10 weeks after transplanting, and regular protectant sprays curtailed but did not eradicate purple leaf blight. The results indicated that predictive models, based on temperature and the frequency of leaf wetness periods 8 h, will assist in reducing fungicide inputs as plants mature and, in southern Victoria, fungicide applications on leeks should be timed for autumn/winter when infection periods occur.  相似文献   

Findings from 2 years of field experiments investigating the relationship between Globodera rostochiensis and Rhizoctonia solani on unique field sites are reported. In 2000, a field experiment was positioned on land that had previously been used for experimental work investigating integrated potato cyst nematode (PCN) management methods. This study had produced an ‘untypical’ mosaic of PCN population densities ranging from 5 to 221 eggs g−1 soil. In 2001, the field experiment was conducted on a different field site and overlaid on a focus of G. rostochiensis population densities ranging from 11 to 108 eggs g−1 soil. In each experiment, potatoes (cv. Désirée) were grown in plots with similar population densities of G. rostochiensis that were either uninoculated or inoculated with R. solani. A series of potato plant harvests were undertaken to investigate the effects of nematode infestation on the incidence and severity of R. solani diseases and the associated development of plants. In both experiments, a clear relationship was found between the density of G. rostochiensis juveniles present in potato roots and the incidence of stolons infected by R. solani, 6 weeks after planting. For the first time this interaction has been determined under field conditions. The results of the study suggest that the interaction between nematode and fungus is indirect and possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Yellow or tan spot (caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and septoria nodorum blotch (caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum) occur together and are a constraint to wheat yields in Australia. Recently, higher crop yields and lower fungicide costs have made fungicides an attractive management tool against these diseases. Yield-loss under different rates of progress of yellow spot and septoria nodorum blotch was examined in four experiments over three years to define the relationship between disease severity and yield. In these experiments, differences in disease were first promoted by inoculations either with P. tritici-repentis-infected stubble or aqueous spore suspensions of P. nodorum. Disease progress was further manipulated with foliar application of fungicide. The pattern of disease development varied in each year under the influence of different rainfall patterns. The inoculation and fungicide treatments produced differences in disease levels after flag leaf emergence. The infection of yellow spot or septoria nodorum blotch caused similar losses in grain yield, ranging from 18% to 31%. The infection by either disease on the flag or penultimate leaf provided a good indication of yield-loss. Disease severity on flag leaves during the milk stage of the crop or an integration of disease as area under the disease progress curve on the flag leaves based on thermal time explained more than 80% variance in yield in a simple regression model. The data provided information towards the development of disease management strategies for the control of septoria nodorum blotch and yellow spot.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were carried out with the bean cultivar Carioca Comum to investigate the relationships among visual and virtual severity of angular leaf spot (caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola), area under visual and virtual disease progress curves (AUDPC), healthy leaf area index on any given day (HLAI), healthy leaf area duration (HAD), healthy leaf area absorption (HAA), effective leaf area duration (ELAD), effective leaf area absorption (ELAA) and yield of Phaseolus vulgaris. To obtain a wide range of disease severities, the plots were sprayed with fungicide at different stages of plant growth (before, during and after flowering). Visual and virtual severity and AUDPC showed no significant correlation with yield. However, HAD, HAA, ELAD and ELAA were significantly correlated with yield. Variables that considered the effective leaf area (ELAD and ELAA) provided similar or better coefficients of determination (R2) than those that considered the remaining green leaf area only (HAD and HAA). Single-point models with HLAI, effective leaf area index (ELAI), intercepted radiation by healthy leaf area (HRI) and intercepted radiation by effective leaf area (EHRI) to estimate yield at various times during the crop season were developed. The slope of the relationship between yield and HLAI, ELAI, HRI and EHRI proved to be stable, regardless of planting date and bean growth stage (from R6 to R8).  相似文献   

The Ya Li pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) trees were sprayed three times with 2.5 mM salicylic acid (SA) around 30, 60 and 90 days after full flowering. The fruit were harvested at commercial maturity (about 120 days after full flowering), inoculated with Penicillium expansum, and incubated at 20 °C, 95–100% RH. The results showed that resistance to the pathogen of the mature pear fruit was remarkably enhanced by the SA sprays. Disease incidence in the SA-treated fruit was 58.0% or 26.5%, and lesion diameter on SA-treated fruit was 58.4% or 29.0% lower than that in/on fruit without SA treatment (control) on day 12 or 17 after incubation, respectively. The SA spray applied to the trees around 30 days after full flowering notably enhanced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the young fruit. Meanwhile, activities of defense enzymes, including peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chitinase or β-1,3-glucanase in the young fruit from SA-treated trees was 29.5%, 60.0%, 24.4% or 35.7% higher than that in the control fruit 4 days after the SA spraying. Furthermore, after harvest, activities of PAL, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase were still significantly higher in the mature pear fruit from the trees sprayed three times with SA than those of the control fruit. Activities of the antioxidant enzymes including catalase and ascorbate peroxidase in the young fruit were significantly reduced by SA spraying. However, the activity of another antioxidant enzyme, glutathione reductase in the young fruit was significantly enhanced by SA spraying. These results suggest that enzymes exerting their functions in different ways may be coordinately regulated by SA in the pear fruit. Our study indicates that treatment of SA sprays on the trees may provide further protection against postharvest disease of Ya Li pear fruit in practice and could be used as an alternative and economical approach to reduce application of chemical fungicides.  相似文献   

Grapevine trunk disease pathogens, and specifically Petri disease pathogens, can be spread by planting infected plants. Due to the increasing incidence of Petri disease and other young grapevine declines reported lately in Spain, a sampling of plants used before for new vineyards were carried out in 2002 and 2004. A total number of 208 plants (grafted and non grafted) were collected, of which 94 plants (45.2%) were infected with at least one of the following pathogens: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, and species of Phaeoacremonium, Botryosphaeria, Cylindrocarpon, and Phomopsis. Species of the genera Phaeoacremonium and Botryosphaeria isolated in 2004 were identified using morphological and molecular characters. Species of Phaeoacremonium identified were P. aleophilum and P. parasiticum; and those of Botryosphaeria were B. obtusa, B. dothidea and B. parva. This is the first report of P. parasiticum and B. parva occurring on grapevines in Spain. Distribution of pathogens within the plants was studied in 2004. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was not detected in the graft union of any plant; however, species of Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis were detected along the plant, but mainly in the graft union; Phaeoacremonium aleophilum was detected along the grafted plants, but not in rooted rootstocks. The results suggest that infected plants used for new plantings in Spain are an important source of primary inoculum of the pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases in the field.  相似文献   

The effect ofPyricularia oryzae, the causal organism of leaf blast in rice, on photosynthesis characteristics of rice leaves was measured in two greenhouse experiments. Leaf blast reduced photosynthesis not only through a reduction in green leaf area, but also through an effect on photosynthesis of green leaf tissue surrounding the lesions. The assimilation rate at light saturation (P max ) was more affected than the initial light use efficiency (). Dark respiration (R d ) increased as a result of infection. The experimental data were used to derive relations between leaf blast severity andP max , andR d .  相似文献   

Leaf mold of tomato was found on cv. Momotaro-fight in 2003 in Ehime Prefecture. The symptoms were marginal indefinite yellowing on the upper leaf surface, and downy, gray to brown sporulation on the lower surface underneath the spots. The symptoms and morphology were the same as seen with Passalora fulva. The fungal isolates were identified as races 2.4, 2.4.11, 4, and 4.11 by inoculation tests. Races 4 and 4.11 have never before been found in Japan.  相似文献   

Leaf scald is a vascular disease of sugarcane caused by Xanthomonas albilineans. Scalded leaves show white-yellowish streaks alternating with green zones in parallel to the main veins. These zones develop large bulliform cells, probably as a consequence of the wilting process. Moreover, a gum exudate occludes phloem and bundle vessels, and partially enters mesophyll cells. Some lysigenic cavities appear near the xylem. However, the white-yellowish streaks show both phloem and xylem completely occluded by the gum and the overall mesophyll appears to be full of this bacterial secretion, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The gum in conducting tissues has been purified from juice obtained from scalded stalks by precipitation with isopropyl alcohol and size-exclusion chromatography. It was identified as a xanthan-like polysaccharide and found to be composed of glucose, mannose and glucuronic acid by acidic hydrolysis and capillary electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The virulence ofPhytophthora citrophthora isolated from various host-plants on three peach rootstocks (GF677, PR204, KID I) was examined. There was no significant difference among the rootstocks with respect to their susceptibility to testedP. citrophthora isolates. The most virulent isolate originated from sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus); isolates from pistachio trees (Pistacia vera) also showed high virulence but were significantly less virulent than the sycamore isolate. Isolates originating from plum (Prunus domestica), almond (Prunus amygdalus) and lemon (Citrus limon) trees were moderately virulent on peach rootstocks; those from cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) showed the lowest virulence of those tested. There was thus great variation in virulence among the testedP. citrophthora isolates. It is possible that the isolates ofP. citrophthora from sycamore, pistachio, plum, almond and lemon trees are a threat to peach trees, whereas the low virulence of the isolates from cyclamen hosts suggests that these pathogens are not a serious threat to peach trees. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 3, 2002.  相似文献   

北京市区泡桐丛枝病发生特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京市区泡桐丛枝病调查结果表明,2a以上树龄的泡桐树平均病株率为19.23%,病情指数达10.27,病害随树龄增大而加重。小片纯林受害最重,行道树次之,散植株最轻。周围高建筑物和稠密的植被可有效地阻止病害通过介体传播。在城市特殊生态环境中,种苗带毒是病害发生和发展的关键因子。在植株休眠期,病树丛枝的筛管中类菌原体(MLO)浓度降低,但仍有一定数量的MLO存活  相似文献   

looseness-1In two observation fields, where six sites were artificially infested with Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-t, bare patches developed. These patches did not re-occur at the site of infestation in three successive years. In fields with and without artificial infestation, natural infection of tulip bulbs by Rhizoctonia spp. occurred. The spatial distribution of infected tulip bulbs was visualised in maps after kriging. The influence of sampling intensity was evaluated by stepwise reduction obtained in the observed data set of the first year. Omnidirectional semivariogram characteristics did not change when sampling intensity was reduced down to 10%. The average maximum prediction error was minimised at sampling intensities varying from 7% to 25%. Naturally occurring bare patches slowly vanished during successive cropping of flower bulbs and did not re-appear in the fourth growing season. A high frequency of isolation of R. solani AG 2-t in one field (Lisse-2) in the fourth consecutive crop did not result in bare patches in that year. It is hypothesised that a reduction in aggressiveness may account for this observation. In contrast, bulb rot due to Rhizoctonia spp. increased during the observation period. R. solani AG 5 isolates were seldom isolated before the bulbs flowered, but were the dominant isolate from bulbs at harvest. In a growth chamber experiment, it was demonstrated that AG 5 did not account for replacement of AG 2-t. However, it was demonstrated that competition may partially explain replacement of AG 2-t isolates during the growing season. At 18 °C, but not at 9 °C, an AG 4 isolate prevented AG 2-t colonising and infecting iris bulbs when both isolates were introduced together to soil. Rhizoctonia populations develop in relation to soil temperature and plant development. It is hypothesised that a temporal niche differentiation may be one of the mechanisms affecting the dynamics of rhizoctonia bare patch of tulips.  相似文献   

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