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Micronutrient deficiencies, especially those arising from zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe), pose serious human health problems for more than 2 billion people worldwide. Wheat is a major source of dietary energy and protein for the world's growing population, and its potential to assist in reducing micronutrient-related malnutrition can be enhanced via integration of agronomic fertilization practices and delivery of genetically-manipulated, micronutrient rich wheat varieties. Targeted breeding for these biofortified varieties was initiated by exploiting available genetic diversity for Zn and Fe from wild relatives of cultivated wheat and synthetic hexaploid progenitors. The proof-of-concept results from the performance of competitive biofortified wheat lines showed good adaptation in target environments without compromising essential core agronomic traits. Agronomic biofortification through fertilizer approaches could complement the existing breeding approach; for instance, foliar application of Zn fertilizer can increase grain Zn above the breeding target set by nutritionists. This review synthesizes the progress made in genetic and agronomic biofortification strategies for Zn and Fe enrichment of wheat.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the role of increasing N supply in enrichment of whole grain and grain fractions, particularly the endosperm, with Zn and Fe in wheat. The endosperm is the most widely consumed part of wheat grain in many countries. Plants were grown in the greenhouse with different soil applications of N and Zn and with or without foliar Zn spray. Whole grain and grain fractions were analyzed for N, P, Zn and Fe. Increased N supply significantly enhanced the Zn and Fe concentrations in all grain fractions. In the case of high Zn supply, increasing N application enhanced the whole grain Zn concentration by up to 50% and the endosperm Zn by over 80%. Depending on foliar Zn supply, high N elevated the endosperm Fe concentration up to 100%. High N also generally decreased the P/Zn and P/Fe molar ratios in whole grain and endosperm. The results demonstrate that improved N nutrition, especially when combined with foliar Zn treatment, is effective in increasing Zn and Fe of the whole grain and particularly the endosperm fraction, at least in the greenhouse, and might be a promising strategy for tackling micronutrient deficiencies in countries where white flour is extensively consumed.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress caused by increasing temperature and drought is a major limiting factor for wheat productivity around the world. Wheat plays an important role in feeding the world, but climate change threatens its future harvest and nutritional quality. In this study, grain iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) concentrations of 54 wheat varieties, including CIMMYT derived historic and modern wheat varieties grown in six different environmental conditions, were analyzed. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of water and heat stress on the nutritional value of wheat grains with a main emphasis on grain protein content, Zn and Fe concentrations. Significant effects of environment on protein content and grain micronutrients concentration were observed. The protein and Zn concentrations increased in the water and heat stressed environments, whereas Zn and Fe yield per unit area was higher in non-stress conditions. The results suggest that genetic gains in the yield potential of CIMMYT derived wheat varieties have tended to reduce grain Zn, in some instances; however, environmental variability might influence the extent to which this effect manifests itself.  相似文献   

The essential elements copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) were analyzed in fresh asparagus to determine the effects of the vegetative cycle of the plant on the micronutrient content. Asparagus samples were classified in two groups by diameter (<11 mm and >14 mm). Asparagus from a sample group with the same diameter were divided into two portions (apical and basal) according to distance from the tip. The concentrations of copper, iron, zinc and maganese increased during the vegetative cycle of the asparagus, mainly in the apical portion which showed significantly greater concentrations with respect to the basal portion. The >14 mm diameter asparagus presented higher levels of copper, zinc and manganese, whereas the concentration of iron was greater in the <11 mm diameter asparagus. The mean element levels were (mg/kg dry weight): Cu, 18.9±3.9; Fe, 91.7±33.7; Zn, 69.5±24.6 and Mn, 20.9±5.0).  相似文献   

Finger millet and sorghum flours were used as vehicles for double fortification with ferrous fumarate, zinc stearate and EDTA. The iron and zinc salts were added at levels that provided 60 mg iron and 50 mg zinc per kg of flour. EDTA was added at levels equimolar to the added iron. The double-fortified finger millet and sorghum flours contained bioaccessible zinc contents of 0.83 and 1.63 mg/100 g, respectively, while the respective bioaccessible iron contents were 2.39 and 2.63 mg/100 g. The exogenous iron and zinc did not mutually interfere with their bioaccessibility. The shelf-life of the fortified flours was also satisfactory up to a period of 60 days, as indicated by the moisture and free fatty acid contents in the fortified flours. Double fortification of the millet flours did not negatively alter the sensory quality of the products prepared from them. The RDA for iron and zinc of Indian children, women and men can be sufficiently met with approximately 4 dumplings or 9 rotis. The use of such qualitatively and quantitatively rich flours can be promoted through welfare programs to reduce and subsequently eradicate iron and zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

Developments in genetics, agronomics and processing has positioned staple cereals as important sources of iron, zinc and provitamin A (pVA) carotenoids for nutritionally vulnerable populations. Significant effort has been placed on understanding the bioavailability of these micronutrients from cereal foods, including the exploration of underlying mechanisms by which their bioavailability can be modified. While micronutrient bioavailability is preferably assessed in clinical trials, relevant in vitro digestion and intestinal cell culture models have been applied to study effects of genetic, agronomic, post-harvest and food processing on micronutrient bioavailability. This review (1) critically assesses the application of in vitro models in the exploration of mechanisms associated with iron, zinc and provitamin A carotenoid bioaccessibility and intestinal absorption from cereal foods, and (2) identifies remaining gaps in order to frame future strategies to improve the nutritional impact of cereal foods.  相似文献   

The possibility of using naked barley for food products is gaining popularity due to its dietary fibre content, especially β-glucans. The technological process (dough preparation, fermentation and baking) influences bread quality but also may contribute to degradation or preservation of valuable grain components. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of different wholemeal barley flour share and bread production method on the quality of bread and non-starch polysaccharides content and solubility.Barley enriched bread contained more both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre and β-glucans, products of 40% barley share contained 67% more total dietary fibre and 160% more β-glucans than control. However, barley incorporation decreased the amount of soluble arabinoxylans. High barley contents contributed to the breads’ volume reduction by 14% and change in their crumb and crust colour. However, barley enriched breads gained higher ratings of taste than wheat bread. Barley sourdough fermentation improved breads’ volume, colour and sensory properties. Sourdough fermentation also resulted in higher concentration of dietary fibre, arabinoxylans and β-glucans. The beneficial effect of barley addition to wheat bread may be successfully enhanced by using barley wholemeal sourdough fermentation.  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci Lind. migrates from the lower to the upper portion of the cotton plant as the season progresses and plants increase in size. The population level of thrips on seedlings should be determined by visual observations of leaf damage instead of scouting. The crop should be sprayed before the damage level is such that seedling leaflets have a cup-like appearance. Combined attack by thrips (14.6 per leaf) and jassid (4.6 per leaf) caused a 37.6% loss in the yield of seed cotton. Granule application at the seedling stage and foliar sprays at later stages is suggested as a control strategy. Thrips and jassids appear to be mutually exclusive but the exact mechanism is not known.  相似文献   

A research programme was undertaken over two consecutive years with the purpose of studying the effect of herb–clover swards on lamb production performance year‐round. The focus of this study was on two consecutive late spring and early summer periods (2011, 2012). In each year, three sward treatments were compared on grazed paddocks with 40 lambs ha?1: (i) grass–clover mixture (perennial ryegrass [Lolium perenne L.] and white clover [Trifolium repens]); (ii) plantain–clover mixture (plantain [Plantago lanceolata], white clover and red clover [Trifolium pratense]); and (iii) chicory–plantain–clover mixture (plantain, chicory [Cichorium intybus L.] and white and red clovers). Lambs were weighed at 2‐week intervals, and carcass weights and GR tissue depth measurements were obtained at slaughter. In both years, lambs on treatments (ii) and (iii) had greater (< 0·05) final live weight, liveweight gain, carcass weight, dressing‐out percentage and GR tissue depth measurements, and lower feed conversion ratio compared to lambs on treatment (i). Lamb production was similar in treatments (ii) and (iii) (> 0·05) in each year. Therefore, during the late spring and early summer period, herb–clover mixture swards were found to be a superior option to perennial ryegrass–white clover for finishing lambs.  相似文献   

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