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The spread of morning glory (Ipomoea spp.) in soybean fields in Japan has severely decreased soybean yield. Yet, current control measures do not control the proliferation of Ipomoea spp. As little is known about the flowering period and seed production among the different invading Ipomoea spp., it is challenging to create targeted control measures based on ecological characteristics. This study aimed to reveal the characteristics of the flowering phenology and seed production of four morning glory species, namely, Ipomoea coccinea L. (red morning glory), Ipomoea lacunosa L. (pitted morning glory), Ipomoea hederacea L. Jacq. var. integriuscula A. Gray (entireleaf morning glory), and Ipomoea triloba L. (three-lobe morning glory). Between 2017 and 2019, the four selected study species were grown under similar conditions of soil quality, irrigation, and environmental influences and their flowering phenology and seed data were recorded. The flowering period ranged from 36 to 40 days, and the initial flowering of I. triloba was approximately 2 weeks later than the others. I. coccinea had the highest flowering number and seed production, followed by I. lacunosa, I. triloba, and I. hederacea var. integriuscula. The fruit setting rate of I. triloba decreased later in the reproductive stage but tended to increase as the daily mean temperature increased on each flowering day. Thus, we report that the flowering phenology and seed production differed greatly among the Ipomoea spp. These findings can provide crucial insights into designing targeted species-specific control measures against the spread of Ipomoea spp. in Japan.  相似文献   

Secondary seed dormancy has been linked to seedbank persistence of volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in western Canada. It has been suggested that there is a genetic component to secondary seed dormancy expression in oilseed rape, but little is known of its importance in relation to non‐genetic factors. In a series of experiments we investigated the relative importance of genotype, seed size, time of windrowing and pre‐ and post‐harvest environment on the expression of secondary seed dormancy. We found that genotype contributed between 44 and 82% to the total variation in secondary seed dormancy. A broad range in secondary seed dormancy expression was observed among 16 genotypes examined. Nevertheless, three‐quarters of the genotypes investigated exhibited relatively high potential for the expression of secondary seed dormancy (back‐transformed mean 71% dormant seeds). Seed size contributed 21% to the total variation, while the influence of seed maturity (harvest regime) on secondary seed dormancy expression was negligible. Despite diverging environmental conditions during the four growing seasons spanning these experiments, the influence of pre‐harvest environment on seed dormancy expression was relatively small and ranged from 0.1% to 4.5%. Secondary seed dormancy potential decreased over time during seed storage. This decrease was greatest when seeds were stored at ambient temperatures and least when seeds were stored at ?70°C.  相似文献   

为明确7种种衣剂对菜薹的安全性及对黄曲条跳甲的防控作用,为黄曲条跳甲的有效防控提供技术支持,采用田间试验研究了乙基多杀菌素、Bt、啶虫脒、唑虫酰胺、虫螨腈、高效氯氟氰菊酯+虫螨腈、高效氯氟氰菊酯+啶虫脒等7种药剂对菜薹出苗、株高、鲜重的影响及对黄曲条跳甲的防控作用。结果表明,7种种衣剂对菜薹安全。除高效氯氟氰菊酯+虫螨腈、高效氯氟氰菊酯+啶虫脒外,其他5种药剂对黄曲条跳甲均具有一定的防控效果,以唑虫酰胺防治效果最好,平均防效高于82%,植株受害率较低,小于5%。  相似文献   

Senecio vulgaris is a common weed of agriculture in the UK, but is also of food value to invertebrates and birds. Thus, it may be beneficial to retain it within agricultural ecosystems to enhance overall biodiversity. A less intensive approach to weed management requires a sound understanding of weed population dynamics so as to avoid unacceptable population growth. Experiments were carried out in 2003 and 2004 to assess seed production, and subsequent germination, by S. vulgaris growing alone, in winter wheat, or in winter field beans. Plant and seed samples were collected during May and June. There was a strong allometric relationship between capsule number and plant weight, irrespective of the year or the presence of crop competition. Numbers of seeds/capsule varied slightly from 51 to 66 seeds per capsule. Plants growing alone were estimated to produce 8471 to 12 887 seeds per plant, whilst those in wheat only 923 to 2156. Germination tests in Petri dishes in incubators showed that virtually all seeds were viable and germinated under daily alternating light:dark conditions within 10 days. Seeds in continuous dark germinated less readily, reaching only 30% after 21 days. On the basis of this and other published work, it would appear that the retention of S. vulgaris in arable fields will not pose a major threat to the long-term viability of crop production.  相似文献   

Seed germination profoundly impacts plant community composition within the plant life cycle. Snow is an important source of water for seed germination in the temperate deserts of Central Asia. Understanding how seed germination responds to variations in snow cover in relation to seed traits and plant ecological characteristics can help predict plant community sustainability and stability in Central Asia under a scenario climate change. This study investigated the seed germination of 35 plant species common to the Gurbantunggut Desert in Central Asia under the three snow treatments: (1) snow addition; (2) ambient snow; and (3) snow removal. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were performed to assess interactions among the impacts of snow treatments, seed traits and plant ecological characteristics on seed germination. Phylogenetic generalized least-squares (PGLS) model was used to test the relationships between seed traits and seed germination. The results demonstrated that snow variations had no significant impacts on seed germination overall. Seed germination under the snow addition treatment was similar with that under the ambient snow treatment, irrespective of seed traits and plant ecological characteristics. Snow removal only had negative impacts on seed germination for certain groups of seed traits and plant ecological characteristics. Seed mass positively affected seed germination, showing a linear increase of arcsin square root-transformed seed germination with log-transformed seed mass. Seed shape also profoundly impacted seed germination, with a higher germination percentage for elongated and flat seeds. Seed germination differed under different plant life forms, with semi-shrub species showing a significantly higher germination percentage. Most importantly, although snow treatments, seed traits and plant ecological characteristics had no interactive effects on seed germination overall, some negative impacts from the snow removal treatment were detected when seeds were categorized on the basis of seed mass and shape. This result suggests that variations of snow cover may change plant community composition in this temperate desert due to their impacts on seed germination.  相似文献   

Summary Heteranthera limosa seeds were buried in flooded and in non-flooded soil and exposed to natural seasonal temperature changes in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Seeds exhumed after various periods of burial ranging from 2 to 36 months were tested for germination under both flooded and non-flooded conditions. Seeds were dormant at maturity in September and became non-dormant during winter. Seeds buried in non-flooded soil during winter germinated to higher percentages and over a wider range of temperatures when tested under flooded conditions (in light) during spring and summer, than did those buried in flooded soil during winter. Thus, the water regime associated with rice culture (non-flooded in winter and flooded in summer) is optimal for dormancy-break and germination of H. limosa seeds. A portion of the buried seeds exhibited an annual dormancy/non-dormancy cycle, whereas others had a conditional dormancy/non-dormancy cycle. Regardless of the type of cycle, seeds buried in non-flooded soil retained the ability to germinate in light at high temperatures under flooded conditions throughout the summer. Thus, seeds potentially can germinate at any time during the growing season, whenever rice fields are flooded. Flooding fields during winter and/or sowing rice relatively early in the growing season may help in establishing rice before seeds of H. limosa germinate.  相似文献   

A study on changes in the seed bank size of a glyphosate ( N -(phosphonomethyl)glycine)-resistant (R) Eleusine indica biotype was carried out on a naturally occurring infestation of a young oil palm plantation. The total number of shed seeds collected was 53% of the predicted potential total number of seeds produced by the plants. Ametryn ( N -ethyl- N' -(methylethyl)-6-(methylthio)-1,3,5-triazine-2, 4-diamine) was found to be able to control the R seed population in the soil. The periodicity of seedling emergence was influenced by rainfall subsequent to the 1 month period of seed shedding. Seed burial at 2, 10 and 20 cm depths showed that 39, 33 and 79%, respectively, of viable seed persisted in the soil after 2 years. Seeds in the state of enforced dormancy played an important role in maintaining the seed population throughout the 2 year period of burial in the soil.  相似文献   

Eupatorium rugosum (Ageratina altissima), commonly known as white snakeroot, is a weedy plant that invades woodland areas in North America, Korea, and Japan. In order to examine the inheritance of seed dormancy in this species, seeds from a single population were screened for their differential germination response to stratification. After two cycles of recurrent selection, the seed from the shallow–dormant lines had 4.4 times greater germination prior to stratification than did the seed from the deep–dormant lines. The seed from the deep–dormant lines showed 3.4 times greater germination after stratification, compared to the seed from the shallow–dormant selections. This suggests that primary dormancy in the seed of white snakeroot is under some degree of genetic control. This perennial species produces overwintering rhizomes that give rise to adventitious, vegetative buds each spring. The plants selected for the production of seeds with lower levels of dormancy in the fall were observed to generate rhizomatous buds that were released from dormancy earlier in spring, compared to the plants that produced seeds with higher levels of dormancy. A statistically significant positive correlation also was observed between seed and bud dormancy in a naturally occurring population of white snakeroot. Common regulatory elements might be influencing dormancy in both the seeds and vegetative buds of this species.  相似文献   

Alien grape (Vitis, Vitaceae) species and recently described hybrids are recognised as major environmental weeds in southern Europe, based on their tendency to spread into natural and semi‐natural habitats, often behaving as invasive species. Despite a high number of agronomic, genetic and phytopathological studies on Vitis cultivars, regeneration from seed has been poorly investigated, although it plays a key role in plant distribution and evolution. To this end, in this study we exposed seeds of eight wild grapes in Europe (three species and five nothospecies, including the native Vitis vinifera), to different temperature treatments in the laboratory. Fresh seeds from all studied taxa were dormant and germinated only after cold and/or warm plus cold stratification, but showing significant differences between the species. Seeds of V. vinifera showed an intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy, while all other tested Vitis taxa exhibited a deep complex morphophysiological dormancy. Dark conditions reduced the germination percentage in Vitis labrusca, Vitis riparia and V. vinifera and their hybrids, and alternating temperatures elicited the highest germination percentages in all populations. Our results demonstrated for the first time that Vitis hybrids are capable of regeneration by seed, even in the absence of dispersal by animals. The germination processes studied here help understand the current expansion of alien Vitis taxa in Europe outside the viticultural areas. Consequently, germination requirements contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying alien Vitis taxa establishment and invasion.  相似文献   

Pioneer plants are adapted to grow in unpredictable environments. These plants have evolved several traits related to seed morphology and germination to cope with this unpredictability. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of plant identity and maternal environment on seed mass and germination of Sinapis arvensis. This study was undertaken with S. arvensis plants grown in four experimentally manipulated resource availability scenarios: (i) nitrogen addition, (ii) water addition, (iii) nitrogen and water simultaneously added, and (iv) control. Plants grew under field conditions in an emerging plant community. Germination response was mainly affected by maternal plant identity. This reflects not only genotype quality but also phenotypic plasticity, which allows adaptation to habitat conditions. Seed coat colour together with mean seed mass per plant explained significant fractions of the variability in germination rate. Changes in the germination response because of maternal environmental effects were also detected. Germination rate decreased in seeds from nitrogen‐enriched conditions; this may be due to the induction of dormancy caused by high concentration of nitrogen in the seeds. Addition of water to maternal environment caused a decrease in total germination percentage and germination rate of seeds. Thus, our results provide evidence for maternal environmental effects on germination under field conditions. Furthermore, changes in germination timing, as detected in our study, may determine plant development and fitness in unpredictable conditions.  相似文献   

Plant species invasiveness is frequently associated with rapid proliferation and production of seeds that can persist in the soil for long periods of time. Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae) is an alien and invasive species, for example in Brazilian forest and savannah ecosystems. This study quantified the invasive potential of this species by analysing its seed rain (using seed collectors), seed longevity in the soil (stored in buried bags) and the germination capacity of the soil seedbank (by collecting soil samples in the study area). Our results showed that seed rain occurred throughout the year, although more intensely from July to September, with about 5500 seeds m?2 year?1 being released. The numbers of seeds in the buried bags diminished over time and intact seeds showed low germinability (approximately 15%), although their viability remained >80% of the recovered seeds after two years of in situ storage. The germinability of seeds collected directly from the soil was approximately 40%, indicating that more than half of the seeds of soil seedbank were dormant (physical dormancy). Leucaena leucocephala produces large numbers of seeds and is able to form a persistent short‐lived seedbank (viability 1–5 years). These factors may contribute significantly to its invasive potential, which makes it difficult to control this species once it becomes established. As control costs become higher over time, immediate public efforts are needed to counter this threat.  相似文献   

Seed germination is a key transitional stage in plant life cycle and is strongly regulated by temperature and light. Therefore, research on the effects of temperature and light on seed germination is extremely meaningful for vegetation restoration, especially in desert ecosystems. Seeds of 28 ephemeral plants collected from the Gurbantunggut Desert of China were incubated at different temperatures (5°C/1°C, 15°C/5°C, 20°C/5°C, 25°C/10°C and 30°C/15°C) in 12-h light/12-h darkness or continuous darkness regimes, and the responses of seed germination to temperature and light and the germination speed were studied in 2016. Results showed that seed germination percentage of the 28 ephemeral plants significantly differed to temperature and light. We classified the studied plants as the following groups based on their responses to temperature: 1 low temperature responsed plants, 12 moderate temperature responsed plants, 7 high temperature responsed plants, 4 non-responsed plants and 5 plants of no germination. It should be noted that Corispermum lehmannianum Bunge is sensitive to both moderate and high temperatures. There were 4 groups of plant in response to light, i.e., 7 light responsed plants, 10 dark responsed plants, 6 light non-responsed plants and 5 plants of no germination. Based on seed germination speed of the 28 ephemeral plants, we divided them into 4 patterns of germination, i.e., very rapid, moderately rapid, moderate and slow. Combining variations of temperature, precipitation and sand dune types in the study area, we suggested that very rapid and moderately rapid germinated plants could be used to moving sand dunes in early spring during vegetation restoration, moderate germinated plants could be used to semi-fixed sand dunes in late autumn, and slow germinated plants could be used to sand plain in summer. Thus, seedling establishment and vegetation restoration would be improved by considering seed germination characteristics of these ephemeral plants in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China.  相似文献   

Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant soldier) are very troublesome weeds in many vegetable row crops in Europe. To optimise management strategies for Galinsoga spp. control, an in‐depth study of germination biology was performed. Germination experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of light and alternating temperatures on germination of a large set of Galinsoga populations. Seedling emergence was investigated by burying seeds at different depths in a sandy and sandy loam soil. Dormancy of fresh seeds harvested in autumn was evaluated by studying germination response in light at 25/20°C with and without nitrate addition. Seed longevity was investigated in an accelerated ageing experiment by exposing seeds to 45°C and 100% relative humidity. Galinsoga spp. seeds required light for germination; light dependency varied among populations. Seedling emergence decreased drastically with increasing burial depth. Maximum depth of emergence varied between 4 and 10 mm depending on soil type and population. In a sandy soil, emergence percentages were higher and seedlings were able to emerge from greater depths than in a sandy loam soil. Freshly produced G. parviflora seeds, harvested in autumn, showed a varying but high degree of primary dormancy and were less persistent than G. quadriradiata seeds that lack primary dormancy. Lack of primary dormancy of freshly harvested G. quadriradiata seeds and light dependency for germination may be used to optimise and develop Galinsoga management strategies.  相似文献   

In semi-arid lands, vegetation is distributed in shrub patches immersed in a less vegetated interpatch matrix. Grazing affects perennial grass seed bank through a decrease in seed rain and an increase in seed predation and soil compaction. Nevertheless, some species with anchorage mechanisms in their seeds might overcome this, such as Nassella tenuis (Phil.) Barkworth. This is an important species in grazing paddocks because it has an intermediate palatability and its relatively tolerant to grazing. These characteristics allow N. tenuis to increase its abundance in grazed sites. Our objective was to assess how grazing affects the key palatable species from seeds to seedlings: i.e., seed rain, soil seed bank, and seedling recruitment in different microsites along a windward-leeward transect across shrub canopy. We hypothesized that: (1) the negative effects of grazing on N. tenuis fructification are reflected in its seed rain, soil seed bank, and seedling recruitment, especially in interpatches; (2) Nassella tenuis seed rain reduction, soil compaction by cattle in grazed sites, and removal of seeds by wind decrease its soil seed bank, especially in microsites exposed to the predominant wind; and (3) the decrease in N. tenuis soil seed bank and cover increase in annual species in grazed sites have negative effects on its seedling recruitment, especially in microsites exposed to predominant wind. We placed seed traps, collected soil samples, and monitored seedling recruitment in different locations around shrub canopy to address our hypotheses. Also, we established a manipulative experiment in which we sow N. tenuis seeds and followed its recruitment in different microsites. We compared the seed rain, soil seed bank, natural seedling recruitment, and sown seeds recruitment of N. tenuis between grazed and ungrazed sites. We analyzed differences between microsites along a windward-leeward transect across shrubs patches. Seed rain and soil seed bank had the same density in patches and interpatches both in ungrazed and grazed sites. But seed rain was higher, and soil seed bank was lower in ungrazed sites than in grazed sites. Almost all under-canopy microsites showed greater soil seed bank abundance and natural seedling recruitment in ungrazed sites. Sown seeds recruitment was the same between grazed and ungrazed sites, but it showed protective effects of shrubs in leeward microsites under grazed sites. As a conclusion, seed rain and soil seed bank are complementary under grazed sites.  相似文献   

H OM  S KUMAR  & S D DHIMAN 《Weed Research》2005,45(2):140-148
Seed placement, soil temperature and soil moisture content influenced the process of after-ripening in Phalaris minor seeds. Seeds of P. minor collected from the soil just after wheat harvesting exhibited higher germination than seeds from P. minor threshed directly. There was a pronounced impact of periodic inhabitation of seed into the soil on germination after its dispersal. Germination was strongly inhibited when the seed was kept in soil at more than field capacity (FC) or in water. Maximum germination of seed incubated in soil at FC occurred at 30°C while a temperature of 40°C favoured after-ripening of seed when mixed with dry soil or kept dry without any medium. Release from conditional dormancy was quicker in the seed retrieved from the soil kept at 20°C than at 10°C. Seed release from conditional dormancy and germination increased with a rise in temperature from 30 to 40°C when the seed was retrieved from incubation in soil at FC for 70 days. The seed kept immersed in water was least responsive to a rise in temperature. Seed recovered from dry soil, or kept without any medium, responded quickly at both temperatures. Light enhanced the germination of Phalaris minor seed. The seedbank subjected to rice (Oryza sativa) field management conditions lost vigour in comparison with the seed stored in laboratory. There was significant variability in seed viability when exposed to differential water management conditions in rice.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation of plant reproduction occurs across Angiosperms,particularly those in patched habitats.We investigated the relationship between pollen limitation and patch variables (patch size,visitation frequency) in the desert plant Hedysarum scoparium (Fabaceae),which is an important xerophyte in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China and can grow well as a pioneer plant in shifting sand dunes.We observed insect visitation to H.scoparium over two flowering seasons and estimated pollen limitation using fruit set and seed production.Our results indicate that fruit set and seed production increased significantly with pollen supplementation compared with open pollination.Hedysarum scoparium was pollinated by over 8 species of bees,with 88.4% of visits made by introduced honeybees (Apis mellifera).Bee visitation varied significantly among the patches of habitats,but not associated with patch size of habitat.In general,pollen limitation occurred more strongly during fruit set than during seed production.The patches that received higher rates of pollinator visits were less pollen limited for fruit set.Pollen limitation for seed production,however,was not associated with pollinator visitation frequency.We conclude that pollen limitation in H.scoparium was caused by more than one reason,not just pollinator visits.  相似文献   

S N White 《Weed Research》2018,58(2):112-120
Festuca filiformis is a common perennial grass in lowbush blueberry fields, but little is known about the general biology, seedbank characteristics, seedling recruitment or susceptibility of seedlings to currently registered herbicides. The objectives of this research were to determine (i) the presence of F. filiformis seedbanks in lowbush blueberry fields, (ii) whether F. filiformis seedbanks accumulate near the soil surface in lowbush blueberry fields, (iii) the dormancy status of fresh F. filiformis seeds, (iv) the temporal patterns of seedling recruitment in established F. filiformis populations, (v) whether F. filiformis has a vernalisation requirement for flowering in lowbush blueberry and (vi) susceptibility of F. filiformis seedlings to various herbicides currently registered in lowbush blueberry. Festuca filiformis formed a seedbank in lowbush blueberry fields, with an average of 1660 ± 272–5680 ± 1409 seedlings m?2 emerging from soil cores collected from two infested fields. Most seeds were located at the soil surface, providing opportunities for seedbank management through predation or burning. Fresh seeds lacked dormancy and readily germinated, although germination was reduced by dark conditions. New seedlings emerged in spring and autumn and required vernalisation to flower. Seedlings were susceptible to several currently registered herbicides in lowbush blueberry, although mortality rates were highest in plants treated with glufosinate, flumioxazin, glufosinate + flumioxazin and terbacil. Growers should avoid movement of seeds on machinery, and additional research should be conducted to determine the effects of registered herbicides on F. filiformis seedling recruitment under field conditions in lowbush blueberry.  相似文献   

The seed predation of woolly cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa), an invasive weed of East‐Asian origin, was compared to that of yellow foxtail (Setaria pumila), an established and widespread weed, along a field border in Canada. The seeds of both species were glued to sandpaper cards and their removal in field conditions was recorded from July to September during the 3 years of 2009, 2010 and 2011. Predator exclusion cages allowed the evaluation of seed loss to be attributed to invertebrates, vertebrates and total seed loss due to predation for both species. Pitfall traps were installed and collected once in 2010 and during all the seed sampling dates in 2011 in order to evaluate predatory pressure from ground beetles and crickets. The average amount of seed loss that could be attributed to invertebrates was higher for S. pumila than for E. villosa, while the amount of seed loss that could be attributed to vertebrates was higher for E. villosa than for S. pumila in 2009 and 2010. The level of S. pumila seed loss to invertebrates was correlated with the sum of crickets (Gryllus pennsylvanicus) and beetles (Harpalus spp. and Ophonus rufibarbis) trapped during the 2011 season. During the same period, correlations between E. villosa seed loss to invertebrates and trapped insects were not observed. Reduced postdispersal seed predation by invertebrates could increase the local fall survival of the unburied seeds of invasive E. villosa populations, compared to other naturalized, smaller‐seeded weedy grasses.  相似文献   

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