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我们于1997~2001年进行了山地大龄梨树高接换种技术研究,取得了良好效果。高接树达到了2年见果,恢复树冠,3年丰产,平均株产186.6千克,经济效益提高4.3倍。1基本情况试验示范园为低山丘陵地,土壤较瘠薄,褐土,基本无水浇条件。砧树树龄20~90年生,品种主要为绵梨、子母梨。平均密度为16株/666.7平方米,管理水平一般。改接品种为:新高、新兴、绿宝石、丰水、爱宕梨等。采穗母树为幼年果园(1993年春建园),生长结果良好。嫁接方法为春季插皮接和劈接。2结果2.1不同穗砧组合对嫁接成活率及生长结果的影响试验结果表明,不同穗砧组合对改接品种成活… 相似文献
费县许家崖天景区现有梨园面积 1 0 0 0 hm2 ,但因品种老化、树龄较大、管理粗放 ,经济效益较低。为提高经济效益 ,我们于 1 997~ 2 0 0 1年进行了高接换种试验 ,取得了良好效果。高接树第 2年见果 ,树冠恢复 ;第 3年丰产 ,平均株产 1 86.6kg,经济效益提高 4.3倍。1 试材与方法试验园为低山丘陵地 ,较瘠薄 ,褐土 ,无水浇条件。主栽品种为 2 0~ 90年生绵梨、子母梨 ,667m2 (亩 )平均栽 1 6株 ,管理水平一般。改接品种为新高、新兴、绿宝石、丰水、爱宕等。嫁接方法为春季插皮接和劈接。2 结果与分析2 .1 不同嫁接组合对嫁接成活率及生长… 相似文献
1999年和2000年春,北京大兴县对效益低的老品种梨园高接日本梨和我国育成的新优品种140hm~2,采用切腹接、皮下腹接加塑膜包扎的方法,成活率达95%以上,新梢当年生长达1m以上,有的园片第2年产量每666.7m~2超500kg;每人每日嫁接头数500个以上,成年梨园每666.7m~2嫁接1500~2000个,用工3~4个。现将技术要点介绍于下。 相似文献
1 接穗的采集与处理1 1 接穗的采集 接穗应于秋季落叶后 ,自优良品种的母树上 ,选择生长充实 ,芽体饱满的 1年生枝进行采集。接穗采集后按品种打捆 ,贴上标签 ,进行沙藏 ,即埋于湿沙或潮沙土中 ,量大的可在恒温库中贮存 ,注意保湿。1 2 接穗的处理 梨树高接前 ,将接穗剪成 2~ 4个饱满芽为一段 ,将接穗上半部在 90℃石蜡溶液中浸蘸后 ,迅速提出。夏季芽接的可随采随接 ,选用当年的新梢 ,接穗采下后 ,立即剪去叶片 ,留 1cm左右长的叶柄 ,当天用不完的 ,可将接穗放在阴凉处用湿沙埋好。2 嫁接2 1 时间 枝接一般在早春树液开始流动 … 相似文献
1 高接换种前的准备1 1 工具 :嫁接刀、磨刀石、枝剪、手锯、尼龙薄膜、桐油或接蜡或防腐药剂等。1 2 高接前的整形修剪 :高接树冠大 ,枝梢密集 ,内膛光秃 ,接前按照“分层、开窗、疏密”的原则修剪、“留细去粗、留斜去直、留外去内、留稀去密”的原则整形。1 3 品种的选择 :品种选择要突出“名、特、优、新”品种。如橙类 :暗柳橙、新会橙、夏橙、无核红江橙、纽荷尔脐橙、大三岛、奈维林娜、罗脐、清家等脐橙。柑类 :特早熟温州密柑、无核蒰柑、晚熟蒰柑、新生系 3号、大果型南丰蜜桔等 ;柚类 :沙田柚优株品系 (容县 0 4号、平乐 1号… 相似文献
为提高梨果产量和品质 ,变资源优势为经济优势 ,近年来我区采用多头高接换种技术 ,改造成年劣种梨园 2 0 0 0 hm2 ,嫁接成活率 90 %以上 ,基本上达到 1年成形 ,2年株产 3 0 kg,3年株产 1 0 0~ 1 50 kg,经济效益和社会效益明显增加。如我市董村镇刘山村的高接换种梨园67hm2 ,年产优质梨 1 50万 kg,每 1 kg售价由原来的 0 .60元增加为 2 .40元 ,全村仅此一项增收 2 70万元。现将高接换种技术及配套管理措施介绍如下。1 高接换种技术1 .1 选择适宜的砧穗组合 根据市场需求和本地栽培条件的特点 ,确定淘汰的梨品种有笨梨、黄梨、香蕉梨、茄… 相似文献
梨外植体组培褐变的影响因子及预防措施 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以鸭梨、黄金梨、阿巴特梨和杜梨为试材,对梨组培过程中影响外植体褐化的因素及防褐措施进行了研究。结果表明,品种、采样时期以及外植体内酚类物质含量等因素都显著地影响材料褐化率。抗褐剂试验表明,培养基中添加0.2g/L的聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)或100mg/L抗坏血酸(Vc),或将外植体在200mg/L抗坏血酸水溶液中浸泡30min后接入添加2g/L活性炭的培养基,均能显著抑制鸭梨褐化的发生。低温试验表明,鸭梨外植体经4℃低温处理6h后接种,或接入初期在4℃低温中培养12~24h,褐化程度明显减轻。 相似文献
The growth of sporophores of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) was studied using the Gompertz growth curve, and the parameters of the curve were found to vary appreciably between experiments.Three factors were identified which are associated with an increase in growth rate. These are (i) the earliness of initiation of the sporophore, (ii) the removal of adjacent sporophores, and (iii) a decrease in the number of sporophores initiated.It is suggested that the growth rate of sporophores is dependent on the substrate density in the mycelium, and also that the initiation process might be less efficient than the growth process. The implications of these findings for a mathematical modelling approach to mushroom crop growth are discussed. 相似文献
Callus tissue cultures have been established from the excised segments of the inflorescence, flower stalks, denuded flower, bract, perianth and leaf segments of 2 cultivars of Gladiolus grandiflorus. Of all the explants and the media tested, the best callus was obtained from the segments of the flower stalks, cultured on a basal medium supplemented with naphthalene acetic acid and kinetin. The callus mostly underwent rhizogenesis, and occasionally differentiated shoots. Complete plants were regenerated from the in vitro cultured cormels, cormel tips and the axillary buds, and 6 plants were formed from the segments of 1 cormel, whereas in nature only 1 plant is obtained per cormel. Cultured young anthers callused and developed leaf-like petaloid structures, and occasionally showed multicellular pollen. 相似文献
Inconsistent results of ethephon in field experiments in olive (Olea europaea L.) are attributed to climatic differences and irrigation regimes.Physical measurements, using 14C-2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (14C-CEPA) at pH 6.3 indicated 60% degradation within 5 h at 40° C. Rate of degradation at 20, 30, 40 and 50° C at relative humidities of 37 or 70% was higher than at similar temperatures at 3 or 93% relative humidities. Temperature-dependent degradation of ethephon was similar on the surface of detached leaves, intact plants or in the glass test tube.Non-irrigated trees responded better than irrigated trees to ethephon treatment. Uptake and translocation of 14C-CEPA as a function of the water content was measured in a model system of detached branches. Uptake of 14C-CEPA was increased and translocation decreased in partially desiccated branches. The increased uptake and decreased translocation in desiccated branches is in accordance with the response of non-irrigated trees in the field. 相似文献