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为探明大蒜种瓣机械压变处理对大蒜出苗及生长的影响规律,以东北白皮蒜为研究对象,利用万能物理试验机对大蒜种瓣进行横向施压(大蒜种瓣平放受压)和纵向施压(大蒜种瓣直立受压),以受压变形量与原基本尺寸比值的百分数来表示受压程度,2个方向受压程度为5%~45%,取一组未处理的大蒜种瓣作为对照。将处理后的大蒜种瓣与对照进行播种试验,探索机械压变处理对大蒜出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度的影响,通过回归分析得出植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型,并进行植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性分析。试验结果表明,与未处理的大蒜种瓣相比,横向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P<0.05),其中受压程度为10%~25%的大蒜种瓣出苗时间短于对照,出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣;在纵向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P<0.05);其中受压程度为10%~15%时,大蒜种瓣出苗时间均长于对照,出苗率和植株茎粗均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣。相比纵向机械压变处理,横向机械压变处理的大蒜出苗快,相同压缩条件下,大蒜的各项指标更优。植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型拟合较好(R≥0.91),植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

针对2BFQ系列油菜精量联合直播机气力式精量排种系统在实际生产作业时受负载变化、地表特征等要素的影响,难以保证排种器负压处于理想工况的现实问题,围绕油菜直播机气力式精量排种系统负压特性及风机参数匹配开展试验。试验分析了排种器气室负压分布均匀性,研究了排种盘转速、排种器数量、风机额定功率及风机工作转速等排种系统参数对排种器气室负压的影响,并建立了数学模型。试验结果表明,排种器气室负压分布均匀性好,排种盘转速对气室负压平均值影响不显著;排种器气室负压绝对值随排种器数量增加而降低,随风机额定功率和风机工作转速增大而增加;建立的风机选型模型及排种器负压与排种器数量、风机额定功率、风机工作转速关系模型,决定系数均大于0.92,模型验证相对误差分别在-8.23%~6.62%和-6.12%~8.25%;依据模型确定了直播机气力式精量排种系统风机参数匹配设计步骤及2BFQ系列油菜精量联合直播机风机选型及其设计转速参数。台架试验及田间试验结果表明风机参数匹配设计步骤实际可行。该研究可为2BFQ系列油菜精量联合直播机气力式精量排种系统的结构优化与实际生产提供参考。  相似文献   

A previously unknown requirement for B by garlic (var. Chiang Mai) has been identified at San Pa tong Rice Experiment Station, Chiang Mai Province. Field experiments were conducted following rice cultivation on major soils (Typic Tropaqualfs) in the northern parts of Thailand. Various sources of B fertilizers such as borax, coal fly ash, and fritted trace elements were applied to the soil to compare their effectiveness in alleviating the B deficiency in garlic. The findings indicated that all of the sources used promoted plant productivity from 24 to 40% compared with the untreated plants. The highest yield (6.13 t ha-1) was obtained in a treatment with coal fly ash at 825 g B ha-1. The average size and weight of garlic cloves from this treatment were also the highest. However, in terms of storage, the application of B with other trace elements was found to be preferable.  相似文献   

The raw form of garlic and some of its preparations are widely recognized as antiplatelet agents that may contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Herein, we examined the in-vitro antiaggregatory activity (IVAA) of human blood platelets induced by extracts of garlic samples that were previously heated (in the form of crushed versus uncrushed cloves) using different cooking methods and intensities. The concentrations of allicin and pyruvate, two predictors of antiplatelet strength, were also monitored. Oven-heating at 200 degrees C or immersing in boiling water for 3 min or less did not affect the ability of garlic to inhibit platelet aggregation (as compared to raw garlic), whereas heating for 6 min completely suppressed IVAA in uncrushed, but not in previously crushed, samples. The latter samples had reduced, yet significant, antiplatelet activity. Prolonged incubation (more than 10 min) at these temperatures completely suppressed IVAA. Microwaved garlic had no effect on platelet aggregation. However, increasing the concentration of garlic juice in the aggregation reaction had a positive IVAA dose response in crushed, but not in uncrushed, microwaved samples. The addition of raw garlic juice to microwaved uncrushed garlic restored a full complement of antiplatelet activity that was completely lost without the garlic addition. Garlic-induced IVAA was always associated with allicin and pyruvate levels. Our results suggest that (1) allicin and thiosulfinates are responsible for the IVAA response, (2) crushing garlic before moderate cooking can reduce the loss of activity, and (3) the partial loss of antithrombotic effect in crushed-cooked garlic may be compensated by increasing the amount consumed.  相似文献   

硅对青蒜苗生长、光合特性及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】大蒜是一种兼具营养价值和药用价值的蔬菜,由于品种退化、 土传病害严重等问题,导致大蒜植株矮小、 产量降低、 品质下降。硅作为一种公认的有益元素,在提高作物产量、 改善产品品质方面有非常重要的作用。但是关于硅对大蒜生长发育以及产量和品质的影响至今还没有相关报道,因此本试验研究了硅在青蒜苗生长和品质方面的作用,以期能为大蒜无土栽培优质高产提供一些理论参考。【方法】利用深液流水培方式,以金乡白皮蒜为试材,设置了5个硅水平(0、 0.75、 1.5、 2.25、 3.0 mmol/L)探讨了不同水平硅对青蒜苗生长、 光合特性及品质的影响。【结果】在0~1.5 mmol/L范围内,青蒜苗植株鲜重、 株高、 假茎长、 假茎粗以及色素含量均随硅浓度的增加而升高,当硅浓度高于1.5 mmol/L时,相关指标随其升高而降低,在硅浓度1.5 mmol/L时达到最大值; 同时叶片净光合速率(Pn)及气孔导度(Gs)也随营养液中硅水平的增加呈先升高后降低的趋势,硅浓度1.5 mmol/L时最高,比不施硅处理分别增加了32.41%和44.62%,而蒸腾速率(Tr)则恰好相反,随硅浓度增加先降低后升高,在Si1.5处理中最低,与对照相比降低了22.00%; 此外,叶片和假茎中可溶性糖、 游离氨基酸、 维生素C含量也随硅素水平的提高呈现出先升高后降低的趋势,硅浓度1.5 mmol/L时可溶性糖含量最高,与对照相比分别增加了25.37%~41.96%和21.28%~40.82%,维生素C和游离氨基酸含量则在Si2.25处理最高,但是Si2.25处理与Si1.5处理相比无显著差异; 硅浓度1.5 mmol/L时显著降低了叶片中可溶性蛋白含量,但能提高其在假茎中的含量,与不施硅处理相比叶片中可溶性蛋白含量降低了15.76%~21.62%,假茎中则增加了32.85%~53.73%。【结论】营养液中加硅后,青蒜苗植株鲜重、 株高、 假茎长和假茎粗均有明显增加,且其促进作用在其生育后期比生育前期更显著。加硅还可增加大蒜叶片内色素含量,增强光合速率,显著增加青蒜苗内可溶性糖、 可溶性蛋白、 维生素C和游离氨基酸的含量,提高其营养品质。因此,在大蒜施肥中,适当增加硅肥,有可能克服大蒜品种退化、土传病害对大蒜的不利影响。  相似文献   

土壤施硒对蚕豆出苗及生长指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验研究了崇礼蚕豆出苗及生长过程中不同指标对不同土壤硒浓度的响应。结果表明,低浓度硒(3.2 mg·kg-1)对蚕豆各出苗指标、叶绿素a含量、叶绿素a+b、叶绿素a/b及产量构成因素有一定的促进作用,但高浓度硒(12.4 mg·kg-1)对蚕豆出苗及生长指标有明显的抑制作用。通过各项指标与土壤硒浓度之间的相关分析及10%抑制率的临界指标EC10值表明,不同指标EC10各异,以出苗势或苗期干重作为蚕豆土壤临界值制定的依据更可靠,EC10分别为4.8和5.2 mg·kg-1。  相似文献   

Foliar selenium (Se) treatment of garlic at concentrations of 10, 50, and 100 μg of Se/mL was carried out in open field conditions in 2008 and 2009 in Estonia. Bulb weight and yield structure, content of total Se, S, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, ascorbic acid content (AAC), pungency, total phenolics, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined. The highest level of Se decreased total S, K, and Ca in both years; no negative impact on bulb weight was observed. In 2009 Se10 treatment had significantly more bulbs with the largest diameter compared to the other treatments. In 2008, the AAC was decreased by Se50 and the content of total phenolics by all Se treatments; however, TAC was increased. Foliar Se fertilization of garlic at rates of 10-50 μg of Se/mL can be recommended to increase the number of large bulbs and increase bulb antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

The content of organosulfur compounds was determined in selected garlic cultivars grown at four locations in Andalusia, Spain. The organosulfur compounds studied were three γ-glutamyl peptides, namely, γ-l-glutamyl-S-(2-propenyl)-l-cysteine (GSAC), γ-l-glutamyl-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-l-cysteine (GSPC), and γ-l-glutamyl-S-methyl-l-cysteine (GSMC), and four cysteine sulfoxides (alliin, isoalliin, methiin, and cycloalliin). There was a significant effect of the location, cultivar, and garlic ecotype on individual organosulfur compound contents. Purple-type cultivars showed on average the highest contents of GSMC, GSAC, alliin, and methiin but the lowest isoalliin content. The impact of genotype was relatively high for GSAC, whereas this factor hardly contributed to the total variability in alliin and isoalliin content. Planting date had a significant effect on the content of alliin and isoalliin. Discriminant analysis evidenced the ability of organosulfur compounds to distinguish among garlic bulbs from different locations or ecotypes with 81 or 86% accuracy, respectively.  相似文献   

【目的】植物根际促生菌 (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR) 能够促进植物生长、防治病害、增加作物产量,具有较好的环境兼容性、不易引起抗性、效果持久稳定等优势。筛选高效多功能菌,探索抗病促生机理,对开发防控大蒜土传病害的微生物技术,发展“高产、优质、高效、生态、安全”的大蒜产业具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。 【方法】以实验室前期从山东省金乡县连作大蒜根部分离的 70 株细菌为供试菌株,筛选对大蒜根腐病病原真菌拟枝孢镰刀菌 (Fusarium sporotrichioides) ACCC37402 和大蒜叶枯病病原真菌链格孢属菌株 (Alternaria sp.) D14011-1 具有较好拮抗效果的菌株;采用 16S rDNA 基因序列同源性分析,对其进行初步鉴定;通过测定菌株对抗生素的敏感性、水解蛋白能力、产铁载体能力、产 HCN 能力等,研究菌株的拮抗特性;通过测定菌株的固氮能力、溶磷能力、产 IAA 能力,产 ACC 脱氨酶能力等,研究菌株的促生特性;通过温室盆栽试验,进行多功能菌菌悬液及其无菌发酵液对大蒜幼苗生长的影响以及抗病效果研究。 【结果】菌株 DD3 对大蒜根腐病病原真菌 ACCC37402 和大蒜叶枯病病原真菌 D14011-1 具有较好拮抗效果,抑菌率均为 45%;经 16S rDNA 基因序列同源性分析,初步确定为芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus) 菌株。其它功能特性研究结果显示:菌株 Bacillus sp. DD3 具有水解蛋白能力、产 HCN 能力、产铁载体能力、固氮能力、溶解有机磷和无机磷的能力;对氨苄青霉素钠、硫酸卡那霉素等 11 种抗生素无耐受性,不具有分泌吲哚乙酸 IAA 能力和产 ACC 脱氨酶能力。盆栽试验显示,接种 Bacillus sp. DD3 菌悬液对大蒜根腐病的防治效果较好,防控率达 80%。接种 Bacillus sp. DD3 及其无菌发酵液后能够促进大蒜幼苗的生长,其中接种菌悬液效果更佳。 【结论】菌株 Bacillus sp. DD3 兼具多种功能特性,对大蒜根腐病具有较好的拮抗效果,同时可以显著促进大蒜幼苗生长,有望进一步研究开发成为微生物肥料生产菌种。  相似文献   

水稻机栽钵苗单穴苗数对分蘖成穗及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
为探明机栽(插)水稻钵苗单穴苗数对其分蘖成穗及产量的影响。该文以常规粳稻武运粳24号为材料,在不同单穴苗数条件下,研究了水稻的分蘖与成穗规律以及产量形成特征。结果表明:1)机插钵苗主茎第1~9蘖位及其同伸二级蘖位均有一定比例发生分蘖并成穗,受单穴苗数影响较大。该品种水稻钵盘每钵成苗1、2株有利于促发秧田期第1~2蘖位的低位分蘖,大田单穴相应插植1、2苗可提升第8蘖位高位分蘖及二级蘖位分蘖发生率,最终穗数主要为分蘖成穗,来源蘖位较广;单穴3、4苗可促进中部第6~7蘖位分蘖发生,分蘖穗主要来源于第5~7中位蘖和少量低位蘖及二级分蘖;单穴苗数增至每穴5、6苗,各蘖位分蘖发生率及成穗率显著降低,主要依靠主茎和中位蘖成穗。各处理中部蘖位分蘖具有较高成穗率,是分蘖穗及总穗数的主要来源。2)产量表现为单穴3、4苗较高,5、6苗次之,1、2苗较低。单穴苗数与有效穗数呈极显著正相关,与每穗粒数呈极显著负相关,二者是决定产量变化的重要构成因素。通过解析单穴苗数对产量的多元回归函数,并综合产量实际表现,认为常规粳稻品种(偏大穗型)以育秧田每钵成苗3~4株、大田单穴插植3~4苗为宜。该文揭示了钵苗机栽(插)水稻分蘖成穗规律,并为大面积生产中钵苗育秧适宜用种量和插植苗数提供技术依据。  相似文献   


The effect of salinity on some physio-biochemical parameters in plants of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. EC 33866) has been investigated. Plants were subjected to four salt treatments, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM NaCl, for 30 days in sand culture and the physiological responses were measured. Salinity affected all of the considered parameters. Thus, high NaCl concentrations caused a great reduction in growth parameters such as fresh and dry weight of leaves and roots, but the leaf number was less affected. These changes were associated with a decrease in the relative water content and the K+ concentrations. The proline and sugar content was increased, but nitrate reductase activity and chlorophyll was found to decrease in leaves. The significance of organic solute accumulation in relation to osmotic adjustment has been discussed.  相似文献   

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