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刘永川 《森林工程》1998,14(2):15-16,12
本文评述了在社会主义市场经济体制下,国有林业采育场的现状以及存在问题,并提出了10个方面的发展对策。  相似文献   

简介了南平市国有林业育场的概况,分析了国有林业育场多种改革实践模式的利弊,并对国有林业采育场的深化改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文以大田县赤头坂林业采育场为例探讨国有采育场森林防火的对策,分析采育场森林防火现状,指出了存在的防火资金投入不够、防火人员专业化程度低等有关问题。依据存在的问题提出了落实防火责任制、加大森林防火宣传力度、提高森林防火科技含量等一系列的对策。  相似文献   

机械设备管理就是对设备的选择、使用、维修和保养、更新、改造直至报废处理全过程的管理工作。林业采育场木材生产的正常进行,依赖于采运机械设备的完善程度,而这又是与设备的管理紧密相连的。机械设备经常处于良好的技术状态,才能保证生产的高效率。机械设备管理的目的也在于以最佳的管理方式求得最佳的经济效果。目前,林业采育场机械设备管理还存在较多的问题,设备管理的各个环节相互脱节,对机械设备投资的经济效益也不够重视,这些都阻碍了企业经济效益的提高和技术进步。因此,机械设备管理作为采育场企业管  相似文献   

本文围绕经济发展的两个根本转变和林业可持续发展的战略,对林业采育场如何摆脱困境提出一些对策。  相似文献   

邓志华 《森林工程》1998,14(4):11-12
本文通过对国有陈大林业采育场近年来经营思路及轮流转岗做法的探析,提出国有林业采育场应当顺应资产重组这一最佳经济运行模式,使企业走出困境。当前企业实行减员增效、下岗分流,也不能简单地一刀切,急于求成,而应利用自身优势大力发展多种经营,建立综合开发基地,以此带动人员分流,先轮流转岗,随着基地建设的不断发展和轮岗人员的逐渐适应,最终实现平稳分流。  相似文献   

严晨 《福建林业科技》2004,31(Z1):66-67
分析黄沙采育场现状及存在的问题,从培育目标、良种壮苗、造林抚育、生态公益林经营、建立现代林业企业制度等方面对国有林业采育场森林经营管理进行探讨。  相似文献   

张火明 《森林工程》2001,17(6):16-18
本论述了灰色局势决策方法的基本原理及其在林业采育场多种经营方案决策中的应用,指出应用该方法进行多种经营方案优化决策,可以克服传统方法的局限性,使结果更加科学合理。  相似文献   

应用1984年和1993年全省国营林业采育场两次森林资源调查的数据信息,对全省采育场的面积、蓄积总量以及包括林种结构、树种结构和林龄结构的面积、蓄积结构进行了对比分析,并在此基础上对采育场的发展方向、最佳规模区间进行了探讨,提出采育场应建成为林业产业配套发展的工业原料林基地,要大搞多种经营。  相似文献   

森林由于具有强大的碳汇功能,在发展低碳经济中得到了重视,同时也赋予了林业新的使命。在充分认识低碳经济的内涵、林业和低碳经济的关系以及河南林业的发展现状的基础上,分别从河南林业生态建设和林业低碳经济政策两个方面阐述了低碳经济对河南林业发展的影响,并针对河南林业发展中存在的问题提出了若干建议,旨在为河南省林业在低碳经济下的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

根据我国森林资源的特点,要因地因林科学地选择采伐方式。本文针对东北内蒙古林区的采伐特点,探讨了适合本地区特点的生态采伐模式。  相似文献   

Land-use change and forestry in the tropics have caused huge carbon emissions to the atmosphere. The magnitude of these emissions, however, remains debatable. Therefore, there is a need to further develop appropriate methods that would reduce the estimation uncertainties. From a modeling perspective, this report is aimed at estimating carbon emissions from deforestation and logging activities in Cambodia just after it opened its door to the world. Recently available land-use and forest inventory data were used to develop simple models capable of estimating the change of carbon stocks in, and carbon emissions from, dryland and edaphic forests. This study estimated the annual deforestation rate to be 0.1 million ha between 1973 and 2003, or about 0.7%. Between 1993 and 2003, annual carbon emissions amounted to about 13.7 TgC, owing to deforestation and logging. The emissions calculated here are higher than those reported by the Cambodian government, which claimed that Cambodia was once a net sink of carbon. The models developed in this study will be a useful tool for further study of carbon emissions in tropical countries where selective logging is practiced. Part of this article was presented at the International Symposium on the Role of Forests for Coming Generations: Philosophy and Technology for Forest Resource Management, October 2004, Utsunomiya, Japan  相似文献   

国外伐区剩余物的利用途径及技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董少军  许军  王锡海 《森林工程》2000,16(1):3-3,58
本文综合论述了国外伐区剩余物的利用途径及技术,并指出伐区剩余区的利用在未来林业中有很大的发展前途。  相似文献   

在分析榆树市自然资源优势的基础上,提出了发展林下经济的对策,并根据区位特点,提出了林下经济的适宜发展模式。  相似文献   

近15年来气候变化对中国经济的直接影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国家权威部门发布的统计资料为基础数据,分析气候变化对中国经济的影响,结果表明:近15年来气候变化对中国经济的影响在加剧。1991~2005年期间与气候变化相关的自然灾害造成的直接经济损失在932亿~3 570亿元之间,呈明显上升趋势;所占GDP的比重为5.70%~1.31%,呈下降趋势。在此期间,干旱、农作物病虫害、草地病虫害、风暴潮、森林火灾的直接经济损失呈现上升趋势;洪涝灾害和台风上升趋势不明显;森林病虫害和草地火灾呈下降趋势。2000年以来自然灾害的直接经济损失一直稳定在相当于GDP 1.08%~2.05%的水平,气候变化对国民经济存在不可忽视的负面影响。  相似文献   

Improved transport planning and pricing is dependent on correct cycle times. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of road curvature, surface roughness, gradient and truck weight on the operating speed of a conventional 60-tonne gross vehicle weight logging truck. The study used a 320-km test track consisting of both public and forest roads. The track was driven with various gross vehicle weights. Speed data was retrieved from the truck’s CAN-bus system and road data was measured with a profilograph. The key factors for operating speed were curvature and surface roughness, both of which were correlated to each other as well as partially captured by functional road class. Regression analysis quantified the individual effects of these factors as well as gradient, undulation and interactions with truck weight. A regression model is presented which explained 80% of the variation in operating speed. The results were consistent with previous studies, and the proposed models can be used to improve transport planning, cost estimation, operative route path selection and road investments.  相似文献   

Selective logging is one of the main economical activities in tropical and subtropical forests. While most of the effects of this activity on bird communities have been studied by comparing exploited vs. non-exploited areas; the use of human-created treefall gaps by birds is relatively unknown. We studied habitat structure, resource abundance (fruits, flowers and arthropods) and bird activity in logging gaps of different age (1-year-old and 10- to 20-year-old) in a mountain forest (Yungas) of northwest Argentina in both dry and wet seasons. In less than a year after creation, short herbs colonize logging gaps increasing the abundance of arthropods in the ground and the activity of understory insectivores. During dry seasons recently created gaps become an important source of resources for understory frugivores-insectivores. Later on in succession logging gaps are invaded by exotic graminoid vegetation and tall herbs (dispersed through extraction tracks) which can impede the colonization and development of pioneer trees and natural regeneration. Probably as a consequence of a high abundance of fruits and flowers in the understory and a very low abundance of these resources in the canopy, old gaps were mainly used by understory frugivores-insectivores while arboreal frugivores were rare. Because arboreal frugivores disperse most tree seeds in tropical and subtropical forests, the low activity of this guild in logging gaps contribute to the low observed regeneration. Sustainable timber harvest in tropical and subtropical forests should include gap and logging track management to minimize the invasion by exotic graminoid vegetation and facilitate natural succession.  相似文献   

Disturbance histories drive spatiotemporal patterns of species distributions, and multiple disturbances can have complex effects on these patterns of distribution. The introduction of the chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica (Murril.) Barr.) to the eastern United States in the early 1900s coincided with an increase in logging, thus presenting an ideal situation for studying the effect of two disturbance events, logging and disease. The purpose of this study was to compare chestnut (Castanea dentata) abundance and the prevalence of chestnut blight among (1) sites that were and were not logged for chestnuts during the blight pandemic and (2) sites that varied in time since the last logging event. Current chestnut abundance and chestnut blight prevalence were assessed in areas where chestnut was known to occur before the blight. Elevation, soil pH, slope, aspect, age of canopy trees, and presence or absence of chestnut stumps indicating selective logging of chestnuts were recorded at each site. Chestnuts were more abundant on sites that had not been selectively logged for pre-blight chestnuts. Chestnut presence was more likely at high elevations (857 m ± 33 m). Chestnut abundance was greater at high elevations (>1000 m) and acidic soils (pH 4-5). Chestnut blight prevalence was not correlated with any measured environmental variable. Rather, 15.1% of all chestnut stems were infected with blight regardless of chestnut density. Thus, higher chestnut abundance is not due to lower mortality from the chestnut blight, although the temporal dynamics of blight infection and stem recovery were not within the scope of this study. This research shows that local rates of chestnut population decline differ between locations with different chestnut logging histories. Chestnut site preferences are better understood within the context of history, and thus teasing apart the effects of disease, logging, and environment will result in more successful chestnut restoration efforts.  相似文献   

阔叶林不同采育方式生态经济效益的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对阔叶林三种不同采育方式定性分析与定量研究,在符合林业可持续发展的基础上得到初步结论:采用皆伐后不炼山,人工促进天然更新所获得的生态经济效益最好,这为今后溪口林业采育场的阔叶林采伐更新提供了科学依据、对南方集体林区类似条件的经营单位提供了参考。  相似文献   

To insure adequate regeneration and future timber yields of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King), many logged forests will have to be restocked through enrichment planting and managed using silvicultural techniques that maintain this species’ long-term survival and growth. This study compared the effects of planting method and two silvicultural treatments on the survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps in Bolivia. We tested the hypotheses that survival and growth will be higher among transplanted seedlings than seedlings established from sown seeds and higher in silvicultural treatments that reduce competing vegetation and increase light. The first silvicultural treatment consisted of gaps logged 6 months prior to planting, gaps logged just prior to planting, and gaps treated with herbicide prior to planting. The second treatment, applied 12 months after planting, consisted of manual vegetation cleaning around mahogany seedlings in half of the gaps. The first hypothesis was supported in terms of initial seedling growth but not survival, which was similar between planting methods during the 12-92 months after planting. Transplanted seedlings grew significantly faster than those established from sown seeds during the first year, but this growth advantage disappeared by the second year. Although transplants were 84 cm taller than seed-sown seedlings by the end of the study, this height gain was probably not worth the cost of growing and transplanting seedlings. The second hypothesis was supported in terms of both survival and growth. A significantly greater proportion of seedlings survived in herbicide (62%) compared to 6-month-old (46%) and recent gaps (18%) and in cleaned (51%) versus control gaps (39%). Seedlings initially grew faster in herbicide and recent gaps than in 6-month-old gaps. These differences among silvicultural treatments were largely explained by canopy cover, which, throughout the study, was at least 14% lower in herbicide gaps and 9% lower in cleaned gaps relative to their respective alternatives. By 64 months growth diminished to near zero and no longer differed among gap treatments, despite lower canopy cover in herbicide gaps. By 92 months, saplings in herbicide gaps were only 145 and 77 cm taller than those in recent and 6-month-old gaps, respectively. To maximize survival and growth of mahogany seedlings in logging gaps while minimizing costs, silvicultural strategies should focus on direct seed sowing and appropriately timed interventions (i.e. manual cleaning) to control competing vegetation.  相似文献   

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