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Book reviews in this article: Addiscott , T. M., Whitmore , A. P. & Powlson , D. S. Farming, Fertilizers and the Nitrate Problem. Bogardi , I. & Kuzelka , R. D. (eds) Nitrate Contamination. Canarache , A. Fizica Solurilor Agricole. Davis , B., Walker , N., Ball , D. & Fitter , A. The Soil. The New Naturalist Library 77. Dupriez , H. & de Leener , P. Ways of Water: Run-off, Irrigation and Drainage. Hanks , J. & Ritchie , J. T. (eds) Modeling Plant and Soil Systems Agronomy. Hillel , D. Out of the Earth. Holliday , V. T. (ed.) Archaeology: Landscape Evolution and Human Occupation. Kennedy , I. R. Acid Soil and Acid Rain. Lal , R. & Stewart , B. A. (eds) Soil Restoration. Advances in Soil Science. Lozet , J. & Mathieu , C. Dictionary of Soil Science. Mausbach , M. J. & Wilding , L. P. (eds) Spatial Variabilities of Soils and Landforms, SSSA Special Publication. Robinson , D. M. & Mckean , S. J. (compilers) Shifting Cultivation and Alternatives: An Annotated Bibliography, 1972–1989. Smart , P. & Herbertson , J. G. (eds) Drainage Design. Smeck , R. & Ciolkosz , E. J. (eds) Fragipans: Their Occurrence, Classification and Genesis, SSSA Special Publication. Sparks , D. L. & Suarez , D. L. (eds) Rates of Soil Chemical Processes, SSSA Special Publication. Sposito , G. & Reginato , R. J. (eds) Opportunities in Basic Soil Science Research. Stewart , B. A., (ed.) Advances in Soil Science. Uzo Mokwunye , A., (ed.) Alleviating Soil Fertility Constraints to Increased Crop Production in West Africa. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Deturck , P. & Ponnamperuma , F. N. (eds) Rice Production on Acid Soils of the Tropics. Hudson , N. Land Husbandry. Matthews , J. A. The Ecology of Recently-Deglaciated Terrain: A Geoecological Approach to Glacier Forelands and Primary Succession. Waddington , D. V., Carrow , R. N. & Shearman , R. C. (eds) Turfgrass, Agronomy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B rewer , R. & S leeman , J. R. Soil Structure and Fabric
E dwards , C.A., S tinner , B.R., S tinner , D. & R abatin , S. (EDS). Biological Interactions in Soil.
G ras , R. Physique du Sol pour ľAménagement.
J enkinson , D.S. & S mith , K.A. (eds). Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils.
M olly , L. & C hristie , Q. Soils in the New Zealand Landscape – The Living Mantle.
P aul , E.A & C lark , F.E. Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry.
S teffen , W.L. & D enmead , O.T. (eds). Flow and Transport in the Natural Environment: Advances and Applications.
S tewart , B.A. (ed.). Advances in Soil Science, Vol. 8.
M artin , G.C. et al. (eds). Persistence of Forage Legumes.
M c K ell , C.M. (ed.). The Biology and Utilization of Shrubs.
S herma , J. (ed.). Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators. Vols. XVI Specific Applications and XVII Advanced Analytical Techniques.
S prague , G.F. & D udley , J.W. (eds). Corn and Corn Improvement.
T homas , D.S.G. (ed.). Arid Zone Geomorphology.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article: Anderson , M. G. & Burt , T. P., (eds) Process Studies in Hillslope Hydrology. Avery , B. W. Soils of the British Isles. Boardman J., Foster , I. D. L. & Dearing , J. A., (eds) Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land. Campbell , C. A., Zentner , R. P., Janzen , H. H. & Bowren , K. E. Crop Rotation Studies on the Canadian Prairies. Cheng , H. H., (ed.) Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts, and Modeling. Dindal , D. L., (ed.) Soil Biology Guide. Fergusson , J. E. The Heavy Elements: Chemistry, Environmental Impact And Health Effects. Follett , R. F., (ed.) Nitrogen Management and Ground Water Protection. Hayes , M. H. B., Mac Carthy P., Malcolm , R. L. & Swift , R. S., (eds) Humic Substances II: In Search of Structure. Hillel D. & Elrick , D. E., (eds) Scaling in Soil Physics: Principles and Applications. Kämäri , J. et al., (eds) Regional Acidification Models. Melchoir , D. C. & Bassett , R. L., (eds) Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II. Schulze , E. D., Lange , O. L. & Oren , R., (eds) Forest Decline and Air Pollution: A Study of Spruce (Picea Abies) on Acid Soils. Lal , R. & Stewart , B. A., (eds) Advances in Soil Science. Stewart , B. A., (ed.) Advances in Soil Science. Singh , R. P., Parr , J. F. & Stewart , B. A., (eds) Advances in Soil Science. Stewart , B. A., (ed.) Advances in Soil Science. Thornes , J. B., (ed) Vegetation and Erosion: Processes and Environments. Webster , R. & Oliver , M. A. Statistical Methods in Soil and Land Resource Survey. Young , A. & Murata , P. SCUAF: Soil Changes Under Agroforestry. Pizer , N. H. Understanding Soils, The Experience of an Adviser. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Allbrook , R. F. Bibliography of Soil Science in New Zealand up to 1957 Alloway , B. J., (ed.) Heavy Metals in Soils. Lyman , W. J., Reehl , W. F. & Rosenblatt , D. H., (eds) Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Maltby , E. & Wollersen , T., (eds) Soils and their Management. A Sino–European Perspective. Miedema , R. & Mermut , A. R. Soil Micromorphology: An Annotated Bibliography 1968–1986. National Research Council . Surface Coal Mining Effects on Ground Water Recharge. Orr , W. L. & White , C. M., (eds) Geochemistry of Sulfur in Fossil Fuels. Schwintzer , C. R. & Tjepkema , J. D., (eds) The Biology of Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants. Tedder , D. W. & Pohland , F. G., (eds) Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management. Winteringham , F. P. W. Radioactive Fallout in Soils, Crops and Food.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Alexander , A. (ed.) Foliar Fertilization. Developments in Plant & Soil Sciences Burke , W., Gabriels , D. & Bouma , J. (eds) Soil Structure Assessment. Burrough , P. A. Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources Assessment. Catt , J. A. Soils and Quaternary Geology: A Handbook for Field Scientists. Chen , Y. & Avinemelech , Y. (eds) The Role of Organic Matter in Modern Agriculture. Chisci , G. & Morgan , R. P. C. (eds) Soil Erosion in the European Community–Impact of Changing Agriculture. Crawley , M. J. (ed.) Plant Ecology. De Datta , S. K. & Patrick , W. H. (eds) Nitrogen Economy of Flooded Rice Soils. Engelstad , O. P. (ed.) Fertilizer Technology and Use Farouk El -Baz & Hassan , M. H. A. (eds) Physics of Desertification. Francis , C. A. Multiple Cropping Systems. Gessel , S. P. (ed.) Forest Site and Productivity. Hauck , R. D. & Weaver , R. W. (eds) Field Measurement of Dinitrogen Fixation and Denitrification. Haynes , R. J., (ed.) Mineral Nitrogen in the Plant-Soil system. Kanwar , J. S. & Mudahar , M. S. Fertilizer Sulfur and Food Production. Lal , R. Tropical Ecology and Physical Edaphology. Lambers , H., Neeteson , J. J. & Stulen , J. (eds) Fundamental, Ecological and Agricultural Aspects of Nitrogen Metabolism in Higher Plants. Lee , R. E. Land and Soil. Marsman , B. A. & De Gruijter , J. J. Quality of Soil Maps: a Comparison of Survey Methods in a Sandy Area. Mitchell , M. J. & Nakas , J. P. (eds) Microfloral and Faunal Interactions in Natural and Agroecosystems. Mokwunye , A. U. & Vlek , P. L. G. (eds) Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Moore , P. D. & Chapman , S. B. (eds) Methods in Plant Ecology Murphy , C. P. Thin Section Preparation of Soils and Sediments. National Research Council . Soil Conservation: Assessing the National Resources Inventory. Reuter , D. J. & Robinson , J. B. (eds) Plant Analysis–an Interpretation Manual. Simpson , K. Fertilizers and Manures. Skinner , F. A. & Uomala , P. (eds) Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes. Thompson , R. & Oldfield , F. Environmental magnetism. Valentine , K. W. G. Soil Resource Surveys for Forestry: Soil, Terrain and Site Mapping in Boreal and Temperate Forests. Van Der Meer , H. G., Ryden , J. C. & Ennik , G. C. (eds) Nitrogen Fluxes in Intensive Grassland Systems. Van Wijk , A. L. M. & Wessling , J. (eds) Agricultural Water Management. Barnard , G. & Kristoferson , L. Agricultural Residues as Fuel in the Third World. Barrett -Lennard , E. G., Malcolm , C. V., Stern , W. R. & Wilkins , S. M. (eds) Forage and Fuel Production from Salt Affected Wasteland. Binkley , D. Forest Nutrition Management. Kual , R. N. & Egbo , C. O. Introduction to Agricultural Mechanisation.  相似文献   

B ethlenfalvay , G. J. & L inderman , R. G. (eds) Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture
B ollag , J.-M. & S totzky , G. (eds) Soil Biochemistry
C resser , M., K illham , K. & E dwards , T. Soil Chemistry and its Applications
H anks , R. J. Applied Soil Physics
L al , R. & S anchez , P. A. (eds) Myths andscience of Soils of the Tropics
M agdoff , F. Building Soils for Better Crops: Organic Matter Management
M itchell , J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behavior
M ulongoy , K. & M erckx , R. (eds) Soif Organic Matter Dynamics and Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture
O jima , D. S. & S vensson , B. H. (eds) Trace Gas Exchange in a Global Perspective
P imentel , D. (cd.) World Soil Erosion and Conservation
T an , K. H. Principles of Soil Chemistry
T opp , G. C., R eynolds , W. D. & G reen , R. E. (eds) Advances in Measurement ofsoil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Practice
W icherek , S. (ed.) Farm Land Erosion in Temperate Plains Environment and Hills
W ild , A. Soils and the Environment: An Introduction  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B ridges , E. M. Healing the Scars: Derelict Land in Wales.
H arrison , A. F., L atter , P. M. & W alton , D. W. H. (eds) Cotton Strip Assay: An Index of Decomposition in Soils.
M oldenhauer , W. C. & H udson , N. W. (eds) Conservation Farming on Steep Lands.
The Utilization of Secondary and Trace Elements in Agriculture.
van B reemen , N. J., V isser , W. J. F. & P ape , Th. (eds) Biogeochemistry of an oak-woodland ecosystem in the Netherlands affected by acid atmospheric deposition.
van H oorn , J. W. (ed.) Agrohydrology-Recent Developments.
Y atsu , E. The Nature of Weathering: an Introduction.
Z onn , S. V. Tropical and subtropical soil science , Trans. M. Victorava.
A hlvin , R. G. & S moots , V. A. Construction Guide for Soils and Foundations (2nd Edition).
B ailey , G. D. (Compiler) Bibliography of Soil Taxonomy, 1960–1979.
C hisholm , A. & D umsday , R. (eds) Land degradation. Problems and policies.  相似文献   

B ar -Y osef , B., B arrow , N. J. & G oldshmid , J. (eds). Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone.
B oddy , L., M archant , R. & R ead , D. J. (eds) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur Utilization by Fungi.
B ouwman , A. F. (ed.) Soils and the Greenhouse Effect.
C oyne , L. M., M ckeever , S. W. S. & B lake , D. F. (eds) Spectroscopic Characterization of Minerals and their Surfaces.
D agan , G. Flow and Transport in Porous Formations.
G erstl , Z., C hen , Y., M ingelgrin , U. & Y aron , B. (eds) Toxic Organic Chemicals in Porous Media.
G liessman S. R. (ed.) Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture.
H ansen , J. A. & H endriksen , K. (eds) Nitrogen in Organic Wastes Applied to Soils.
I dso , S. B. Carbon Dioxide and Global Change: Earth in Transition.
K imball , B. A. (ed.) Impact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global Agriculture.
L ynch , J. M. (ed.) The Rhizosphere.
M ing , D. W. & H enninger , D. L. (eds) Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growth.
W ood , M. Soil Biology. Blackie, Glasgow. 1989. 154 pp. £23.00 (hardback), £10.95 (paperback).
Y oung , A. Agroforestry for Soil Conservation.
A ndriesse , J. P. Nature and Management of Tropical Peat Soils.
D alzell , I. D. et al. Soil Management: Compost Production and Use in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Environments.
G irard , M. C. & GIRARD, C. M. Télédétection Appliqué.
H ornby , D. (ed.) Biological Control of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens.
H udson , N. W. Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Areas.
L obo , V. M. M. Handbook of Electrolyte Solutions
L owrison , G. C. Fertilizer Technology.
S heng , T. C. Soil Conservation for Small Farmers in the Humid Tropics.
U nger , P. W. Tillage Systems for Soil and Water Conservation.
W are , G. W. (ed.) Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article: Arora , D. K., Rai , B., Mukerji , K. G. & Knudsen , G. R. (eds) Handbook of Applied Mycology: Vol. I, Soils and Plants. Bullock , P. & Gregory , P. J., (eds) Soils in the Urban Environment. Buol , S. W., Hole , F. D. & Mccracken , R. J. Soil Genesis and Classification. Duchaufour , P. Pédologie: Sol, végétation, environnement. Abrégés. Follett , R. F., Keeney , D. R. & Cruse , R. M., (eds) Managing Nitrogen for Groundwater Quality and Farm Profitability. Groot , J. J. R., De Willingen , P. & Verberne , E. L. J., (eds) Nitrogen Turnover in the Soil-Crop System. Jury , W. A., Gardner , W. R. & Gardner , W. M. Soil Physics. Kienitz , G., Milly , P. C. D., Van Genuchten , M. T., Rosbjerg , D. & Shuttleworth , W. J. (eds). Hydrological Interactions Between Atmosphere, Soil and Vegetation. Klausner , Y. Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils. Landon , J. R., (ed.) Booker Tropical Soil Manual. Last , F. T. & Watling , R., (eds) Acidic Deposition: Its Nature and Impacts. Mc Michael , B. L. & Person , H., (eds) Plant Roots and Their Environment. Merian , E., (ed) Metals and their Compounds in the Environment: Occurrence, Analysis and Biological Relevance. Møberg , J. P. & Breuning Madsen , H., (eds) Soil Research in Denmark. Nahon , D. B. Introduction to the Petrology of Soils and Chemical Weathering. Nettleton , W. D., (ed.) Occurrence, Characteristics and Genesis of Carbonate, Gypsum, and Silica Accumulations in Soils. Roth , K., Flühler , H., Jury , W. A. & Parker , J. C., (eds) Field-Scale Water and Solute Flux in Soils. Ulrich , B & Sumner , M. E., (eds) Soil Acidity. Wilson , W. S., (ed.) Advances in Soil Organic Matter Research: The Impact on Agriculture and the Environment. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Mason , C. F. Biology of Freshwater Pollution. Midgley , D. & Torrance , K. Potentiometric Water Analysis. Sleper , D. A., Barker , T. C. & Bramel -Cox , P. J., (eds) Plant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture: Considerations for Objectives and Methods. Undersander , D. et al. Alfalfa Management Guide.  相似文献   

B eek , K. J., B urrough , P. A. & M ccormack , D. E. (eds) Quantified Land Evaluation Procedures.
B rady , N. C. (ed.) Advances in Agronomy, Volume 40.
B ruehl , G. W. Soilborne Plant Pathogens.
D okuchaev i nstitute of S oil S cience . Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of the USSR.
D unsmore , J. R. KHARDEP; Rural Development in the Hills of Nepal.
F airchild , D. M. Ground Water Quality and Agricultural Practices.
F itzpatrick , E. A. An Introduction to Soil Science .
F ollett , R. F. (ed.) Soil Fertility and Organic Matter as Critical Components of Production Systems.
G reenhalgh , R. & R oberts , T. R. (eds) Pesticide Science and Biotechnology.
H allsworth , E. G. Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology of Erosion.
L of , P. Soils of the World.
Methods of Soil Analysis. K lute , A. (ed.).
Physical and Mineralogical Methods. P age , A. L., M iller , R. H. & K eeney , D. R. (eds)
Chemical and Microbiological Properties.
M organ , R. P. C. Soil Erosion and Conservation.
N ewman , A. C. D. (ed.). Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals.
R unge , E. C. A., et al. (eds) Utilization, Treatment, and Disposal of Waste on Land.
T abatabai , M. A. (ed.) Sulfur in Agriculture.
T ate , R. L., Soil Organic Matter; Biological and Ecological Effects.
T ate , R. L. (ed.) Microbial Autecology; a Method for Environmental Studies.
V aughan , D. & M alcolm , R. E. (eds) Soil Organic Matter and Biological Activity.
W est , S. H. (ed.) Physiological-Pathological Interactions Affecting Seed Deterioration.
W hite , R. E. Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Soil Science.
W ilcox , J. R. (ed.) Soybeans: Improvement, Production and Uses.
W ilson , M. J. (ed.) A Handbook of Determinative Methods in Clay Mineralogy.
W olfe , M. S. & C aten , C. E. (eds) Populations of Plant Pathogens; their Dynamics and Genetics.  相似文献   

A iken , G. R. et al. (eds). Humic Substances in Soil, Sediment and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation and Characterization.
A llan J ones , A. C. C4 Grasses and Cereals: Growth, Development and Stress Response.
B ohn , H. L. M cneal , B. L. & O'c onnor , G. A. (eds). Soil Chemistry
C oates , D. R. Geology and Society.
F itter , A. H. (ed.). Ecological Interactions in Soil: Plants, Microbes and Animals.
H ascoet , M., et al. (eds). Comportement et Effets Secondaires des Pesticides duns le Sol (Behaviour and Side Effects of Pesticides in Soil)
L alonde , M., C amiré , C. & D awson , J. O. (eds). Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants.
L iebau , F. Structural Chemistry of Silicates.
M okhtaruddin , A. M. et al. (eds). Advances in Soil Research in Malaysia.
M ückenhausen , E. Die Bodenkunde unde ihre Geologischen, Geomorphogischen, Mineralogischen und Petrologischen Grundlagen, 3, ergänzte Aujage.
O'n eill , P. Environmental Chemistry.
R ichards , K. S., A rnett , R. R. & E llis , S. (eds). Geomorphology and Soils.
S tamatopoulos , A. C. & K otzias , P. C. Soil Improvement by Preloading.
T ian -R en , Yu (ed.). Physical Chemistry of Paddy Soils.  相似文献   

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