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本文报道了对西班牙养猪密集地区进行的猪流感病毒(SIV)血清学和病毒学调查结果,其目的是检测H1N2亚型猪流感病毒是否和在欧洲其它地区一样也流行于这些地区。在西班牙北部和东部地区100个未接种猪流感疫苗的繁育群采集了600份母猪血清,以进行抗H1N1、H3N2和H1N2亚型病毒的血凝抑制试验(HI);再借助鸡胚病毒分离法和商品薄膜免疫分析法,对采自有呼吸道疾患的225份病猪肺样本进行检测以确定是否存在猪流感病毒。通过HI和逆转录酶-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法,再辅以cDNA部分序列的测定,对分离毒株进行鉴定。对血清所作的HI试验表明,在83%受测猪群和76·3%受测猪中至少存在抗一种猪流感病毒亚型的抗体。在受检的600份母猪血清中,仅含抗H1N2、H3N2或H1N1亚型病毒抗体的样本数分别为109份(占总样本比例的18·2%)、60份(10%)和41(6·8%)。从有呼吸道疾患的猪肺样本中分离到12株H3N2亚型病毒、9株H1N1亚型病毒和1株H1N2病毒。对H1N2亚型分离株的神经氨酸酶基因436个核苷酸序列进行的分析,进一步证实了其身份。显然,猪流感依然流行于所研究猪群中,同时一种新的亚型病毒(即H1N2亚型病毒)可能正在开始流行,并且也在西班牙引起了临床发病。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a serological and virological survey for swine influenza virus (SIV) in densely populated pig areas in Spain. The survey was undertaken to examine whether the H1N2 SIV subtype circulates in pigs in these areas, as in other European regions. Six hundred sow sera from 100 unvaccinated breeding herds across Northern and Eastern Spain were examined using haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests against H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2 SIV subtypes. Additionally, 225 lung samples from pigs with respiratory problems were examined for the presence of SIV by virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs and by a commercial membrane immunoassay. The virus isolates were further identified by HI and RT-PCR followed by partial cDNA sequencing. The HI test on sera revealed the presence of antibodies against at least one of the SIV subtypes in 83% of the herds and in 76.3% of the animals studied. Of the 600 sow sera tested, 109 (18.2%), 60 (10%) and 41 (6.8%) had SIV antibodies to subtype H1N2 alone, H3N2 alone and H1N1 alone, respectively. Twelve H3N2 viruses, 9 H1N1 viruses and 1 H1N2 virus were isolated from the lungs of pigs with respiratory problems. The analysis of a 436 nucleotide sequence of the neuraminidase gene from the H1N2 strain isolated further confirmed its identity. Demonstrably, swine influenza is still endemic in the studied swine population and a new subtype, the H1N2, may be becoming established and involved in clinical outbreaks of the disease in Spain.  相似文献   

猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型多重RT-PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对我国分离到的猪流感病毒和GenBank数据库中已有的猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型毒株的HA、NA基因核苷酸序列进行分析,分别选出各个病毒亚型HA和NA基因中高度保守且特异的核苷酸区域,设计扩增猪流感病毒H1和H3、N1和N2亚型的2套多重PCR特异性引物,建立了猪流感H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型病毒多重RT-PCR诊断方法。采用该方法对H1N1、H1N2、H3N2亚型猪流感病毒标准参考株进行RT-PCR检测,结果均呈阳性,对扩增得到的片段进行序列测定和BLAST比较,表明为目的基因片段。其它几种常见猪病病毒和其它亚型猪流感病毒的RT-PCR扩增结果都呈阴性。对107EID50/0.1mL病毒进行稀释,提取RNA进行敏感性试验,RT-PCR最少可检测到102EID50的病毒量核酸。对40份阳性临床样品的检测结果是H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型分别为16份、1份和20份,其它3份样品同时含有H1N1和H3N2亚型猪流感病毒,和鸡胚分离病毒结果100%一致。试验证明建立的猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型多重RT-PCR诊断方法是一种特异敏感的诊断方法,可用于临床样品的早期快速诊断和分型。  相似文献   

Influenza viruses have been isolated from dogs in China; however, the extent of influenza infection among dogs is not yet clear. Here, we examined the seroprevalence of avian-origin canine H3N2, pandemic H1N1/09 and human seasonal H3N2 influenza viruses in pet dogs in China during January 2012 to June 2013. The seropositivity rate of canine H3N2, H1N1/09 and human H3N2 were 3.5%, 1.5%, and 1.2%, respectively. Dogs aged 2–5 years were most commonly seropositive to canine H3N2 virus. It is worth noting that two serum samples were positive against both canine H3N2 and H1N1/09 viruses, suggesting the possibility of coinfection with both viruses. Our findings emphasize the necessity for continued surveillance of influenza viruses in dogs in China.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a commercial swine influenza vaccine based on A/New Jersey/8/76 (H1N1) and A/Port Chalmers/1/73 (H3N2) strains was tested against challenge with an H1N2 swine influenza virus. Influenza virus-seronegative pigs were vaccinated twice with the vaccine when they were four and eight weeks old, or with the same vaccine supplemented with an H1N2 component. Control pigs were left unvaccinated. Three weeks after the second vaccination, all the pigs were challenged intratracheally with the swine influenza strain Sw/Gent/7625/99 (H1N2). The commercial vaccine induced cross-reactive antibodies to H1N2, as detected by the virus neutralisation (VN) assay, but VN antibody titres were 18 times lower than in the pigs vaccinated with the H1N2-supplemented vaccine. The challenge produced severe respiratory signs in nine of 10 unvaccinated control pigs, which developed high H1N2 virus titres in the lungs 24 and 72 hours after the challenge. Vaccination with the commercial vaccine resulted in milder respiratory signs, but H1N2 virus replication was not prevented. Mean virus titres in the pigs vaccinated with the commercial vaccine were 1-5 log10 lower than in the controls at 24 hours but no different at 72 hours. In contrast, the H1N2-supplemented vaccine prevented respiratory disease in most pigs. There was a 4-5 log10 reduction in the mean virus titre at 24 hours in the pigs vaccinated with this vaccine, and no detectable virus replication at 72 hours. These data indicate that the commercial swine influenza vaccine did not confer adequate protection against the H1N2 subtype.  相似文献   

本研究对2005年~2006年广西和海南省疑似猪流感(SD)病猪的组织病料进行了病毒分离,并对分离毒株进行了亚型鉴定和生物学特性的研究.结果显示:分离的3株流感病毒均为H1N2亚型猪流感病毒(SIV).能凝集多种动物的红细胞,但凝集谱与以往报道略有不同;为热不稳定型病毒;在电镜下可观察到典型流感病毒粒子.动物试验显示:小白鼠、大白鼠和家兔对分离毒株不敏感,而豚鼠较敏感.能较好地复制出流感症状和病理变化;本体试验动物仅有轻微的临床症状,但能检测到抗体升高的变化,并能从鼻腔和上呼吸道检测和分离到SIV.核苷酸同源性分析显示:分离毒株Sw/GX/17/05、Sw/GX/13/06和Sw/HN/1/05的血凝素(HA)基因分别与基因重排H1N2 亚型SIV A/Swine/lndiana 9K035/99、A/SW/MN/23124-T/01和A/swine/Zhejiang/1/04的核苷酸同源性最高,分别达97.4%、97.0%和95.7%;神经氨酸酶(NA)基因均与基因重排H1N2 亚型流感病毒A/Trurkey/MO/24093/99 的核苷酸同源性最高,达97.2%~98.0%.核苷酸同源性分析进一步证实了分离毒株为基因重排H1N2亚型SIV.  相似文献   

猪流感(H_1N_1H_3N_2亚型)二价灭活疫苗试制报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪流行性感冒(swine influenza,SI)是由猪流行性感冒病毒(SIV)引起的猪的一种急性、热性和高度接触性的呼吸道传染病,其临床上以突发高热、咳嗽、呼吸困难、衰竭和死亡为特征[1].  相似文献   

In late summer through early winter of 1998, there were several outbreaks of respiratory disease in the swine herds of North Carolina, Texas, Minnesota and Iowa. Four viral isolates from outbreaks in different states were analyzed, both antigenically and genetically. All of the isolates were identified as H3N2 influenza viruses with antigenic profiles similar to those of recent human H3 strains. Genotyping and phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the four swine viruses had emerged through two different pathways. The North Carolina isolate is the product of genetic reassortment between human and swine influenza viruses, while the others arose from reassortment of human, swine and avian viral genes. The hemagglutinin genes of the four isolates were all derived from the human H3N2 virus circulating in 1995. It remains to be determined if either of these recently emerged viruses will become established in the pigs in North America and whether they will become an economic burden.  相似文献   

Two recombinant fowlpox viruses containing the avian influenza H5 hemaglutinin (HA) gene were evaluated for their ability to protect chickens against challenge with a highly pathogenic isolate of avian influenza virus (H5N2). Susceptible chickens were vaccinated with the parent fowlpox vaccine virus or recombinant viruses either by wing-web puncture or comb scarification. Following challenge 4 weeks later with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, all birds vaccinated by the wing-web method were protected by both recombinants, while 50% and 70% mortality occurred in the two groups of birds vaccinated by comb scarification. Birds vaccinated with the unaltered parent fowlpox vaccine virus or unvaccinated controls experienced 90% and 100% mortality, respectively, following challenge. Hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody levels were low, and agar-gel precipitin results were negative before challenge. Very high HI titers and positive precipitating antibody responses were observed in all survivors following challenge.  相似文献   

Yang H  Chen Y  Shi J  Guo J  Xin X  Zhang J  Wang D  Shu Y  Qiao C  Chen H 《Veterinary microbiology》2011,152(3-4):229-234
Influenza A (H1N1) virus has caused human influenza outbreaks in a worldwide pandemic since April 2009. Pigs have been found to be susceptible to this influenza virus under experimental and natural conditions, raising concern about their potential role in the pandemic spread of the virus. In this study, we generated a high-growth reassortant virus (SC/PR8) that contains the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes from a novel H1N1 isolate, A/Sichuan/1/2009 (SC/09), and six internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (PR8) virus, by genetic reassortment. The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of this reassortant virus were evaluated at different doses in a challenge model using a homologous SC/09 or heterologous A/Swine/Guangdong/1/06(H1N2) virus (GD/06). Two doses of SC/PR8 virus vaccine elicited high-titer serum hemagglutination inhibiting (HI) antibodies specific for the 2009 H1N1 virus and conferred complete protection against challenge with either SC/09 or GD/06 virus, with reduced lung lesions and viral shedding in vaccine-inoculated animals compared with non-vaccinated control animals. These results indicated for the first time that a high-growth SC/PR8 reassortant H1N1 virus exhibits properties that are desirable to be a promising vaccine candidate for use in swine in the event of a pandemic H1N1 influenza.  相似文献   

Three subtypes (H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2) are currently diffused worldwide in pigs. The H1N2 subtype was detected for the first time in Italian pigs in 1998. To investigate the genetic characteristics and the molecular evolution of this subtype in Italy, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of whole genome sequences of 26 strains isolated from 1998 to 2010. Phylogenetic analysis of HA and NA genes showed differences between the older (1998-2003) and the more recent strains (2003-2010). The older isolates were closely related to the established European H1N2 lineage, whereas the more recent isolates possessed a different NA deriving from recent human H3N2 viruses. Two other reassortant H1N2 strains have been detected: A/sw/It/22530/02 has the HA gene that is closely related to H1N1 viruses; A/sw/It/58769/10 is an uncommon strain with an HA that is closely related to H1N1 and an NA similar to H3N2 SIVs. Amino acid analysis revealed interesting features: a deletion of two amino acids (146-147) in the HA gene of the recent isolates and two strains isolated in 1998; the presence of the uncommon aa change (N66S), in the PB1-F2 protein in strains isolated from 2009 to 2010, which is said to have contributed to the increased virulence. These results demonstrate the importance of pigs as mixing vessels for animal and human influenza and show the presence and establishment of reassortant strains involving human viruses in pigs in Italy. These findings also highlighted different genomic characteristics of the NA gene the recent Italian strains compared to circulating European viruses.  相似文献   

The H3N2 subtype of influenza A viruses isolated from pigs in the United States and Canada has shown both genetic and antigenic diversity. The objective of this study was to determine the serologic and genetic characteristics of contemporary strains of these viruses. Genetic analysis of 18 reference strains and 8 selected strains demonstrated differences in 1% to 9% of the nucleotides of the hemagglutinin (HA) gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the HA gene revealed 3 genetic clusters, as well as divergence of cluster III viruses from a cluster III prototype virus (A/Swine/Illinois/21587/99). By means of 1-way cross-hemagglutination inhibition with antiserum against 5 field isolates and 3 vaccine viruses, most of 97 isolates tested could be placed in 1 of 3 serogroups. The several isolates that did not react with any antiserum were in genetic cluster III, which suggests that continuous antigenic drift in cluster III may have resulted in virus variants. The efficacy of commercial vaccines against these virus variants should be evaluated with vaccination and challenge studies.  相似文献   

This investigation detailed the clinical disease, gross and histologic lesions, and distribution of viral antigen in juvenile laughing gulls (Larus atricilla) intranasally inoculated with either the A/tern/South Africa/61 (H5N3) (tern/SA) influenza virus or the A/chicken/Hong Kong/220/97 (H5N1) (chicken/HK) influenza virus, which are both highly pathogenic for chickens. Neither morbidity nor mortality was observed in gulls inoculated with either virus within the 14-day investigative period. Gross lesions resultant from infection with either virus were only mild, with the tern/SA virus causing decreased lucency of the air sacs (2/6), splenomegaly (2/6), and pancreatic mottling (1/6) and the chicken/HK virus causing only decreased lucency of the air sacs (2/8) and conjunctival edema (2/8). Histologic lesions in the tern/SA-inoculated gulls included a mild to moderate heterophilic to lymphoplasmacytic airsacculitis (6/6), mild to moderate interstitial pneumonia (3/6), and moderate necrotizing pancreatitis and hepatitis at 14 days postinoculation (DPI) (2/6). Immunohistochemical demonstration of viral antigen occurred only in association with lesions in the liver and pancreas. In contrast, viral antigen was not demonstrated in any tissues from the chicken/HK-inoculated gulls, and inflammatory lesions were confined to the air sac (3/8) and lungs (3/8). Both viruses were isolated at low titers (<10(1.68) mean embryo lethal dose) from oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs up to 7 days postinoculation (DPI), from the lung and kidney of one of two tern/SA-inoculated gulls at 14 DPI, and from the lung of one of two chicken/HK-inoculated gulls at 7 DPI. Antibodies to influenza viruses as determined with the agar gel precipitin test at 14 DPI were detected only in the two tern/SA-inoculated gulls and not in the two chicken/HK-inoculated gulls.  相似文献   

中国猪源HSN1和H9N2亚型流感病毒的分离鉴定   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
猪是禽流感病毒"禽-猪-人"传播链中重要的中间宿主,了解猪流感的疫情动态将为动物流感及人流感的疾病预测及防制提供重要依据.1999~2001年间进行的血清学和病毒学监测发现我国猪群存在大范围的H1和H3亚型猪流感感染(李海燕等,2002).2002~2003年,我们进一步对来自全国14个省市的1936份血清进行了H9亚型猪流感的检测,同时在广东、福建等省进行了H5亚型猪流感的检测.2002年辽宁、广东、山东及重庆猪血清中出现H9亚型流感抗体,阳性率分别为7.3%、6.8%、5.1%和1.6%.2003年采集的猪血清H9亚型流感抗体均为阴性,同时发现广东、福建两省2003年出现H5亚型流感阳性猪群,阳性率分别为4.7%和8.2%.从2001~2003年收集和送检的样品中分离鉴定了6株H9N2亚型和2株H5N1亚型猪流感病毒,部分序列分析发现H9和H5亚型猪流感病毒均与我国分离的禽流感病毒高度同源.本研究进一步确证了我国猪群中存在H9N2亚型流感病毒,并且首次发现我国猪群已出现H5N1亚型流感病毒,为人类流感及动物流感的防制敲响了警钟.对这两个亚型流感病毒所具有的公共卫生和兽医公共卫生危害性应予以高度重视.  相似文献   

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