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日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)可调控家畜体内的酸碱平衡。近年来,由于其对泌乳奶牛生产性能的影响而越来越受到研究者的重视。文章就阴阳离子差的计算,阴阳离子差对泌乳奶牛干物质采食量、泌乳量和乳成分、瘤胃参数的影响,及对DCAD在我国泌乳奶牛日粮中的应用的展望作了综合阐述。  相似文献   

为了研究不同日粮阴阳离子差对泌乳盛期奶牛血液酸碱平衡的影响,本试验选择12头泌乳盛期体重、年龄、胎次、产奶量相似的荷斯坦牛,采用随机区组设计分成四组,分别饲喂四组不同DCAB值日粮,A组(对照组)DCAB值为20mEq/100gDM,B组DCAB值为25mEq/100gDM,C组DCAB值为30mEq/100gDM,D组DCAB值为40mEq/100gDM,试验期为21d。结果表明:增加日粮DCAB值可明显增强奶牛血液的缓冲能力和运氧能力,奶牛血液pH和实际碳酸氢盐含量随日粮DCAB值的升高而增加(P0.05)。动脉血CO2分压A组与B组之间没有显著差异(P0.05),而与C组、D组之间有显著差异(P0.05);动脉血O2分压、CO2总量、碱超、氧饱和度则随日粮DCAB值的升高先增加后减少,其中试验B组、C组、D组的血液CO2总量和碱超较对照组A组增加,均达到了显著水平(P0.05)。奶牛血糖和血液尿素氮在一定范围内随着日粮DCAB值的增加而增加,试验B组、C组均与试验A组差异显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Meta分析作为一种科学客观的定量综述形式,已经广泛应用于国外农业研究.本文利用这一方法,分析奶牛干物质采食量(DMI)与日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)的潜在关系.研究所用资料取自已发表的8篇关于泌乳前期奶牛日粮阴阳离子平衡对DMI影响的文献数据,对实际观测值进行了研究间效应的校正.分析结果表明,泌乳前期奶牛校正后的DMI随DCAD增加呈二次增加(P<0.01,R2=0.74),在DCAD为298.3 mmol/kg DM时达到最高值;校正后的DMI随血液:HCO3浓度以及血液pH增加而二次增加(P<0.01,R2=0.91;P<0.01,R2=0.87),在血液HCO3-浓度为29.2 mmol/L时达到最大.校正后的DMI与血液HCO3-以及血液pH的关系分析表明,DMI与泌乳前期奶牛体内酸碱平衡相关性很大.DCAD通过影响机体的酸碱平衡,并最终影响奶牛的自由采食量.  相似文献   

与其他冷季草种相比,猫尾草日粮阴阳离子差[DCAD=(Na K)-(Cl S)]较低。若将猫尾草种植在低K土壤中,并施以CaCl2,则其DCAD可进一步减少。本研究的目的是研究干奶期奶牛饲喂低DCAD干猫尾草的效应。试验采用3×3拉丁方设计,选用6头非妊娠和非泌乳奶牛。各处理组如下:①对照组(对照组;DCAD=296 m Eq/kg干物质);②以低负DCAD猫尾草为基础的低DCAD日粮(L-干草;DCAD=-24 m Eq/kg干物质);③加HCl的低质DCAD日粮(L-HCl;DCAD=-19 m Eq/kg干物质)。结果发现:L-干草处理组虽然降低了日粮的DCAD,但对干物质采食量(11.8 kg/d)或干物质消化率(71.5%)没有影响。与对照组相比,L-干草处理组奶牛尿pH从8.21降低到5.89。L-干草处理组奶牛碱储(-0.4 vs 3.8 mmol/L)和HCO3-(23 vs 27 mmol/L)水平降低,Ca2 (5.3 vs 5.1 mg/dl),Cl-(30.5 vs 29.5 mg/dl)和Na (60.8 vs 60.1 mg/dl)水平升高。和对照组相比,L-干草组中尿液Ca2 较多(13.4 vs 1.2g/d)。与L-HCl组相比,L-干草组奶牛干物质采食量(11.5 vs 9.8 kg/d)和血液pH(7.37 vs 7.31)较高。尿液pH、总干物质及Ca、K、P和Mg的表观吸收和表观存留呈现相同的规律。和L-HCl组相比,L-干草组中Na和Cl的吸收率即占采食量的百分比较低。EDTA诱发试验显示,L-干草组奶牛血液中Ca2 恢复到初始水平并且下降速度为对照组(339 vs 708 min)的2倍;L-干草组与L-HCl组之间差异不显著。本研究结果证实给干奶期奶牛饲喂低DCAD干草是减少日粮中DCAD的一个有效方法。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究不同日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)对喀斯特地区围产期奶牛体内代谢、健康状况及泌乳性能的影响。将30头荷斯坦经产干奶牛按照随机区组设计分为3组:对照组、试验1组和试验2组,其DCAD水平分别为+81、+20和-32 mmol.kg-1DM。结果表明:尿液pH随DCAD水平的降低而显著降低(P<0.05);试验2组血浆Ca、Cl水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05);血浆Na、K、P,葡萄糖、尿素氮浓度差异不显著(P>0.05);试验1组和试验2组低血钙、胎衣不下发生率较对照组低;各组奶牛对DMI、奶产量和奶成分影响不大(P>0.05)。结果提示,在喀斯特地区围产期奶牛日粮中添加阴离子盐是可行的,可引起奶牛体内代偿性轻度代谢酸中毒,增加血Ca水平,有利于改善健康状况,对奶牛产后泌乳性能影响不大。  相似文献   

冯占雨 《饲料广角》2009,(13):28-31
1奶牛上使用的阴阳离子差概念及计算公式 DACD(Dietary cation-anion difference)即日粮阴阳离子差.由Beede等于20世纪90年代初总结前人的研究并提出.表达了饲粮中各种离子的含量及这些离子之间的比例关系.是综合考虑饲粮中的离子.探讨其共同效应的概念。在近期的研究中.研究者发现对离子营养的研究不应只关注个体营养素自身对代谢的作用.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究低氮日粮对育成绒山羊钙代谢相关生化指标的影响.选用30只阿尔巴斯白绒山羊育成羊,按体重随机分为3组,即低氮组(CP:7.5%)、中氮组(CP:10.5%)和高氮组(CP:13.5%),每个处理组10只羊.预试期15 d,正试期42 d.结果表明:(1)日粮蛋白水平对育成绒山羊日增重无显著影响,中氮组和低氮组...  相似文献   

日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD,每100克干物质中Na+K-C1-S的毫克当量)概念在干奶母牛营养中的使用增加了DCAD对泌乳母牛潜在影响的兴趣。泌乳期中酸-碱平衡和生产性能的改善与DCAD的增加联系在一起,但要提出最适DCAD的推荐值需要进一步研究。在给出最适DCAD的推荐值之前,尤其是在泌乳早期,  相似文献   

选择24头干奶后期中国荷斯坦奶牛随机配对分为3组,每组8头牛,分别在围生前期饲喂基础日粮(对照组)、阴离子型日粮(试验1组)和阴离子型高钙日粮(试验2组),以研究围生前期日粮中不同日粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)与钙水平对奶牛钙代谢和泌乳量的影响。结果表明:与对照组奶牛相比,试验1组和试验2组奶牛分娩后24h血清中的钙离子质量浓度及产后1~60d的日平均泌乳量都有极显著的提高,且试验2组奶牛极显著高于试验1组奶牛;试验1组奶牛分娩后24h血清中的甲状旁腺素和维生素D3质量浓度有极显著提高;试验2组奶牛分娩后24h血清中维生素D3的质量浓度有显著提高,降钙素的质量浓度则显著降低。试验结果表明:围生前期饲喂阴离子型高钙日粮可更好的维持奶牛的钙代谢并提高日平均泌乳量。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同水平饲粮阴阳离子差(DCAD)对围产期奶牛酸碱平衡、血浆钙浓度及抗氧化应激的影响。选用39头经产预产前28 d、体重、年龄相近的荷斯坦奶牛,按单因子随机区组试验设计分为3组,每组13头牛,分别饲喂DCAD为+175、-35、-183的试验饲粮。DCAD水平通过在饲粮中添加阴离子盐配制。试验期60 d,其中预试期10 d,正试期50 d。结果表明,降低DCAD水平可降低尿液pH(P<0.05),提高血浆钙浓度(P<0.05);但对血浆抗氧化应激指标均没有显著影响(P>0.05)。奶牛产后产奶量和乳成分不受产前DCAD水平的影响(P>0.05)。由此可见,降低围产前期奶牛DCAD水平可降低尿液pH,有利于维持血浆钙稳定,对抗氧化应激能力没有影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the relative effects of dietary calcium and oxalate (in the form of oxalic acid) on the composition of urine produced by healthy adult Cairn Terriers and Miniature Schnauzers. A nutritionally complete dry dog food was fed to 7 dogs (4 Cairn terriers and 3 Miniature schnauzers) for 24 weeks. The dogs were fed the diet alone, or supplemented with six different combinations of dietary calcium (as carbonate and sulphate) and oxalate (as oxalic acid) commonly found in dry commercially prepared dog foods. Urine pH, volume, specific gravity, and concentrations of 12 analytes were measured for each dog; urinary relative supersaturation (RSS) with calcium oxalate (CaOx) was calculated from these values. The effects of supplemental calcium and oxalate were established using two-way analysis of variance and multiple range tests (least significant difference); P<0.05 was considered significant. The lowest level of dietary calcium and oxalate resulted in the lowest CaOx RSS. The high calcium, low oxalate diet resulted in the highest CaOx RSS, a low calcium diet with increased dietary oxalate also tended to increase CaOx RSS although results were highly variable. Urinary calcium concentration increased significantly with dietary calcium; urinary oxalate increased, although inconsistently, with dietary oxalic acid only when dietary calcium was low. Measures to reduce both calcium and oxalate should be considered when implementing dietary changes to reduce the risk of calcium oxalate formation in dogs. A reduction in dietary calcium without a concomitant decrease in dietary oxalate may increase the risk of CaOx crystallisation in susceptible dogs.  相似文献   

本试验研究了日粮阴阳离子(DCAD)水平对围产期的泌乳水牛采食量、尿液pH值、泌乳初期泌乳性能的影响。选择32头2胎以上、品种、上期泌乳量、健康体况相似的处于围产期的泌乳水牛,随机分成4个组,分别饲喂DCAD水平为+139.89、+54.22、-29.11和-110.21mmoL/kg的4种日粮进行试验,试验期为产前21 d开始至产后30 d。结果表明:随着日粮DCAD水平的降低,各组间试验水牛干物质采食量无显著差异,尿液pH值随之显著降低。各组产奶量无显著差异,但可提高水牛产后泌乳量2.50%~4.86%,极显著降低水牛乳体细胞数(P<0.01);乳蛋白率、乳脂率、乳糖率均有显著提高(P<0.05)。综上所述,泌乳水牛日粮适宜DCAD水平为-110.21 mmoL/kg左右。  相似文献   

Formulation of rations to induce a compensated metabolic acidosis in the post-partum cow has proved a useful strategy for prevention of milk fever. Such acidification improves the ability of the animal to maintain calcium homeostasis by promoting the absorption of calcium from the intestine and mobilization of calcium from the bone. In humans, an acidogenic diet results in mild metabolic acidosis in association with a state of cortisol excess and this increase in plasma cortisol may increase bone catabolism. The objective of our experiment was to induce acidification by anionic salt supplementation and to study the effects of anionic supplementation on plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels in sheep. Twenty-seven twin-bearing sheep were assigned to two experimental groups and a control group, depending on dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) (+272.6, -88.9 and +164.5 mEq/kg DM respectively). Sheep assigned to each dietary treatment received their respective rations beginning 6 weeks pre-partum and continuing until 12 days post-partum. Anionic diet induced a non-respiratory systemic acidosis in association with a mild increase in plasma cortisol concentration without changes in plasma ACTH levels. Our data suggest that the mild hypercortisolism observed in sheep fed the anionic diet may not be an effector for bone resorption induced by anionic salts. A mild hypercortisolism of this magnitude may lead to osteoporosis but this might require many years of adrenal hypersecretion while anionic salts are only used during the last weeks of pregnancy.  相似文献   

不同钙磷水平日粮对钙磷在猪体内代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
钙和磷对猪来说是2种极其重要的矿物质,具有非常重要的生理功能.钙和磷在日粮中的含量不同会对自身的代谢产生相当大的影响,为进一步了解日粮不同钙、磷水平对钙磷在猪体内代谢的影响,作者将从对钙、磷的吸收,血清中钙、磷的浓度,钙、磷在体内的存留,尿中钙、磷排出量和粪中钙、磷排出量这5个方面的影响来阐述.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether mildly altering dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) contributes to the prevention of milk fever in dairy cows. Thirty multiparous cows and ten primiparous cows (heifer group) were used in this study and the multiparous cows were randomly divided into three groups of ten animals each (anion, non-anion and control groups). The cows in the anion group were given supplemental salts that slightly lowered DCAD. These salts consisted of 115 g of CaCO3, 42 g of CaHPO4, 65 g of MgSO4 x 7 H2O and 80 g of CaCl2 x 2 H2O as a daily dose for each cow, using a catheter from 21 days before the expected date of parturition until parturition. The cows in the non-anion group were given only the same Ca, Mg and ip supplement but no sulfate and chloride salts as that in the anion group. The cows in the control and heifer groups were not given any additional supplement. The incidence of hypocalcemia in the anion group decreased to approximately half of those in the non-anion and control groups, while the heifer group did not develop hypocalcemia at all. In addition, the number of days spent for the treatment of hypocalcemia and the number of drug bottles (calcium borogluconate solution) used for the treatment decreased to less than half in the anion group compared with those in the non-anion and control groups. At parturition, the serum Ca concentration in the control (6.2 +/- 1.9 mg/dl, mean +/- standard deviation) and non-anion groups (6.4 +/- 1.7 mg/dl) were significantly lower than that in the heifer group (8.3 +/- 0.4 mg/dl), and the level in the anion group was intermediate (7.3 +/- 1.3 mg/dl). The change in ionized Ca concentration was almost the same as that in serum Ca concentration, but only the concentration in the anion group tended to increase slightly from a week before parturition and was significantly higher than that in all other groups three days before parturition. Urinary pH in the anion group was maintained at a mildly acidic level (6.8-7.0) for the last two weeks before parturition, compared with those in the control (7.3-7.5) and non-anion groups (7.9-8.1), and similar to that in the heifer group (6.3-7.3). The urinary Ca excretion was the highest in the anion group among all groups during the prepartum period. There were no specific changes in the excretion of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in all groups of multiparous cows while the levels of these hormones remained low in the heifer group throughout the experimental period. The data in the present study indicates that the administration of anion salts that slightly lowered DCAD in the preparum period was effective for preventing milk fever in multiparous cows. Safe and mild metabolic acidosis induced by the anion salts could be evaluated by urinary pH (6.8-7.0), and might increase the responsiveness to Ca requirement at parturition through some complex mechanisms unrelated to the excretion of Ca-related hormones. In addition, it was clarified that primiparous cows have a high potential to respond to sudden Ca demand unrelated to hormone excretion, and their Ca metabolism was in some respects similar to that in multiparous cows fed anion salts. Therefore, manipulating mildly DCAD is expected to be an effective, safe and natural method for preventing milk fever in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Sixteen Quarter Horse weanlings were used in a splitplot design experiment to determine the effects of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) on mineral metabolism, osteocalcin concentration and variables of growth. Horses were blocked by age and sex and then randomly allotted to two treatment groups (High or Low). Experimental diets with a DCAD of +325 (High, H) and −52 (Low, L) were formed by supplementing diet H with sodium bicarbonate and diet L with calcium chloride. The DCAD was calculated as meq (Na+K)−(Cl+S)/kg of diet DM. The 25-week trial consisted of three 72 h collection periods at 150, 240 and 330 d of age during which a complete urine collection was taken.Multiple fecal grab samples were collected to represent every 2 h post-feeding during each collection period. Venous blood samples were taken for analysis of serum osteocalcin concentration. Weekly measurements were taken to monitor skeletal growth. Representative samples of feed, feces and urine were analyzed for mineral content and apparent mineral balances were calculated by difference. Although osteocalcin concentration did not differ significantly between diets H and L at 150 and 330 d of age, it was higher (P<.05) at d 240 in horses consuming diet H versus diet L. No difference (P>.05) was detected between treatments in any skeletal growth variable measured. Phosphorus balance and digestibility did not differ significantly between treatments across d of age. However, digestibility of P was lower (P<.05) at d 240 and 330 compared to d 150 in both treatments. Horses consuming diet L experienced an increased (P<.05) urinary and a decreased (P<005) fecal excretion of Ca compared to horses consuming diet H. Apparent daily Ca balance was higher (P<.05) in horses consuming diet L than those on diet H at 240 and 330 d of age. Furthermore, Ca digestibility decreased significantly between d 150 and d 240 and 330 in horses consuming diet H. Horses consuming diet L experienced no difference (P>.05) in Ca digestibility across d of age.These findings suggest that horses consuming a low DCAD diet are able to compensate for the increased urinary excretion of Ca by enhancing intestinal Ca absorption and thereby increasing daily CA balance and digestibility.  相似文献   

作者就日粮中阴阳离子平衡(dietary cation-anion balance,DCAB)对奶牛的机体健康、生产性能等方面的最新概况作一概述,提出DCAB可作为反刍动物瘤胃缓冲技术重要的研究内容,并指出DCAB现阶段的研究成果和发展方向.  相似文献   

In our previous study, it was demonstrated that the administration of anion salts, which slightly lower the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD), in the prepartum period is safe and effective for preventing milk fever in multiparous cows. In the present study, several biomarkers, which might show activation of Ca metabolism, were analyzed using stored samples in the previous study to investigate the mechanism of the preventive effect on milk fever by lowering DCAD. Changes in bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity, osteocalcin and insulin-like growth factor I concentrations in serum were almost the same among the three groups of multiparous cows with or without the oral administration of anion salts, while the levels of these serum biomarkers in the group of primiparous cows (heifer group) were much higher compared with those in the three multiparous groups throughout the experimental period. Urinary deoxypyridinoline excretion was not a useful biomarker for dairy cows because it hardly changed during the peripartum period in all groups. However, serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, which is known as a biomarker of osteoclast activity, was well associated with the administration of anion salts lowering DCAD because among the three multiparous groups, only the group of multiparous cows fed the anion salts (anion group) showed an increased level, which rose to the level in the heifer group, and was markedly higher than those in the other control groups of multiparous cows. The increased activity of serum TRAP in the anion group suggested that Ca in the plasma pool was mobilized smoothly from bone-bound Ca via mature osteoclasts at parturition, which might be due to prior activation under mild acidosis induced by slightly lowering DCAD. Therefore, TRAP was the best biomarker to monitor the activation of Ca metabolism in dairy cows fed anion salts.  相似文献   

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