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A vaccination trial was carried out in 10 infected herds. The trial included 247 female kids, the number of animals in each herd varying from 15 to 38. About half of the animals in each herd were vaccinated twice at 3 to 4 week intervals, the first vaccination being carried out before the age of 4 months. A combination of a crude filtrate of C. pseudotuberculosis toxoid with whole organisms, was used. Overall, the prevalence of animals with superficial swellings was higher in the unvaccinated than in the vaccinated group during the first 1-2 years following immunization. However, in some herds superficial swellings were as common in vaccinated as in unvaccinated animals. An antibody response following vaccination was demonstrated in the hemolysis inhibition test, but not in the bacterial agglutination test. Superficial swellings were more common in vaccinated animals which were negative than in animals which were positive in the hemolysis inhibition test at 1 1/2 months after vaccination. The vaccine used in the present study, was not sufficiently efficacious to be recommended as the only protective measure against caseous lymphadenitis in Norwegian goat herds.  相似文献   

Serological examinations for Gorynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in-fection were carried out in 14 known positive herds and in 1 herd that had beeni recently established through purchase of animals from different herds. Serum samples were collected sequentially on up to 4 occasions from animals during their first year of life. In most herds, these animals were examined clinically for superficial swellings once or twice during the same period.The adult goats in 8 infected herds were examined both clinically and serologically. Age distribution was similar in each of these herds. All serum samples were examined for antibodies against Gorynebac-terium pseudotuberculosis in both the bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT).The proportion of kids which were seropositive in both tests de-creased to zero at 4 months of age. At the age of 11–12 months, the proportion of seropositive animals was about 50 % in the BAT and 30 % in the HIT.When examined when housed for the winter at the age of about 8 months (mean age), the prevalence of animals with superficial swellings was 7 %. At the age of about 1 year (mean age), 29 % of the examined animals had such lesions. In the recently established herd, only a few of the yearlings were seropositive.Titre values in BAT and HIT increased until 6 years of age. Anti-body titre values were significantly lower in yearlings than in older goats in both tests, P < 0.005. No significant difference in the propor-tion of goats with superficial swellings was seen at the different ages.  相似文献   

The precalen-ce of caseous lymphadenitis was surveyed in 36 goat herds in Northern Norway. In each herd, information concerning the occurrence of the disease was obtained from the farmer. Adult animals (1 year of age or older) in 35 herds were examined for superficial swellings, and serum samples were collected from most animals in the herds. The sera were examined for antibodies to Corynebacterium pseudotuber-culosis using the bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT).Gaseous lymphadenitis was diagnosed with certainty in 19 herds. Information from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed oc-curred in these herds, and that the majority had been infected with the disease for many years. The herds had apparently become infected through contact with animals from infected herds. Clinical examina-tions were carried out in 18 of these herds and superficial swellings were found in 26 % of the examined animals. The prevalence of ani-mals with lesions varied from 11 to 40 % among the herds. Of the animals in these herds, 81 % were positive in BAT and 84 % in HIT. The prevalence of positive animals varied from 26 to 99 % in BAT and 28 to 99 % in HIT. The prevalence of seropositive animals was lowest in a herd in which animals were kept separately in stalls.Caseous lymphadenitis could not be diagnosed in 16 herds. In-formation from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed seemed to be absent in 14 of these herds. These 14 herds had no history of contact with animals from herds considered to be infected. However, in the remaining 2 herds, the farmers were somewhat uncertain about the occurrence of the disease. One of these 2 herds had a history of contact with infected herds through participation in a goat “breeding circle”. Only a few of the animals were, however, seropositive and all these had low antibody titres.In 1 newly established herd, a single animal showed a high posi-tive titre in BAT only. All the other animals were negative in both tests. This particular herd consisted of animals obtained both from herds with caseous lymphadenitis and from herds in which the disease was not considered to occur.  相似文献   

The bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT) were employed and evaluated.The threshold value between positive and negative antibody titres in BAT and HIT was determined on the basis of titration results for sera from 25 adult goats infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuber-culosis (positive), and sera from 25 adult goats from a herd in which caseous lymphadenitis did not occur (negative).Antibody titres were expressed as logio to the reciprocal value of the highest positive serum dilution in both tests. Positive titre (T) in BAT was stipulated as T ≥ 2.1 and in HIT as T > 0.6. The sensitivity and specificity was 0.96 in both tests in the material used. Twenty-three of the 25 goats infected with G. pseudotuberculosis were positive in both BAT and HIT.The reproducibility in both tests was described by the use of correlation coefficient and coefficient of variation. The values were estimated using duplicate determination of titres of 155 serum samples. Correlation coefficients were 0.87 for BAT and 0.95 for HIT. Coef-ficients of variation were 26.4 % for BAT and 14.1 % for HIT. The coefficient of variation was related to titres. It was highest for BAT at low titres.It was concluded that both tests can be used for seroepidemio-logical investigations of C. pseudotuberculosis infection in goats.  相似文献   

The effect of an inactivated vaccine against C. pseudotuberculosis infection was tested on castrated male kids from a herd free from caseous lymphadenitis. The animals were divided into 3 groups with 8 animals in each. Group 1 was immunized with crude filtrated C. pseudotuberculosis toxoid and whole killed organisms, while Group 2 in addition was given levamisole. The kids were vaccinated twice at an interval of 4 weeks. Group 3 consisted of unvaccinated animals. All groups were challenged subcutaneously with live bacteria 4 weeks after the last vaccination. Unvaccinated animals showed the most severe course of illness after challenge. Development of abscesses in the regional lymph nodes (Inn. subiliaci) was significantly more common in unvaccinated than in vaccinated kids at necropsy 2 months after challenge. There was, however, no such difference between the vaccinated groups, and there was no difference between any of the groups as regards abscess formation at the inoculation site. In each of the 2 vaccinated groups, there was a titre rise following vaccination in the hemolysis inhibition test, whereas no such rise was seen in the bacterial agglutination test. The titre values in both tests increased significantly after challenge in all the groups, the increase being most rapid in the vaccinated animals. The present investigation indicates that development of caseous lesions in lymph nodes in goats, following subcutaneous inoculation with C. pseudotuberculosis, can be reduced by an inactivated vaccine containing whole organisms and crude toxin.  相似文献   

False-positive results on serologic assays for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) are believed to occur due to cross-reacting antibody produced by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (C. pstb) infection in goats. This issue of compromised specificity was evaluated by testing 771 adult goats from 10 Midwestern goat herds in 2004. Assays for MAP infection included radiometric fecal culture and 2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs); ELISA-positive samples were tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). A synergistic hemolysin inhibition assay (SHI) was used to detect C. pstb antibody. Four infection status categories were evaluated. Category 1 goats (free of both MAP and C. pstb infection) tested negative on all MAP fecal cultures and SHI tests. Five of 181 goats were positive in both ELISAs, and 2 more were positive in ELISA-1 only. For Category 2 (MAP infected; no C. pstb infection), all animals were SHI negative. Six goats were fecal culture positive and strongly positive in both ELISAs; 2 more goats were positive only in ELISA-1. For Category 3 (C. pstb infected or vaccinated; no history of MAP infection), all fecal cultures were negative and 91% were SHI test-positive. In this population, only 2 goats were positive in both MAP ELISAs, while 84 additional goats were test-positive only on ELISA-1. In the absence of C. pstb infection, both ELISAs performed comparably, but when C. pstb infection was present the performance of ELISA-1 was significantly perturbed. Use of the ELISA-2 for goats is an effective and efficient method for Johne's disease surveillance in any goat herd.  相似文献   

In 2 goat herds, one infected with Gorynebacterium pseudo-tuberculosis and one free from the infection,, goats were examined for superficial swellings on the shoulder and chest. All animals in this study had been vaccinated against paratuberculosis before the age of 4 weeks. The vaccine had been applied subcutaneously behind the shoulder. Twenty-two of 40 (55 %) and 31 of 45 (69 %) goats had such lesions in the infected and non-infected herds, respectively. The difference between the herds was not significant, P > 0.05.Swellings found behind the shoulder in 19 goat carcasses derived from 4 herds in which G. pseudotuberculosis infection occurred were examined bacteriologically. No bacteria could be isolated from such lesions in 15 animals, while G. pseudotuberculosis in pure culture was isolated from 3 carcasses, and a mixed bacterial flora from the re-maining carcass. Bacteria could not be isolated from lesions situated behind the shoulder in 7 carcasses from 3 herds free from G. pseudo-tuberculosis infection.It is concluded that most swellings on the shoulder and chest in goats were granulomas resulting from vaccination against paratuber-culosis.  相似文献   

The optimal method of control of caseous lymphadenitis of goats caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is eradication of infection by identification and removal of infected carrier animals. The objective of this study was to compare detection of C. pseudotuberculosis experimentally infected goats using a commercially available bovine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) whole blood enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to serological response to a recombinant phospholipase D (PLD) ELISA. The tests were assessed repeatedly over 1 year in three infected and three non-infected goats. Using a IFN-gamma optical density cut-off at 0.10 as positive under the conditions used, the test accurately detected C. pseudotuberculosis experimentally infected goats over a 363 day period with a reliability of 89.2% and non-infected goats with a reliability of 97.1%. Using a cut-off value of the mean for negative samples plus two standard deviations, the PLD ELISA detected C. pseudotuberculosis experimentally infected goats over this period with a reliability of 81.0% and non-infected goats with a reliability of 97.0%. The PLD ELISA was however more predictive than the IFN-gamma ELISA of the presence of lesions observed at postmortem examination of infected goats.  相似文献   

Fifteen goat kids were experimentally inoculated with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Five were given a strain of caprine origin (nitrate-negative biotype) intradermally, 5 were given a strain of equine origin (nitrate-positive biotype) intradermally, and 5 were inoculated intranasally with the caprine-origin strain. Animals were monitored for 127 days. The goats given the inocula intradermally developed abscesses; those given caprine-origin strain had multiple lesions both peripherally and in visceral locations (primarily endothoracic abscesses), whereas those given the equine-origin strain had abscesses only at injection sites and draining nodes. The difference in extent of lesions could be due to biotypic bacterial differences or to the individual strains used. Intranasally inoculated goats did not develop abscesses and were essentially no different from controls. The cranial part of the respiratory tract may not be an important portal of entry for C pseudotuberculosis. Serum samples obtained monthly from all animals were subjected to the synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test, which measures antibodies to the exotoxin of C pseudotuberculosis. Animals with abscesses developed titers within 1 month of inoculation. Animals without abscesses remained seronegative. The synergistic hemolysis-inhibition test may be a reliable diagnostic assay for caseous lymphadenitis in goats.  相似文献   

An ELISA was developed for the diagnosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in goats. A bacterial whole cell extract was used as solid-phase antigen, and serum from a culture-positive animal served as the internal reference standard. The well-to-well and assay-to-assay variations were determined to be 12.7 and 33.0%, respectively. A cut off value was determined by parallel testing of 142 sera (112 ELISA-positive, 30 ELISA-negative) in a Western blot, and the correlation between both tests was highly significant (K=0, 93). In addition, the reliability of the ELISA for the detection of infected herds was proven in a double blind study testing 910 sera from 74 goat herds.  相似文献   

Two goat flocks comprising 326 animals and four sheep flocks comprising 343 animals, all with a previously recognized problem of abscesses due to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, were examined for the presence of abscesses and antibody titers to C. pseudotuberculosis as detected by direct microagglutination assay. In sheep there was a strong positive relationship between age and titer (p less than 0.0001). However, the relationship in goats between age and titer could not be determined due to a strong interaction between flock and age. When the relationship between abscesses and titer was examined, it was found that goats with abscesses had higher titers than those that did not (p less than 0.05), whereas there was no difference in titer between sheep with abscesses and those without (p = 0.5753). The sensitivity of the microagglutination test was poor to good for both species (52.3% for goats and 89.7% for sheep). The specificity of the test was fair to poor (64.9% for goats and 21.7% for sheep). Given a disease prevalence of 13.5% for goats and 8.5% for sheep the predictive value of the positive test was very poor (18.9% for goats and 9.6% for sheep) but the predictive value of the negative test was good to excellent (89.7% for goats and 95.8% for sheep). The poor specificity of the test and therefore the positive predictive value may be due in part to the criterion of classification of presence of disease, i.e. presence of an abscess at the time of sampling.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Histological responses during experimental Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in lambs were investigated in parotid lymph nodes for ten days following inoculation. Lambs were infected by the subcutaneous route into the right eyelid with a virulent strain of C. pseudotuberculosis. Multiple microscopic acute abscesses, predominantly infiltrated with polymorphonuclear (PMN) leucocytes, were seen in the right parotid lymph node on the 1st day post-inoculation (PI). This massive PMN infiltration coincided with a peripheral blood granulocytosis. On day 3 PI, an influx of histiocytes was observed, while the microabscesses became confluent. From day 3 to day 10 PI, these lesions became enlarged and transformed into typical pyogranulomas with a central necrosis and a peripheral mantle of mononuclear cells composed of macrophages, epithelioid cells and lymphocytes; these histological changes were associated with a bacterial dissemination limited to the superficial lymph nodes. A lymphoid hyperplasia with prominent germinal centers was observed in the draining lymph nodes from day 3 PI. These results illustrate the dual role of granulomatous lesions in chronic bacterial infections: although they limit bacterial dissemination, the granulomas do not impair the persistence of infectious organisms in the host, leading to focal tissue damage.  相似文献   

Constituents of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Analysis of sonicated whole bacterial cells and ether-extracted cells revealed more than 35 bands in silver-stained gels. SDS-PAGE analysis of concentrated culture filtrates with exotoxin activity demonstrated more than 15 bands. Sera from sheep with C. pseudotuberculosis-induced disease of variable severity were used to probe immunoblots of electrophoresed ether-extracted cells and culture filtrates. Twenty or more corynebacterial molecules, ranging in molecular weight from 20 to 112 kDa, in ether-extracted cells were recognized by antibodies in the sera of naturally exposed sheep with positive ELISA titers. These sera also recognized up to six molecules, ranging from, 20 to 68.1 kDa, on immunoblots of ammonium sulfate-concentrated culture filtrate. There was no apparent relationship between the stage of disease and the response to specific corynebacterial antigens in these animals.  相似文献   

Two technical variations of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to Coxiella burnetii were compared in this serosurvey on 20 Ontario dairy goat herds. Both a trichloracetic acid extract and a coctoantigen of purified coxiellas were used to sensitize the microtitration plates. Technical differences related to coating pH, serum dilutions tested and interpretation of results. Results agreed in 98.6% of sera examined, the differing sera were in the low titer borderline range. Only 20% of the herds had seroreactors.  相似文献   

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