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To increase crop yield per unit of scarce water requires both better cultivars and better agronomy. The challenge is to manage the crop or improve its genetic makeup to: capture more of the water supply for use in transpiration; exchange transpired water for CO2 more effectively in producing biomass; and convert more of the biomass into grain or other harvestable product. In the field, the upper limit of water productivity of well-managed disease-free water-limited cereal crops is typically 20 kg ha−1 mm−1 (grain yield per water used). If the productivity is markedly less than this, it is likely that major stresses other than water are at work, such as weeds, diseases, poor nutrition, or inhospitable soil. If so, the greatest advances will come from dealing with these first. When water is the predominant limitation, there is scope for improving overall water productivity by better matching the development of the crop to the pattern of water supply, thereby reducing evaporative and other losses and fostering a good balance of water-use before and after flowering, which is needed to give a large harvest index. There is also scope for developing genotypes that are able to maintain adequate floret fertility despite any transient severe water deficits during floral development. Marker-assisted selection has helped in controlling some root diseases that limit water uptake, and in maintaining fertility in water-stressed maize. Apart from herbicide-resistance in crops, which helps reduce competition for water by weeds, there are no genetic transformations in the immediate offing that are likely to improve water productivity greatly.  相似文献   

The Australian greenhouse industry is primarily dominated by low-cost hydroponic greenhouses for delivery of water and nutrients to plants to grow a variety of vegetable crops including cucumber and tomato. The nutrient rich drainage water from these greenhouses is generally released into the local environment causing pollution concerns. This study was initiated to investigate the opportunities in recycling drainage water to increase water and nutrient-use efficiency of hydroponic greenhouses and reduce the environmental impact of the drainage water discharge. Results indicated that a total of 4.15 ML/ha of irrigation water was applied during the 13 weeks crop growing period of which 2.56 ML/ha was drained off and 1.59 ML/ha was used to meet the crop evapotranspiration demand. The study showed that the recycling of the drainage water resulted in a 33% reduction in potable water used for irrigation in cucumber production. The drainage water contained 59% applied N, 25% applied P and 55% applied K and illustrated the potential for nutrient recovery and production cost savings through the reuse of drainage water. This case study demonstrates that some relatively simple changes in irrigation practices within greenhouse systems to recycle drainage water can considerably improve sustainability of low-cost hydroponic greenhouses and help minimise the environmental footprint of the greenhouse industry.  相似文献   

The impacts of a leguminous summer cover crop (sunn hemp; Crotalaria juncea) on nitrogen leaching from a corn (Zea mays L.) field was evaluated by direct measurements of soil water content and nitrogen balance components, complemented by direct and inverse modeling as an exploratory tool to better understand water flow and nitrogen balances in the soil. Water and nitrogen inputs and outputs were measured during winter corn production in an experimental field located in the south Miami-Dade basin in southern Florida (USA). Data from the last two seasons (2001-2002 and 2002-2003) of a 4-year study are presented. The field was divided into six 0.13 ha plots. One-half of the plots were rotated with sunn hemp (CC plots) during the summer while the remaining plots were kept fallow (NC plots). Sweet corn management was uniform on all plots and followed grower recommended practices. A numerical model (WAVE) for describing water and agrochemical movement in the soil was used to simulate water and nitrogen balances in both types of plots during the corn seasons. The hydrodynamic component of WAVE was calibrated with soil water data collected continuously at three depths, which resulted in accurate soil water content predictions (coefficients of efficiency of 0.85 and 0.91 for CC and NC plots, respectively). Measured components of the nitrogen balance (corn yields, estimated nitrogen uptake, and soil organic nitrogen) were used to positively assess the quality of the nitrogen simulation results. Results of the modeled water balance indicate that using sunn hemp as a cover crop improved the soil physical conditions (increase in soil water retention) and subsequently enhanced actual crop evapotranspiration and reduced soil drainage. However, nitrogen simulation results suggest that, although corn nitrogen uptake and yields were slightly higher in the CC plots than in the NC plots, there were net increases of soil N content that resulted in increased N leaching to the shallow aquifer. Therefore, the use of sunn hemp as cover crop should be coupled with reductions in N fertilizer applied to the winter crop to account for the net increase in soil N content.  相似文献   

Soil water flow and nitrogen dynamics were simulated in sunflower field during and after the growing period, in Northern Greece. Soil water and nitrogen dynamics were evaluated using a one-dimensional simulation model based on the Galerkin finite element method. We examined the effects of irrigation with reclaimed wastewater and nitrogen fertilizer applications on plant growth, water and nitrogen distribution in the soil profile, water and nitrogen balance components and nitrogen leaching to groundwater. The model simulated the temporal variation of soil water content with reasonable accuracy. However, an over estimation of the measured data was observed during the simulation period. Relatively good agreement was found between the simulated and measured NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations over time and depth, whereas fluctuations at greater depths were relatively small. Most of the cumulative nitrate-N leaching (44.7 kg N ha−1) occurred during the winter.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate irrigation return flow in irrigated paddy fields considering the soil moisture. The proposed model was applied to examine its feasibility with regard to the growing period of rice. Simulation results showed a good agreement between the observed and simulated values: root mean square error (RMSE) of 6.05-7.27 mm day−1, coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.72-0.73, and coefficient of efficiency (E) of 0.54-0.55. The estimated average annual irrigation return flow during the period from 1998 to 2001 was 306.2 mm, which was approximately 25.7% of the annual irrigation amounts. Of this annual irrigation return flow, 14.1% was attributable to quick and 11.6% to delayed return flow. These results indicate that considerable amounts of irrigation water in the paddy fields were returned to streams and canals by surface runoff and groundwater discharge. The modeling assessment method proposed in this study can be used to manage agriculture water and estimate irrigation return flow under different hydrological and water management conditions.  相似文献   

为研究不同尺度稻田氮磷负荷排放规律及其原因,在湖北省漳河灌区选取封闭性较好且逐级嵌套的6个尺度,于2009年5-9月水稻生育期监测各尺度试区进出口水量,并采集排水水样进行氮磷浓度化验。结果表明,稻田氮磷排放负荷随着尺度的增大而降低,即存在尺度效应。总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、总磷、颗粒态磷、可溶磷的排放负荷从田间尺度到小流域尺度分别下降80.5%、73.4%、39.7%、73.8%、75.0%、50.0%。氮磷排放负荷产生尺度效应的原因是:塘堰、沟渠对氮磷的去除和排水的重复利用。因此,对于农田氮磷排放对下游水体污染的评价应考虑其尺度效应。  相似文献   

Investigation of the interaction of surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) is critical in order to determine the effects of best management practices (BMPs) on the entire system of water resources. The objective of this research was to develop a modeling system for considering SW–GW interactions and to demonstrate the applicability of the developed system. A linked modeling approach was selected to consider SW–GW interaction. The dual-simulation scheme was developed to consider different time scales between a newly developed surface model: Dynamic Agricultural Non-point Source Assessment Tool (DANSAT), and existing groundwater models; a three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) and a modular three-dimensional transport model (MT3D). A distributed and physically based DANSAT predicts the movement of water and pesticides in runoff and in leachate at a watershed scale. MODFLOW and MT3D simulate groundwater and pesticide movement in the saturated zone. Only the hydrology component of the linked system was evaluated on the QN2 subwatershed in the Nomini Creek watershed located in the Coastal Plain of Virginia mainly due to lack of observed data for MT3D calibration. The same spatial scale was used for both surface and groundwater models while different time scales were used because surface runoff occurs more quickly than groundwater flow. DANSAT and MODFLOW were separately calibrated using the integrated GW approach which uses own lumped baseflow components in DANSAT, and using the steady-state mode in MODFLOW, respectively. Then the linked system was applied to QN2 based on the parameters selected for DANSAT and MODFLOW to simulate time-dependent interactions on the entire system. The linked approach was better than the integrated approach for predicting the temporal trends of monthly runoff by improving the monthly Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency index from 0.53 to 0.60. The proposed linked approach will be useful for evaluating the impacts of agricultural BMPs on the entire SW–GW system by providing spatial distribution and temporal changes in groundwater table elevation and enhancing the reliability of calibrated parameter sets.  相似文献   

A new watershed model, DRAIN-WARMF, was developed to simulate the hydrologic processes and the nitrogen fate and transport that occur in small, predominantly subsurface-drained, agricultural watersheds that experience periodic freezing and thawing conditions. In this modeling approach, surface flow is simulated using a watershed scale model, WARMF, and subsurface flow is estimated using a field-scale model for subsurface-drained shallow water table fields, DRAINMOD 5.1. For subsurface flow calculations, the watershed is subdivided into uniform cells, and DRAINMOD is run on each cell with inputs based on the individual hydrologic characteristics of the cell. The coupling results in a distributed parameter model that calculates the total flow at the outlet of a watershed as well as the nitrogen losses. The model was evaluated for the St. Esprit watershed, located approximately 50 km northeast of Montreal. Simulations were carried out from 1994 to 1996; data from 1994 and 1995 was used for model calibration and data from 1996 was used for model validation. The new model was able to adequately simulate the hydrologic response and nitrate losses at the outlet of the watershed. Comparing the observed daily flow/monthly nitrogen with the model's outputs over the validation period returned an R2 value of 0.74/0.86 and modeling efficiency of 0.72/0.83. This clearly demonstrates the model's ability to simulate hydrology and nitrogen losses occurring in small agricultural watersheds in cold climates.  相似文献   

Two different modeling approaches were used to simulate the N leached during an intensively fertigated crop rotation: a recently developed crop-based simulation model (EU-Rotate_N) and a widely recognized solute transport model (Hydrus-2D). Model performance was evaluated using data from an experiment where four N fertigation levels were applied to a bell pepper-cauliflower-Swiss chard rotation in a sandy loam soil. All the input data were obtained from measurements, transfer functions or were included in the model databases. Model runs were without specific site calibration. The use of soil input parameters based on the same pedotransfer functions in both models resulted in a very similar simulation of soil water content in spite of the different nature of the approaches. Good correlations were found between the simulated water draining below 60 cm and that calculated by water balance. Accuracy of the predicted nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) contents in the 0-90 cm soil profile was acceptable with both models, with values of the mean absolute error (MAE) below the average standard deviation of the observations. The uptake of nitrate was better simulated with EU-Rotate_N where specific crop N demand algorithms are involved. In the simulations with Hydrus-2D the evapotranspiration demand was a limiting factor for N uptake, resulting in an increasing underestimation of uptake with decreasing N fertilizer rates. Simulated N leaching below a depth of 60 cm was higher with Hydrus-2D due to a higher nitrate concentration in percolated water. Comparison of the observed and predicted yield response to N applications with EU-Rotate_N demonstrated that the best fertigation strategy could be identified and the risk of nitrate leaching quantified with this model. The results showed that for a successful solving of the problem studied, Hydrus-2D probably would need a more complex calibration, and that the EU-Rotate_N model can provide acceptable predictions by adjusting basic parameters for the growing conditions. Further research with other crops and soil types will allow up-scaling the quantification of N leaching from a field level to regional and national levels, identifying best management strategies in relation to N use from an environmental and economic perspective.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is the limiting nutrient responsible for the development of algal blooms in freshwater bodies, adversely impacting the water quality of downstream lakes and rivers. Since agriculture is a major non-point source of P in southern Quebec, this study was carried out to investigate P transport under subsurface and naturally drained agricultural fields with two common soil types (clay loam and sandy loam). Monitoring stations were installed at four sites (A, B, C and D) in the Pike River watershed of southern Quebec. Sites A-B had subsurface drainage whereas sites C-D were naturally drained. In addition, sites A-C had clay loam soils whereas sites B-D had sandy loam soils. Analysis of data acquired over two hydrologic years (2004-2006) revealed that site A discharged 1.8 times more water than site B, 4 times more than site C and 3 times more than site D. The presence of subsurface drainage in sandy loam soils had a significant beneficial effect in minimizing surface runoff and total phosphorus (TP) losses from the field, but the contrary was observed in clay loam soils. This was attributed to the finding that P speciation as particulate phosphorus (PP) and dissolved phosphorus (DP) remained relatively independent of the hydrologic transport pathway, and was a strong function of soil texture. While 80% of TP occurred as PP at both clay loam sites, only 20% occurred as PP at both sandy loam sites. Moreover, P transport pathways in artificially drained soils were greatly influenced by the prevailing preferential and macropore flow conditions.  相似文献   

Paddy rice fields are kept inundated during most of the growing period. This requirement is challenging to achieve because of the lack of suitable technologies to detect rapidly percolation prone zones within these fields. The objective of this study was to evaluate a methodology to identify water leakage areas to support precision soil–water management at a within-field level. Therefore, a Floating Sensing System (FloSSy) was designed to record the soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of a paddy field both under dry and inundated conditions using the electromagnetic induction sensor EM38. Comparison of ECa data sets obtained under inundated and dry conditions showed that the ECa measurements under inundated condition (ECa-i) were more strongly related to soil properties due to the absence of variability in soil moisture and the increased stability of the floating sensing platform. Therefore, we proceeded with the ECa-i measurements and grouped them into two classes using a fuzzy k-means classification method. These classes showed significant differences in water infiltration: lower ECa values represented a higher infiltration rate and vice versa. This effect was attributed to differences in soil texture, more specifically the sand content, and its effect on water retention. It was concluded that an ECa-i survey with FloSSy allowed the detection of soil heterogeneity linked to downward water fluxes which has a potential to support precision soil–water management in inundated fields.  相似文献   

Located in the floodplain of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap River, Batheay irrigation system and its reservoir directly receive floodwater from the Mekong. The Batheay reservoir formed by a ring dike functions as both a reservoir and a paddy field. In the wet season, the ring dike prevents floodwater from entering the reservoir and rainy season rice is grown inside the dike. After harvesting, the gates on the ring dike are opened to receive floodwater. The water is stored inside the dike for cultivating dry season rice outside the dike. In this paper, the irrigation system is studied as a model site for future development of the floodplain of the Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia. Specifically, this paper is concerned with the study of water balance and analysis of the hydrologic components of the Batheay irrigation system, and the effectiveness of the ring dike system. The study found that floodwater of the Mekong River contributed about 74% to the total inflow to the Batheay reservoir. Contributions to the total water supply of reservoir water, floodwater remaining in the fields, and precipitation were 73, 12, and 15%, respectively. The efficiency of the system was found to be 92%. The dike system is expected to be a paradigm for the floodplain of the Tonle Sap Lake.  相似文献   

In the assessment of plant response to the climate changes, the effects of CO2 increase in the atmosphere and the subsequent rise of temperatures must be taken into account for their effects on crop physiology. In Mediterranean areas, a decrease of water availability and a more frequent occurrence of drought periods are expected. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of elevated CO2 concentration and high temperature on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) in the Mediterranean areas. The Penman-Monteith equation was used to simulate the future changes of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by the recalibration of the canopy resistance parameter. Besides, crop coefficients (Kc) were adjusted according to the future climate trend. Then the modified empirical model (ETc = ETo × Kc) was applied providing an effective quantification of the climate change impact on water use of irrigated crops grown in Mediterranean areas. In the studied area, water use assessment was carried out for the period from 1961 to 2006 (measured data) and for a period from 2071 until 2100 (simulated data), showing a future climatic scenario. Water and irrigation use of crops will change as a function of climate changes, thermal needs of single crops and time of the year when they grow. Climate simulation model foresees the tendency for a significant increase of temperatures and a decrease of total year rainfall with a change of their distribution. The temperature increase and the concomitant expected rainfall decrease lead to a rise of year potential water deficit. About the autumn-spring crops, as wheat, a further increase of water deficit, is not expected. On the contrary, for spring-summer crops as tomato, a significant increase of water deficit and thus of irrigation need, is foreseen. Actually, for crops growing in that period of the year, the substantial rise of evapotranspiration demand cannot be compensated by crop cycle reduction and partial stomatal closure.  相似文献   

Irrigation policy makers and managers need information on the irrigation performance and productivity of water at various scales to devise appropriate water management strategies, in particular considering dwindling water availability, further threats from climate change, and continually rising population and food demand. In practice it is often difficult to access sufficient water supply and use data to determine crop water consumption and irrigation performance. Energy balance techniques using remote sensing data have been developed by various researchers over the last 20 years, and can be used as a tool to directly estimate actual evapotranspiration, i.e., water consumption. This study demonstrates how remote sensing-based estimates of water consumption and water stress combined with secondary agricultural production data can provide better estimates of irrigation performance, including water productivity, at a variety of scales than alternative options. A principle benefit of the described approach is that it allows identification of areas where agricultural performance is less than potential, thereby providing insights into where and how irrigation systems can be managed to improve overall performance and increase water productivity in a sustainable manner. To demonstrate the advantages, the approach was applied in Rechna Doab irrigation system of Pakistan’s Punjab Province. Remote sensing-based indicators reflecting equity, adequacy, reliability and water productivity were estimated. Inter- and intra-irrigation subdivision level variability in irrigation performance, associated factors and improvement possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]研究促沉净化装置对稻田径流排水中主要面源污染物的去除效果,探寻适合农田径流排水的原位处理技术.[方法]于2015年在上海市奉贤区青村镇种源研发基地内选取5块稻田,在每块田的排水口处修建一套容积约为1.9 m3的促沉净化装置,内部用多面空心球和沸石按1:2的体积比进行填充,在外围用沸石填充,分析每套装置进出水中的...  相似文献   

The retention of nutrients in farm ponds has many potential benefits, including reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus (promoters of eutrophication) in receiving streams. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a commercial subsurface pond outflow control device (Pond Management System™) on nutrient retention in farm ponds. Four ponds of similar size and water chemistry in the upper Tar River basin of North Carolina, USA were studied; three were equipped with the pond outflow control device and one was retained without a device (normal surface outflow) that served as a reference site. Water samples were collected monthly from each pond at 0.3 m intervals from the surface to 2.1 m at a fixed station adjacent to the pond standpipe and from the pond outflow pipe from March to October 2005. The water samples were analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), chlorophyll a, and a suite of other physicochemical variables. In ponds with the subsurface outflow device, the mean N concentrations in the outflow were substantially less (6.2–20.7%) than concentrations at the pond surface. Concentrations of N in the outflow were similar to N concentrations at intermediate pond depths (0.9–1.5 m), the depth of the outflow devices, indicating water was drawn from these depths and that N was being retained in the surface layers of the pond. Also, mean water temperatures were 1.1–1.9 °C cooler at intermediate depths compared to the surface, suggesting potential application of the outflow device for minimizing warm water outflows to receiving streams. These results provide evidence that under these conditions a subsurface pond outflow device can reduce nutrient release to receiving streams, thereby increasing overall stream water quality.  相似文献   

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