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The potential for traditional and local ecological knowledge to contribute to biodiversity conservation has been widely recognized, but the actual application of this knowledge to biodiversity conservation is not easy. This paper synthesizes literature about traditional and local ecological knowledge and forest management in the Pacific Northwest to evaluate what is needed to accomplish this goal. We address three topics: (1) views and values people have relating to biodiversity; (2) the resource use and management practices of local forest users, and their effects on biodiversity; (3) models for integrating traditional and local ecological knowledge into biodiversity conservation on public and private lands. We focus on the ecological knowledge of forest users belonging to three groups who inhabit the region: American Indians, family forest owners, and commercial nontimber forest product harvesters.  相似文献   


Participatory research involves members of interested communities who work with researchers to apply their joint skills and experience to explore issues of mutual concern. There is an increasingly explicit federal mandate for participatory research efforts involving stakeholder groups in public land management. This paper presents a case study of one effort ongoing in the Hayfork Adaptive Management Area (AMA) on the Six Rivers and Shasta-Trinity national forests of northern California. There, a network of U.S. Forest Service staff, scientists, local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and nontimber forest product harvesters (wildcrafters) has been working to address ecological, economic, and social aspects of harvesting nontimber forest products (NTFP) from public land. This paper discusses the challenges of NTFP management on public lands and analyzes participatory research as an approach for addressing some of these challenges.  相似文献   

湖南省是经济林主产区,产量高、品质优、但由于信息不流通而无法发挥其应有的效益。本研究将湖南省主要经济林树种划分为五大类,每类选取3~5个特色树种作为研究对象,以Powerbuilder7.0为开发工具,以Oracle 8.0作为数据库管理软件,研究开发出基于Client/Server计算机网络体系结构、依托校园网提供INTERNET服务的经济林管理信息系统。  相似文献   

近年来辽宁省经济林建设获得了长足发展,本文在调查研究基础上,总结了该省发展经济林生产在政策上、技术上、经营上和资金上的主要经验,并分析了存在的问题,提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

中国经济林栽培区划研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
何方 《经济林研究》2000,18(1):1-10
本研究报告共划分9个气候带和1个高寒区域;在中暖温带中划分出7个湿润和干旱区(在个别省中地区分出旱、湿区未列入)。亚热带普遍湿润,因而未划分,旱湿区直接划亚区。共划分出52个亚区,其中有经济林生林的50个亚区。39个小区(有的亚区未分小区)。在原研究报告第三章,各带区特征作了综述。亚区晃经济林生产单位,不仅有自然特征综述,并明确提出经济林生产项目的发展方向。  相似文献   

Widespread commercial harvesting of wild edible mushrooms from the forests of the Pacific Northwest United States (PNW-US) began 10–15 years ago. A large proportion of suitable forest habitat in this region is managed by the Forest Service (US Department of Agriculture) and Bureau of Land Management (US Department of the Interior). These lands are managed under an ecosystem management philosophy that entails multiple-use, sustainable forest product harvesting, resource monitoring, public participation in forest management issues, and holistic planning. Managing the harvest of edible mushrooms engages every aspect of this management philosophy. We examine a variety of issues raised by mushroom harvesting and how these issues interact with forest ecosystem management choices. We discuss regulations currently being used by managers to conserve the mushroom resource while further information is gathered, unique challenges and considerations inherent to sampling fungi, and current research and monitoring activities in the Pacific Northwest. Although current scientific evidence suggests that harvesting likely will not harm the resource in the short term, no statistically-based monitoring information exists about the cumulative impacts of intensive and widespread commercial harvesting over long-time periods. We outline a three pronged approach to long-term monitoring of the resource: (1) tracking harvest quantities in areas with intense commercial harvests; (2) sampling productivity in areas with no mushroom or timber harvests; and (3) conducting research to model the relations between forest management and mushroom productivity. Public participation and a broad collaboration among public land management agencies, private forest landowners, forest managers, researchers, and research organizations will make this approach cost effective and the results widely applicable.  相似文献   

浙江省经济林生产现状与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过了“九五”计划的实施 ,全省经济林面积达 12 0 .3万 hm2 ,经济林种植产值上升到 10 5 .1亿元 ,出口创汇 2 .3亿美元。名特优新经济林已成为浙江省最具优势的林业产业之一和促进农民增收、推动山区经济发展的重要支柱产业。本文在全面总结浙江省经济林生产的主要成效 ,存在问题的基础上 ,提出了今后发展对策  相似文献   

本文通过对河南省经济林生产现状的概述,指出生产中存在的问题,并提出发展对策。  相似文献   

Managing for biodiversity in Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems requires a means to predict the interactive effects of natural, introduced, and altered disturbance regimes. Although disturbances are known to be a determinant of patterns of biological diversity, disturbance and diversity principles have not been consistently applied in management of forest ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. Here we review disturbance and diversity theory and develop a synthetic conceptual model for use in predicting the effects of disturbances of any origin on biodiversity, focusing on the Pacific Northwest. Disturbance principles have traditionally been applied to understanding patterns of species diversity, but they can also be applied to understanding the broader concept of biodiversity. Our conceptual model integrates these principles, illustrating relationships among mechanisms that limit species diversity and those that enhance it. Diversity-limiting factors are: environmental stress due to high levels of disturbance relative to productivity, and competitive exclusion that can arise where disturbance has been suppressed or managed to favor a particular species’ dominance. Conversely, biological diversity will be enhanced by disturbances that are not too frequent to be stressful, and that create functional heterogeneity (spatial and temporal variation in habitat structure and biological legacies that are vital for post-disturbance reproduction and growth). The three disturbance-related mechanisms that determine diversity operate over local to landscape spatial scales and ecological time scales and thus can be readily influenced by management. By comprehensively evaluating existing disturbance regimes and how they are influencing these factors, managers can help maintain or restore the ecological foundation for biodiversity. We describe management approaches to improve this foundation focusing on forests managed for multiple goals in the Pacific Northwest, where there is considerable potential for and interest in maintaining and enhancing biodiversity.  相似文献   

Reliance on nontimber forest products from homegardens and forests in a Sri Lankan village is presented. Land and tree tenure in this village adjacent to the Sinharaja Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Reserve have shifted dramatically because of changing priorities in forest management recently shifting from utilization toward complete forest protection. Local residents must adapt to a new set of social circumstances. Household demographics, access to land, and income from nontimber forest products (NTFPs) and external employment are examined as pertinent to household food acquisition. Linear correlations show significant associations between income generated from the sale of agricultural produce and nontimber forest products and the amount of money allocated to food purchases. Fifty-five edible plant species were found in homegardens. Four forest tree species provide food regularly. Case studies are essential in increasing the natural resource manager's awareness about the role of agroforestry in protected areas management and his or her understnading of promoting protection without compromising subsistence needs.  相似文献   

本文根据甘肃省不同自然条件,分布规律,行政界线和社会经济技术条件,规划建设三北地区经济林发展布局。  相似文献   

中南林学院在全国最早创办了经济林专业,本文对该院1981—1990年经济林科学研究情况进行了评述,并总结了其研究特点和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Stream–riparian areas represent a nexus of biodiversity, with disproportionate numbers of species tied to and interacting within this key habitat. New research in Pacific Northwest headwater forests, especially the characterization of microclimates and amphibian distributions, is expanding our perspective of riparian zones, and suggests the need for alternative designs to manage stream–riparian zones and their adjacent uplands. High biodiversity in riparian areas can be attributed to cool moist conditions, high productivity and complex habitat. All 47 northwestern amphibian species have stream–riparian associations, with a third being obligate forms to general stream–riparian areas, and a quarter with life histories reliant on headwater landscapes in particular. Recent recognition that stream-breeding amphibians can disperse hundreds of meters into uplands implies that connectivity among neighboring drainages may be important to their population structures and dynamics. Microclimate studies substantiate a “stream effect” of cool moist conditions permeating upslope into warmer, drier forests. We review forest management approaches relative to headwater riparian areas in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, and we propose scenarios designed to retain all habitats used by amphibians with complex life histories. These include a mix of riparian and upslope management approaches to address the breeding, foraging, overwintering, and dispersal functions of these animals. We speculate that the stream microclimate effect can partly counterbalance edge effects imposed by upslope forest disturbances, hence appropriately sized and managed riparian buffers can protect suitable microclimates at streams and within riparian forests. We propose one approach that focuses habitat conservation in headwater areas – where present management allows extensive logging – on sensitive target species, such as tailed frogs and torrent salamanders that often occur patchily. Assuming both high patchiness and some concordance among the distribution of sensitive species, protecting areas with higher abundances of these animals could justify less protection of currently unoccupied or low-density habitats, where more intensive forest management for timber production could occur. Also, we outline an approach that protects juxtaposed headwater patches, retaining connectivity among sub-drainages using a 6th-field watershed spatial scale for assuring well-distributed protected areas across forested landscapes. However, research is needed to test this approach and to determine whether it is sufficient to buffer downstream water quality and habitat from impacts of headwater management. Offering too-sparse protection everywhere is likely insufficient to conserve headwater habitats and biodiversity, while our alternative targeted protection of selected headwaters does not bind the entire forest landscape into a biodiversity reserve.  相似文献   

Myristica dactyloides is characteristic of the mid- and high-elevation evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of India. Aril and seeds of the species are valuable nontimber forest products and are harvested extensively. We made visual estimates of fruit crop size in nine populations. We assessed disturbance using five variables: distance from road, method of harvesting fruits, nonforest matrix around the population, seedling regeneration, and protected area status. Unsustainable harvest and proximity to road impacted fruit crop, as did the nonforest matrix (F = 38.17 df = 5,102, p < .001). While high protection and measures against harvesting keep some populations safe, the harvest method plays a crucial role in determining total fruit production and seedling recruitment in the species.  相似文献   

祝光耀副部长在全国山区林业综合开发和经济林建设现场会议上的总结讲话(一九九四年九月二十三日)同志们:全国山区林业综合开发和经济林建设现场会议今天就要结束了。这次会议是在全国建设社会主义市场经济体制和加快林业改革开放步伐的重要时刻召开的。会议期间,大家...  相似文献   


Despite an encouraging trend in North America of growing interest across a range of disciplines in non-timber forest products (e.g., this volume), NTFP harvesters' knowledge and practices continue to be poorly understood and undervalued, if not ignored, both by research scientists and forestland policy-makers and managers. This article explores why NTFP harvesting suddenly emerged in North America as an “issue” in the early 1990s. Drawing from a three-year study of chanterelle mushroom harvesters on the Olympic Peninsula Biosphere Reserve (Washington, USA), we discuss a variety of forces which intersected in this period to bring NTFP harvesting to wider attention. Unfortunately, harvesters continue to be excluded as knowledgeable actors in, if not legitimate co-managers of, temperate forest ecosystems, resulting in both passive and active harvester resistance to research and management, a devaluing of local harvesting traditions, and missed opportunities for collaboration. We reluctantly conclude that despite “New Forestry” co-management rhetoric, given existing institutional barriers and positivist scientific categories, NTFP workers will likely remain excluded from active roles in temperate forest research and management-contributing in turn to the ongoing legitimacy crisis of public and private forest management entities.  相似文献   

建国五十年来,经济林生产几经挫折,但总的情况仍是发展的,特别是近 20 年来发展较快,现有栽培面积 2000 万 hm 2。五十年来在经济林建设与科学研究及人才培养等方面均取得巨大的成就。为了迎接 21 世纪经济林要加速发展。  相似文献   

四川经济林资源特点及综合区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文将四川省主要经济林树种进行区划,全省共划分为4个一级区和11个二级区。遵照自然规律和经济规律,有计划调整产业结构,安排经济林生产。  相似文献   

生态经济林经营模式   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
在我国丘陵山区开展以经济林为骨干项目的多种经营,是繁荣农村经济的一项战略措施。生态经济林业就是遵循自然规律和经济规律,按照生态学和生态经济学的原理,运用系统理论与系统工程的方法,组织经济林生产建设事业。它的任务是为制定经济林生产发展战略规划:为经济林栽培经营提供指导理论和方法。生态经济林的实施主要是通过区划和规划。生态经济林经营模式,有网络结构模式和立体经营模式之分。前者是一个地域生态系统的整体结构中,经济林作为一个子系统的位置,后者是具体林分结构的立体经营模式,两者是相关联的。  相似文献   

天然林是最稳定的生态系统,也是生物多样性的重要基因库。文章在总结汉源县天然林资源保护成效的基础上,分析了存在的森林管护、商品林采伐、公益林投资标准和经果林发展占用林地等问题,并提出了加强天然林资源保护工程的对策措施。  相似文献   

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