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A methodology has been developed to quantify spatial variation of crop yield, evapotranspiration (ET) and water productivity (WPET) using the SEBAL algorithm and high and low resolution satellite images. SEBAL-based ET estimates were validated over an irrigated, wheat dominated area in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico and proved to be accurate (8.8% difference for 110 days). Estimated average wheat yields in Yaqui Valley of 5.5 t ha−1 were well within the range of measured yields reported in the literature. Measured wheat yields in 24 farmers’ fields in Sirsa district, India, were 0.4 t ha−1 higher than SEBAL estimated wheat yields. Area average WPET in the Yaqui Valley was 1.37 kg m−3 and could be considered to be high as compared to other irrigated systems around the world where the same methodology was applied. A higher average WPET was found in Egypt's Nile Delta (1.52 kg m−3), Kings County (CA), USA (1.44 kg m−3) and in Oldambt, The Netherlands (1.39 kg m−3). The spatial variability of WPET within low productivity systems (CV = 0.33) is higher than in high productivity systems (CV = 0.05) because water supply in the former case is uncertain and farming conditions are sub-optimal. The high CV found in areas with low WPET indicates that there is considerable scope for improvement. The average scope for improvement in eight systems was 14%, indicating that 14% ET reduction can be achieved while maintaining the same yield. It is concluded that the proposed methodology is accurate and that better knowledge of the spatial variation of WPET provides valuable information for achieving local water conservation practices in irrigated wheat.  相似文献   

Adoption of more uniform sprinkler systems involves a trade off between increased capital expenditure on equipment and the benefits associated with reduced water application when application is uniform. An empirical analysis of the economics of lettuce production, grown using sprinkler systems under the windy conditions of the Swan Coastal plain in Western Australia is presented, where the yield response to water exhibits eventual declining marginal productivity. A range of sprinkler designs that have been field-tested for performance were examined. The optimal per-crop water application for the least efficient system was up to double the application rate of the most efficient system. However, the economic analysis demonstrates that there are clear incentives for adopting more water-efficient systems despite the higher capital cost, because of the yield depressing effect of over-watering. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates substantially poorer incentives for improving irrigation efficiency when yield relationships follow a Mitscherlich functional form.
Donna BrennanEmail:

Canopy water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Canopy water use efficiency (W), the ratio of crop productivity to evapotranspiration (ET), is critical in determining the production and water use for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain, where winter wheat is a major crop and rainfall is scarce and variable. With the eddy covariance (EC) technique, we estimated canopy W of winter wheat at gross primary productivity (WG) and net ecosystem productivity (WN) levels from revival to maturing in three seasons of 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 at Yucheng Agro-ecosystem Station. Meanwhile we also measured the biomass-based water use efficiency (WB). Our results indicate that WG, WN and WB showed the similar seasonal variation. Before jointing (revival-jointing), WG, WN and WB were obviously lower with the values of 2.09-3.54 g C kg−1, −0.71 to 0.06 g C kg−1 and 1.37-4.03 g kg−1, respectively. After jointing (jointing-heading), the winter wheat began to grow vigorously, and WG, WN and WB significantly increased to 5.26-6.78 g C kg−1, 1.47-1.86 g C kg−1 and 6.41-7.03 g kg−1, respectively. The maximums of WG, WN and WB occurred around the stage of heading. Thereafter, WG, WN and WB began to decrease. During the observed periods, three levels of productivity: GPP, NEP and aboveground biomass (AGB) all had fairly linear relationships with ET. The slopes of GPP-ET, NEP-ET and AGB-ET were 4.67-6.12 g C kg−1, 1.50-2.08 g C kg−1 and 6.87-11.02 g kg−1, respectively. Generally, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and daytime vapor pressure deficit (D) had negative effects on WG, WN and WB except for on some cloudy days with low PAR and D. In many cases, WG, WN and WB showed the similar patterns. While there were still some obvious differences between them besides in magnitude, such as their significantly different responses to PAR and D on cloudy and moist days.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of field grown eggplants. A total of 8 irrigation treatments (four each year), which received different amounts of irrigation water, were evaluated. In 2008, deficit irrigation was applied at full vegetative growth (WS-V), pre-flowering (WS-F) and fruit ripening (WS-R), while in 2009 deficit irrigation was applied during the whole growing season at 80 (WS-80), 60 (WS-60) and 40% (WS-40) of field capacity. Deficit-irrigated treatments were in both years compared to a well irrigated control. Regular readings of soil water content (SWC) in 2008 and 2009 showed that average soil water deficit (SWD) in the control was around 30% of total available water (TAW) while in deficit-irrigated treatments it varied between 50 and 75% of TAW. In 2008, deficit irrigation reduced fruit fresh yield by 35, 25 and 33% in WS-V, WS-F and WS-R treatments, respectively, when compared to the control (33.0 t ha−1). However, the reduction in fresh yield in response to deficit irrigation was compensated by an increase in fruit mean weight. Results obtained in 2009 showed that fruit fresh yield in the control was 33.7 t ha−1, while it was 12, 39 and 60% less in WS-80, WS-60 and WS-40 treatments, respectively. On the other hand, fruit dry matter content and water productivity were found to increase significantly in both years in deficit-irrigated treatments. Applying deficit irrigation for 2 weeks prior to flowering (WS-F) resulted in water saving of the same magnitude of the WS-80 treatment, with the least yield reduction, making more water available to irrigate other crops, and thereby considered optimal strategies for drip-irrigated eggplants in the semi-arid climate of the central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.  相似文献   

Waterlogging and salinization are major impediment to the sustainability of irrigated lands and livelihoods of the farmers, especially the smallholders, in the affected areas of the Indus Basin. These problems are the result of a multitude of factors, including seepage from unlined earthen canals system, inadequate provision of surface and subsurface drainage, poor water management practices, insufficient water supplies and use of poor quality groundwater for irrigation. About 6.3 million ha are affected by different levels and types of salinity, out of which nearly half are under irrigated agriculture. Since the early 1960s, several efforts have been made to improve the management of salt-affected and waterlogged soils. These include lowering groundwater levels through deep tubewells, leaching of salts by excess irrigation, application of chemical amendments (e.g. gypsum, acids, organic matter), and the use of biological and physical methods. However, in spite of huge investments, the results have in general been disappointing and the problems of waterlogging and salinity persist.This paper reviews sources, causes and extent of salinity and waterlogging problems in the Indus Basin. Measures taken to overcome these problems over the last four decades are also discussed. The results reveal that the installed drainage systems were initially successful in lowering groundwater table and reducing salinity in affected areas. However, poor operation and maintenance of these systems and provision of inadequate facilities for the disposal of saline drainage effluent resulted in limited overall success. The paper suggests that to ensure the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the Indus Basin, technical and financial support is needed and enhanced institutional arrangements including coordination among different federal and provincial government agencies to resolve inter-provincial water allocation and water related issues is required.  相似文献   

Spate irrigation is a method of flood water harvesting, practiced in Dera Ismael Khan (D.I. Khan), Pakistan for agricultural production for the last several hundred years in which during monsoon period flood water is used for irrigation before wheat sowing. A field study on the effect of different pre-sowing water application depths on the yield of wheat was conducted during 2006-2007. The spate irrigation command areas normally receive the flood water as a result of rainfall on the mountains during the months of July to September, which also carries a significant amount of sediment load. The flood water flows in different torrents and is diverted through earthen bunds to the fields for irrigation with depth of water application ranging from 21 to 73 cm and resulted in sediment deposition of 1.8-3.6 cm per irrigation. In this study, the effect on wheat yield of three different pre-sowing water application depths (D1 < 30 cm, D2 = 30-45 cm and D3 > 45 cm) were studied under field conditions. Fifteen fields with field sizes of about 2-3 ha were randomly selected, in each field five samples were collected for analysis of soil physical properties, yield and yield components. Five major soil texture classes (silty clay, clay loam, silty clay loam, silt loam and loam) were found in the area with water-holding capacity ranging from 23% to 36.3% (on a volume basis) and bulk density varied from 1.35 to 1.42 g cm−3. About 36% more grain yield was obtained from loam soil fields, followed by silt loam (24%) as compared to wheat grown on silty clay soil condition. The maximum wheat grain yield of 3448 kg ha−1 was obtained from fields with water application depths of 30-45 cm and the lowest wheat yield was recorded in fields with water application depths greater than 45 cm. On-farm application efficiencies ranged from 22% to 93% with an overall average of about 49%. Due to large and uneven fields, a lot of water is lost. In general, the application efficiency decreased with increasing water application depth. Based on the results of this research, in arid to semi-arid environments, for optimum wheat yield under spate irrigation, the pre-sowing water application depth may be about 30-45 cm (September to July) and under or over irrigation should be avoided.  相似文献   

为研究豫北地区喷灌水肥一体化条件下不同种植密度和施氮频次对土壤水分、硝态氮含量及冬小麦产量的影响,开展田间试验.试验设置了2个种植密度(D1:187 kg/hm2、D2:262 kg/hm2)和3个施氮频次(F1:返青后追肥1次、F2:返青后追肥2次、F3:返青后追肥3次).试验结果表明:种植密度和施氮频次均显著影响冬小麦籽粒产量, 且两者间存在明显的互作效应.种植密度增大,冬小麦生育期0~100 cm土层土壤贮水量显著提高.主要生育期的根系生长层土壤含水量显著增加,其中孕穗期在100 cm土层深度的含水量D2较D1分别提高29.42%,3.10%和32.04%,灌浆期在80 cm土层深度的含水量D2较D1分别提高29.69%,27.52%和25.71%.当种植密度为262 kg/hm2,施氮频次为1次时,冬小麦产量较高,深层土层的土壤硝态氮当季残留较少.综合分析表明,该种植密度和施氮频次为当地冬小麦生育期的最优措施.  相似文献   

为了探讨喷灌和液膜覆盖对玉米生产的调控作用,在大田喷灌条件下,分析了3个土壤水分灌溉下限对液膜覆盖玉米生长发育过程的影响。通过对比试验,研究了液体地膜盖对玉米产量结构和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,高、中、低水分处理(灌水量分别为51.8、35.0、31.4 mm)生物累积量分别达到16 699.99、14 216.38和 13 239.14 kg/hm2,液膜覆盖高水分处理有利于干物质的累积,玉米的干物质累积曲线呈“慢-快-慢”趋势。液膜覆盖显著提高了玉米的百粒质量,  相似文献   

Quantifying the local crop response to irrigation is important for establishing adequate irrigation management strategies. This study evaluated the effect of irrigation applied with subsurface drip irrigation on field corn (Zea mays L.) evapotranspiration (ETc), yield, water use efficiencies (WUE = yield/ETc, and IWUE = yield/irrigation), and dry matter production in the semiarid climate of west central Nebraska. Eight treatments were imposed with irrigation amounts ranging from 53 to 356 mm in 2005 and from 22 to 226 mm in 2006. A soil water balance approach (based on FAO-56) was used to estimate daily soil water and ETc. Treatments resulted in seasonal ETc of 580–663 mm and 466–656 mm in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Yields among treatments differed by as much as 22% in 2005 and 52% in 2006. In both seasons, irrigation significantly affected yields, which increased with irrigation up to a point where irrigation became excessive. Distinct relationships were obtained each season. Yields increased linearly with seasonal ETc (R2 = 0.89) and ETc/ETp (R2 = 0.87) (ETp = ETc with no water stress). The yield response factor (ky), which indicates the relative reduction in yield to relative reduction in ETc, averaged 1.58 over the two seasons. WUE increased non-linearly with seasonal ETc and with yield. WUE was more sensitive to irrigation during the drier 2006 season, compared with 2005. Both seasons, IWUE decreased sharply with irrigation. Irrigation significantly affected dry matter production and partitioning into the different plant components (grain, cob, and stover). On average, the grain accounted for the majority of the above-ground plant dry mass (≈59%), followed by the stover (≈33%) and the cob (≈8%). The dry mass of the plant and that of each plant component tended to increase with seasonal ETc. The good relationships obtained in the study between crop performance indicators and seasonal ETc demonstrate that accurate estimates of ETc on a daily and seasonal basis can be valuable for making tactical in-season irrigation management decisions and for strategic irrigation planning and management.  相似文献   

In the dry areas, water, not land, is the most limiting resource for improved agricultural production. Maximizing water productivity, and not yield per unit of land, is therefore a better strategy for dry farming systems. Under such conditions, more efficient water management techniques must be adopted. Supplemental irrigation (SI) is a highly efficient practice with great potential for increasing agricultural production and improving livelihoods in the dry rainfed areas. In the drier environments, most of the rainwater is lost by evaporation; therefore the rainwater productivity is extremely low. Water harvesting can improve agriculture by directing and concentrating rainwater through runoff to the plants and other beneficial uses. It was found that over 50% of lost water can be recovered at a very little cost. However, socioeconomic and environmental benefits of this practice are far more important than increasing agricultural water productivity. This paper highlights the major research findings regarding improving water productivity in the dry rainfed region of West Asia and North Africa. It shows that substantial and sustainable improvements in water productivity can only be achieved through integrated farm resources management. On-farm water-productive techniques if coupled with improved irrigation management options, better crop selection and appropriate cultural practices, improved genetic make-up, and timely socioeconomic interventions will help to achieve this objective. Conventional water management guidelines should be revised to ensure maximum water productivity instead of land productivity.  相似文献   

With increasing concern about declining water resources, there is increasing thrust in improving water management in farming systems to improve water use efficiency. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the optimum timing for the first and last irrigation of cotton on the basis of meteorological approach for scheduling irrigations. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three timings of first irrigation as main-plots and three timing of last irrigation as sub-plots. Delay of first irrigation from 28 days after sowing (DAS) to 42 DAS, irrespective of last irrigation, resulted in an increase of 8, 14 and 17% in seed cotton yield during first, second and third year, respectively. The corresponding increases due to delay in the last irrigation from 130 to 170 DAS were 14, 32 and 8%, respectively. On the basis of 3 years average, application of first and last irrigation at optimum time (after 42 and 170 days after sowing) resulted in an increase of 36% in seed cotton yield without involving any additional cost. Water expense efficiency (WEE) increased by 54%.  相似文献   

南方水稻生育期降雨预报准确率评价及节水灌溉策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江西省赣抚平原灌区为例,收集了中央气象台2012—2015年的三季早稻和晚稻生育期内未来7 d降雨预报数据和实际观测降雨数据,采用正确率、漏报率、空报率、TS评分及ROC对降雨预报准确率进行评价,在此基础上提出相应的节水灌溉策略.结果表明:水稻生育期晴雨预报正确率达76.3%,早稻的漏报率总体低于晚稻,空报率高于晚稻,小雨TS评分相差较小,中雨及以上量级降雨晚稻明显小于早稻;1~7 d预见期的ROC下的面积都大于0.5,表明命中率大于虚警率,都有正的预报价值,可用于灌溉管理.返青期、乳熟期和黄熟期早稻的正确率为80.1%~88.6%,如果预报结果在小雨及以上量级可不灌或少灌;分蘖前期、分蘖后期、拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期的正确率稍低,为64.9%~77.2%,此期间如果遇连续无雨和小雨预报可按照需水量进行灌溉,如果预报2~3 d内有中雨或以上降水则应减少灌溉量;早稻与晚稻相比虽然预报的准确度较低,但降雨预报次数和实际降雨次数更多,尤其遇到中雨及以上量级预报时,可适当减少每次灌溉的水量.考虑降雨预报的准确度进行灌溉决策既可充分利用天然降雨,又可避免灌水浪费,从而达到节水增效的目的.  相似文献   

In rainfed Mediterranean areas, early sowings which lead to early growth and maturity to escape terminal heat and drought usually give higher grain yield than late sowings in years when rains come early. We test the hypothesis that early sowing coupled with a small amount of irrigation to ensure earlier emergence increases grain yield significantly, while improving irrigation water productivity. Replicated field experiments were conducted for 4 years in the semi-arid central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. Barley was sown early, and half of the plots were irrigated with 25-30 mm of water immediately after sowing (EI). Half of the plots also received irrigation around heading stage (LI). Besides yields, other agronomic data were collected throughout crop growth, and the supplemental irrigation water use efficiency (WUESI) was calculated. Our results confirm the hypothesis that in Mediterranean areas early sowing followed immediately with a small amount of irrigation increases barley grain yield significantly. Farmers in the region should seriously consider practicing this technique as it produces a higher WUESI than irrigation at the heading stage.  相似文献   

Water saving in irrigation is a key concern in the Yellow River basin. Excessive water diversions for irrigation waste water and produce waterlogging problems during the crop season and soil salinization in low lands. Supply control and inadequate functionality of the drainage system were identified as main factors for poor water management at farm level. Their improvement condition the adoption of water saving and salinity control practices. Focusing on the farm scale, studies to assess the potential for water savings included: (a) field evaluation of current basin irrigation practices and further use of the simulation models SRFR and SIRMOD to generate alternative improvements for the surface irrigation systems and (b) the use of the ISAREG model to simulate the present and improved irrigation scheduling alternatives taking into consideration salinity control. Models were used interactively to define alternatives for the irrigation systems and scheduling that would minimize percolation and produce water savings. Foreseen improvements refer to basin inflow discharges, land leveling and irrigation scheduling that could result in water savings of 33% relative to actual demand. These improvements would also reduce percolation and maintain water table depths below 1 m thereby reducing soil salinization.  相似文献   

A great challenge for the agricultural sector is to produce more food from less water, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions which suffer from water scarcity. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of three irrigation methods, using effluent versus fresh water, on water savings, yields and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The irrigation scheduling was based on soil moisture and rooting depth monitoring. The experimental design was a split plot with three main treatments, namely subsurface drip (SSD), surface drip (SD) and furrow irrigation (FI) and two sub-treatments effluent and fresh water, which were applied with three replications. The experiment was conducted at the Marvdasht city (Southern Iran) wastewater treatment plant during 2005 and 2006. The experimental results indicated that the average water applied in the irrigation treatments with monitoring was much less than that using the conventional irrigation method (using furrows but based on a constant irrigation interval, without moisture monitoring). The maximum water saving was obtained using SSD with 5907 m3 ha−1 water applied, and the minimum water saving was obtained using FI with 6822 m3 ha−1. The predicted irrigation water requirements using the Penman-Monteith equation (considering 85% irrigation efficiency for the FI method) was 10,743 m3 ha−1. The pressure irrigation systems (SSD and SD) led to a greater yield compared to the surface method (FI). The highest yield (12.11 × 103 kg ha−1) was obtained with SSD and the lowest was obtained with the FI method (9.75 × 103 kg ha−1). The irrigation methods indicated a highly significant difference in irrigation water use efficiency. The maximum IWUE was obtained with the SSD (2.12 kg m−3) and the minimum was obtained with the FI method (1.43 kg m−3). Irrigation with effluent led to a greater IWUE compared to fresh water, but the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Individual effect of different field scale management interventions for water saving in rice viz. changing date of transplanting, cultivar and irrigation schedule on yield, water saving and water productivity is well documented in the literature. However, little is known about their integrated effect. To study that, field experimentation and modeling approach was used. Field experiments were conducted for 2 years (2006 and 2007) at Punjab Agricultural University Farm, Ludhiana on a deep alluvial loamy sand Typic Ustipsamment soils developed under hyper-thermic regime. Treatments included three dates of transplanting (25 May, 10 June and 25 June), two cultivars (PR 118 inbred and RH 257 hybrid) and two irrigation schedules (2-days drainage period and at soil water suction of 16 kPa). The model used was CropSyst, which has already been calibrated for growth (periodic biomass and LAI) of rice and soil water content in two independent experiments. The main findings of the field and simulation studies conducted are compared to any individual, integrated management of transplanting date, cultivar and irrigation, sustained yield (6.3-7.5 t ha−1) and saved substantial amount of water in rice. For example, with two management interventions, i.e. shifting of transplanting date to lower evaporative demand (from 5 May to 25 June) concomitant with growing of short duration hybrid variety (90 days from transplanting to harvest), the total real water saving (wet saving) through reduction in evapotranspiration (ET) was 140 mm, which was almost double than managing the single, i.e. 66 mm by shifting transplanting or 71 mm by growing short duration hybrid variety. Shifting the transplanting date saved water through reduction in soil water evaporation component while growing of short duration variety through reduction in both evaporation and transpiration components of water balance. Managing irrigation water schedule based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, compared to 2-day drainage, did not save water in real (wet saving), however, it resulted into apparent water saving (dry saving). The real crop water productivity (marketable yield/ET) was more by 17% in 25th June transplanted rice than 25th May, 23% in short duration variety than long and 2% in irrigation treatment of 16 kPa soil water suction than 2-days drainage. The corresponding values for the apparent crop water productivity (marketable yield/irrigation water applied) were 16, 20 and 50%, respectively. Pooled experimental data of 2 years showed that with managing irrigation scheduling based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, though 700 mm irrigation water was saved but the associated yield was reduced by 277 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

Two-year field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation on fruit yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of table grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv Rizamat) in the arid region of northwest China. Three irrigation treatments were included, i.e. CDI (conventional drip irrigation, both sides of the root-zone irrigated), ADI (alternate drip irrigation, both sides of the root-zone irrigated alternatively with half the water) and FDI (fixed drip irrigation, only one side of the root system irrigated with half the water). Results indicated that compared to CDI, ADI kept the same photosynthetic rate (Pn) but reduced transpiration rate, thus increased leaf water use efficiency (WUE) of table grape. And diurnal variation of leaf water potential showed no significant differences during 7.00 a.m. to 14.00 p.m. in both years. ADI also produced similar yield and improved WUEET by 26.7–46.4% and increased the percentage of edible grape by 3.88–5.78%, vitamin C content in the fruit by 15.3–42.2% and ratio of total soluble solid concentration/titrated acid in both years as compared to CDI. Thus ADI saved irrigation water, improved the water use efficiency and fruit quality of table grape without detrimental effect on the fruit yield in arid region.  相似文献   

Crop consumptive water use and productivity are key elements to understand basin water management performance. This article presents a simplified approach to map rice (Oryza sativa L.) water consumption, yield, and water productivity (WP) in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) by combining remotely sensed imagery, national census and meteorological data. The statistical rice cropped area and production data were synthesized to calculate district-level land productivity, which is then further extrapolated to pixel-level values using MODIS NDVI product based on a crop dominance map. The water consumption by actual evapotranspiration is estimated with Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) model taking meteorological data and MODIS land surface temperature products as inputs. WP maps are then generated by dividing the rice productivity map with the seasonal actual evapotranspiration (ET) map. The average rice yields for Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh in the basin are 2.60, 2.53, 3.54 and 2.75 tons/ha, respectively. The average rice ET is 416 mm, accounting for only 68.2% of potential ET. The average WP of rice is 0.74 kg/m3. The WP generally varies with the trends of yield variation. A comparative analysis of ET, yield, rainfall and WP maps indicates greater scope for improvement of the downstream areas of the Ganges basin. The method proposed is simple, with satisfactory accuracy, and can be easily applied elsewhere.  相似文献   

Partial rootzone irrigation (PRI) can substantially reduce irrigation amount and has been demonstrated as a promising irrigation method for crops in arid or semiarid areas. Many earlier researches have shown that PRI reduces leaf transpiration by narrowing stomatal opening. In this study we verified the hypothesis that PRI can also save irrigation water by substantially reducing soil evaporation. Field experiment was conducted in an arid area where cotton production almost completely relies on irrigation. Water was applied to furrows in the cotton field either alternatively (AFI, alternative furrow irrigation), or evenly to all the furrows (CFI, conventional furrow irrigation), or to one fixed furrow in every two (FFI, fixed furrow irrigation). Our results show that surface evaporation constitutes a large fraction of the irrigation water loss from cropped field (more than 20%), and with the two PRI treatments nearly 40% of the evaporative water loss is saved. Transpiration accounted for 48%, 58% and 57% of the total amount of irrigation respectively for the CFI, AFI and FFI treatments. This result suggests that PRI increases the proportion of applied water that is transpired, and therefore leads to a higher water use efficiency than regular irrigation. Overall, when irrigation was reduced by 30%, the average final yield loss of AFI was only 4.44%, a non-significant reduction statistically. The FFI had a significant reduction in yield of 12.01% in comparison to CFI. Moreover, PRI brings in earlier flowering and a higher economical return due to early harvested cotton. This indicates that the final economical output could compensate for the loss of cotton yield due to water-saving. With very little extra cost to implementation, PRI proves a very promising method in cotton production in arid zone.  相似文献   

A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50, and 0% of the irrigation water amount applied in the I100 treatment. The irrigation water amount to be applied to the plots was calculated using cumulative pan evaporation that occurred during the irrigation intervals. The effect of water deficit or water stress on crop yield and some plant growth parameters such as yield response, water use efficiencies, dry matter yield (DM), leaf area index (LAI) as well as on lint quality components was evaluated. The average seasonal evapotranspiration ranged from 287 ± 15 (DI00) to 584 ± 80 mm (I100). Deficit irrigation significantly affected crop yield and all yield components considered in this study. The average seed cotton yield varied from 1369 ± 197 (DI00) to 3397 ± 508 kg ha−1 (I100). The average water use efficiency (WUEET) ranged from 6.0 ± 1.6 (I100) to 4.8 ± 0.9 kg ha−1 mm−1 (DI00), while average irrigation water use efficiency (WUEI) was between 9.4 ± 3.0 (I100) and 14.4 ± 4.8 kg ha−1 mm−1 (DI50). Deficit irrigation increased the harvest index (HI) values from 0.26 ± 0.054 (I100) to 0.32 ± 0.052 kg kg−1 (DI50). Yield response factor (Ky) was determined to be 0.98 based on four-year average. Leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter yields (DM) increased with increasing water use. This study demonstrated that the full irrigated treatment (I100) should be used for semiarid conditions with no water shortage. However, DI70 treatment needs to be considered as a viable alternative for the development of reduced irrigation strategies in semiarid regions where irrigation water supplies are limited.  相似文献   

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