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We studied seed germination and early seedling growth of Pinus densata to explore the range of variability within the species and to inform afforestation practices. Phenotypes were evaluated at a forest tree nursery under conditions that support Pinus yunnanensis, one of the presumed parental species of P. densata. Seeds were collected from 20 open-pollinated trees within each of eight autochthonous populations representing the natural distribution of P. densata in China to assess variation in germination traits and early seedling growth, and to examine the relationships among these traits. Results showed that seeds from all populations germinated and seedlings established successfully. There were significant differences among populations in 13 of 14 traits evaluated. Seed germination and early seedling growth were strongly related to seed size and seed weight. Bigger seeds germinated earlier and faster than small seeds, and seedling size was positively correlated with seed size. Some germination traits were strongly and significantly correlated with climatic variables associated with the provenance of the studied populations. Based on these observations, we conclude there were large, significant, and biologically important differences among P. densata populations in seed germination and seedling growth traits. The observed variability probably reflects a high degree of adaptive differentiation among populations that is likely to be relevant for future afforestation.  相似文献   

对广东信宜、浙江江山、湖南汝城、重庆黔江和湖北大悟5个种源马尾松容器苗进行不同程度干旱周期性胁迫处理,测定和分析干旱胁迫对各种源马尾松苗木生长的影响。结果表明:干旱胁迫下,各种源马尾松苗木生长均受到抑制,中度胁迫和重度胁迫下的苗高增长量、地上部分干重、地下部分干重、总干重均低于对照。胁迫后期,各种源生长指标的变化幅度不一致。综合分析得出:湖南、湖北、广东种源较为耐旱;浙江、重庆种源耐旱能力较弱。  相似文献   

An investigation of seed germination and early seedling growth ofEucalyptus microtheca was based on seed collection from 10 widely separated provenances in Australia. Genetic variation of seed germination and early seedling growth was observed among a series of provenances whose natural habitats range from different climatic condition. In the ten provenances, both the model of seed relative germination percentage and the model of seed total germination percentage fitted Logistic regression [y=a/(1+exp(-ex+b))]. In comparison with provenances from four high temperature (mean annual maximum temperature >30.0 °C; mean annual minimum temperature >17.0 °C) areas, six low temperature (mean annual maximum temperature <30.0 °C; mean annual minimum temperature <17.0 °C) areas showed the fast germination rate and the high total germination percentage. For each provenance we have 45 seedlings equally divided into three watering levels (100%, 50%, and 25% of field capacity), and studies on relationship between early seedling growth and climatic factors of the natural habitat of provenance. In control treatment, height growth of the seedling has been associated with intrinsically the driest quarter precipitation in the seed collection areas of provenance. In all the treatments, length growth of the biggest leaf of the seedling was related to mean annual maximum temperature and mean annual minimum temperature in origin of provenance. In contrast, basal diameter growth of the seedling was related to mean annual minimum temperature of the seed collection areas in water stress treatment. From an ecological viewpoint, the fast germination rate and the high total germination percentage of the seed and rapid early growth of the seedling appear to be favourable adaptations to the climatic conditions prevailing in the natural habitat of provenance. Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

New Forests - Pinus ponderosa P. &amp; C. Lawson was introduced in Chile as a promising species for the diversification of the forest productivity and to optimize the soil productivity in areas...  相似文献   

不同基质处理、不同肥料配方的高山松育苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2000年在迪庆州小中甸国有林场中心苗圃进行了不同基质和不同肥料配方对高山松苗木高生长影响的育苗试验,结果为:该地区高山松年生长过程可划分为出苗期、幼苗期、速生期和苗木硬化期;基质处理方式和肥料配方对出苗期并无太大影响,温度是决定出苗期长短的主要因素;基质的营养成分和物理结构对苗木根系生长的影响是决定速生期苗高生长的关键因素;就当地泥炭而言,保持其原始结构对苗木前期生长更为有利;T肥和T K肥配方是最适合高山松生长发育的肥料配方;脱盐处理与否对苗木生长的影响不显著.  相似文献   

高山松天然更新特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨冬 《林业科技》2005,30(6):15-17
高山松在采伐后,幼苗发生状况与迹地地被物关系密切,幼苗发生从采伐次年开始,没有明显苗木发生年限。少灌型的采伐迹地,盖度低,对高山松天然下种影响不大,可天然更新成林;多灌型的采伐迹地一般不能仅靠天然更新恢复成林。高山松林易发生森林火灾,多数情况下,火烧迹地可靠天然更新恢复成高山松林。影响高山松火烧迹地更新效果的主要因素是种源。高山松林能得以延续与其在火烧迹地上天然更新能力强有关。  相似文献   

不同地理种源鹅掌楸幼苗生长适应性比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了南方6省7个不同地理种源鹅掌楸幼苗在南京地区阳生生境中的生长表现,测定了2年生幼苗生长量差异和光合日进程中净光合速率差异。结果表明,就光生理而言,盐津、金平和资源等种源在南京地区的阳生生境中生长状态良好,铜鼓种源则生长较差。  相似文献   

地形条件对高山松天然更新和生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对尼洋河流域不同地形、不同坡向及坡位的高山松天然更新及生长状况的调查表明,高山松在半阴坡、坡下位长势良好。对生长于不同地形的高山松林,可采取不同的抚育采伐方式以促其速生和高产。  相似文献   

马尾松种源实生种子园子代苗遗传增益的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对种子园子代主要性状进行了测定分析 ,结果表明 :选用优良种源及其家系建立实生种子园具有明显的增益效果 ,其平均高和平均地径分别比对照提高 1 7 0 4 %和 2 9 6 % ,尤其是湘赣低山丘陵地区的 4个种源不仅增益高 ,而且变幅小 ,是遗传增益稳定的优良种源。除安徽省外 ,其他省优良种源家系Ⅰ级苗达 80 %~ 90 % ,比对照高4 0 %。并对子代苗主要性状进行了差异分析和相关分析 ,家系苗高、地径达显著水平 ,种源达极显著水平 ,苗高、地径与纬度呈弱度负相关和中度负相关 ,均为规律性的正态遗传变异  相似文献   

Marcar  Nico E.  Zohar  Yale  Guo  Jianmin  Crawford  Debbie F. 《New Forests》2002,23(3):193-206
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. is a moderately salt-tolerant Australian tree species widely used in farm forestry, often in salt-affected landscapes. In a glasshouse experiment, E. camaldulensis seedlings from 15 wide-ranging Australian seed sources (provenances), were cultured in sand-filled pots and treated for 57 days with control (no added NaCl in tap water, neutral pH), saline (150 mol m–3 NaCl, stepped high pH (pH 7.6 to 9.5) and combined NaCl and high pH solutions. Significant differences were found among provenances in height and shoot dry weight. Differences in provenance response to treatment were found for dry weight but not for height. Reductions in shoot dry weight due to NaCl and high pH ranged from 42.9% to 82.0% and 4.3% to 51.7% respectively. Provenances from Lake Hindmarsh-SE (Victoria) and Lake Albacutya-N (Victoria) had relatively high tolerance to both stresses whereas those from Lake Albacutya-S (Victoria), Lowan Valley (Victoria), Silverton (New South Wales) and Katherine (Northern Territory) had low tolerance to both stresses. Provenances from De Grey River and Fitzroy River (Western Australia) were most tolerant of high pH. The performance of these provenances in this experiment generally accorded well with that in saline field environments.  相似文献   

枫杨种源苗期生长节律的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对枫杨24个种源1年生苗高和地径生长节律进行了测定,结果表明,苗高生长呈单峰型,7月下旬-8月下旬为速生期,8月生长量占全年总生长量的46.05%-60.81%,9月中旬苗高生长停滞,最大苗高2m;苗高生长最快的种源生长高峰期10d生长量可达38cm,根据峰值的位置可将参试种源初分为3个类型:峰值靠前型、峰值靠后型和宽峰持续速生型,参试种源的地径生长可分为2种类型,其中多数种源为双峰生长型,第1生长高峰出现在7月中旬,第2生长高峰在8月中旬、8月下旬或9月上旬,种源间2个生长高峰期的相对生长量有差异;呈单峰生长型的种源,地径生长高峰在7月中句;高峰期生长最快的种源地径10d生长量可达0.45cm,多数种源到10月14日之前地径仍在生长,但7-9月的生长量占全年生长量的75.89%。  相似文献   

不同种源的马尾松半同胞家系子代苗期生长表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来自湖南、广西、浙江、广东、福建等5个省的36个马尾松半同胞优良家系自由授粉子代苗期生长表现进行分析。结果表明:不同种源马尾松家系苗的平均地径和苗高生长差异均达到了极显著水平,平均苗木高生长、地径生长均以湖南、广东、广西3个种源的较好。不同家系之间在苗高、地径生长上也表现出极显著的差异,高生长以GXGLN2号家系为最好,其次是HN29号、GD1号家系;地径生长以GD8号家系为最好,其次是HN7号、GXGLN2号家系。综合考虑高生长和地径生长,GXGLN2号家系表现最好。马尾松苗高与地径生长存在着极显著的正相关。  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on shoot growth in northern provenances of Pinus sylvestris L. were studied under natural long-day conditions (Lat. 69 degrees 39' N) at controlled temperatures. The optimum constant temperature for formation of stem unit primordia in the terminal resting bud was 18 to 21 degrees C. Stem unit number decreased linearly with temperature between 15 and 9 degrees C. Temperature during bud formation had a significant effect on final stem unit length achieved in the following year. Final shoot length was significantly affected by temperature during shoot elongation. The optimum constant temperature for elongation growth was 18 to 21 degrees C. The rate of shoot elongation was positively correlated with the number of stem units.  相似文献   

通过对红松种子雪藏和沙藏、红松留床苗覆锯沫子和草碳土等不同处理方法对红松苗木生长影响的研究,表明种子的沙藏和雪藏对苗木的高生长和径生长都有显著影响。  相似文献   

藏东南高山松种群结构及动态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
种群结构及数量动态是种群生态学研究的核心问题.种群结构包括水平结构和垂直结构,水平结构主要是指种群径级结构、年龄结构及冠幅结构,垂直结构主要是指种群的高度结构.种群结构不仅反映了种群不同个体的配置情况,也反映了种群数量动态及其发展趋势,并在很大程度上反映了种群和环境间的相互关系及它们在群落中的作用和地位(范繁荣等,2008).静态生命表和存活曲线是进行种群统计和研究种群数量动态变化的重要工具,生存分析的4个函数(生存函数S(i)、积累死亡率函数F(i)、死亡密度函数f(ti)和危险率函数λ(ti))可以辅助种群生命表分析,更进一步阐明种群生存规律,而时间序列预测是研究种群未来年龄结构和发展趋势的重要手段.目前上述方法在分析植物种群数量动态方面得到了广泛应用(张文辉等,2008;卢杰等,2010;郭其强等,2010).  相似文献   

油松和巴山松种源选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油松和巴山松是用材树种,林木生长量的大小是选择优良树种1个重要指标。根据2次21a油松和巴山松种源试验和种源选择的结果,第1批陕西宁陕和黄陵及四川广元种源,7a生树高比其它种源平均值提高15.9%。第2批陕西商县和黄龙官庄、河南栾川2#,湖北巴东1#和四川广元种源17a生长量比其它种源平均值材积提高22.8%。  相似文献   

高山松种子质量分极标准初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年,高山松(Pinus densataMast)在四川省飞播造林中大量使用,已成为飞机播种造林的主要树种。由于GB7908-1999《林木种子质量分级》[1]国家标准没有高山松,无法对种子质量进行评价,因此给种子质量监督造成一定困难。本文通过对2001年~2005年四川省林木种苗质量监督检测中心高山松种子样品检测数据进行处理与分析,初步提出了高山松种子质量分级指标体系。  相似文献   

对2~5年生马尾松实生苗、扦插苗2种苗木进行造林对比试验,试验结果显示,这2种苗木造林的保存率都超过95%。扦插苗和实生苗2年生时5个测量性状(树高、胸径、冠幅、活枝轮盘数、侧枝总数)均差异不显著;3年生时树高、胸径差异显著,其它不显著;4年生时5个性状差异均显著。即从3年生开始扦插苗早期生长量才显著高于实生苗。说明扦插林早期较实生林速生。在种子短缺的情况下,利用优良的无性系繁殖苗木,是十分有效的。  相似文献   

以湖南怀化、浙江湖州、安徽滁州、江苏南京和江西赣州等5个大叶榉种源为材料,比较了大叶榉不同种源苗期及造林早期的生长表现。结果表明:大叶榉苗期和造林早期生长优势明显,显著高于杉木、马尾松和湿地松等速生丰产树种同期生长的行业标准;不同种源间除苗期高生长有显著差异外,造林早期各种源间的生长差异不显著。  相似文献   

该研究以海南木麻黄优良种质为主要研究材料,通过水培育苗、营养袋育苗和苗期鉴定遴选出优良品种进行造林,并进行早期生长效果研究,得出一批幼树粗生快长的优良品种,初步实现木麻黄优良品种选育的目的。  相似文献   

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