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A number of volatile compounds that contribute to orange flavor were quantified following high-temperature forced-air (HTFA) treatment of the fruit to determine if a relationship exists between the flavor loss that is observed following HTFA treatment and the volatile composition of the juice. Following different durations of HTFA treatment, fruit were stored for a period of 4 weeks and juiced and the juice subjected to headspace analysis using either a Tenax/Carbotrap column or a solid-phase microextraction device for trapping of the volatiles. alpha-Pinene, beta-myrcene, and limonene were reduced in amount by 60%, 58%, and 34%, respectively, over the course of the 5-h HTFA treatment. The influence of heat on the amount of decanal was less clear, although in one of the two fruit lots there was little change. The amount of ethanol was reduced by 70% after the initial hour of HTFA treatment and then steadily increased to exceed the initial amount during the remaining 4 h of the treatment. Taste evaluations of the fruit showed a reduction of flavor quality following 4 h or more of treatment. Percent acidity and soluble solids, two other very important determinants of flavor, were nearly unchanged by treatment. Alterations in the volatile constituents of oranges by HTFA treatment may be an important reason behind the negative impact of this treatment on flavor quality.  相似文献   

Tarocco blood oranges (Citrus sinensis Linn. Obsek) were subjected to a single preharvest spray with thiabendazole (TBZ) at a concentration of 1% active ingredient (ai) in water and harvested 2 weeks after fungicide application or heated at 37 degrees C for 48 h under saturated humidity after harvest. The two treatments were also combined before cold quarantine (3 weeks at 2 degrees C), subsequent storage (3 weeks at 8 degrees C), and simulated marketing period (SMP) (1 week at 20 degrees C). Fruit not treated with TBZ and unheated were used as controls. The residue levels of TBZ (active ingredient, whole fruit basis) after spray were approximately 6.3 and 5.4 mg x kg(-1) before fruit storage respectively, a level close to the tolerance limit set by the European Community. TBZ showed a high persistence during quarantine, storage, and SMP. TBZ spray significantly reduced the incidence and severity of chilling injury (CI) and decay during the postquarantine period and SMP. Heat treatment (HT) produced beneficial effects in controlling CI, especially during SMP, when applied in combination with TBZ. However, HT remarkably promoted the development of secondary fungal infections such as Phytophthora rots and adversely affected fruit flavor and taste. The occurrence of off-flavor and off-taste was found to be perceptible after heating.  相似文献   

Twenty-five odor-active compounds were quantified in hand-squeezed juices of Valencia late and Navel oranges using stable isotope dilution assays. Odor activity values (OAVs, ratio of the concentration to odor thresholds) based on odor thresholds in water were calculated for the entire set of aroma compounds in both varieties. It was shown that due to their high OAVs, the fruity-smelling esters ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, ethyl butanoate, (S)-ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, and 3a,4,5,7a-tetrahydro-3,6-dimethyl-2(3H)-benzofuranone (wine lactone), the grassy smelling (Z)-hex-3-enal, and the citrus-like decanal were the most potent odorants in both juices. The weaker fruity note in the Navel oranges was clearly correlated with significantly lower OAVs of all fruity-smelling esters but a higher OAV of (Z)-3-hexenal compared to Valencia late. Model solutions simulating the odor of both orange varieties confirmed the findings of the quantitation studies.  相似文献   

Flunixin meglumine is used in veterinary medicine as an alternative to narcotic analgesics and as an antiinflammatory agent. Eight Holstein dairy cows were dosed intravenously once daily on three consecutive days with (14)C-flunixin meglumine at approximately 2.2 mg of flunixin free acid/kg of body weight. Milk was collected twice daily to determine the decline of the total radioactive residues (TRR) in milk and to identify or characterize residue components. TRR in milk declined rapidly and averaged 66, 20, and 14 ppb, respectively, for the first, second, and third milkings after administration of the last dose. Milk was extracted, and the extracts were examined for radioactive residues. Mean extractability of milk TRR was always greater than 80%. Flunixin and 5-hydroxyflunixin were identified by coelution with analytical standards using reverse phase HPLC. These two residues were the main radioactive residues found in milk and together accounted for 64, 37, and 44% of the extractable residues, for the first, second, and third milkings, respectively, after administration of the last dose. The presence of 5-OH flunixin in milk was confirmed by HPLC/MS/MS.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out to evaluate whether folpet sprayed on grapevines penetrated the epicuticular wax and cell walls of grapes. Folpet showed poor penetration into the epicuticular wax; it was found almost totally on the surface. Despite its low solubility in water, perhaps due to the presence of adjuvants, its residues showed such a high resistance to washing that the action of rain was negligible in decreasing residues.  相似文献   

Mechanical harvesting of oranges and mandarins in Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Imidacloprid, a neonicotinic insecticide, has been used as a seed dressing (Gaucho) to protect crops against soil and aerial insects. However, French beekeepers observed abnormal behavior of bees foraging on sunflowers and suspected a link between the imidacloprid seed treatment and the observed bee syndrome. This work studies the distribution of [(14)C-imidazolidin]imidacloprid (1 mg/seed) in three stages of Gaucho-treated sunflowers grown in an outdoor lysimeter. Plants absorbed <10% of [(14)C]imidacloprid spiked on seeds, and 75% of that absorbed radioactivity was found in cotyledons. Concentrations in the upper leaves were 20 times lower than in the first leaves. From the extracted radioactivity, imidacloprid accounted for 50% and metabolites for the other 50%. Four major metabolites can be detected, in variable concentrations, among which the hydroxy- and olefin-imidacloprid have toxicities equivalent to that of imidacloprid. In pollen, concentrations of imidacloprid were 13 ng x g(-1). Thus, imidacloprid residues from Gaucho seed treatment contaminated sunflower pollen, involving the translocation of imidacloprid within the plant.  相似文献   

Creasing is a physiological disorder in oranges fruits that affects rind quality. This disorder has been associated with insufficient or imbalances of nutrients in the fruit. A study was carried out in an orange orchard cv. Fukumoto. At harvest, fruit samples were selected with and without creasing, according to visual symptoms. External and internal fruit quality was evaluated in whole fruit, then dry matter and mineral content and concentration (nitrogen N, potassium K, calcium Ca and magnesium Mg) was analyzed in flavedo, albedo and pulp. Oranges with creasing had larger weight and fruit size, higher water content in the pulp and whole fruit, lower coarse rind grading, thinner peel, higher nitrogen content in the pulp and the whole fruit, higher potassium content in all fruit components and lower calcium content and concentration. Magnesium content, only in flavedo showed significant differences, being higher in fruit without creasing. Fruit size and Ca were key factors related to the expression of creasing disorder, as well as nutrient balance.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring study using the ozone-sensitive bioindicator plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Bel-W3 was conducted in the city of Valencia (eastern Spain) and surrounding areas in 2002. Plants were exposed to ambient air at seven sites, including four traffic-exposed urban sites, a large urban garden and a suburban and a rural station, for six consecutive 2-week periods using highly standardised methods. Foliar injury was registered at all stations in at least one of the exposure periods. The urban stations submitted to intense traffic showed lower ozone injury than the less traffic-exposed stations. Strong changes in the intensity of ozone injury were observed for the different exposure periods. Leaf injury was significantly related to both mean ozone values (24 and 12 h means) and cumulative exposure indices (AOT20, AOT40). However, correlation strength was moderate (r s?=?0.39 to 0.58), suggesting that the plant response to ozone was modified by environmental factors. The use of sensitive bioindicators like tobacco Bel-W3 in cities provides complementary information to that of continuously operating air quality monitors, as the impact of ambient ozone levels is directly measured.  相似文献   

以大铃、中铃和小铃3个不同铃重棉花基因型为材料,通过在盛花期测定棉株中部主茎和果枝叶面积及叶面积指数,并用^14CO2饲喂中部主茎叶,研究了^14CO2同化物在棉株不同层次“铃-叶系统”中的分配特征。结果表明,盛花期中部主茎和果枝单叶面积与铃重呈正相关。小铃基因型棉花群体盛花期叶面积指数最大;大铃基因型棉花蕾铃比中、小铃基因型表现出更强的库活性。主茎叶片产生的同化物除主要输送到对应的果枝外,还向上部、下部的库器官及主茎生长点输送;而流向其对应果枝的同化物,主要供应第一果节蕾铃。  相似文献   

基于机器视觉自然场景下成熟柑橘识别   总被引:7,自引:20,他引:7  
采用2R-G-B色差分量,通过Ostu自适应阈值算法进行图像分割,利用形态运算消除分割后随机噪声,并对分割区域进行标记,利用区域面积和区域最小外接矩形长宽比参数进一步去除背景区域.对于多果重叠问题,利用T=Sqrt(S×I)形成新的图像提取边界,再结合形态学运算实现分割.最后利用优化的圆形Hough变换提取目标图像的形心坐标及半径,恢复遮挡果形.经验证有95%果实能正确识别.  相似文献   

The homogeneity of analytical samples and the stability of pesticides during the sample processing of oranges and tomatoes were evaluated. The mean concentrations of 14C-labeled chlorpyrifos in analytical portions (subsamples) after processing show that homogeneity is dependent on sample type as well as the processing procedure. The homogeneity of analytical samples of tomatoes processed cryogenically was much better than those processed at ambient temperature. For tomatoes, the minimum analytical portion masses required for between-analytical portion variation of < 0.3 Ho were 110 and 5 g for processing at ambient and cryogenic temperatures, respectively. Results for orange showed that analytical portion sizes of 5 g provided sufficient homogeneity from both sample processing procedures. Assessments of pesticide stability demonstrated that most were relatively stable during processing at either ambient or cryogenic temperatures. However, some pesticides, including dichlofluanid, chlorothalonil, tolylfluanid, and dicloran, appeared to suffer much greater losses (>20%) during processing at ambient temperature. For these analytes, loss is interpreted as chemical degradation.  相似文献   

为阐明毒氟磷在动物体内的分布代谢特征,并深入认识毒氟磷的安全性和膳食风险,本研究选择白羽产蛋鸡为试验对象,[噻唑基-2-14C]-毒氟磷为同位素示踪剂,研究了毒氟磷在产蛋鸡体内的排泄分布特征。结果表明,毒氟磷在产蛋鸡体内排泄水平高,首次给药24 h后即排泄出当日给药量的82.04%,连续给药7 d后的累计排泄率为82.24%。毒氟磷在组织中的总残留仅占引入量的3.81%,其中胃中残留量占比相对最高,占引入量的2.14%,而肺、肾、脂肪、胰腺中的放射性残留量均不超过引入量的0.01%,膳食评估结果表明在上述内脏组织中的毒氟磷残留无膳食风险。蛋、肌肉、心、脑、脾、卵巢等组织中未检测到放射性残留。本研究为科学评价毒氟磷在家禽中的安全性提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

Australian orange juices from major growing regions have been surveyed over a 5 year period with a view to establishing a database of (18)O/(16)O isotope ratios against which retail samples can be tested for authenticity. The (18)O/(16)O ratios were found to follow a consistent pattern that had both a cyclic seasonal and a regional influence. Oxygen delta values ranged from a summer maximum of >+15 per thousand for oranges from inland regions to a winter minimum of approximately +1 per thousand for oranges grown in coastal areas. However, over a shorter time period, the range of values was markedly less than this. Concentrated orange juices, pulpwashes, and peel extracts, as well as other citrus types, were also tested. The effect of some industry practices that have an effect on (18)O/(16)O ratios was also investigated.  相似文献   

Naringin is the major flavanone-7-O-glycoside of sour orange, and it is mainly responsible for the bitter taste of the fruit. The relative content of (2S)- and (2R)-naringin in the albedo of sour oranges during maturation in the entire season was determined by normal phase HPLC using Chiralcel OD-H as chiral stationary phase and n-hexane/ethanol doped with 0.5% of TFA as mobile phase. HPLC traces were complicated by the presence of (2S)-neohesperidin, and a software-guided analysis was developed to assess the relative amount of the C-2 diastereomers of naringin. A sigmoid curve was obtained showing variation from 94% of (2S)-naringin in very immature fruits to 69.7% in mature fruit samples. Spontaneous epimerization of (2S)-naringin in the ethanolic solutions of the albedo was noted after prolonged keeping for less acid samples. The separation of the C-2 diastereomers of other flavanoid-7-O-glycosides present in Citrus (neoeriocitrin, neohesperidin, and eriocitrin) was also obtained by chiral HPLC and afforded the identification, including stereochemistry, of the eluting peaks in the HPLC traces of the albedo extracts.  相似文献   

以大铃、中铃和小铃3个不同铃重棉花基因型为材料,通过在盛花期测定棉株中部主茎和果枝叶面积及叶面积指数,并用14CO2饲喂中部主茎叶,研究了14CO2同化物在棉株不同层次"铃-叶系统"中的分配特征。结果表明,盛花期中部主茎和果枝单叶面积与铃重呈正相关。小铃基因型棉花群体盛花期叶面积指数最大;大铃基因型棉花蕾铃比中、小铃基因型表现出更强的库活性。主茎叶片产生的同化物除主要输送到对应的果枝外,还向上部、下部的库器官及主茎生长点输送;而流向其对应果枝的同化物,主要供应第一果节蕾铃。  相似文献   

A positionable platinum microelectrode fabricated by electrochemical etching was used to monitor the concentration of ascorbic acid in fruits and vegetables. Studies carried out with ascorbate oxidase confirmed the suitability of the amperometric sensor to measure selectively the ascorbic acid content. The results obtained with the proposed method for ascorbic acid determination in orange juices compared well with those found by iodimetry with coulometrically generated iodine. The standard deviation calculated by measuring limiting current values in voltammograms was found to be 3% (n = 150). The sensor allowed the evaluation of the spatial distribution of ascorbic acid concentration in oranges by in-situ measurements. Ascorbic acid concentration maps show that in a perpendicular cut the concentration is higher near the peel to the center of the fruit. In a parallel cut, the concentration increases with the distance to the stem. A correlation between the ripening stage and the ascorbic acid concentration was also observed from electrochemical measurements, the content being higher in mature fruits.  相似文献   

为深入了解毒氟磷在植物体内的残留代谢规律,以大豆为研究对象,利用14C示踪法研究了[苄基-14C]-毒氟磷在大豆中的残留分布特征及代谢产物动态变化规律。结果表明,施药后毒氟磷主要残留在大豆受施叶上,在豆叶中毒氟磷母体的半衰期为15.32 d,施药后代谢产物的残留浓度均随时间推移而不断增加;至施药20 d时,叶片上毒氟磷母体的残留浓度为6.960 mg·kg-1, 占总放射性活度的53.443%;代谢产物M4、M3、M1+M2的残留浓度分别为3.838、2.431、1.464 mg·kg-1; 收获时,可食豆子中残留物含量小于总放射性残留的0.3%,其代谢产物组成与叶中相同;母体及M4的相对含量分别为51.932%和20.301%,且两者残留浓度均大于0.050 mg·kg-1。本试验为客观评价毒氟磷的安全性提供了重要的代谢数据。  相似文献   

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