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犬皮肤病类型多样,病因复杂,症状虽有相似之处,但又各差异,在临床上只有弄清病因,正确诊断,才能收到良好的治疗效果,本文将犬常发生的寄生虫性皮肤病及其防治方法介绍如下:1犬常见寄生虫性皮肤病及其特征犬寄生虫性皮肤病是由某些寄生虫的侵入、移行和寄生造成的,能引起犬皮肤病的寄生虫常见的有犬疥螨、犬痒螨、犬蠕形螨、犬恶丝虫、虱、蚤、蜱等。1.1犬蠕形螨性皮肤病是由蠕形螨寄生于犬毛囊或皮脂腺而引起的一种顽固性寄生性皮肤病,多发生于3~1个月的幼犬,成年犬常见于发情期及产后的雌犬,应激常可诱发本病,部分犬发…  相似文献   

犬的皮肤病每年四季皆可发生,但以夏、秋季为多。犬皮肤病病因复杂,治疗周期长,易复发。而且有些还是人畜共患病,给人类健康带来很大的威胁,应引起我们高度重视。犬的皮肤病常见的有外寄生虫性、细菌性、真菌性、过敏性、内分泌性等类型。笔者就常见的犬皮肤病谈一些粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

为了解本地区犬皮肤病病原类型及发病规律,调查研究了郑州金水区多家宠物医院自2017年3月至2018年3月临床接诊的104例犬皮肤病病例,对患犬发病特点、病原类型等综合数据统计分析。结果:本次调查的皮肤病患犬病例中多发生于春夏季节(5~8月份);以寄生虫性皮肤病感染率最高(44. 23%),其次是真菌性皮肤病(29. 80%);犬皮肤病病例数随着犬年龄增加而减少,1周岁以内的幼犬发病率较高(46. 15%);雌性患犬有46例,占44. 23%,雌雄比例为1. 26∶1,雄性患犬高于雌性患犬;调查的病例中发病率最高的品种是泰迪犬,占22. 11%,比熊犬和贵宾犬次之,且不同品种的犬具有明显差异性;发病部位主要以面部居多(24. 03%)、其次是背部(20. 19%)和四肢(16. 34%)。表明该地区犬皮肤病的发病特点是患犬病原体以寄生虫为主,其中疥螨感染性皮肤病为寄生虫性病原引起皮肤病之首,混合感染占据一定比例;发病主要集中在春夏季节,幼龄犬为高发年龄,雄性患犬略高,皮肤患犬与品种和毛发长度有密切的关系。  相似文献   

目的:对犬猫皮肤真菌进行临床调查,并寻找有效的治疗方式。方法:选取某宠物医院院2011年至2013年1月收治的2328例患病犬猫,其中患皮肤病的有1516例,皮肤病患犬954例,皮肤病患猫562例。了解患病犬猫的皮肤被毛情况,使用Wood灯、显微镜和细胞学检查对患病犬猫进行检查。对皮肤病的犬猫进行治疗。结果:皮肤病在就诊宠物中的比例较大。其中真菌感染占皮肤病犬总数的46.75%,共446例,占皮肤病猫总数的57.47%,共323例。结论:犬猫皮肤病在犬猫患病中占有较大的比例,且绝大部分为真菌感染,必须采取有效的措施进行对症治疗。  相似文献   

犬皮肤病是宠物临床上常见的病例,引起犬不同程度的瘙痒、脱毛、皮肤色素改变等症状,严重影响犬的生活质量。采用回顾性调查的方法对西安地区犬常见皮肤病的流行病学进行研究,收集整理了2012年至2017年西北农林科技大学西安动物医院的犬皮肤病病历,对不同性别、年龄、病因、季节、发病部位以及不同品种的犬患皮肤病的情况进行统计分析,以期更好地了解犬皮肤病的发病特征及其变化规律,并为临床诊断和防治犬皮肤病提供科学依据。调查发现犬的皮肤病病例共有970例,占总发病数的4.05%;细菌性皮肤病和真菌性皮肤病的发病率较高,分别为31.44%(305/970)和27.22%(264/970);夏季是犬皮肤病的高发季节;1岁以内的犬患皮肤病较多,占总病例数的40.82%(396/970);雄性病例与雌性病例分别占总病例数的58.56%(568/970)和41.44%(402/970);腰背部、耳部、四肢及面部是犬皮肤病的高发部位。  相似文献   

针对犬猫皮肤病在临床上通常多采用西医疗法,用抗菌素进行临床治疗,传统观念上认为用西医来治疗犬猫皮肤病能够见效快,效果好,但是实际情况并不如此乐观,那是因为抗菌素的使用极易培养出具有抗药性的菌株,导致犬猫的皮肤病治疗更加困难。本文通过进行某些中草药对犬猫皮肤病病原菌抑制效能试验,以期能够获得更为有效的治疗犬猫皮肤病的方法。  相似文献   

吴凡 《警犬》2012,(1):41-41
近些年来犬的饲养量有很大增加,很多犬都集中在城市的中小广场嬉戏,造成了疾病的传染,其中犬皮肤病传染就占据了犬疾病20%左右。犬皮肤病产生的原因与饲养管理不善、生态环境恶化、关在笼子里缺少运动,以及其它不良因素影响有关。犬的皮肤病可细分为细菌性、真菌性、病毒性、原虫性、寄生虫性、内分泌性、免疫性、饮食性、脱毛性、肝功能失调性等一些类型。  相似文献   

犬是家庭中比较常见的宠物,性情温和,易于饲养。犬在饲养时要进行合理的管理和完善,防止传染病的发生。其中犬皮肤病的问题比较常见,一年四季都可以发生,如何预防犬皮肤瘙痒,结痂、脱毛等皮肤病的发生十分重要。犬经常会出现不同的皮肤病困扰,防治的难度非常大,如果对犬的皮肤病管理不善,极有可能传染给人。  相似文献   

凡能引起犬皮肤病瘙痒、脱毛凡能引起犬皮肤病瘙痒、脱毛。结痂和皮肤异常变化的疾病统称为皮肤病。引起犬皮肤病的因素很多,犬皮肤病发病率也很高,在临床就诊病例中约10-20%都是皮肤问题。一般情况下,犬皮肤病虽不致引起死亡,但治疗周期长,易复发。而且有些还可传给人,应引起我们高度重视。本文对犬的各种螨病的流行病学调查,临床诊断,药物治疗及防治进行浅谈!  相似文献   

犬皮肤病类型多样,病因复杂,常见于背、腹和尾部。病犬被毛粗糙、无光泽,皮肤增厚并出现鳞斑,有的皮下有肿块,有的皮肤表面出现丘疹、水泡、点状红斑或脓疱等。犬的皮肤病对人类也有一定的危害,如可导致人患头癣、体癣、丘疹性荨麻疹或痒疹、过敏性皮炎等。此外犬皮肤病症状虽有相似之处,但临床治疗中要弄清病因,正确诊断,才能收到良好疗效。  相似文献   

对来自湘桂地区6个宠物医院的48 127个确诊病例进行调查,对犬皮肤病的种类、发病率及其与年龄和季节的相关性进行分析。结果表明,皮肤病发病率为28.53%。在皮肤病中,脓皮病和疥螨最为常见,分别占28.03%和26.18%。皮肤病的发病率随着年龄增长而下降。不同季节流行的皮肤病种类也有区别,但各皮肤病在冬季发病率最低。  相似文献   

Study on skin diseases in sheep from northern Ethiopia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study was conducted to determine the cause and prevalence of skin diseases in local sheep from northern Ethiopia. Of 520 sheep examined 174 (33%) had skin diseases of different causes. The identified causes were lice infestation due to Damalina ovis and Linognatus africanus (21%), sheep pox (8%), sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptic Scab. var. ovis) (4%), dermatophilosis due to Dermatophilus congolensis (3%), and orf (contagious ecthyma) (3%). There was no statistically significant (P > 0.05) association of any of the skin diseases with age and sex of the sheep examined. The occurrence and spread of the diseases were associated with poor management, climatic factors, feed scarcity and inadequate veterinary services. The increasing threat of skin diseases to the development of sheep production warranting an urgent control intervention is indicated.  相似文献   

Prevalences of diseases in purebred dogs are reported from a questionnaire study among members of the Danish Kennel Club (DKC) in 1997. The 4295 dogs in the study represented 24 breeds and 16 breed groups. Sixty percent of the dogs had at least one disease-event during their lifetime with a median of 2 and a maximum of 11. Diseases of the skin were the most-frequent (13.6%) followed by eye diseases (13.2%), accidents (12.6%) and diseases of the ear (12.6%). The prevalences of five diseases differed significantly between the breeds (diseases of the skin, eyes, ears, respiratory and skeletal systems). Males had significantly higher prevalences of respiratory diseases, skeletal diseases and diseases of the mouth and teeth. Tumours and diseases of the urinary system were most prevalent in females. Gender- and breed-specific prevalences are reported for the most-frequent diseases.  相似文献   

Skin biopsy specimens from 7 dogs with immune-mediated skin diseases diagnosed by routine histology and 5 dogs with other skin diseases were placed in Michel's transport medium for 4 to 9 years. Direct immunofluorescence yielded positive results in tissue samples from 3 dogs with pemphigus foliaceus and 2 dogs with discoid lupus erythematosus. Direct immunofluorescence was not seen in tissue samples from 1 dog with pemphigus foliaceus and 5 dogs with non immune-mediated skin diseases. Direct immunofluorescence was seen in skin biopsy specimens maintained in Michel's medium for 4 to 8 years.  相似文献   

犬皮肤病是宠物临床最常见的疾病之一,严重危害着宠物的健康。论文通过对洛阳地区宠物门诊诊治的144例犬皮肤病的调查分析,总结洛阳地区皮肤病的常见病原、发病原因以及发病规律,为犬皮肤病的防治与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

瘙痒是犬皮肤病的典型临床症状之一,通常除瘙痒外还常伴脱毛、红斑等皮肤症状。瘙痒问题不仅困扰动物本身,也影响到饲养者的生活质量。瘙痒的发生机制复杂,目前国内外已有大量对人和犬瘙痒性皮肤病的临床和基础研究,揭示了瘙痒和神经免疫系统之间的关系,引入了“瘙痒-抓挠”循环的概念,且表明了免疫系统、皮肤屏障和神经系统的单独促进作用和交互作用是瘙痒产生的关键因素,任一环节的问题都可开启“瘙痒-抓挠”的恶性循环。临床上引起犬瘙痒的病因复杂,参照2007年由国际瘙痒研究论坛成员提出的瘙痒分类,将引起犬瘙痒的疾病根据病因类比对应分为了六大类,引起皮肤病性瘙痒的疾病分为了感染性、过敏性、肿瘤性等,其中在临床上最主要的是犬过敏性瘙痒。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的诊断方法及鉴别诊断多样,需从多方面对患病犬进行信息收集,按一定顺序进行排查和鉴别诊断。犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗周期长且疾病易反复,目前常用的西医药物存在副作用大、靶点单一、价格昂贵等不足,中药方剂成分复杂,有效成分多,可从多通路多途径治疗机制复杂的瘙痒,在犬瘙痒性皮肤病的治疗上具有优势和广阔前景。文章对瘙痒发生的机制、犬瘙痒性疾病的分类、诊断及中西医治疗思路等最新研究...  相似文献   

Regional distribution of ten common skin diseases in dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the regional distributions of the most commonly diagnosed skin diseases in dogs from 17 North American veterinary teaching hospitals. Between January 1983 and December 1983, 11,456 diagnoses of skin disease were made. The 10 most common diagnoses were fleabite allergic dermatitis, skin cancer, pyoderma, seborrhea, allergy, demodectic acariasis (demodicosis), sarcoptic acariasis, immune-mediated skin disease, endocrine related skin disease, and acral lick dermatitis. Regional differences in the frequency of skin diseases were apparent. The northeast region had high frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, allergy, and immune-mediated disease, and a low frequency of seborrhea. The midwest had a high frequency of seborrhea, and low frequencies of demodectic acariasis and allergy. In the plains region, low frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, pyoderma, seborrhea, allergy, and demodectic acariasis were detected. In the west, the frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis, skin cancer, pyoderma, seborrhea, and acral lick dermatitis were high, whereas few dogs had allergic disease and sarcoptic acariasis. The southwest had high frequencies of fleabite allergic dermatitis and demodectic and sarcoptic acariasis. Fleabite allergic dermatitis, pyoderma, and demodectic and sarcoptic acariasis were frequently diagnosed in the southeast, but the number of dogs with seborrhea was low.  相似文献   

The ageing process tends to predispose dogs and cats to certain skin diseases. Impaired immunosurveillance is believed to render the animals more susceptible to neoplasia which can affect any organ including the skin. Endocrinopathies are also more common in older animals. There are some diseases of internal organs which can affect the skin, and some of these tend to occur with increased frequency in old animals. Finally, seborrhoeic diseases are either more common in older animals, or become increasingly severe with age.  相似文献   

Skin diseases in amphibian species seem to carry an additional degree of seriousness compared with those of other vertebrates. Because of the skin's importance in respiration and ion transport, breaching of the integument of these animals can result in fatal septicemias or metabolic disturbances. The timely diagnosis and treatment of these skin lesions is important. A review of the diseases affecting amphibian skin is provided. This article also describes the clinical signs, appropriate diagnostic steps, and treatment and control of amphibian skin diseases.  相似文献   

犬皮肤病是犬临床诊治中常见病之一。犬因品种、年龄、个体、营养、生活环境等不同而引起的皮肤病有很大的差异。本文就几种常见的犬皮肤病的不同的临床症状进行了简要综述,旨在给饲养者提供一些早期的、简单的鉴别及诊断,能尽快做出相应的预防和护理措施,并及时就诊。  相似文献   

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