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[目的]为探究西伯利亚白刺盐适应机制。[方法]以1年生西伯利亚白刺水培幼苗为材料,研究不同浓度NaCl(0、200、300 mmol·L-1)胁迫24 h后根系Na~+、K~+离子流的动态变化(利用扫描离子选择微电极技术,SIET)及植株各器官中Na~+、K~+含量的静态变化(利用电感耦合等离子体光谱仪,ICP-OES)。[结果]表明:(1)短期NaCl胁迫显著提高了西伯利亚白刺根、茎、叶中Na~+含量,其中,叶中Na~+含量是根中的3倍以上;西伯利亚白刺根、茎、叶中K~+含量保持稳定或上升;(2)盐胁迫下,西伯利亚白刺根、茎、叶中K~+/Na~+呈下降趋势,其中,在200、300 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下,根中K~+/Na~+差异不显著;(3)离子流结果显示,NaCl胁迫显著提高了西伯利亚白刺根系Na~+的外流;对照和200 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下,K~+净流量分别为156、159 pmol·cm-2·s-1,差异不显著;300 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫显著提高了K~+的内流,净流量为-370 pmol·cm-2·s-1。[结论]综合分析认为,西伯利亚白刺通过叶片对Na~+区隔,加强根系对Na~+的外排和K~+内流,进而维持植株根系K~+/Na~+的相对平衡,以此适应盐渍环境。  相似文献   

Extracts of ten Thai indigenous medicinal plants having ethnomedical application in the treatment of dysuria were tested for their Na(+),K(+)-ATPase inhibitory activity. The hexane extracts of Cyperus rotundus and Orthosiphon aristatus showed high potent inhibitory activity on crude enzyme Na(+),K(+)-ATPase from rat brain.  相似文献   

盐碱地造林时根系伤口对盐分吸收有无影响至今未见报道.本研究在150 mmol NaCl处理的水培条件下,切断供试苗木的吸收根,通过检测叶被害率、蒸腾速率及苗木根、枝干和叶中Na 含量,进一步阐明蒸腾和Na 吸收对切根及NaCl处理的响应.试验结果表明:(1)青栲和金木犀两树种的切根处理都使Na 含量和含有率增大,导致叶被害率升高;(2)与对照及不切根做NaCl处理及切根后3 d做NaCl处理相比,切根后立即进行NaCl处理的苗木,Na 的吸收显著增多,苗木盐害最重,蒸腾速率降低的幅度也最大;切根后放置3 d,Na 吸收和盐害明显受到抑制;(3)随着蒸腾速率的增大,青栲和金木樨的Na 吸收量都增加,且金木樨的二者的相关关系呈极显著(r= 0.613**,n=18).这为盐碱地造林措施的改进提供了理论依据,即在盐碱地造林时最好采用不需要修剪根系的苗木,如果确有修剪的必要,也要在修剪并经过几天圃地的假植后再行种植,避免盐分被迅速吸收,使苗木遭受盐害.  相似文献   

The effects of anethol, the major component of anise oil, on the Ca2+-dependent excitability and afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in snail neurons were examined using intracellular recording. Anethol (0.5%) significantly broadened the spike, reduced the firing frequency and enhanced the AHP amplitude. In contrast, anethol (2%) significantly increased the firing frequency and decreased the AHP. Blockade of Ca2+ channels after anethol application depolarized the membrane potential and significantly reduced the firing rate. Furthermore, in the presence of anethol (0.5%) a significant decrease in the AHP was observed by Ca2+ channels blockage. Here, anethol-induced functional modification of Ca2+ and Ca2+-activated K+ channels is suggested.  相似文献   

To evaluate genotypic difference in antioxidative ability and salt tolerance in poplars, the authors investigated the effects of increasing content of soil NaCl on salt concentration in leaves, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and membrane permeability (MP) in Populus euphratica Oliv., P. popularis “35–44,” and P. × euramericana cv. I-214 (hereafter abbreviated as P. cv. I-214). Na+ and Cl concentrations in leaves of P. popularis increased markedly over the increase of the duration of exposure to salinity, and culminated after 28 days of salt stress. SOD and POD activities declined correspondingly, followed by significant increases of MDA and MP, and leaf injury was finally observed. Compared with P. popularis, leaf Na+ and Cl in P. cv. I-214 exhibited a trend similar to P. popularis, but a lower salt-induced increase of MDA and permeability was observed and lighter leaf necrosis occurred. In contrast to P. popularis and P. cv. I-214, SOD and POD activities in P. euphratica leaves increased rapidly at the beginning of salt stress with a light soil NaCl concentration of 58.5 mmol/L. Furthermore, salt ion concentration, MDA content, and MP in P. euphratica leaves did not increase significantly during 28 days of increasing salt stress. Therefore, the increase in MP in P. popularis and P. cv. I-214 had a close relationship with a salt buildup in leaves under increasing salt stress. Salt-induced declines of SOD and POD activities might accelerate lipid peroxide and consequently resulted in ion leakage. P. euphratica rapidly activated antioxidant enzymes after the onset of salt stress, which might reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and the subsequent acceleration of lipid peroxide. P. euphratica leaves exhibited a higher capacity to exclude salt in a longer period of increasing salinity, thus limited salt-induced lipid peroxide and MP, which contributed to membrane integrity maintenance and salt tolerance of P. euphratica. Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(3) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

Agroforestry trees are now well known to play a central role in the build up of nutrients pools and their transformations similar to that of forest ecosystem, however, information on the potential of homegarden trees accumulating and releasing nitrogen (mineralization) is lacking. The present study reports seasonal variations in pool sizes of mineral N (NH4+-N and NO3-N), and net N-mineralization rate in relation to rainfall and temperature under coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), clove (Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb) and nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt. Nees) trees in a coconut-spice trees plantation for two annual cycles in the equatorial humid climate of South Andaman Island of India. Concentration of NH4+-N was the highest during wet season (May–October) and the lowest during post-wet season (November–January) under all the tree species. On the contrary, concentration of NO3-N was the lowest in the wet season and the highest during the post-wet season. However, concentrations of the mineral N were the highest under the nutmeg and the lowest under the coconut trees. Like the pool sizes, mean annual mineralization was the highest under the nutmeg (561 mg kg−1 yr−1) and the lowest under the coconut trees (393 mg kg−1 yr−1). Rate of mineralization was the highest during the post-wet season and the lowest during the dry season (February–April) under all the tree species. High rainfall during the wet season, however, reduced the rate of nitrification under all the tree species. The mean annual mineralization was logarithmically related with rainfall amount and mean monthly temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of 4 years of simulated nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) depositions on gross N transformations in a boreal forest soil in the Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR) in Alberta, Canada, were investigated using the 15N pool dilution method. Gross NH4+ transformation rates in the organic layer tended to decline (P < 0.10, marginal statistical significance, same below) in the order of control (CK, i.e., no N or S addition), +N (30 kg N ha−1 yr−1), +S (30 kg S ha−1 yr−1), and +NS treatments, with an opposite trend in the mineral soil. Gross NH4+ immobilization rates were generally higher than gross N mineralization rates across the treatments, suggesting that the studied soil still had potential for microbial immobilization of NH4+, even after 4 years of elevated levels of simulated N and S depositions. For both soil layers, N addition tended to increase (P < 0.10) the gross nitrification and NO3 immobilization rates. In contrast, S addition reduced (P < 0.001) and increased (P < 0.001) gross nitrification as well as tended (P < 0.10) to reduce and increase gross NO3 immobilization rates in the organic and mineral soils, respectively. Gross nitrification and gross NO3 immobilization rates were tightly coupled in both soil layers. The combination of rapid NH4+ cycling, negligible net nitrification rates and the small NO3 pool size after 4 years of elevated N and S depositions observed here suggest that the risk of NO3 leaching would be low in the studied boreal forest soil, consistent with N leaching measurements in other concurrent studies at the site that are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

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