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Histophilus somni (former name: Haemophilus somnus) is a Gram-negative, facultative pathogen bacterium that colonises the mucous membranes of cattle and sheep, however it was also described in American bison and bighorn sheep. It can cause local or generalised diseases and asymptomatic carriers can also occur. The presence and the etiological role of this microorganism have not been confirmed in any other domesticated species yet. The purpose of this study was to prove the presence of H. somni in goats by bacterial isolation. Nasal, vaginal or praeputial swab samples were collected from 205 goats in 10 flocks. H. somni strains were isolated from 2 out of 10 flocks; in one flock 10 H. somni strains were isolated from the genital mucosa of 17 goats, while a single H. somni strain was cultured from a vagina of 26 animals in the other flock. Partial amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of three H. somni strains verified the identification. The comparative examination of carbon source metabolism using the Biolog Microstation ID System (Biolog, Ca) showed a close relationship of the caprine strains, while they were less related to H. somni type strain CCUG-36157 of bovine origin. H. somni strains were isolated only in the oestrus season from goat flocks with sheep contact. This is the first paper on isolation of H. somni from goats.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum, a protozoan parasite, has been considered as one of the most important etiological agents responsible for abortion in dairy cattle throughout the world since it was first identified in dogs in 1988. In this report, characteristics of neosporosis, detected in a dairy cow ranch having epidemic abortions as high as 18.4%, were described. Blood samples were collected from 25 infertile or aborted dairy cattle, 6 calves born in 2006 and 40 heifers that were born in 2005 and raised in the same ranch. Necropsy was conducted in a 20-day-old Simmental calf that exhibited neurological signs including incoordination, head shaking, hyperextension in forelimbs and hindlimbs and tremor. The seroprevalance in aborted or infertile dairy cattle, heifers, and calves was 60%, 40%, and 33.3%, respectively. The mothers of seropositive two calves including clinically affected calf and its dam were N. caninum seropositive. In immunoperoxidase examinations, N. caninum antigen immunopositivity was observed in the degenerative and necrotic neurons in the brain, cerebellum as well as neurons in dorsal root ganglia of the cervical and thoracic regions of the spinal cord. In the heart, myocytes and Purkinje cells exhibited granular and linear patterns of immunoreactivity. Striated myofibers around the eyeball also showed immunolocalization for N. caninum antigen. Ultrastructurally, tachyzoites with typical apical complex, rhoptries and double-layered parasitic membrane were detected in the brain and heart sections. In conclusion, this report described clinical neosporosis for the first time in Turkey with tissue localization of the causative agents. This scientific communication also discusses the possible impact of cattle neosporosis by clinical, serologic and pathologic evidences collected from the survey of calves born in two successive generations in a ranch.  相似文献   

Nationwide seroprevalence of Neospora caninum among dairy cattle in Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Serum samples from 2420 clinically healthy dairy cattle, randomly selected from stored sera in 18 districts of Japan, were tested for the presence of Neospora caninum antibodies using an indirect fluorescent antibody test (titer > or =1:200). Nationwide seroprevalence is estimated at 5.7% (139/2420). Seropositive cattle were detected in all surveyed districts despite the evidence of confirmed case reports of bovine neosporosis, showing that N. caninum is widely distributed throughout Japan. Age-specific seroprevalence did not increase with cattle age, suggesting that Neospora infection is likely to be transmitted vertically rather than horizontally in Japan. Considering that N. caninum seropositive cows are thought to be more likely to abort, substantial fetal losses may be induced by N. caninum infection in Japan. Devising strategies are needed to reduce the economic impact on the Japanese dairy industry. This is the first study to investigate the nationwide seroprevalence of N. caninum in cattle in Asia.  相似文献   

The incidence of trypanosome infection was monitored in dairy cattle during a 6-month trial in Busia and Teso districts, western Kenya, to assess the efficacy of insecticide-treated netting for protection against tsetse flies. Frequently, the fragile netting did not last longer than 2 months because of destruction by strong wind or animal movements. Also, many farmers let their cattle graze freely outside the units during the day, despite technical advice, resulting in exposure of the free-ranging animals to habitats suitable for tsetse and thereby an increased risk of trypanosome infections. The trial groups thus comprised 34 animals from 11 dairy units that were continuously protected, and 153 animals from 46 dairy units that were partially protected. The control group consisted of 162 animals in 42 unprotected units. The phase-contrast buffy-coat technique was used for parasitological monitoring. The mean hazard rate for trypanosomes was significantly lower in protected cows, with a value of 0.007 as opposed to 0.02 for the control animals. Mean packed cell volumes (PCV) were significantly higher in protected cattle (29.7%) than in unprotected ones (27.6%). Farmers with protected animals also reported fewer nuisance flies and mosquitoes in their compounds.  相似文献   

A seroepidemiology study of Neospora caninum was conducted in Mashhad area, Khorasan province, Iran on 337 cattle from 30 dairy using ELISA. All herds had seropositive cattle and antibodies were formed in 46% of the cattle. Abortion was significantly associated with seropositivity of cattle. The highest risk of abortion was observed in the 1-2-year-old cows. Our results indicate that Neospora infection is widespread in Iran.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate reservoirs and transmission of S. aureus in ewes and lambs in 3 meat sheep flocks. Repeated sampling of milk, teat skin, nasal- and vaginal mucous membranes was performed and samples were analysed for S. aureus. For comparison, samples were also collected from cows and young heifers in 3 dairy cattle herds. Selected isolates were compared by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). S. aureus was detected in 8 (1.5%) of 520 milk samples from ewes and in 38 (6.4%) of 588 milk samples from cows. From body site swabs, S. aureus was found in 394 (32.6%) of 1208 samples from sheep and in 67 (16.0%) of 420 samples from cattle. The proportion of S. aureus-positive nasal swabs from ewes and cows were 56.7% and 13.9%, respectively. From lambs, 58.2% of the nasal swabs were S. aureus-positive. In each flock, one S. aureus pulsotype predominated. Identical S. aureus pulsotypes were found in milk and from body sites. Paired S. aureus isolates from the nasal cavity of (i) ewes and their lambs, (ii) twins and (iii) from repeated swabs of individual ewes were compared by PFGE, and in the majority of cases the two isolates were identical. The results contribute new knowledge indicating frequent transmission of S. aureus between the dam and her lambs and within animals in a flock. In contrast to cattle, S. aureus is frequently present in the nose of sheep which may represent the primary reservoir of S. aureus in sheep flocks.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma evansi is generally considered a mild pathogen in bovines. However, in Asia, acute and chronic signs have been observed in cattle, with high levels of parasitaemia, abortion and death. Investigations in Asian cattle are needed to better understand this epidemiological situation. To generate comparable data at a regional level, development and standardization of an antibody-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for T. evansi (ELISA/T. evansi) was initiated and applied in an epidemiological survey carried out in dairy cattle in Thailand. A batch of 1979 samples was collected from dairy farms located throughout the country's four regions. Soluble T. evansi antigens initially produced in France were also produced in Thailand for comparison and technology transfer. Screening of 500 samples allowed us to identify reference samples and to determine the cut-off value of the ELISA. Seropositive animals – some of them confirmed by PCR – were found in the four regions, in 12 out of 13 provinces, in 22 out of 31 districts, in 56 farms out of 222 (25%, 95%CI ± 6%) and in 163 animals out of 1979 (8.2, 95%CI ± 1.2%). Estimated seroprevalence in 35 farms ranged between 1% and 30%, and in 21 farms it was >30%. Approximately 25% of survey cattle were exposed to the infection, in various situations. A sub-sample of 160 sera was tested on both antigens. Wilcoxon's (Z = 1.24; p = 0.22) and McNemars's tests (CHI2 = 3.55; p = 0.09) did not show any significant differences, showing that the locally produced antigen is suitable for further evaluation in the surrounding countries. Use of this standardized serological method will broaden knowledge of the prevalence and impact of the disease at the regional level in South-East Asia. Further validation of this ELISA will be necessary in other host species such as buffalo, horse and pig.  相似文献   

The Danish government and cattle industry instituted a Salmonella surveillance program in October 2002 to help reduce Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Dublin (S. Dublin) infections. All dairy herds are tested by measuring antibodies in bulk tank milk at 3-month intervals. The program is based on a well-established ELISA, but the overall test program accuracy and misclassification was not previously investigated. We developed a model to simulate repeated bulk tank milk antibody measurements for dairy herds conditional on true infection status. The distributions of bulk tank milk antibody measurements for infected and noninfected herds were determined from field study data. Herd infection was defined as having either >or=1 Salmonella culture-positive fecal sample or >or=5% within-herd prevalence based on antibody measurements in serum or milk from individual animals. No distinction was made between Dublin and other Salmonella serotypes which cross-react in the ELISA. The simulation model was used to estimate the accuracy of herd classification for true herd-level prevalence values ranging from 0.02 to 0.5. Test program sensitivity was 0.95 across the range of prevalence values evaluated. Specificity was inversely related to prevalence and ranged from 0.83 to 0.98. For a true herd-level infection prevalence of 15%, the estimate for specificity (Sp) was 0.96. Also at the 15% herd-level prevalence, approximately 99% of herds classified as negative in the program would be truly noninfected and 80% of herds classified as positive would be infected. The predictive values were consistent with the primary goal of the surveillance program which was to have confidence that herds classified negative would be free of Salmonella infection.  相似文献   

Lameness in the dairy industry in New Zealand causes a problem in lost production, animal welfare and associated costs. To understand what bacteria may be present on the hooves of lame dairy cattle in this grass-fed system, samples were scraped from lame dairy cows and examined for the presence of Fusobacterium necrophorum (F. necrophorum) and Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR primers were designed to detect the presence of the lktA gene, which encodes a leukotoxin unique to F. necrophorum, and the fimA gene of D. nodosus. A total of 148 hoof scrapings were collected by farm staff over the period September 2005 to May 2006. F. necrophorum was detected in 79/148 of the samples, while D. nodosus was detected in 7/148 of the samples. The frequent finding of F. necrophorum within dairy herds in New Zealand is noteworthy and the occasional finding of D. nodosus on some dairy cattle suggests a possible role in both ovine and bovine hoof pathology.  相似文献   

Rectal smears of calves, cows and young bulls, as well as cloacal smears of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), from farms at the villages of Sumice and Troskotovice, Czech Republic, were examined for E. coli resistant to 12 antimicrobials. The resistant isolates were tested for antimicrobial-resistance genes and integrons. Totals of 40% (n=183), 3% (n=95), 0% (n=33), and 9% (n=54) of Escherichia coli isolates from calves, cows, young bulls and house sparrows, respectively, were antimicrobial resistant. The following genes were identified in cattle E. coli isolates: tetA, tetB (isolates resistant to tetracycline), bla(TEM) (beta-lactams), strA, aadA (streptomycin), sul1, sul2 (sulphonamides), and cat, floR (chloramphenicol). Seven of 16 antimicrobial-resistant calf isolates from the Sumice farm possessed class 1 integrons with the aadA1 gene cassette integrated, 1 kb in size. On the Troskotovice farm, eight of 57 antimicrobial-resistant calf isolates possessed class 1 integrons. Integrons of 1.5kb with the dhfr1- aadA1 gene cassette were found in four isolates, followed by a 1kb integron with the aadA1 gene found in three isolates, and a 1.7kb integron with the dhfr17-aadA5 gene cassette and the phenotype ASSuTSxtNaCipCCfG. The prevalence of resistant E. coli in calves compared to adult cattle was much higher and probably was influenced by oral antimicrobial usage in calves, feeding with milk and colostrum from treated cows, as well as mechanisms unrelated to antimicrobial drug selection. Although house sparrows lived together with the cattle and came into contact with cattle waste on the farm, they were not infected by resistant E. coli isolates with the same characteristics as those found in cattle.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on milk production and reproductive performance of dairy cattle: 24 farms, with a total of 900 animals and distributed in four agro-ecological zones, were visited every 15 days over 18 months. Cows were fed on natural pastures as the only source of feed, and animal performance was dependent on the season and exhibited a dramatic drop in dry spells. Numeric productivity indices integrating productive performance for settler’s, multipurpose, crop–livestock integrated and modern farms were 0.56, 0.74, 0.69 and 0.63, respectively. Milk productivity was higher on modern farms (6.7 L/cow per day) than in the other systems, and higher with Holstein-Friesian cows (7.7 L/cow per day) than with indigenous cattle (1.8 L/cow per day) or crossbred animals (3.7 L/cow per day). This paper speculates on the opportunity to improve the genetic potential of indigenous cattle, concomitantly with the efforts to adapt exotic cattle to a mountainous equatorial environment.  相似文献   

The relationship between the antibody titres againstCampylobacter fetus and various indices of reproductive efficiency was studied in a cross-sectional study of 178 dairy cows from three California Dairy Herd Improvement Association herds. Blood samples were collected from the lactating cows during December 1986. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to determine the antibody titres of the cow againstCampylobacter fetus, Haemophilus somnus andLeptospira hardjo and were classified as either negative or positive. The status of a cow as either negative or positive againstCampylobacter fetus andHaemophilus somnus represents serological evidence of natural exposure to the corresponding bacterial agents. However, the status againstLeptospira hardjo was assumed to reflect a vaccinal titre since all the cows studied had been routinely vaccinated against this organism in September 1986. The data on demographic and reproductive parameters pertained only to the current lactation of the cows and were obtained from Dairy Herd Improvement Association individual cow records of December 1986. Five indices of reproductive efficiency were used, namely the recent calving interval, the calving-to-conception interval, the calving-to-last-service interval, the number of services per conception, and the number of services since last calving. The serological status againstHaemophilus somnus, Leptospira hardjo and other covariates suggested by the results of previous studies were included in modelling the relationships of interest. Stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were carried out to study the adjusted relationship ofCampylobacter fetus with each measure of reproductive efficiency.Multivariate analyses revealed that the adjusted relationship forCampylobacter fetus with all five measures of reproductive efficiency was non-significant (p > 0.05). Among the covariates,Leptospira hardjo had a strong and independent relationship with recent calving interval, the unstandardized partial regression coefficient being -0.77. The possible biological mechanisms of these associations are discussed.Abbreviations BMDP biomedical computer programs - DHIA dairy herd improvement association - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - ICR individual cow record - PSS physiological saline solution - SD standard deviation; Other abbreviations are shown in Table I  相似文献   

热应激对奶牛血液中内毒素含量和抗氧化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用16头健康的中国荷斯坦奶牛,随机分为两个处理(夏季组和冬季组),每个处理8个重复,每个重复1头牛。当夏季组奶牛牛舍温湿度指数(THI)〉72的时间连续达到15d,冬季组牛舍THI〈72的时间连续达到15d时,颈静脉采血15mL制备血清,检测血清中内毒素、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的活性,以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量。结果表明:夏季热应激可导致奶牛血清内毒素、MDA含量极显著升高,SOD和GSH-Px活性极显著和显著(P〈0.05)下降。  相似文献   

Trials with fenbendazole (Panacur, Hoechst India Ltd) were carried out on two commercial farms in subtropical western India to study the response and economics of nematode treatment in adult dairy cows. Milk yield, lactation length, time to first oestrus and worm egg output were monitored in treated and control groups. Treatment reduced the egg count considerably. Treated cows produced 142 litres more milk over 100 days (p<0.05), with extension of lactation length and advancement of time to first oestrus. The economic gain in terms of milk yield far outweighed the cost of anthelmintic used.  相似文献   

Gene-flow methodology was used to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions (CDE) for annual/lactation, replacement heifer, cull cow, birth, yearling, and slaughter traits in alternative cattle production systems. Generic equations were presented and parameters representing dairy-beef production systems in Ireland and Brazil were inputted. Cumulative discounted expressions using input parameters from a hypothetical purebred dairy production system with poor cow longevity were also calculated. Cumulative discounted expressions were calculated assuming either an initial purebred or crossbred mating within each production system. Absolute and relative differences in CDE existed among trait categories across the three alternative production systems investigated. For example, the CDE of beef-related traits accruing from an initial purebred mating ranged from 0.42 to 0.75 CDE of an annual/lactation trait across the three contrasting systems investigated which differed in various input parameters. Such variation may alter the relative emphasis of traits on overall profitability thereby contributing to genotype by environment interactions. The results of this study highlight the necessity to consider auxiliary traits in sire selection over and above those representing the principal intended use of the sire. This was particularly so for integrated dairy-beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   

Signs of severe otitis media in 20% of dairy calves on one farm were associated with Mycoplasma bovis infection, based on isolation from the external ear canal and nares. Affected calves seroconverted to M. bovis and no other significant bacteria were isolated. Infection was considered likely to have originated from cows in the milking herd based on evidence of seroconversion and detection of infection in a milk sample. M. bovis infection should be considered when investigating otitis problems in calves.  相似文献   

A chemoprophylactic field trial was conducted to assess the efficacy of pour-on eprinomectin applied at the approximate dose of 50 mcg/kg to dairy cattle with naturally occurring hypodermosis. Two-hundred-eleven cattle, selected from two herds with a high prevalence of Hypoderma spp. infestation, were divided in three groups: Group A (N = 71) was treated with pour-on eprinomectin at the recommended dosage of 500 mcg/kg, Group B (N = 64) at the lower dose of 50 mcg/kg, a third group (Group C, N = 76) served as untreated control group. Treatments were performed in November-December 2002 and the animals were examined for the presence of warbles in the following April and June. No larvae emerged in the treated groups, whereas a variable number of warbles (ranging from 1 to 28) were found in control animals. Adverse reactions were not observed in any animal, and only minor side effects were observed. A larger field trial carried out in the following year (1064 treated and 131 untreated control cattle) confirmed the chemoprophylactic efficacy of minidosed eprinomectin against Hypoderma spp. Administration of eprinomectin minidoses in dairy cattle is interesting because of the low costs involved and no need for milk withdrawal.  相似文献   

AIM: To define the incidence rate of pregnancy loss and risk factors for those losses in pasture-fed dairy cattle in the Waikato region of New Zealand.

METHODS: Cows (n=2,004) from 10 pasture-fed, spring-calving dairy herds in the Waikato were enrolled following confirmation of pregnancy 29–45 days after insemination, for inseminations that occurred within the first 16 days of the seasonal breeding period. Transrectal ultrasonographic examinations for pregnancy were conducted at approximately 6, 8, 10, 14 and 22 weeks gestation, and subsequent calving data were recovered. Pregnancy loss was defined as having occurred when a confirmed pregnancy was not rediagnosed, when gross abortion was detected, or when a cow calved <265 days after the confirmed conception date. Data were analysed using reverse stepwise logistic regression and Cox's proportional hazards analysis.

RESULTS: A total of 128 (6.4%) pregnancy losses were detected. The incidence rate was higher in early compared to late gestation (10.9 vs 2.8 losses/10,000 cow-days between Weeks 6–10 vs Weeks 10–14, respectively; p<0.001). Higher rates of loss were associated with the occurrence of clinical mastitis (Hazards ratio (HR)=1.57; p=0.071), being treated for anoestrus (HR=1.69; p=0.007), and in cows that had calving-to-conception intervals ≤63 days compared with those that had calving-to-conception intervals >92 days (HR=2.49; p=0.06). In addition, the rate of pregnancy loss differed between herds (p=0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: The highest rate of pregnancy loss occurred in early gestation. Clinical mastitis, anoestrus and calving late in the calving season were risk factors for pregnancy loss.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pregnancy diagnosis using ultrasonography can be undertaken from 28 days post-insemination. However, due to the high rate of pregnancy loss at this stage of gestation, herdowners need to be warned of possible losses, and cows should be re-examined to confirm pregnancy before certification of pregnancy status is given.  相似文献   

The association between serological evidence of exposure toCampylobacter fectus and milk production performance was studied in 178 lactating cows from three California Dairy Herd Improvement Association herds using a cross-sectional study design in December 1986. ELISAs were used to determine the antibody titres againstCampylobacter fetus, Haemophilus somnus andLeptospira hardjo, which were classified as either negative or positive. The status of a cow as negative or positive againstC. fetus andH. somnus represents the serological evidence of natural exposure to the corresponding bacteria. However, the status againstL. hardjo was assumed to be the level of vaccinal titre against this organism since all the cows studied had been vaccinated against this agent. The data on demographic and productivity variables relating to the current lactation of the cows were obtained from Dairy Herd Improvement Association individual cow records for December 1986. Four measures of milk production efficiency for the current lactation were used. The status againstL. hardjo and other covariates suggested by previous studies were included in modelling the relationships of interest. Stepwise multiple linear regression was used to study the adjusted relationship ofC. fetus with each measure of milk production efficiency.Multivariate analyses revealed that the adjusted relationships ofC. fetus with the test-day's milk production, the extended 305-day milk production and the relative value of milk production were not significant (p>0.1). However, after adjusting for possible covariates,C. fetus-positive cows had an average of 7.43% lower mature equivalent milk production thanC. fetus-negative cows (p=0.02). Among the covariates, the serological status againstL. hardjo had a strong and independent relationship with the percentage mature equivalent milk production, the unstandardized partial regression coefficient being 4.53.We conclude from this cross-sectional study that the association ofC. fetus seropositivity with one index of milk production is the first indication that latentC. fetus infection may be associated with subclinical mastitis, perhaps through a hypersensitivity reaction. However, this needs further investigation.Abbreviations BMDP Biomedical Computer Programs - DHIA California Dairy Herd Improvement Association - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; other abbreviations are shown in Table I  相似文献   

Abortion in dairy cows in well-managed dairies is not common but differences have been reported probably due to variation in animal health, nutrition and management, as well as difficulties in observing the aborted material. A 38-month study of 507 large Danish dairy herds revealed 3354 late-term abortions and 224,419 calvings were recorded. During the study period, a total of 3717 submissions were made to the Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research (DFVF). A broad spectrum of abortive agents was isolated but none were found to be statistically associated with abortions. The number of abortions in a month on a dairy was significantly (P<0.001) associated with the number of cows in the third trimester but explained only 11% (R(adj)(2)=0.114) of the variability of the reported abortions. A total of 23 herds (4.5%) reported 531 abortions (15.8%). Although a marginally significant (P=0.11) risk of increased abortions was found to exist in bovine viral diarrhea virus- (BVDV) infected herds, it could be at least partially explained by additional calvings in those herds. Temporal correlation between inseminations and abortions was statistically significant (P<0.001) with the highest correlation (r=0.47-0.51) after lagging abortions on insemination by 6-8 months. No indication of spatial clustering was detected for either specific-abortogenic pathogens or high aborting dairies using either Cuzick-Edwards' (P>0.17) or spatial scan tests (P>0.23). Ederer-Myers-Mantel test was applied to 3 years of data on the highest aborting dairies and showed that July had nearly double the expected number of maximum monthly abortions (P<0.001). These findings provide further insight into the reported abortion pattern in Danish dairies and may facilitate planning future control programs.  相似文献   

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