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To evaluate the effect of the indoxacarb 300 g kg(-1) WG, Steward 30WDG, on the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in apple orchards, a monitoring study was conducted in Dutch apple orchards in April/May 2004. Before apple flowering began, two honey bee colonies were placed in each orchard to investigate honey bee mortality. Each hive was provided with a Münster dead bee trap to collect dead honey bees. The numbers of dead bees found in these Münster dead traps were counted every 3-4 days for about 2 weeks before and after the period of the insecticide treatment. In nine flowering orchards no indoxacarb was applied during the flowering period, which served as control sites. In 30 flowering orchards indoxacarb was sprayed by the fruit growers according to local practice at 170-260 g formulated product ha(-1) (51-78 g AI ha(-1)). In the control orchards the average mortality was 8 honey bees colony(-1) day(-1). The average daily honey bee mortality before and after indoxacarb application was 8 and 10 honey bees colony(-1) day(-1) respectively. At one test site, indoxacarb was mixed with other plant protection products plus plant nutrients, and in this orchard a slight but biologically non-significant increase in acute honey bee mortality was recorded. It was concluded that the application of indoxacarb caused no effects on honey bee mortality, and that the number of dead honey bees counted in the Münster traps in the orchard treated with indoxacarb was comparable with those determined in control orchards.  相似文献   

Cypermethrin is highly toxic to the honeybee Apis mellifera ligustica. The action of the chemical is rapid (within 2 days) and it has no long-term effects. The sensitivity of the bees increases with decrease in breeding temperature and with increasing age of the insect. The commercial formulation ‘QCymbush’ is repellent to bees: the effect appears to be due to the formulation ingredients because cypermethrin itself is not repellent. A floral odour lost its natural attractiveness in the presence of ‘Cymbush’. The repellency appears to persist for some 2 days after treatment, during which time the bees learnt to avoid the crop. No residues of cypermethrin were found in the hive products (pollen, wax or honey), nor in the oilseed rape at harvest.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are among the most important pollinators in natural and agricultural settings. They commonly encounter insecticides, and the effects of insecticides on honey bees have been frequently noted. It has been suggested that honey bees may be (as a species) uniquely sensitive to insecticides, although no comparative toxicology study has been undertaken to examine this claim. An extensive literature review was conducted, using data in which adult insects were topically treated with insecticides. The goal of this review was to summarize insecticide toxicity data between A. mellifera and other insects to determine the relative sensitivity of honey bees to insecticides. RESULTS: It was found that, in general, honey bees were no more sensitive than other insect species across the 62 insecticides examined. In addition, honey bees were not more sensitive to any of the six classes of insecticides (carbamates, nicotinoids, organochlorines, organophosphates, pyrethroids and miscellaneous) examined. CONCLUSIONS: While honey bees can be sensitive to individual insecticides, they are not a highly sensitive species to insecticides overall, or even to specific classes of insecticides. However, all pesticides should be used in a way that minimizes honey bee exposure, so as to minimize possible declines in the number of bees and/or honey contamination. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is great concern about the high losses and strong depopulation of honey bee colonies in some areas of Spain. Some beekeepers have suggested that sunflower seeds treated with the insecticide fipronil could be an important factor in causing those losses. Therefore, an in‐depth field study has been carried out in two regions of Spain where sunflower production is intense (Cuenca and Andalucía) and where, for some crops and varieties, fipronil has been used as seed insecticide. RESULTS: Samples of adult bees and pollen were analysed for bee pathogens and pesticide residues respectively. Neither fipronil residues nor its metabolites were detected in any of the samples analysed, indicating that short‐term or chronic exposure of bees to fipronil and/or its metabolites can be ruled out in the apiaries surveyed. Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae were found to be very prevalent. CONCLUSION: The combination of the two pathogens could augment the risk of colony death in infected colonies, without fipronil residues exerting a significant effect in the given field conditions. Indeed, in this study the losses observed in apiaries located close to sunflower crops were similar to those in apiaries situated in forested areas with wild vegetation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Bees and agrochemicals have a long history. For example, the first volume of IBRA's journal Bee World in 1919 contains mention of poisoning of bees by spraying an orchard with lead arsenate. Bees being insects, it is self‐evident that the use of insecticides to control crop pests poses a risk to them. Bee poisoning incidents became a very serious problem in the 1960s and 1970s with spraying of, in particular, oilseed rape with organophosphorus compounds. The introduction of carbamates and then especially synthetic pyrethroids reduced these problems. Data from the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme show that in recent years there have been very few poisoning incidents in the United Kingdom that can be attributed to agricultural insecticides. The introduction of neonicotinoid insecticides has, however, been very controversial. Almost as soon as they were introduced in the 1990s, French beekeepers blamed colony losses on imidacloprid used on sunflowers and maize, but restrictions on its use did not lead to a reduction in losses or to a reduction in beekeepers' concerns. Acute pesticide poisoning incidents by neonicotinoids in Germany and Italy in 2008 further sealed their reputation. Despite laboratory evidence showing their harm, field experience remains equivocal, and many commercial beekeepers continue to move their colonies to oilseed rape crops for honey production. The neonicotinoid moratorium has undoubtedly led to the increased use of older insecticides, and the effect of this on bee populations is unknown and unquantified. Many beekeepers are currently confused by the conflicting evidence. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Epoxidase, hydroxylase, and O-demethylase activities were studied in both larvae and adults of the honey bee, Apis mellifera (L.). In adult drone and worker bees, oxidase activity was observed only with intact tissues, particularly the midgut, and was lost completely on tissue homogenization. Homogenates and subcellular fractions from whole drone honey bee larvae exhibited oxidase activity and optimum in vitro assay conditions were established. The enzymes required NADPH and oxygen for maximum activity and were inhibited by CO and insecticide synergists. Electron micrographs of various subcellular fractions from drone honey bee larvae showed that oxidase activity was associated with smooth and rough vesicles probably derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Levels of oxidase activity were dependent on age in preparations from both adult insects and from drone larvae.  相似文献   

Two large and two small plots of winter wheat were enclosed beneath large mesh-covered tunnels. A small beehive was placed in each tunnel and sucrose solution was sprayed on to all of the wheat in order to simulate aphid honeydew. WL-85871 (a 1:1 mixture of two stereoisomers of cypermethrin) as ‘Fastac’ at three dose rates, dimethoate, pirimicarb or water were applied to the larger plots of wheat when the bees were actively foraging the sugar deposits. No increase in bee mortality, compared with that in the pre-treatment period, was observed after the applications of WL-85871 or pirimicarb. By contrast, large numbers of dead bees were found following the applications of dimethoate. Foraging activity in the plots, treated with all dose rates of WL-85871 or with pirimicarb, declined sharply after treatment and remained at a reduced level. With dimethoate no foraging activity occurred after application in either the treated or untreated plots. Only very low concentrations of WL-85871 were detected in post-treament samples of honey, wax, and live or dead bees. It was concluded that the application of WL-85871, to wheat already treated with artificial honeydew, resulted in no adverse effects on the honey-bee colonies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardamom, an important spice crop often attacked by many insect pests, is controlled mainly using synthetic insecticides. As honey bees play a vital role in pollination in cardamom, the impact of insecticides on honey bees needs to be explored to assess its safety. RESULTS: Risk assessment based on contact toxicity revealed diafenthiuron to be a non‐selective insecticide to bees with a low selectivity ratio (the ratio between the LD50 for beneficial and pest species). A dose of diafenthiuron that killed 90% of cardamom borer, Conogethes punctiferalis Guenee, was found to kill 100% of Indian bees. Based on the hazard ratio (the ratio between the field‐recommended dose and the LD50 for the beneficial), diafenthiuron was found to be slightly to moderately toxic to bees. Diafenthiuron, even at low concentrations of LC1 (the concentration that killed 1% of bees), was found to affect the foraging and homing behaviour of Indian bees. Of bees fed with 30 µg mL?1 of diafenthiuron, 40% were found missing on the third day after exposure. However, diafenthiuron did not affect bee visits to the cardamom fields. CONCLUSION: Diafenthiuron is more highly toxic to Apis cerana indica F. than to C. punctiferalis by contact, using selectivity ratio and probit substitution methods of risk assessment, but the hazard ratio revealed diafenthiuron to be a slightly to moderately toxic chemical. Diafenthiuron was found to affect the foraging and homing behaviour of bees at sublethal concentrations. Thus, sublethal effects are more relevant in risk assessment than lethal and acute effects. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Systems have been developed to monitor the direct effects of insect growth regulator (IGR) pesticide exposure on honey bee development, but there has been little work on the longer-term impact of exposure on the colony. A honey bee population model provided the opportunity to investigate the effects of short-term mortality of brood and of sublethal changes in behaviour of the surviving adults on honey bee populations. The model showed that brood mortality alone has limited effect on colony size. There were two mechanisms that could have greater influence on productivity. Precocious foraging in affected adult bees, and hence early loss of brood-rearing (nurse) capabilities, had a much larger effect than expected. Increasing mortality rates by 30% to simulate sublethal effects on lifespan, rather than reduced brood-rearing capability, gave a significantly smaller effect. In order to simulate an effect with the 'shortened lifespan' mechanism as large as that with the 'premature ageing' mechanism, the mortality rate of affected adults had to be increased by 500%. A significant finding from the model is that application of IGRs in spring and early summer could have substantial effects on colony size and viability. Sublethal effects such as precocious foraging can have worse effects than massive brood mortality, as it severely reduces the ability to rear the next generation of nurse bees.  相似文献   

Two groups of eight honey bee colonies were fed with two different concentrations of imidacloprid in saccharose syrup during summer (each colony was given 1 litre of saccharose syrup containing 0.5 microg litre(-1) or 5 microg litre(-1) of imidacloprid on 13 occasions). Their development and survival were followed in parallel with control hives (unfed or fed with saccharose syrup) until the end of the following winter. The parameters followed were: adult bee activity (number of bee entering the hive and pollen carrying activity), adult bee population level, capped brood area, frequency of parasitic and other diseases, mortality, number of frames with brood after wintering and a global score of colonies after wintering. The only parameters linked to feeding with imidacloprid-supplemented saccharose syrup when compared with feeding with non-supplemented syrup were: a statistically non-significant higher activity index of adult bees, a significantly higher frequency of pollen carrying during the feeding period and a larger number of capped brood cells. When imidacloprid was no longer applied, activity and pollen carrying were re-established at a similar level for all groups. Repeated feeding with syrup supplemented with imidacloprid did not provoke any immediate or any delayed mortality before, during or following the next winter, whereas such severe effects are described by several French bee keepers as a consequence of imidacloprid use for seed dressing in neighbouring cultures. In any case, during the whole study, mortality was very low in all groups, with no difference between imidacloprid-fed and control colonies. Further research should now address several hypotheses: the troubles described by bee keepers have causes other than imidacloprid; if such troubles are really due to this insecticide, they may only be observed either when bees consume contaminated pollen, when no other sources of food are available, in the presence of synergic factors (that still need to be identified), with some particular races of bees or when colonies are not strong and healthy.  相似文献   

The study examined the effect of tillage (intensive vs. zero tillage) on potential gene flow during the life cycle of oilseed rape volunteers between July 2002 and August 2003. After growing oilseed rape, 4–29% of the seeds lost during harvest entered the soil seedbank when stubble tillage was performed immediately after the seed input. The seedbank was small (0–3%) when stubble tillage was delayed. Zero tillage resulted in seedbanks from 1 to 17% of the initial seed input. The seeds were distributed mainly in the upper soil layers after zero tillage or primary tillage with a rigid tine cultivator, whereas ploughing shifted most of the seeds into deeper layers. The highest number of volunteers (1 plant m−2) emerged and flowered in the following crop of winter wheat either when a large soil seedbank existed and/or the seedbank was located mainly in the upper soil layer. Outcrossing with other rape crops was unlikely as volunteers flowered 1 month later than rape crops sown at the normal timing. These volunteers produced a maximum of 8 viable seeds m−2. Ploughing preserved seeds in deep soil layers transferring the risk of gene flow to the future, whereas non-inversion tillage can cause gene flow from high numbers of flowering volunteers within the first year following oilseed rape cultivation.  相似文献   

The potential impact of herbicide-tolerant winter oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) on future herbicide use was investigated with a simulation model. The model uses a sigmoid function to simulate the growth of crops and weeds that compete for a maximum yield potential. Thresholds for weed control are based upon critical levels of weed biomass. The dynamics of the weed population are determined by the efficacy of representative herbicides on individual weed species and by seedbank parameters. Herbicide efficacy is determined by a log-logistic dose–response curve for each species. Simulation of a rotation with winter oilseed rape/wheat/wheat/barley showed contradictory predictions of herbicide use, because herbicide use in a rotation with either glyphosate- or glufosinate-tolerant oilseed rape was not reduced in the amount of kg a.i. ha–1 compared with a traditional treatment, whereas the treatment frequency (number of standard recommended doses per unit area) decreased.  相似文献   

多旋翼植保无人机喷施新烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂的飘移风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确植保无人机喷施新烟碱类杀虫剂对非靶标生物蜜蜂的飘移风险,在田间试验场景下,比较分析多旋翼植保无人机和背负式电动喷雾器喷施新烟碱类杀虫剂时的雾滴飘移量及对蜜蜂的影响。结果表明:应用背负式电动喷雾器和多旋翼植保无人机进行施药作业时,距离施药区下风向5 m处的雾滴飘移率分别为0.50%和23.98%;而多旋翼植保无人机施药时,即使距离施药区下风向17 m处的雾滴飘移率仍高达2.79%,且多旋翼植保无人机施药时的飘移总量显著高于背负式电动喷雾器。喷施新烟碱类杀虫剂时,应用背负式电动喷雾器作业时距离下风向5 m处的蜜蜂在施药后1 d内的死亡数量为75头,分别是距离下风向17 m处和对照组的2.4倍和1.8倍,施药后2~8 d内蜜蜂的死亡数量与对照组无明显差异;应用多旋翼植保无人机作业时距离下风向5 m处的蜜蜂在施药后1 d内的死亡数量为4 721头,分别是距离下风向17 m、29 m处和对照组的3.0倍、6.1倍和112.4倍,施药后2~8 d内蜜蜂的死亡数量明显降低,但距离施药区较近的蜜蜂其死亡数量明显高于对照组,表明多旋翼植保无人机喷施新烟碱类杀虫剂对蜜蜂存在较高的飘移风险。  相似文献   

Recent developments of new families of pesticides and growing awareness of the importance of wild pollinators for crop pollination have stimulated interest in potential effects of novel pesticides on wild bees. Yet pesticide toxicity studies on wild bees remain rare, and few studies have included long-term monitoring of bumble bee colonies or testing of foraging ability after pesticide exposure. Larval bees feeding on exogenous pollen and exposed to pesticides during development may result in lethal or sub-lethal effects during the adult stage. We tested the effects of a naturally derived biopesticide, spinosad, on bumble bee (Bombus impatiens Cresson) colony health, including adult mortality, brood development, weights of emerging bees and foraging efficiency of adults that underwent larval development during exposure to spinosad. We monitored colonies from an early stage, over a 10-week period, and fed spinosad to colonies in pollen at four levels: control, 0.2, 0.8 and 8.0 mg kg(-1), during weeks 2 through 5 of the experiment. At concentrations that bees would likely encounter in pollen in the wild (0.2-0.8 mg kg(-1)) we detected minimal negative effects to bumble bee colonies. Brood and adult mortality was high at 8.0 mg kg(-1) spinosad, about twice the level that bees would be exposed to in a 'worst case' field scenario, resulting in colony death two to four weeks after initial pesticide exposure. At more realistic concentrations there were potentially important sub-lethal effects. Adult worker bees exposed to spinosad during larval development at 0.8 mg kg(-1) were slower foragers on artificial complex flower arrays than bees from low or no spinosad treated colonies. Inclusion of similar sub-lethal assays to detect effects of pesticides on pollinators would aid in development of environmentally responsible pest management strategies.  相似文献   

The pollen beetle is the most important pest in Danish oilseed rape crops and it is essential that farmers are able to control this pest, especially in years when the economic damage threshold will be exceeded. About seven years ago, Danish oilseed rape growers began reporting that the pyrethroids seemed to be losing effectiveness towards pollen beetles. In 2001 18 populations collected from winter and spring oilseed rape fields were tested and very high level of insecticide resistance was found. In 2003 100 populations of pollen beetles were tested, using a FAO dip-test, for resistance to fenitrothion, lambda-cyhalothrin and tau-fluvalinate. It can be concluded that many Danish populations of pollen beetles are resistant to the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin and to a lesser extent to the pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate. No resistance to the organophosphate fenitrothion was found.  相似文献   

Recently semi-dwarf oilseed rape varieties appeared in practical cropping. So far, only few studies about their properties in combination with weeds are available. Recently however an increasing number of weeds that are difficult to control are observed in oilseed rape. For the experiment Anchusa arvensis (L.) M.??Bieb., Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. and a mixture of three different Geranium species were selected to study their development, seed and biomass production. Consequences for cropping on semi-dwarf oilseed rape cultivars were derived from the results. Three rape cultivars different in plant height were chosen for the experiments: the normal growing variety “Viking”, the semi-dwarf variety “PR45D01” and a full dwarf rape biotype for breeding purposes. In contrast oilseed rape with normal height, infestation of light-indigently and high growing weeds is more probable in semi-dwarf oilseed rape varieties. These weeds show increased biomass production and higher seed production per plant.  相似文献   

Mating system in Hirschfeldia incana and hybridization to oilseed rape   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Darmency  & Fleury 《Weed Research》2000,40(2):231-238
Concerns have been raised about the possibility of sexual transfer of herbicide resistance genes from transgenic crops towards weedy relatives. The average rate of spontaneous hybridization between Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagrèze-Fossat and oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) was 0.6 hybrids per plant over 3 years of field experiments using herbicide-resistant oilseed rape as a pollen donor. Self-incompatibility was shown to be the mating system of most individuals within a population of H. incana , although some plants had some ability to self-fertilize, which could mitigate gene flow. Back-crossing interspecific hybrids to H. incana over five generations showed that introgression was not successful in our experiment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Imidazolinone-tolerant oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) varieties are currently grown in Canada, North America, Chile and Australia with high acreage. A Europe-wide introduction has started and will be pushed further for both spring and winter varieties. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of imidazolinone tolerance for future volunteer oilseed rape control in subsequent crops, particularly winter wheat. RESULTS: A greenhouse bioassay showed cross-tolerance of imidazolinone-tolerant oilseed rape towards sulfonylureas, triazolopyrimidines and sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinones (resistance factors between 5 and 775), with a homozygous variety expressing a much higher tolerance level compared with a heterozygous variety. Calculated ED90 values suitable for controlling tolerant plants were always much higher than the recommended herbicide dose. Generally, results were confirmed under field conditions, but with higher efficacies than expected in some cases (e.g. florasulam). Herbicides with an alternative mode of action were found to be effective in controlling imidazolinone-tolerant volunteers in subsequent winter wheat crops. CONCLUSION: Herbicide strategies have to be adjusted for volunteer control in subsequent crops if imidazolinone-tolerant oilseed rape varieties are to be grown. However, agronomic tools (harvest date, harvest technique, tillage) should be used conscientiously in the first place to keep volunteer oilseed rape densities at the lowest possible level. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This paper describes the consequences of the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatments on pest management in oilseed rape. Since the ban was implemented in December 2013, there have been serious crop losses in 2014, 2015 and 2016 owing to cabbage stem flea beetles, Psylliodes chrysocephala, and aphids, Myzus persicae, which have developed resistance to the alternative pyrethroid sprays that were employed to control them. This has resulted in increased crop losses, decreased yields and a substantial decrease in the area grown, leading to fewer flowering crops available in the spring, especially in the eastern region of the United Kingdom. This is likely to have an adverse effect on bees locally. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The pollen beetle is the most important pest in Danish oilseed rape fields. In 2001, we screened a broad range of pollen beetle populations for pyrethroid and dimethoate resistance. A standard dip-test was used to test insecticide resistance in 18 populations collected from oilseed winter and spring rape fields. The beetles were treated with four different insecticides: the pyrethroids tau-fluvalinate, lambda-cyhalothrin and esfenvalerate, and the organophosphate dimethoate. The results show that up to 99% of the pollen beetles survived Danish standard doses of pyrethroids and up to 36% of the beetles survived standard doses of dimethoate.  相似文献   

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