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Enhanced long-term management ofnatural resources, farmer profitability, and overallsocial well-being are essential to sustainableirrigated agriculture. Because these objectives oftenseem to conflict, all agriculturalstakeholders – farmers, irrigation districts, supportand regulatory government agencies, and otherinterested parties – need to interact proactively toidentify and address common needs. To this end, theManagement Improvement Program (MIP) was tested in theMaricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District(MSIDD) area in central Arizona, USA, as a managedchange process to improve the performance of anirrigated agricultural system. The three-phased MIPprocess consists of (1) analysis of the currentperformance of the agricultural system, on- andoff-farm, to gain a common, shared understanding; (2) developmentby the stakeholders of plans foralternatives to address identified opportunities forimprovement; and (3) collaborative implementation ofthe plans. This paper describes the MIP process andits methodological origins, provides an account of theinitial application of the MIP process to an irrigatedagricultural system in the United States, andhighlights some important outcomes of the MIPapplication.  相似文献   

Diagnostic Analysis (DA) is a methodologyfor assessing and understanding the performance of anagricultural system. This analysis is thefirst step in a large system change process, known asthe Management Improvement Program (MIP), whoseobjective is to improve the performance of the agricultural system.A group of Federal andstate of Arizona agencies agreed to apply the MIPmethodology in a western U.S. setting. The purpose of theapplication was to test the applicability of the MIPapproach and to refine themethodology. This paper describes how the DAmethodology was applied in the Maricopa-StanfieldIrrigation and Drainage District (MSIDD) area incentral Arizona, USA, and summarizes the lessonsderived from that experience. Specific findings ofthe DA study and the response of MSIDD areaagriculture to those findings are discussed inseparate articles.  相似文献   

The development of a role playing exercise for training of irrigation professionals in the management of small holder irrigation schemes is described. The exercise places participants in the position of either agency staff or farmers. As farmers participants are dependent on irrigation water supplies from the agency managed run-of-the-river irrigation system. As agency staff participants are responsible for water allocation between competing demands on the main system. The exercise develops interaction between the participants as they trade in water and negotiate for irrigation supplies.The exercise develops an understanding of the issues involved in managing an irrigation system, though not only on technical matters such as water allocation policy, yield response to water and performance assessment. The exercise also creates an awareness of the whole system, in particular the importance of communication between agency staff and farmers, and between farmers themselves.The Irrigation Management Game is the copyright of the author, Professor Ian Carruthers of Wye College, University of London and consulting engineers Mott MacDonald, Cambridge, UK.  相似文献   

The results of a research investigation into water management practices during the commissioning of a paddy irrigation project are described. Investigations centred on the water issues and areas irrigated by the project's Right Bank main canal during commissioning. The water use observed during this period was compared with that forecast for the project at full development. From the limited data available, feasible targets for the phasing-in of land during commissioning are suggested, for use both by planners and managers. The effect of adopting these targets on project viability is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Women form the majority of the water users in Kisumu District in Kenya, yet they were generally not participating in management on scheme level. The Provincial Irrigation Unit, Nyanza Province therefore experimented with a gender-sensitive approach in the preparatory phase of their assistance to schemes. The experiments comprised of a special meeting for women, a requirement that a minimum of 50% of participants in preparatory meetings have to be women and a discussion with all water users on gender issues of scheme committee elections. The measures were successful in the sense that they improved the percentages women present in preparatory meetings and committees. Performance of the women leaders was simular to the performance of male colleagues. Furthermore the knowledge on project matters increased, as well as the relative participation of women in project activities.Joitske Hulsebosch worked together with PIU Nyanza between 1991–1993 as researcher/consultant. Doris Ombara is employed by the Ministry of Agriculture and posted at the PIU Nyanza as extension officer with special attention for gender aspects.  相似文献   

The introduction of computer assisted irrigation scheduling to a 20,000 ha smallholder rice and sugarcane irrigation project in Thailand has provided an opportunity for continuous performance assessment. The provision of weekly information on performance is exerting an influence on the management of the system thus enabling timely response to operational problems.Kraseio Project has been operating with an improved water management system for two seasons, incorporating simple performance indicators, namely: actual versus targetted supply, along with equity, reliability and adequacy measures. Over these seasons the value of regular feedback of performance information has been demonstrated, in terms of increased awareness by project staff of operating constraints and their ability to quantify project performance.  相似文献   

牧区节水灌溉工程管理存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牧区大多地处偏远地区,在节水灌溉工程不断推进过程中,灌溉工程运行和管理存在的问题越来越突出,已成为提高牧区综合生产能力的主要制约因素。以内蒙古牧区节水灌溉试点项目为例开展研究,针对牧区节水灌溉工程中存在的管理机构不健全、牧民技术水平较低和水利队伍建设滞后、管理人员主体结构不合理、管理形式单一、合作组织缺乏参与式管理和牧民缺乏投入的主动性等管理体制问题有针对性地提出了相应的对策;针对工程产权模糊、管护主体责任不明确、工程运行投入少和"一事一议"形同虚设等运行机制问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

This paper discusses paddy irrigation development in Malaysia in relation to real-time systems management and the role of performance assessment in such a system. The Muda Irrigation Scheme real-time management system is given as an illustration. This system has shown that, with performance assessment, managers are more prepared and able to respond quickly to issues faced in the day to day systems operations. In this system, demand-supply matching can be made faster and with improved utilisation of effective rainfall and uncontrolled flows. Opportunities for saving uncontrolled flows in the paddy fields can be identified in time. With dryseeding method, the system has been successful in sustaining production in severe water shortage situations. Into the 90s and beyond, no major infrastructure investments in irrigation systems are expected. Irrigation managers must be committed towards excellence in performance. This can be achieved through improved real-time performance assessment. Some aspects of performance assessment that could be improved are in its roles in meeting cropping intensity targets, accurate demand-supply matching, meeting water savings target and in alerting managers to potential crisis situations. Carefully designed and installed, performance assessment can also improve organisational and staff management.  相似文献   

A Diagnostic Analysis was conducted in the service area of theMaricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District in Arizona,USA. The study was an initial step in a managed change process,named Management Improvement Program (MIP), aimed at improvingthe performance of the area's irrigated agricultural system. Partof the Diagnostic Analysis study focused on the performance ofthe irrigation district's water delivery service. The studyidentified areas of high and low water delivery performance,factors contributing to the observed levels of performance, andimplications to on-farm water management. These findings promptedchanges in the delivery system's management. Results from a post-MIP intervention study indicate that the district's waterdelivery performance has improved as a result of those changes,and thus, that the Diagnostic Analysis and MIP methodologies areeffective tools for promoting positive change in a water deliveryorganization.  相似文献   

The need to develop a framework for performance assessment of irrigation schemes is increasingly dominating discussions in the field of water management. This paper supports the view that the introduction of monitoring and evaluation of water distribution systems as a part of the day to day management activity is a desirable step in the improvement process and can be introduced at little cost.Data already being routinely collected in many schemes provide a valuable insight into scheme operation and can be used to improve planning of operating strategies. One aim of the study being carried out by Hydraulics Research and the Irrigation Department at Hakwatuna Oya in Sri Lanka is to improve the standards of main system management within the constraints of the existing physical infrastructure through the provision of timely performance data. A microcomputer has been installed at the project office to store and analyse rainfall, flow and field wetness data, and to provide performance reports on a regular basis. Early results suggest that the timely processing of an increased level of data collection is effective for both the identification of problems and the quantification of potential for improvement. Particular emphasis is given to providing the necessary software tools and training such that routine monitoring and evaluation becomes an accepted and sustainable proposition.  相似文献   

A detailed Diagnostic Analysis (DA)was performed on an irrigation district in CentralArizona as part of a Management Improvement Program(MIP). The DA was conducted by an interdisciplinaryteam who focused their findings on performance of theirrigated agricultural system, on- and off-farm,rather than on disciplines. This paper reports on thefindings related to on-farm management. Specificfindings are presented relative to farm water use,soil sustainability, the interactions between the farmirrigation system and the water delivery system, andthe adoption and transfer of new technology. Theresults point to the need for appropriate applicationof technology, ongoing farmer education, andcoordination of farm and district operations andgovernment agency programs. The interdisciplinarynature of the DA team was essential for properlyassessing performance. Although this study was donein the state of Arizona in the USA, the methodologyused and some of the general conclusions areapplicable to other locations, both within and outsidethe United States.  相似文献   

关中灌区管理体制改革成效的综合评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对关中灌区监测指标体系进行了层次分析。通过一些定性指标的量化,利用层次分析法(AHP),建立了综合考虑灌区改制的政策评价、灌溉效果评价、工程项目实施评价和社会评价的指标体系及其综合评价模型,对各灌区的改制成效和历年综合改制成效进行了目标评价值计算,其结果可以比较客观、全面地反映灌区改制的成效。  相似文献   

灌溉用水管理是整个灌区的工作重点。决策支持系统等人工智能应用于灌溉管理,辅助管理人员及高层领导正确决策,解决知识处理中的半结构、非结构化问题,缩短预报周期,提高调度的实时性和可靠性,是二十一世纪灌溉系统管理的发展方向。最后介绍了霍泉灌区灌溉用水管理决策支持系统(简记:HQIWADSS)的程序结构和主要功能  相似文献   

During the past two decades with farmer participation in irrigation management moving to center stage, the traditional view of having a centralized control over the water resources for better management has changed. Nevertheless, success of irrigation management transfer depend on a whole set of institutional arrangements or the rules-in-use and the willingness of the users to comply and enforce and/or change the rules in the light of changing circumstances. There are many institutional analyses of water sector, much of them touch on law, policy and administration, and characteristics of the users. The present paper is based on the study carried out to examine the institutional arrangements in one of the water users association that was first in the Maharashtra state. It focuses on the institutional arrangements governing water use and distribution and attempts to elicit the perceptions of the members regarding the rules-in-use. The findings reveal that the WUA has been successful in devising and enforcing the rules for water distribution, fee collection and conflict resolution for over a decade. However, current socio-economic developments such as political heterogeneity have required explicit conflict resolution mechanisms. These issues have now become issues demanding immediate attention and may be use of existing courts or legal institutions to help the WUA sustain in future.  相似文献   

In many countries today, irrigation systems have been transferred to the water user associations (WUAs). Accordingly, it is believed that the performance of the irrigation systems is dependent on the performance of the WUAs.In this study, the performance of participatory irrigation management (PIM) over time is assessed with regard to the Kestel WUA serving a wide area of Turkey's Aegean coast. Data relating to the WUA is obtained from both the State Hydraulic Works and WUAs’ own records. In addition, two surveys have been carried out with the members of the WUA with an 8-year interval between them. Data have been analyzed within the framework of selected irrigation performance criteria and indicators. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the perceptions of the farmers on the WUA at different survey periods. A Logit model was estimated to evaluate the relationship between the irrigation problems and the level of satisfaction from the WUA.The performance of the WUA with the indicators of utility, productivity, sustainability and financial efficiency was found to be positive; while the performance of adequacy was identified as poor. The farmers were generally satisfied of the WUA's operation, with their level of satisfaction improving over time. On the other hand, the farmers were not fully convinced that they had input with the system management. The initial design of the channel system and its maintenance were identified to be the key factors affecting user satisfaction.Overall, the Kestel WUA may be considered a successful example, thus supporting a promising future for PIM. Yet improved control and farmer education is needed for a superior performance of all indicators; and further enhanced farmer participation in management should be achieved in order to raise the level of farmer satisfaction.  相似文献   

建立灌区农民用水者协会的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立农民用水者协会(WUA),国家将支、分渠系灌溉工程的使用与管理权移交给农民,这符合我国政府关于水利工程分级管理的方针政策,对促进灌区工程体制改革,适应社会主义市场经济新要求,实现灌区自我维护,自我发展,经济自立,均具有较大的实践意义。1995年4月,湖北省人民政府办公厅33号文同意在湖北省世行贷款项目区内开展经济自立灌溉区试点工作,并将漳河水库三干渠三分干灌区首批列入试点,在省世行贷款水利项目办公室和荆门市人民政府领导和支持下,通过一年的试点工作实践,先后组建了11个农民用水者协会,并开始试运行。作者就组建农民用水者协会过程中涉及的有关问题从理论上进行了初步总结。  相似文献   

A linear programming (LP) based optimization model and a simulation model are developed and applied in a typical diversion type irrigation system for land and water allocation during the dry season. Optimum cropping patterns for different management strategies are obtained by the LP model for different irrigation efficiencies and water availability scenarios. The simulation model yields the risk-related irrigation system performance measures (i.e. reliability, resiliency and vulnerability) for the management policies defined by the optimization model. The alternative strategies are evaluated in terms of all performance criteria (i.e. net economic benefit, equity and reliability) simultaneously through a trade-off analysis using a multi-criteria decision making method (compromise programming). For the case study of the Kankai irrigation system in Nepal, with equal preference to the objectives, a management strategy with equal share of water among the project subareas appears to be the most satisfactory alternative under water shortage conditions. The existing water allocation policy is not economically efficient. Deficit irrigation in Early paddy appears attractive under favorable hydrologic scenario, particularly if accompanied by measures to improve existing irrigation system efficiency.  相似文献   

湖南省农村饮水安全工程建设效果后评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对湖南省农村饮水安全及工程建设情况进行分析,从工程效果、工程完成情况、财务管理、工程管理情况以及生态环境负效应5个方面构建3层13个指标的饮水安全工程建设效果综合后评价指标体系,并分别采用层次分析法(AHP)、TOPSIS法、突变评价法,对湖南省各地区农村饮水安全工程建设效果进行综合后评价。结果表明,湖南省大部分地区的饮水安全工程建设效果良好,但应加大农村饮水安全薄弱环节的建设力度,强化农村水源地保护与村镇环境治理。  相似文献   

Large-scale canal irrigation projects are commonly seen as profligate users of water. Their low water productivity has been attributed by many authors to deficiencies in management or to actions by farmers to circumvent management control over water distribution. Inadequate design has sometimes been cited as a contributing factor, but the relationship between design and manageability has received too little attention. In most conventional large-scale irrigation systems imperfect matching between water supply and demand is an inescapable fact of life that leads to operational spillages and low efficiency. Provision of auxiliary storage reservoirs at strategic points within the canal system can buffer this mismatch and improve service delivery and also aid recovery of return flows. Such reservoirs may bring additional benefits in that they provide opportunities for multiple-use management and increased productivity of irrigation water. This paper presents a case study of Mahaweli System H in Sri Lanka, which incorporates a large number of secondary reservoirs within its 25000 ha command area. The paper examines current operational performance and considers scope for and constraints to multiple-use management.  相似文献   

An irrigation management role-playing game is described. The game aims to provide experience of the problems and complexities of real irrigation management issues, and practice in the application of basic theoretical concepts and methods which are relevant to the successful operation and maintenance of an irrigation scheme. Players acting as farmers or as scheme managers make decisions regarding the operation of a scheme which are processed by micro-computer. Experience shows that the game can achieve its training objectives, stimulates discussion of a wide range of factors affecting the success of irrigation schemes and has the potential for further development.  相似文献   

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