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我国生物育种高技术产业化工程,促进了一批农业生物技术产业化的关键技术的应用;优质高产动植物新品种的产业化,提升了农业综合生产能力;扶持了一批龙头企业;探索了"企业+基地+农户"的产业化发展模式。面对资源环境约束、消费需求提高和全球性转基因技术的严峻挑战,需从宏观层面做好生物育种高技术产业化工程的战略规划,多方筹集资金,加大政策扶持力度,提高产业聚集效应,加大种子产业的市场宏观管理,培育大规模、高水平生物育种企业,做好生物资源的保护、开发和利用,进一步完善农业生物育种产业化工程的扶持政策  相似文献   

The food sector is one of the most important sectors of the economy, encompassing agriculture, the food industry, retail, and eventually, all members of society as consumers. With its responsibility of serving consumers with food that is safe, readily available, affordable and of the quality and diversity consumers expect, the food sector needs to be efficient, to build on an appropriate organization and control of processes, and to provide assurance on the safety and quality of its products which consumers could trust. Efficiency, process control and consumer communications are all closely related to the use of information and communication technology (ICT). Global networks, the internet, networked devices, sensors, and communication intelligence are of foremost relevance for the sustainability of the food sector in meeting its responsibility. This paper provides an overview on the state-of-the-art in three use cases within the application domain of the food sector. The three use cases capture the flow of food products from agriculture (use case ‘agriculture’) through the food industry (use case ‘agri-food logistics’) to the consumer as the final customer (use case ‘food awareness’). In dealing with the state-of-the-art the paper has to focus on the major research and application domains that are of relevance in assuring the successful utilization of the potential of the future internet for reaching a concept for the organization of the use cases that has the potential for major improvements in coordination and communication activities along the chain but also for large scale adoption throughout the sector.  相似文献   

多年来,安徽林业紧紧围绕服务“全面转型、加速崛起”的大局,坚持以科学发展观为指导,高举生态和民生两面大旗,扎实推进城乡造林绿化,强化森林资源保护,大力发展林业产业,不断深化林业改革,现代林业建设取得了巨大的成就。安徽林业建设的实践,为新时期全国生态林业、民生林业建设积累了丰富的经验,树立了一面旗帜。同时,也应清楚地看到安徽林业发展面临着前所未有的良好机遇的同时也面临着不容忽视的困难和挑战。为此,提出抓住城镇化建设新机遇,在安徽建立全国美丽林业示范省;坚持造林与营林并举,实现森林数量与质量双增;重视经济林生态化经营,促进经济林产业健康发展等建议。  相似文献   

讨论了电纸书概念、发展现状与挑战,探讨电纸书阅读时代对图书馆馆藏结构、借阅模式的影响,应对这种变化,图书馆应加强文化休闲与学习功能,加强IT建设以及人员素质的培养。  相似文献   

浅谈新世纪图书馆员的素质问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
随着进入二十一世纪,知识经济、网络、信息技术的飞速发展,图书馆面临着新的机遇和挑战;图书馆事业的发展对图书馆员素质提出了更高的要求,图书馆员应能够成为信息资源的导航员。  相似文献   

新媒体的出现,为新媒体阅读提供了强有力的技术支撑和平台支持。总结了新媒体的发展态势,对新媒体阅读概念进行了界定,从传播学的角度对新媒体阅读进行了详细的阐述,从侧面反映新媒体阅读对传统阅读的挑战。图书馆服务作为传统阅读的代表,面对新挑战的应对方法。  相似文献   

农业信息化的发展方向与途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业信息化是指利用现代信息技术和信息系统为农业生产、供销及相关的管理和服务提供有效的信息支持 ,并提高农业的综合生产力和经营管理效率。农业信息化是一个内涵深刻 ,外延广泛的概念。在农业生产、分配、交换、消费的四个环节中。农业信息化通过普遍采用信息技术和电子信息装备 ,更有效、更合理地开发利用各种农业资源 (包括自然资源、人才资源和其它信息资源等 ) ,从而促进农业产业的现代化水平 ,推动农村经济发展 ,社会进步的动态演进过程  相似文献   

应用人力资源管理理论,结合问卷调查,对皖北地区以政府为主体的公共部门人力资源管理中存在的认识基础薄弱、培训存在偏差、激励功能不足、绩效考核不科学和人力资源配置不合理等问题进行理论联系实际的分析,并且提出了相应的对策建议,诸如转变公共部门人力资源管理理念、完善培训开发体系和部门激励机制、建立科学合理的绩效考核制度和人力资源规划与配置制度。  相似文献   

孙兵 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(21):13127-13131
基于Web的仓储质量信息管理系统是针对仓储单位质量管理的需要,以全面质量管理理论为基础,以实现对仓储物资入库、储存、出库全过程各个环节产生的质量信息进行控制为目的,将质量信息流与仓储业务流程高度集成。通过该系统用户可以查询、管理、统计仓储质量信息,输出质量报表、发布与反馈质量信息,进行系统管理。系统的实施为仓储单位实现全面科学的质量管理提供了可靠的保障。  相似文献   

农业信息化基本理论研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业信息化是指在农业领域充分运用信息技术,开发利用信息资源,培育和发展以智能化工具为代表的新的生产力,大幅度提高农业生产效率,加速实现农业产业化和现代化的历史过程。其内涵包括农业生产信息化、农业管理信息化和农村社会生活信息化。具有信息依赖性、动态性、高投入性、高效性、开放性和整体性等特性。以农业信息资源的数字化、生产工具和生产手段的智能化、农业管理信息系统的网络化为主要标志。以农村信息基础设施、农业信息网络、农业信息资源、农业信息服务业与信息产业、农业信息主体的素质、农业信息法制体系为重点建设内容。  相似文献   

网络环境下深化书目情报服务的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
网络环境下传统的书目情报服务方式正面临着新的挑战。以网络环境为支撑,深化书目情报服务有赖于时用户的书目情报教育,有赖于高质量的书目情报产品。树立书目情报服务新的理念,提高书目情报人员的素质成为网络环境下发展书目情报服务的战略需要。  相似文献   

质量是现代农机装备市场竞争力的一个重要因素。本文将顾客需求的模糊概念量化并融入农机零部件可靠性设计之中,提出了一种基于关键质量特性的可靠性优化方法。首先,运用模糊回归理论优化质量功能配置和公理设计的集成模型,提取农机产品设计各阶段的关键质量特性;其次,以可靠性设计理论和应力—强度干涉模型为指导,建立基于关键质量特性的农机零部件可靠性优化设计数学模型;最后,运用带约束的自适应粒子群算法对该数学模型进行求解分析。以水稻摆栽机为例,详细分析了提取零部件关键质量特性即拨盘轴设计参数流程,并分别计算了可靠度在0.995和0.999时的优化设计参数,通过Monte-Carlo法对比,其拨盘轴最优截面积相对误差分别为2.53%和2.40%。实验验证了关键质量特性分析在农机零部件可靠性优化设计中的正确性和高效性。  相似文献   

杨玲 《农学学报》2023,13(6):97-100
数字农业是农业现代化的发展方向。基于农产品质量安全管理特点,阐述了数字农业技术可在以下几方面助推农产品质量安全监管:生产过程管控、监管效能提升和产销顺畅对接等。结合数字农业技术发展现状分析了当前所面临的挑战,从统筹主体登录、突出推进重点、开展生产经营主体分类指导和强化技术支撑等方面提出具体建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场化和城镇化的逐步加快,国内城乡要素市场的活跃度逐年上升,全国各地稳步推进“三权分置”。为进一步研究北京地区土地市场体系发展情况,以京郊为例探究推进城镇化的同时,在不改变土地所有制性质前提下妥善完成“三权分置”,确保农户获得预期土地经营性收入。通过对过往文献和近10年土地流转数据的比较分析,可以看出研究城乡要素市场的二元性,天然导致了城乡市场发育程度的不一致,在京郊同样表现出土地利用集约化程度低、权益分配机制不合理、整体规划不科学等问题。因此,各级政府需要对市场体系推进中的土地流转进行全程化的引导与支持,作为“隐形的手”对流转双方权益进行保障,这对各级政府治理能力提出了新挑战,对土地使用制度改革提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) was one of the most intensively studied and extensively applied technologies in the 20th century and its research and application will be even more accelerated in the 21st century. The impact of IT is more farreaching than any one may have had imagined, encompassing all facets and sectors of society. Economically, e-commerce generated more than $1.5 trillion in the US in 2004 and is projected to be 30, 15 and 2.6% of the total manufacturing, whole sales and retail sales in the US in 2006 respectively. IT research in agriculture has so far been particularly applied to such fields as precision farming and bioinformatics and in extension and farming practices. As such, its potential application in agricultural e-commerce has only begun to be explored. The United States Department of Agriculture has identified four different functions that e-commerce firms perform in the agricultural sector. They are: (1) information distribution, (2) input supply, (3) commodity trading floor, and (4) logistics/supply chain management. Unlike other industrial products, agricultural products are much more diverse and difficult to process and handle. For instance, fruits and vegetables are perishable and have to reach the market and the hands of consumers within a short period of time. One of the problems for IT applications in agriculture is the lack of standard measures in characteristics and quality of perishable produce and processing foods. Standards are pre-requisites for effective IT application and e-commerce. According to the Global Commerce Initiative, standards bring scalability, portability and affordability to the business process. Standards speed up the supply chain and reduce errors and protect technology investments and ensure system to system interaction and interoperability. Because the complexity of issues involved in standardization, the process of standardization must involve the input and discussion from all segments of the society. Being the largest agricultural country in the world and one of the most active trading partners in the international market, China must also be involved in determining the standards for both domestic and international trades. These measures are the necessary foundations for e-commerce in agriculture. In this paper, we provide a review of the technological development of standardization and coding that are prerequisites for IT application in e-commerce. This understanding is important for professionals in China to promote e- commerce in agriculture. Finally, we propose that a national committee to be formed in China, which includes IT experts from private sectors, academic professionals and governmental officials. This committee should consider the progress being made elsewhere in the world, the unique properties of Chinese commodities and appropriate business models to determine a set of standard measures that are transportable and communicable digitally in the world market for China's e- commerce in agriculture.  相似文献   

在“互联网+”快速发展的时代背景下,高校图书馆的知识服务工作面临着新变化、新问题、新挑战,呈现出新的发展趋势,迫切需要加快服务模式转变。文章基于高校图书馆知识服务的内涵及存在的主要问题,紧扣“互联网+”背景下高校图书馆知识服务的新特征、新要求,提出高校图书馆知识服务转型六个方面的策略:重构经营化的管理体制,树立人本化的服务理念,建立协同化的服务联盟,运用智能化的服务手段,完善共享化的服务条件,构建嵌入化的服务模式。  相似文献   

人才培养体系构建与优化过程是高等教育内涵式发展的过程,高等教育体系已从自身成长向高等教育与社会经济协同转型发展。对面新农科建设肩负的“四大使命”,乡村振兴战略部署要求,国际农经学科专业发展新格局,传统农经专业转型发展等新形势、新状况,农林经济管理专业人才培养体系优化势在必行。从人才培养目标、能力素养要求以及课程支撑三个方面对比分析国内各类典型农业院校农经人才培养体系特征和差异,结合地方农业院校办学实际与特色,从“立德树人”教育教学理念,课程体系的动态优化调整,学科-专业联动协同,教学质量评价与保障体系等方面提出地方农经专业人才培养体系优化路径。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of soil, climate, plants and irrigation requirements are challenges for modern agriculture and complex turfgrass sites. Precision agriculture (PA) evolved to improve site-specific management based on obtaining site-specific information. The focus of this concept paper is on the emerging area of precision turfgrass management (PTM) with attention given to: (a) comparing the concepts of PTM and PA in terms of driving forces and challenges that must be addressed for PTM to progress in science and practice and (b) discussion of specific field mapping applications (purposes) for different turfgrass situations such as golf courses, sod production fields and sports fields. The field applications relate to site-specific management of irrigation, salinity, fertilizer application and cultivation. To illustrate the potential for PTM, different approaches that may be necessary for PTM compared to PA are discussed. The initial factor that hindered the adoption of PTM has been the lack of mobile sensor platforms that can determine both key soil and plant properties for turfgrass situations. This paper concentrates on PTM field applications that involve mapping of both soil and plant attributes, in contrast to only optical sensing mapping.  相似文献   

三峡库区“四化”同步推进的途径与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对三峡库区工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步推进进行了实证分析,发现库区"四化"同步发展存在城镇化滞后于工业化,农业现代化水平低和工业支撑能力不足的问题。提出了以新型城镇化理念加快推进库区城镇化,以特色生态农业提升农业现代化水平,以新型工业实现库区工业生态化,并同步推进信息化的"四化"同步发展途径。从加快区域性中心城市和小城镇建设、大力构建新型农业经营体系、科学选择工业主导产业和大力发展战略性新兴产业四个方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

2023年我国全面实施预算管理一体化,科研事业单位作为预算管理一体化的重要组成部门,有效推动了资金管理的规范化和科学化,提高了财务管理与资金使用效率,但同时也对财务管理尤其是预算编制、项目核算和信息化建设等工作提出了新要求新挑战。文章总结了预算管理一体化带来的有利影响,剖析了实施预算管理一体化面临的新挑战,在此基础上,研究提出了进一步做好预算管理一体化工作的对策建议,以期为科研事业单位全面顺利推进预算管理一体化提供参考。  相似文献   

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