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桃象虫在福建闽侯一年发生一代,以成虫和幼虫在土中越冬。越冬成虫于2月间开始出土活动;以幼虫越冬者,其成虫出土约迟两个月左右;4月份为成虫出现的高峰期。成虫于3月下旬开始产卵,4月下旬为产卵盛期,6月上旬为产卵终期。成虫也在6月上旬绝迹。4月上旬果中幼虫始见,6月上旬发生最多。2月至6月是桃象虫一年中主要的为害时期。成虫为害花、叶及果实,以蛀害果实为主,因此引致相当数量的幼果脱落。4月上旬幼果期,成虫盛发之后落果最甚,虫害落果数占总落果数80%。3月下旬至4月中旬连续喷药2—3次除治成虫,对于保果有很大作用。6月上旬为幼虫脱果始期,老熟幼虫从树上蛀果或地面落果中脱出而入土。8月下旬以前大都潜居土下3寸之内,此后逐渐钻入土层深处,部分幼虫当年化蛹并羽化为成虫越冬。故5月下旬检拾落果和摘毁树上虫蛀果,以及在8月中、下旬结合桃树中耕除草,都是消灭幼虫的有效方法。0.1%敌百虫液剂,25?T 乳剂200—400倍液,可湿性6%γ666200—300倍液,或25?T 乳剂、可湿性6%γ666 1∶1∶400—600倍液,喷射防治成虫,药效达92.7—100%。  相似文献   

通过生活史观察和成虫动态监测发现,苹果蠹蛾在新疆库尔勒市1年发生2代和一个不完整的第3代。以老熟幼虫在枝干或树干翘皮、裂缝和树洞中越冬。越冬代老熟幼虫在4月上旬开始化蛹,5月中旬为越冬代成虫羽化高峰期,6月上、中旬为1代幼虫蛀果为害期,7月上旬为1代成虫羽化高峰期,7月下旬至8月中旬为2代幼虫为害高峰期,9月中、下旬出现第3代幼虫。6月上旬至7月上旬,一直能够诱到苹果蠹蛾成虫。在越冬代成虫和第1代成虫之间没有间断期。说明其世代重叠现象较明显。根据当地苹果蠹蛾的发生消长动态,提出了相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

邵振润 《植物保护》1984,10(4):25-25
棉铃虫(Heliothis armigera Hue-b.)在北方菜区为害番茄,青椒、茄子、豆角和白菜,北京地区一年发生四代,越冬蛹4月下旬羽化,5月上旬是产卵盛期,此代幼虫数量少,且因寄主分散,为害轻,只需对定植早及地膜栽培生长旺、着卵量高的田块进行防治;第二代成虫6月上、中旬羽化,此时大田蕃茄正现蕾开花,棉龄虫集中在蕃茄上产卵,6月下旬至7月上旬是第二代幼虫为害盛期,此阶段温湿度合适,为害最重,  相似文献   

核桃长足象甲 (AlcidodesjuglansChao)又名核桃果象甲、核桃甲象虫。 1 997、1 998年在湖北省长阳县西部的榔坪、乐园、贺家坪等乡镇核桃产区暴发为害 ,减产约 50 %,局部地方绝收。核桃长足象甲只为害核桃 ,寄主专一。成虫、幼虫均能为害 ,以幼虫为害最严重。幼虫只为害果实 ,取食果仁 ,造成早期落果 ,轻者落果 2 0 %左右 ,严重时全部落果。幼虫为害的果实 ,始终不变形。成虫啃食嫩叶、嫩稍及幼果果皮 ,不造成大的为害。核桃长足象甲在长阳县 1a发生 1代 ,以成虫在背风温暖的杂草间或表土内越冬。室外观察成虫 4月中下…  相似文献   

乔旭 《中国生物防治》2011,27(2):280-283
广肩小蜂Eurytoma sp.是花椒波瘿蚊Asphondylia zanthoxyli bu & Zheng的重要寄生天敌.广肩小蜂1年发生3代,以蛹在花椒波瘿蚊为害形成的虫瘿内越冬.第2年花椒发芽后在4月中旬越冬代成虫羽化;第1代成虫6月上旬羽化;第2代成虫8月上旬羽化.成虫产卵于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫为害后形成的虫瘿内;孵化后外寄生于花椒波瘿蚊幼虫,将寄主幼虫吃光后化蛹.越冬代寄生率达48.39%,第2年花椒发芽前剪除虫瘿枝可有效保护广肩小蜂种群数量.  相似文献   

昆明桃园梨小食心虫发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011-2013年对昆明桃园梨小食心虫发生规律及为害特点进行了系统调查研究。结果表明:3年来昆明地区梨小食心虫发生趋势基本一致,但各年度发生的大高峰期有差异,2012年成虫发生大高峰期为越冬代、第一代;2013年成虫发生大高峰期在第二、三代,这与当时的温度、降水量有很大关系。昆明梨小食心虫一年发生4代,越冬代成虫发生高峰期在3月中旬至4月上旬,第一代发生高峰期在5月上旬至6月中旬,越冬代、第一代主要为害桃树新梢,新植桃园幼虫更趋向在低龄桃树为害,幼虫蛀梢的高峰期在成虫羽化高峰期后15~30d;第二、三代发生高峰期在7月上旬至9月下旬,世代重叠明显,后两代主要为害果实。经饲养观察,桃园梨小食心虫性比[♀/(♀+♂)]为0.57~0.64,幼虫被天敌寄生率为26.9%,幼虫蛀果率为1.25%~5%。  相似文献   

为了掌握梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta在新疆和田县桃园和核桃园间的转移为害和种群动态变化规律, 以期确定核桃园内梨小食心虫的最佳防治时间, 同时在桃园和核桃园设立监测点, 通过对梨小食心虫在桃园和核桃园间的发生动态监测以及在核桃园内产卵情况和蛀果率调查, 明确了梨小食心虫在桃园和核桃园间的转移规律。研究发现梨小食心虫在和田县桃园1年发生5代, 越冬代成虫于3月下旬开始出现, 各代高峰期分别在4月上旬、5月中旬、6月下旬至7月上旬、7月下旬至8月上旬、9月上旬, 以第1代和第2代发生为害严重, 具有世代重叠现象。梨小食心虫在核桃园1年发生2代, 成虫产卵于核桃果实和叶片, 主要以幼虫为害果实。于6月下旬开始从桃园向核桃园转移, 8月下旬又从核桃园转移至桃园, 具有明显的寄主转移规律。7月初为核桃园内梨小食心虫的防治关键期。  相似文献   

马铃薯瓢虫的生物学特性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯瓢虫在菏泽市常年发生3代,个别年份4代,世代重叠。以成虫越冬。4月中旬越冬成虫开始活动,4月末5月初开始交配、产卵。5月至9月为害,10月中旬后越冬。本文研究了该虫的年生活史、生活习性及影响发生因素,并提出了相应防治措施。  相似文献   

长足大竹象是影响南宁麻竹高产的主要影响害虫。本文研究了其形态特征、年生活史、生活习性、为害特点和防治效果。结果表明:该虫共有4种虫态,雌虫寿命为(39.55±7.07)d,产卵量为(12.82±3.63)粒/雌;最适生长发育的温度为25℃;在南宁1年发生1代,以成虫在土中蛹室内越冬,翌年4月下旬至6月上旬成虫出土,8月为出土盛期,雨后天晴活动最盛,成虫有假死性和趋光性;成虫喜欢在竹笋上部25cm~30cm处产卵,6月下旬至7月中旬竹笋受害最为严重;通过2年的人工防治和化学防治相结合的方法,取得了很好的防治效果。  相似文献   

苹果天社蛾是晉中果区后期害虫。以5龄幼虫为害最重,取食量約占整个幼虫期总食量的90%左右。幼虫期平均为31.2天。以蛹在寄主树下距主干1米以內,土深2—12厘米处,做土室越冬。越冬蛹分布的密度因寄主而不同。成虫羽化出土与7、8月份降雨量及越冬蛹深度有密切关系。成虫产卵及幼虫取食对寄主有一定的选择,榆叶梅最爱好,杏树、苹果次之。此虫年只一代。6月中旬成虫开始羽化,7月下旬达盛期。卵7月初出現,8月上旬为盛期。幼虫7月中旬开始为害,8月中、下旬达盛期。9月下旬幼虫逐渐老熟入土化蛹越冬。防治药剂以25%DDT乳剂、50%可湿性DDT、6%可湿性666 150—300倍液效果为佳。要求把幼虫消灭在4龄以前;也可結合秋耕挖蛹,注意果园植物的配置等措施进行防治。  相似文献   

尖翅小卷蛾[Bactra lanceolana (Hübner)]是席草上的重要害虫,2004-2007年对浙南地区尖翅小卷蛾的生物学特性进行了系统研究。结果表明,尖翅小卷蛾越冬代成虫初见4月中旬初前后,全年发生7~8代,本田期发生4代,以第2代虫量最高,危害损失最重,其次是第3代和第1代,世代重叠,以幼虫在席草苗内越冬。成虫多在夜晚活动,有较强趋光性,但飞翔能力弱;停在草茎上,多数头朝下,尾朝上;雌雄性比1∶1.2,寿命长短与温度、湿度、雌雄性别等关系密切;成虫一般在原田活动,羽化、产卵多在晚上,以夜晚24:00前居多;羽化后当晚交尾,产卵前期多数1 d;卵粒大多产在粗壮植株中下部位、席草茎的凹槽上,自上而下产卵,亦有产在叶鞘上;卵一般在上午孵化,其孵化时间、孵化率高低、卵历期长短与温度、湿度有关。幼虫侵入、化蛹部位多在地面茎基部,中高龄幼虫还有转株为害的习性。  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of kaolin particle film on winterform oviposition of the pear psyllacacopsyllapyri (L.) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Kaolin particle film (kpf) treatment significantly reduced winterform oviposition rates in both choice and no-choice tests in the laboratory. In choice tests, overwintered females laid 11 times more eggs on water-treated dormant shoots than on shoots treated with particle film, within 21 days after treatment. In no-choice tests, kpf treatment also significantly reduced egg numbers compared with water-treated controls. The results of field trials carried out in southwestern Turkey (Antalya) during the late winter — early spring of 2004 and 2005 showed very good efficacy of kpf treatment in comparison with water-treated control. Kpf treatment (just before egg laying, during the dormant-postdormant period) delayed egg-laying activity in overwintered females for up to 3 weeks from the beginning of the experiment and continued to suppress oviposition significantly in comparison with watertreated control up to 4 weeks. Our overall results suggest that kpf treatment may be useful in pear psylla management programs by decreasing winterform oviposition, particularly in conjunction with other control tactics.  相似文献   

The maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, 1855 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a worldwide pest on stored products, as maize, wheat and rice grains. However, in South Brazil, these weevils have been found attacking fruits in field conditions. It was reported that adults attack fruits to feeding, but there was no information of oviposition and larval development on these hosts. Furthermore, due to monitoring apple orchards, was observed that some fruits showed distinct kind of punctures, suggesting a oviposition by these weevils. The present study reports first record an unusual behavior of S. zeamais by oviposition and larval development in peach and apple fruits. The study was conducted in laboratory conditions (temperature: 25?±?1 °C, RH: 70?±?10% and photophase of 14 h). Peach and apple fruits were offered to S. zeamais females. The oviposition and duration of immature stages in peach were measured in fruits and in corn grains, used as control observation. The oviposition and larval development occurred in peach and apple fruits, with a development until to adult. The average of egg-to-adult was 47.4 d in peach and and 45.1 d apple fruits, respectively, while in corn grains, its natural host, the duration was 38.2 d. These results show that the damage caused by S. zeamais in peach and apple fruits may be due to oviposition and the development of immature stages. So, the novelty is in demonstrating that the maize weevil does not just feed as an adult opportunistically on the fruits, but can complete a full life cycle using fresh fruits.  相似文献   

Oviposition deterrents have potential to prevent arthropod pest infestations making the crop habitat less or no favorable for pests to lay eggs and even to settle. In this study, seed oils of maize, safflower, rapeseed and castor oil plant were evaluated in the field between years of 2015 and 2016 for their oviposition deterrent activity against winterform females of pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), the most important insect pest of pears in Turkey. All the oils were used at three different concentrations, 1, 1.5 and 2 L/100 L water including 0.01% Tween-20 for a good mixture and applied at the dormant period (just before the first eggs were deposited by overwintered females). Only one application was made each year. Oviposition deterrency was evaluated by counts of eggs deposited by overwintered females of the pest on treated dormant shoots during the sampling times 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application. The results showed that significant reductions in total numbers of eggs laid by winterform females were observed in all the oil-treated plots compared with the controls sprayed with tap water including Tween-20 (0.01%). Safflower and castor oils exhibited 100% oviposition deterrent activity at all the concentrations during the 3 weeks period in both years. Even after 4 weeks, the deterrency of these oils was higher than 70%. In the control plots, the first eggs were deposited by overwintered females within 3 days after application in both years. These findings suggest that these oils are promising oviposition deterrents against winterform females of C. pyri.  相似文献   

为明确山东省泰安市核桃园主要病虫害的发生情况及其化学防治的用药流程,于2017—2018年采用田间调查法进行主要病虫害的调查,于2019年采用常规喷雾法对不同防治对象进行化学防治,研究不同用药时间及用药次数下3种农药对核桃的保果效果及对主要病虫害的防治效果,确定用药流程。结果表明,2017年泰安市核桃园主要病虫害以核桃细菌性黑斑病、核桃炭疽病和核桃举肢蛾Atrijuglans aristata为主,造成的病虫果率达83.25%。5月中旬至6月下旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃举肢蛾单独发生为主;7月上旬至8月上旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃炭疽病单独发生为主;8月中旬至下旬,以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生为主。2018年3种病虫害造成核桃的总体落果率为79.84%,共出现2次落果高峰,即在6月下旬以核桃举肢蛾造成的落果和在8月下旬以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生造成的落果。针对以上3种主要病虫害,在核桃生长期应至少喷药6次,其总体的保果效果和防治效果分别达到96.58%和93.70%,分别显著高于喷药4次的83.72%和70.56%,与喷药8次处理差异不显著。在实际生产中,建议对核桃细菌性黑斑病自5月上旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药6次;对核桃炭疽病自6月下旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药4次;对核桃举肢蛾在5月下旬和7月下旬各用药1次。  相似文献   


The mango seed weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius), is one of the major mango insect pests in northern Australia. A reasonable level of control can be obtained with insecticide sprays together with orchard sanitation, but the only option available for organic growers is the latter. Weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius), are effective in controlling the main insect pests in citrus, cashew and mango orchards. To determine whether weaver ants, which are usually abundant in non-sprayed mango orchards, have the potential to control the mango seed weevil, field experiments together with regular monitoring programmes at six orchards in the Northern Territory of Australia were conducted from 2001 to 2003. Data from two conventional orchards showed that the treatment with weaver ants plus soft chemicals produced lower levels of downgraded fruits (<0.5%) compared to the treatment with chemical insecticides (1.4 – 2.1%). In three organic or insecticide-free orchards, fruits were much less damaged on trees with weaver ants (<1%) than on trees without the ants (2.5 – 15.7%). In the sixth orchard, that had much higher mango seed weevil populations than the others, levels of downgraded fruits were lower on trees with abundant weaver ants than on trees with fewer weaver ants. We conclude that weaver ants are efficient biocontrol agents of the mango seed weevil, and that for successful control of the pest it is important both to maintain the ants at high levels and to destroy excess fruits.  相似文献   

大灰象虫是福建省柑桔类果树的重要害虫之一,此虫在福州、閩侯地区,一年发生一代,少数二年完成一代。以成虫及幼虫在土中越冬。越冬成虫于3月底开始出土活动,取食新梢嫩叶及幼果。4月中旬为发生盛期并开始产卵,产卵期长达69—111天。卵期在4—6月間为7—12天,7—8月間为5—6天。4月下旬幼虫开始孵化,7月中旬以前孵出的幼虫,当年10月底开始羽化,羽化成虫在蛹室中越冬,翌年春暖出土;7月下旬以后孵出的幼虫,当年职幼虫在土室内越冬,幼虫期长372—400天,直到第二年9—10月間才化蛹、羽化,并以成虫越冬,第三年春暖出土。成虫食性复杂,不同食料植物对其寿命、产卵量、产卵期有很大影响。生活在桃树上成虫寿命最长,产卵数量也最多。防治方法,采取胶环捕杀或人工震落捕杀成虫收效很大。药剂方面,可噴射50%敌百虫400倍液或6%可湿性六六六及25%DDT乳剂混合液(1:1:200)效果甚好。  相似文献   

桑椹瘿蚊生物学特性及其化学防控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索桑椹瘿蚊Cotarina sp.生物学特性,并进行有效地化学防控,通过调查桑椹瘿蚊的发生期,观察并记录其各部分形态特征,同时统计了乐果对桑椹瘿蚊的防治效果,并采用高效气相层析法测定了成熟桑椹中乐果的残留量。结果表明:桑椹瘿蚊为完全变态昆虫,经历卵、幼虫(休眠体)、蛹、成虫4个阶段,每年3月开始羽化为成虫,成虫不取食桑椹,可存活2~4 d,雌雄成虫傍晚交配,产卵于桑椹小果中,卵经6~7 d孵化为幼虫,幼虫从果柄中心取食桑椹,导致桑果局部畸形(干瘪)、早熟;幼虫经历3个龄期,老熟幼虫弹跳入土,形成休眠体进行越夏越冬,翌年2月化蛹。喷洒乐果乳剂1 000倍稀释液后,桑椹虫害率由83.3%降低到15.0%,被害桑椹虫口密度下降了89.3%;经高效气相色谱法分析,乐果残留量仅为0.75 mg/kg,低于国际标准,表明乐果对桑椹瘿蚊的防治效果较好。  相似文献   

双齿锤角叶蜂(Odontocimbex svenhediniMalaise)是近年发生于甘肃天水刺五加(Acanthopanax senticosus)的一种食叶新害虫,其寄主刺五加是首次报道。该虫1年发生1代,翌年4月上旬越冬预蛹开始化蛹,4月中旬成虫羽化,下旬开始产卵,卵产于叶背面或正面主脉周围叶表皮下,卵期9~11 d;幼虫食叶为害,共5龄,6月上旬至7月中旬为猖獗为害期,6月下旬幼虫开始老熟,老熟幼虫于寄主或周围非寄主植物枝条结茧越夏越冬。5月中下旬3龄前幼虫期,用25%灭幼脲悬浮剂1 500倍液,防效达95%以上。用3%高渗苯氧威乳油或1.8%阿维菌素乳油5 000 倍液,防治3龄后幼虫,防效达92%以上。  相似文献   

研究结果表明:轮纹异痂蝗在通辽1年发生1代,以卵在土中越冬。越冬卵于翌年5月上中旬孵化,蝗蝻共4龄,全蝻期26~32 d,6月上、中旬为羽化盛期。7月上、中旬为产卵盛期,卵产在土中深4~6 cm处。成虫可活到9月中旬。轮纹异痂蝗喜食菊科和百合科等幼嫩多汁的植物,食量为每头每日食鲜草1.05 g,每666.7 m2可损失鲜草10.25~12.75 kg。  相似文献   

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