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Fifteen Yorkshire female pigs were inoculated with 100,000 infective T. canis eggs. Three animals were used as uninfected controls. Groups of three infected pigs were euthanized by accepted methods on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 126 p.i., respectively. Larvae were recovered from all animals included in each group slaughtered on days 7 and 14 p.i.; on day 21 p.i. from two pigs, on day 28 p.i. from one, and no larvae were found on day 126 p.i. Differences in the mean number of larvae per gram in lymph nodes, liver and lungs between slaughter days, were significant for livers on day 7 p.i. and for lungs on day 14 p.i. (P < 0.10). The decrease over time was significant in all the organs that previously had larvae. Larvae were not found in the other organs and tissues analysed. Macroscopical lesions were found in the liver, lungs and lymph nodes on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 p.i. The entire surface of the liver was covered with small white spots on day 7 p.i., on days 14 and 21 p.i. the spots were distinctly nodular and, in some places, individual lesions were confluent. Lesions had apparently started to heal on days 28 and 126 p.i. appearance was normal. Lymph nodes were enlarged and oedematous during the first 4 weeks and the lungs had small areas of consolidation visible all over the surface, but by day 126 p.i., no visible lesions could be seen. Microscopical lesions were observed in the liver on day 7 p.i., with a largely periportal hepatitis. Numerous eosinophils and lymphocytes were present. The typical granulomatous reaction was observed on days 14 and 21 p.i. with a central necrotic core and a narrow region of fibroblastic tissue. By day 28 p.i. lesions had almost disappeared and the number of eosinophils was fewer. There were fewer leukocytes and the fibrous tissue had disappeared from the liver on day 126 p.i. For the first 3 weeks, pictures of the lymph nodes and the lungs were characterised by the formation of a granuloma. In the center of the granuloma larvae were observed. The majority of the lesions had healed by day 126 p.i.  相似文献   

Acquired immunity develops against Toxocara canis infection in mice, and NIH mice are more immunoresponsive than CD1 mice. Twice infected NIH female mice showed 27% reduction in the total larval recoveries compared with non-sensitized controls. Twice-infected NIH male, and CD1 (both sexes) mice showed a negligible reduction in the total recoveries, though a significant (P less than 0.05) number of larvae were retained in the liver compared with the non-sensitized controls. All twice-infected mice showed a significant reduction in the number of larvae recovered from the brain compared with once-infected mice. Vaccination using ultraviolet irradiated embryonated eggs gave the best protection against reinfection. Excretory/secretory antigen afforded less protection, whilst whole adult worm vaccine and whole L2 culture vaccine gave no protection. Vaccinated mice had a higher 'free:penetrating ratio' of larvae in their intestine than similarly challenged but non-vaccinated mice. When the ileum was examined histologically 9 h post-infection, an inflammatory reaction was seen around the penetrating larvae in the sensitized and vaccinated mice but not in untreated controls, suggesting a role played by the intestine in the resistance against T. canis infection in mice.  相似文献   

As part of our exploratory drug research on the larva migrans that causes roundworm in dogs and cats, this study was carried out to clarify the effect of free and liposome-entrapped (LE) albendazole in Toxocara canis infected mice. In infected mice, evaluation of mobility and number of larva were examined in detail in the brain, skeletal muscle and liver. Larva mobility was evaluated by using the relative mobility (RM) value. Albendazole was LE as one of the drug delivery systems (DDSs). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was added to the liposome in order to avoid evoking a response by the reticuloendothelial system (RES). By using the albendazole PEG-LE delivery system, it was possible to target the larvae in the mouse brain and liver resulting in a decrease in the number of larvae. In the skeletal muscle of the infected mice, the intraperitoneal dosages of PEG-LE albendazole did not cause a complete decrease in the number of larvae, even though free albendazole did cause the number to decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration the migrating stage of the larvae before the initiation of any drug administration.  相似文献   

The effect of fenbendazole therapy was studied in six dogs fed 10,000 embryonated Toxocara canis eggs. At 47 days after they were fed T canis, four dogs were given fenbendazole in two divided doses totaling 50 mg/kg of body weight each day for 14 days. Two infected dogs were not given fenbendazole. All dogs were necropsied at the end of treatment and the foci were counted in the lungs; their skeletal muscles were digested in 1% trypsin for the recovery of larvae. The T canis larvae were not recovered from the skeletal muscle of the four infected dogs treated with fenbendazole; 15 and 42 larvae/100 g of skeletal muscle were recovered from the two nonmedicated infeected dogs. The number of grossly visible foci on surfaces of lungs in treated dogs was markedly less than in the nonmedicated infected dogs. The results indicate that fenbendazole might be effective in preventing prenatal infection in dogs.  相似文献   

The migration and distribution of Toxocara canis larvae in the tissues of earthworms exposed to 5 x 10(5) infective eggs in soil, as well as the reinfectivity of the larvae in Japanese quail fed with three earthworms, were studied. The average number of larvae recovered from an earthworm gradually declined from 9 +/- 3.21 to 4.5 +/- 2.00 at 4-16 days. No larvae were recovered at Day 20. When compared between three portions of the earthworms' body, the middle part showed the greatest recovery in comparison with the anterior and posterior parts. At necropsy, the average larval burden of quail at 15 days post-infection was 6 +/- 3.60 in the liver and no larvae were recovered from other tissues. The role of the earthworm in relation to paratenism is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of T. canis larvae and pathological changes caused by them were studied in Japanese quails orally inoculated with 1,500, 4,000 or 15,000 embryonated eggs. Larvae were distributed mainly in the liver and, to lesser extent, in the muscles, brain, eyes and other organs. The number of larvae varied from 7 to 3,346, and from 1 to 288 in the liver and muscles (breast and legs), respectively. A small number of larvae were also recovered from the heart, gizzard, brain and eyes. In the groups of quails inoculated with 4,000 or 15,000 eggs, small white foci were observed on the surface of the liver 6 or 12 hr after inoculation. Histopathological examinations revealed necrotic lesions, leukocytic infiltration, granuloma and nodular lesions. The pathological changes became more serious with the large size of inoculum and days after inoculation.  相似文献   

Migration and distribution of Toxocara canis larvae in the tissues of Japanese quail, infected orally with 5 X 10(3) infective eggs, and the establishment of patent infection from the quails to the definitive host, were studied. Larval yield at necropsy from various tissues and organs of quail varied from 4.72 to 7.54% of the infective eggs inoculated within the period 1-60 days post-infection (PI). The total number of larvae recovered on different days showed a gradual increase. The percent inoculum recovered at necropsy was highest on Day 60. Most of the larvae were found in the liver throughout the period and only a few migrated to other tissues, such as lung, heart, muscle and brain. The establishment of patent infections in the definitive host was studied by feeding the 15-day infected livers of Japanese quail (400 larvae) to Toxocara-free pups. Eggs first appeared in the faeces 38 days post-infection, the mean worm burden at necropsy was 87 and the percentage of infection established was 21.75%. Thus the role of Japanese quail as a paratenic host of T. canis is established.  相似文献   

Fan CK  Lin YH  Du WY  Su KE 《Veterinary parasitology》2003,113(2):145-155
Infectivity and pathogenicity to mice of embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis, that had been maintained in 2% formalin for 14 months at 4 degrees C, were evaluated by immunological and pathological assessment at 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 42 and 67 weeks post-infection (WPI). On each date, three infected mice and two age-matched uninfected mice were sacrificed for serum collection and histological processing of the liver, lungs, musculature, and brain. Infectivity assessment by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) revealed that the overall immunological pattern of infected mice tended to be towards the Th2 type response. Serum IgG1 antibody titers in infected mice were significantly higher than that of the uninfected control mice throughout the trial (P<0.05). On the other hand, no significant difference in titers of IgG3 antibody, an indicator for the Th1 type response, was observed between the infected and control mice, except at eight WPI (P<0.05). Pathogenicity was assessed semiquantitatively by comparing the mean number or diameter of inflammatory foci as well as histopathological changes in the liver, musculature, brain, or lungs of the infected mice and the control mice. Each hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained tissue section slide was examined under 100x magnification and 15 random fields were counted. Degree of inflammatory injury among the four organs was scored and categorized into four levels: normal (0), mild (1+), moderate (2+), and severe (3+). An index of inflammatory injury (mean score of experimental group/mean score of 10 control groups of 20 uninfected mice) of 2-3 is considered as moderate to severe, 1-2 as mild to moderate, and 0-1 as normal to mild. Histopathological changes were moderate to severe in the liver and lungs, mild to moderate in the musculature, and only normal to mild in the brain throughout the trial. It is noteworthy that apocrine-like change in epithelial cells of the bile duct was observed in most of the infected mice from eight WPI onward. Furthermore, larvae trapped by organized granulomas were found in soft tissue near the musculature at 12, 20, and 28 WPI. Altogether, not only were the infectivity and pathogenicity of the 14-month-cultured T. canis embryonated eggs retained, the hatched larvae were also capable of eliciting some special pathological changes in the murine host.  相似文献   

Histological examination of kidneys from mice experimentally infected with Toxocara canis embryonated eggs demonstrated the presence of a segmental or diffuse mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. Immunohistochemical studies established that renal alterations were associated with glomerular deposits of IgG, IgM and third component of complement (C3). These findings suggest that an immunomediated mechanism might possibly be involved in the genesis of kidney damage observed in mice infected with T. canis embryonated eggs.  相似文献   

The parasitic roundworm Toxocara canis is present in dog populations all over the world. Due to its zoonotic potential, this roundworm is of special interest not only for veterinarians, but also for medical practitioners. In the present review, current knowledge of infection routes and the subsequent development of larvae within the canine host is summarised. Furthermore, information about the clinical, pathological, enzymatic, haematological and histopathological changes was collected, giving a broad overview of current knowledge of the infection. Although the data collected over the years give an idea of what happens during the larval development of T. canis, many questions remain open. Nevertheless, it is important that we continue our efforts to further understand the biology of this versatile and compelling parasite and try to improve and optimise strategies to prevent the infection in dogs and thereby to protect humans from this infection.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis second stage larvae (L2) hatched in the stomach of mice and within 2 h reached all parts of the small intestine, the posterior half being the preferred site for larval penetration. Following penetration at the base of crypts of leiberkuhn they followed tortuous routes in the lamina propria, and entered the tunica muscularis obliquely. Larvae only appeared to be arrested in their migration in the submucosa and lamina propria by an inflammatory reaction composed mainly of lymphocytes and eosinophils. Larvae were seen entering and within lymphatic vessels as well as the peritoneal cavity and invasion of the vascular system followed though actual penetration of intestinal blood vessels was not seen. Proteolytic enzyme activity was detected in culture media in which L2 larvae were maintained.  相似文献   

Strain-, sex- and age-based resistance of mice to Toxocara canis infection was demonstrated. Infection doses of similar numbers resulted in significantly (P less than 0.05) greater worm establishment in CD1 mice than in NIH mice, as well as a greater heterogeneity of responses between individuals. Male mice had significantly (P less than 0.05) fewer larvae in the brain and more larvae in the liver than female mice, when mice of greater than or equal to 3 months old were used. Appreciably more larvae were retained in the liver of male CD1 mice than in NIH mice. Orchidectomized mice had higher levels of brain infestation and a lower larval recovery from the liver compared with intact male mice. Infections in young mice of both strains showed more diversity in establishment and migration pattern between individuals than in older mice. Despite these differences in distribution of larvae and in the numbers recovered from experimental infections, the acute and chronic clinical signs observed in the two strains were very similar.  相似文献   

Human toxocariasis causes several dangerous syndromes that can involve the viscera, vision and central nervous system. Diagnosing toxocariasis requires the identification of antibodies against Toxocara canis or Toxocara cati excretions and secretions (ES). To obtain ES it is necessary to collect a large number of larvae. However, since the earliest work describing the culture of Toxocara larvae, few advances in the method have been made. It has been suggested that carbon dioxide triggers molecular mechanisms that enable nematode hatching. A similar hypothesis has been made regarding Giardia excystation. To test the hypothesis we used the Giardia excystation HBSS method to hatch embryonated T. canis eggs. We found that the HBSS method was more effective than the original De Savigny method. Our results suggest that both parasites require stimulation in an acidic environment, and the abrupt change to a basic milieu in duodenum. This physiological adaptation is successful to exploit the intestinal habitat.  相似文献   

Lloyd S 《Veterinary parasitology》2006,137(3-4):269-272
Antibody levels to Toxocara canis L2 excretory/secretory antigens were examined by ELISA in 400 serum samples from sheep in Powys and Gwent, Wales. A positive OD value was set at the mean +/-3S.D. of 45 control samples. Seroprevalence increased with age. Seven percent and 13% of 6-month-old sheep showed positive OD values as did 16% of 10-month-old, 27% and 31% of 15-month-old and 47% of cull ewes. Analysis of variance showed a significant increase in ELISA OD values among the seropositive sheep with increasing age of sheep.  相似文献   

Pregnancy and lactation in dogs induced a marked suppression of their immunological responsiveness as judged by in vitro phytomitogen- and Toxocara canis antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation. In addition, the eosinophilia otherwise seen following infection with T. canis was suppressed during the periparturient period. Coincidental with this periparturient immunosuppression was the occurrence of heavy infections with T. canis in the intestine of lactating bitches and the establishment of such infections perhaps may be related to the suppressed immune reactivity observed. These infections in the bitch appeared to be acquired primarily through the ingestion of immature stages of T. canis passed in the faeces of their puppies. The results demonstrate that the lactating bitch can be a major source of contamination of the environment with eggs of T. canis.  相似文献   

收集西宁市野生动物园的雪豹粪便及西宁市宠物交易市场的新鲜犬粪便,获取犬弓首蛔虫卵和狮弓蛔虫卵,采用普通生物显微镜和扫描电镜,比较两种虫卵的外壳表层结构。结果表明,狮弓蛔虫卵外壳表层有许多脊状突起,但突起线不是严格的网状连接。与虫体内虫卵比较,粪便中的犬弓首蛔虫卵网状外膜更加成型规则,这种结构可能有利于虫卵吸附于容器壁。  相似文献   

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