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A study was conducted in different citrus cultivars to observe the incidence and degree of granulation, and to measure polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and phenolic content pattern in relation to granulation. Standard procedures were followed to observe the incidence and degree of granulation, phenolic content pattern, PPO activity and pheno-physicochemical fruit characteristics of citrus fruits. Across all citrus cultivars studied, 25% of the fruit were affected by granulation to the degree of about 10%. In general, granulated fruit were larger in size than normal fruit, and were inferior in quality characteristics. Among different citrus cultivars, ‘Kaula’ mandarin had highest incidence of granulation (62.5%), followed by ‘Mosambi’ sweet orange (43.6%) and the least in ‘Kagzi’ lime (12.2%). Phenolic content and polyphenol oxidase activity also varied widely among different citrus types, and were significantly higher in normal fruit than granulated fruit. Thus, it appears from the study that PPO plays some role in the occurrence of granulation in citrus.  相似文献   

火龙果组培苗体细胞无性系变异及其分子检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】了解火龙果离体快繁体细胞无性系的遗传稳定性,并揭示变异系间的遗传关系。【方法】以单粒种子萌发的丛芽扩繁第1代和第4代再生幼苗为材料,分析繁殖系数及棱的形态变化,并采用ISSR、SRAP和IRAP标记技术进行遗传变异分析。【结果】繁殖系数为14.9。快繁第4代试管苗中有3棱、4棱等6种形态学变异,其中5棱丛芽最多(50.54%),8棱丛芽最少(1%左右);3棱和4棱丛芽在RNA水平上(SRAP标记)表现出差异。24条ISSR引物、11对SRAP引物和17条IRAP引物在70个样品中共产生405条带,其中多态性带29条。扩繁第1代植株未发生DNA水平的变异,第4代植株的DNA条带出现了增加或缺失现象,植株变异频率为24.2%。16株变异株与原始植株(种子萌发植株)的遗传相似系数为0.77~0.97。在相似系数为0.90时,可将16个变异株分为4类,其中第Ⅰ类包括原始植株和12个变异株,第Ⅳ类与原始植株的差异最大,是GA3缺陷型矮化突变体。采用IRAP、SRAP、ISSR标记检测出的变异植株数量及多态性位点均存在差异。【结论】建立的火龙果快繁体系的繁殖系数为14.9,随快繁次数的增加,繁殖系数、生长势及遗传稳定性有下降的趋势。快繁第4代的体细胞无性系变异频率为24.2%,主要表现在DNA水平和棱茎形态上的变化。获得的16个变异株与原始植株的遗传相似系数为0.77~0.97,被分为4类,第Ⅳ类是GA3缺陷型矮化突变体。3棱和4棱丛芽差异可能是基因差异表达的结果。新开发的IRAP标记是检测火龙果无性系变异的有效手段。  相似文献   

The Liliaceous perennial Tricyrtis hirta, sometimes called ‘Japanese toad lily’, has recently become popular as an ornamental for pot and garden uses. Highly embryogenic callus cultures of this plant predominately consisted of diploid cells but also contained tetraploid cells after 1 year of establishment. In the present study, plans regenerated from the 1-year-old embryogenic callus cultures were subjected to ploidy level analysis and morphological characterization following 3 years of cultivation. Among 37 plants examined, 28 kept the diploid level (2n = 2x = 26) but nine were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 52) as indicated by FCM analysis and chromosome observation. Although no morphological alterations were detected in 26 out of 28 diploid regenerants, the remaining two showed noticeable variations: both were severely dwarf and had crimped leaves and many malformed flowers. The tetraploid regenerants had several horticulturally attractive characteristics compared with the diploid controls, such as longer shoots, thicker stems, and larger flowers. Thus regeneration of tetraploid plants from 1-year-old embryogenic callus cultures offers a possibility to improve the horticultural value of T. hirta, although regeneration of trueness-to-type plants is essential for utilizing the cultures for micropropagation and genetic transformation.  相似文献   

巩檑  杨亚珺  周坚 《北方园艺》2011,(22):108-112
以中国石蒜离体培养再生的幼苗为试材,首次采用ISSR和SRAP分子标记对再生苗的遗传稳定性进行了检测,以探讨体细胞无性系变异情况及成因.结果表明:所选用的14条ISSR引物共产生191条带,其中只有1条为多态性条带,并且该条带表现为新增条带;SRAP标记所选用的15对引物共扩增出219条带,其中3条为多态性条带,表现为共有条带缺失.综合2种分子标记检测结果来看,再生植株表现出的体细胞变异率极低(0.97%).现有数据同时也表明,已建立的离体培养体系在保存中国石蒜种质资源和遗传改良上是稳定、可行的.  相似文献   

Growth responses and nitrogen constituents were tested in young citrus trees grown on gradually decreasing amounts of phosphorus in greenhouse solution cultures. The phosphorus concentration in dry matter of minus-P leaves dropped to a third of that in control leaves and then remained steady throughout the experiment, while the total nitrogen concentration was low at the beginning and, rising gradually, reached an enormous amount. Nitrogen estimations in minus-P leaves showed the specific dynamics of the soluble nitrogen fraction: its content was low at the onset of the deficiency, and rose rapidly due to intensive accumulation of arginine in the tissues. Under conditions of acute phosphorus deficiency, arginine constituted more than 60% of the free amino acids and arginine nitrogen above 40% of the total, while in normal leaves arginine did not exceed 8% of the free amino acids, and about 1–% of the total.Similar patterns of increased nitrogen level due to arginine accumulation were found in leaves of phosphorus-deficient grapefruit and orange trees under field conditions.  相似文献   

快速液相色谱法测定柑橘中6种类黄酮化合物含量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为建立一种快速分析测定柑橘果实中6种类黄酮(橙皮苷、柚皮苷、新橙皮苷、川皮素、桔皮素、橙黄酮)化合物的技术方法,以蜜橘为材料,利用加速溶剂萃取技术对柑橘果实中的6种类黄酮化合物进行提取,并通过快速液相色谱对样品中的类黄酮化合物进行分离测定。结果显示,该方法可以同时测定6种类黄酮化合物,并且具有良好的回收率和精密度。整个提取测定技术快速、简单、准确,适合柑橘果实中6种类黄酮化合物含量的测定。  相似文献   

Water efficiency is a key concept to solve water-shortage problems in semiarid areas. Deficit irrigation (DI) in many crops has frequently proved to be an efficient tool to optimise water-use efficiency. Three different DI strategies were studied for commercial orchards of mature sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, cv. Salustiana and cv. Navelina) from 2006 to 2008: sustained deficit irrigation (SDI), regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), and low-frequency deficit irrigation (LFDI) all defined physiologically with stem-water potential thresholds. The experimental research plots were located in the Guadalquivir river basin, SW Spain. The effects of DI treatments on the fruit yield and on the crop-water status, by the integrated stem-water potential (Ψint) were analysed. Also, the benefits of DI in terms of agricultural water-use efficiency (WUEagr) and financial water-use efficiency (WUEf) were estimated for each irrigation strategy. Different relationships were estimated between these parameters and irrigation and total water applied, in order to establish the best irrigation strategy for different irrigation regimes. Yield and Ψint showed significant differences consistent with the water amounts applied, although the crop response was influenced by other parameters such as crop variety and irrigation strategy. In this sense, treatments with similar irrigation rates and Ψint resulted in different yield values, evidencing the importance of these factors. Regarding the crop variety, the results showed that cv. Salustiana responded better than cv. Navelina to DI, from the physiological and agricultural perspectives. In terms of water savings, the RDI and LFDI reduced water use by between 1000 and 1250 m3 ha−1, respectively, with similar yields in comparison to the fully irrigated treatment, significantly improving the WUE. Consequently, the WUEf, and WUEagr were more strongly affected by deficit-irrigation strategy rather than the total water supplied. Thus, the amount of irrigation water would have a relative importance but other variables such as the irrigation strategy, would decidedly influence prudent water management in semiarid areas.  相似文献   

Lanolin pastes containing 0.02–1.0% gibberellin A4+7(GA4+7) were applied to one side of developing citrus fruitlets and caused thickening of the peel in the proximity of the treated zone. Enlargement of albedo (= the white portion of citrus peel) cells was involved, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The flavedo (= the coloured portion of the peel) and the pulp were not affected by the hormone. Gibberellin A3 was slightly less active than GA4+7. Cultivars with a naturally thick peel, such as ‘Marsh’ grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) and ‘Shamouti’ orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) responded more strongly than thin-peel cultivars. The role of gibberellins in the differential growth of citrus fruit tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Boron (B) is an essential microelement for higher plants and has important physiological functions in plant growth and development. Citrus plants are frequently exposed to B-deficiency, but knowledge regarding the effects of B-deficiency on rootstock growth, root morphology and genotypic variations in citrus is limited. To evaluate the variations in plant-growth parameters in response to B-deficiency, five citrus rootstocks seedlings that grown in modified 1/2-strength Hoagland's solution that contained 0.25 μM H3BO3 (moderate B-level, Control) or 0 μM H3BO3 (B-deficiency, −B) were investigated before and 90 days after treatment. There are significant genotypic variations in plant-growth parameters (dry mass, leaf area and seedling height), root-morphological traits and B-concentrations. B-deficiency inhibited plant dry mass and leaf area expansion of Fragrant citrus, Sour orange and Trifoliate orange seedlings significantly (P < 0.05), whereas no effect was found on the total dry mass of Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine seedlings. Further, B-deficiency reduced the root number, root length and root surface area in Fragrant citrus and Trifoliate orange significantly (P < 0.05); however, no significant effect was detected on these root morphological traits of Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine (P > 0.05). In addition, B-deficiency reduced the B-concentration in the leaves of all the five genotypes and the B-concentration in the roots of Fragrant citrus and Sour orange, none effect was observed on the B-concentration in stems of all studied genotypes and roots. However, there were significant relationships between the root-morphological traits and B-uptake efficiency. These results showed that Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine are B-efficient, Trifoliate orange is the moderate B-efficient genotypic rootstocks, whereas Fragrant citrus and Sour orange are B-inefficient genotypic rootstocks. In addition, Trifoliate orange was the moderate B-efficient rootstocks of five genotypes. The root-to-shoot dry mass ratio (R/S) and longer root numbers were higher in the Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine than that of Trifoliate orange, Fragrant citrus and Sour orange genotypes. That is to say, maintaining higher R/S and numerous longer lateral roots is very important in improving the B-efficiency and thus contribute much to the resistance of seedlings to B-deficiency in the Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine genotypes.  相似文献   

柑橘冷诱导基因及其启动子表达载体构建与瞬时表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以YFP为报告基因,构建柑橘冷诱导基因及其启动子的植物表达载体。【方法】克隆获得枳冷诱导基因Ptcor8及其启动子p Ptcor8,柠檬中同源基因Clcor8及其启动子p Clcor8;双酶切含启动子的克隆载体和植物表达原始载体p1D4,连接获得含启动子的中间载体;再双酶切含冷诱导基因的克隆载体和中间载体,连接后获得重组质粒;通过冻融法将重组质粒导入农杆菌EHA105中。【结果】构建了p1D4/p Ptcor8-Ptcor8::YFP,p1D4/p Ptcor8-Clcor8::YFP和p1D4/p Clcor8-Ptcor8::YFP 3个融合表达载体,瞬时表达发现3个融合基因均可在冰糖橙叶片中表达。【结论】3个融合表达载体的成功构建为下一步转化柠檬,分析枳冷诱导基因Ptcor8及其启动子p Ptcor8的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Somatic embryos (SEs) were induced from apical sections of the lateral roots of spinach seedlings (1 cm), which were cultivated on solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 20 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid and 5 μM gibberellic acid. Apical shoots of the same lines were isolated and cultivated on plant growth regulator-free medium. The regeneration capacities of seedlings randomly chosen from a population were quite low and variable, and only 4 out of 30 lines responded at the frequency of 85–100%, with 6.96–9.96 SEs per explant and up to 347 SEs per seedling over a 12-week period. These SEs were isolated and maintained on medium with 5 μM kinetin. Plants derived from seedlings’ apical shoot and SEs self-fertilised in vitro and set seeds, and these seedlings (S1) were used to induce regeneration. Similarly, S2–S4 seedlings were obtained and the regeneration capacities of 23 S1, 23 S2, 17 S3 and 5 S4-seedlings were compared to parental lines. Of these, four S3 and S4 lines with extremely high regeneration capacities were selected. These lines exhibited 78–139 fold higher embryo-forming capacities than the mother plant, and produced 38.9–68.3 SEs per explant and 1339–2181 SEs per seedling during the same time period. In addition, the process of somatic embryogenesis began 2–4 weeks earlier in these lines, and root explants taken from SE-derived plants of these lines retained high and stable regeneration capacities, and therefore may be ideal material for genetic transformation.  相似文献   


Genetic variation and resulting variable groupings in tea (Camellia sinensis) and its wild Camelia relatives were assessed using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphic (AFLP) markers. Numerous polymorphic bands were generated, of which 266 unambiguous ones were scored. The highest level of polymorphism as determined by the expected heterozygosity (Hav) was detected with AFLPs. Three major groups were recognized in the germplasm based on the parsimony method of cluster analysis. Two of the groups corresponded to varieties assamica and sinensis while the third group consisted of a heterogeneous mix of tea cultivars and related wild species. The Taiwan yamacha, unique tea cultivars grown predominantly in the highlands of Taiwan for the production of pan fired semi-fermented (Oolong and Pouchong) tea clustered in this group. Analysis of phenotypic diversity based on the generated RAPD and AFLP profiles revealed that population diversity (H), decreased in the order; Wild Camellia >India > China > Kenya > Sri-lanka > Vietnam > Japan > Taiwan. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that most variation resided among individuals within populations (72%). Calculation of genetic distances and nested AMOVA further revealed a significant degree of structuring among the populations based on the country of origin.  相似文献   

根据177个GenBank中登录的柑橘编码蛋白密码子用法的分析结果,优化并重新设计和合成了含柑橘偏爱密码子、对柑橘黄龙病有杀灭作用的柞蚕抗菌肽D基因(命名为CAPD),克隆入pUC19克隆载体并经测序验证后,获得了含新抗病基因的重组质粒pUC19-CAPD。用限制性内切酶BamHI和SacI双酶切pUC19-CAPD克隆载体和pBI121植物表达载体的质粒DNA,回收pUC19-CAPD克隆载体中的CAPD基因小片段和pBI121植物表达载体中去掉GUS报告基因的大片段,经连接、转化和鉴定后,构建了由CaMV35S组成型启动子(35SP)驱动CAPD目的基因的新植物表达载体(命名为pHZ05);用限制性内切酶BamHI和HindIII双酶切含笋瓜韧皮部特异启动子(PSP)的pUCm-PSP克隆载体和pHZ05植物表达载体的质粒DNA,分别回收pUCm-PSP克隆载体中的PSP小片段和pHZ05植物表达载体中去掉CAPD目的基因上游35SP的大片段,经连接、转化和鉴定后,构建了由PSP驱动CAPD目的基因的新植物表达载体(命名为pHZ06)。利用细胞感受态法直接将2个由不同启动子驱动的含CAPD目的基因的新重组植物表达载体分别导入根癌农杆菌LBA4404、GV3101、EHA105和发根农杆菌Ri15834等4个农杆菌菌株中,为利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化技术培育抵抗由韧皮部传导的毁灭性和检疫性病害柑橘黄龙病的新种质奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of calcium acetate on defoliation and fruit drop of ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and Meiwa kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle) trees treated with 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon). Ethephon at 200 or 300 p.p.m. caused about 20% defoliation of ponkan trees, while this defoliation was materially alleviated by an addition of 0.05 M calcium acetate to the ethephon solution. Acceleration effects on fruit color did not differ with ethephon or ethephon + calcium acetate treatments. Ethephon at 400 p.p.m. caused about 30% fruit drop in kumquat trees, and an addition of 0.05 M calcium acetate to the solution almost completely prevented the fruit drop. Fruit color of kumquat was most advanced by the use of ethephon alone, and the addition of calcium acetate decreased the effect slightly.  相似文献   

柑橘芽变选种以及芽变性状形成机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张敏  邓秀新 《果树学报》2006,23(6):871-876
综述了柑橘芽变选种的成果。近年来,我国选育了崀丰、长红、新世纪、奉晚等脐橙品种和华柑2号椪柑、岩溪晚芦、光明早温州蜜柑等宽皮柑橘品种,还有锦橙101、红肉琯溪蜜柚等其他柑橘品种。介绍了RAPD、AFLP、ISSR、MSAP和基于反转录转座子的分子标记在柑橘芽变品种鉴别中的应用。阐述了部分柑橘芽变性状形成的细胞学机理和分子机理,指出目前对芽变的研究主要集中在反转录转座子的插入、DNA甲基化、基因结构和表达差异等方面。结合果树芽变研究的现状,对今后进行芽变研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) is a disease caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. The most productive areas for citrus in Brazil are the northwestern and the northern regions of the São Paulo state, where CVC incidence is more severe. Additionally, these areas have the highest temperatures as well as significant vapor pressure deficits (VPD) and seasonal droughts. Environmental stresses are known to affect CVC-infected plants under semi-controlled conditions, but it is unclear whether similar effects occur in the field. The objective of this work was to evaluate the CVC leaf symptoms and environmental influences on fruit yield and size, and physiological parameters of healthy and CVC-affected plants (including both non-symptomatic and symptomatic leaves) in the morning and afternoon during the wet and dry seasons of 2003 in the southern, central and northern regions of the São Paulo state, Brazil. Increased VPD caused the stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 assimilation rates (A) to drop in healthy plants, but diseased plants had low VPD influences on gs, especially closer to the northern region and in leaves that were more symptomatic, confirming that diseased plants do not respond to changes in environmental VPD, corroborating several results reported in the literature. Although symptomatic northern leaves exhibited low stomatal apertures, the northern region had the highest air temperatures and VPDs, increasing the water loss in these plants, suggesting that towards the northern region plants face greater atmospheric and soil water stress. The fruit size of diseased plants diminished towards the north, while the fruit size of healthy plants must have been influenced by the tree fruit load. We suggest that CVC-affected plants suffer greater physiological damage if grown under environmental constraint, such as that found in the northern region of the São Paulo state.  相似文献   

Twenty-five genotypes of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) were tested for salt-tolerance at the vegetative growth stage in pot in the greenhouse experiments at salinity levels of 0, 85, and 170 mM NaCl. Plant survival was the main criterion for classifying genotypes. Other criteria included the ion concentration (Na+ and Cl) in root and shoot and biomass accumulation. Four local accessions (‘Paceño’, ‘Tardón’, ‘Sonorense’, and ‘Cuarenteño’), three accessions from California (‘CB46’, ‘CB27’, and ‘CB3’), and one accession from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (‘IT82D-889’) survived at concentrations of both 85 and 170 mM NaCl and were classified as salt-tolerant, while ‘IT96D-666’, ‘IT89KD-288’, and ‘IT93K-734’ from IITA were classified as salt-sensitive. One local accession (‘Sesenteño’), three accessions from IITA (‘PEPH-V Wes-85’, ‘IT86D-719’, and ‘IT95K-1090-12’), and one accession from California (‘CB5’) were classified as moderately salt-tolerant. Eight accessions from IITA (‘IT96D-733’, ‘IT90K-277-2’, ‘IT91K-93-10’, ‘IT91K-118-20’, ‘IT90K-284-2’, ‘IT95K-1088-4’, ‘IT89KD-391’, and ‘IT94K-437-1’) and one from California (‘CB88’) were classified as moderately salt-sensitive. Biomass was affected by both 85 and 170 mM NaCl in all groups of genotypes, however, salt-tolerant and moderately salt-tolerant genotypes showed higher biomass than genotypes classified as moderately salt-sensitive and salt-sensitive. In all genotypes Cl concentration was higher in shoots than roots and increased as salinity increased. Similarly Na+ concentration increased with increasing salinity. However, in salt-tolerant and moderately salt-tolerant genotypes, Na+ concentration was more in roots than shoots, while in moderately salt-sensitive and salt-sensitive genotypes, Na+ was higher in shoots than roots.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the function of aged bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) fused with young BMSCs in mice. METHODS: The cell fusion model, which was made by C57BL/6 mouse BMSCs labeled with PKH26 membrane red fluorescence (young cells, age of 2-3 months, Y) and (old cells, age of 18-24 months, O), and young and old BMSCs of green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic C57BL/6 mouse, was established by the induction of polyethylene glycol 1500 (PEG 1500). The cell fusion rate and cell surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The morphology and nuclear characteristics of the fused cells were observed under fluorescence microscopy. In this study, the age dependent changes in BMSCs proliferation and differentiation potential in Y group, O group, and another three fusion groups (Y-Y group, Y-O group, O-O group) were examined. The proliferation potentials in 5 groups were compared by counting cell numbers at days 2, 4, 6, and 8. The osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation potentials of the cells in 5 groups were determined by using standard differentiation procedures. RESULTS: The fusion rate of 30.45%±4.13% was obtained by PEG 1500 induction. No significant difference of the fusion rates in Y-Y, Y-O and O-O groups was observed. Fused BMSCs coincided with the common BMSCs were reactive to the BMSCs lineage-specific CD44, Sca-1 surface markers and negative for the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) lineage-specific surface markers such as CD34, CD117, CD31, and CD45. The percentage of increasing cell numbers in Y-O group was significantly higher than that in O-O group at days 2, 4, 6, and 8. The positive rate of the area stained with Alizarin red, which represents osteogenic differentiation potential of BMSCs, was significantly higher in Y-O group than that in O-O group [(25.46%±1.52%) vs (13.85%±1.69%), P<0.01]. In Y-O group, the higher rate of the positive area stained with oil red O, which represents adipogenic differentiation potential of BMSCs, was observed as compared to that in O-O group [(12.99%±2.61%) vs (6.03%±1.71%), P<0.05]. CONCLUSION: Aged bone marrow stem cells can be rejuvenated by cell fusion with young bone marrow stem cells, particularly the proliferation and differentiation potentials.  相似文献   

为明确茶皂素和噻菌灵混配对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌的抑制作用,采用菌丝生长速率法和共毒系数法测定了茶皂素、噻菌灵及其混剂对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌的室内毒力以及增效比率(SR),同时测定了茶皂素与噻菌灵混剂对沙糖橘采后青绿霉菌的防治效果及其对贮藏品质的影响.结果表明,茶皂素与噻菌灵配比为8:2时对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌具有显著的防治效...  相似文献   


Change in IAA concentrations in the peduncle, branch and intervening abscission zone were measured to clarify the involvement of IAA in citrus fruit drop in response to ABA application. Results indicating the importance of an IAA increase in the abscission zone were obtained. One day after application of ABA, the concentration of IAA in the abscission zone showed a temporary increase and then a decrease. The concentration of IAA in the abscission zone was dependent on the concentration of ABA applied. Changes in the production of ethylene, which is involved in the process of abscission and which is induced by IAA, in explants from treated leafy inflorescences, were examined. The fruit-abscission ratios were also investigated in relation to the time required for preparation. Explants sampled 0±1.d after application showed little abscission or ethylene production during the first 24 h incubation. During the next 24 h, almost all the ABA-applied explants abscinded, as did the control, but the former produced 3±4 times more ethylene. ABA-applied explants, sampled 2.d after application, abscinded and produced ethylene markedly during the first 24.h, whereas the control explants did not abscind. Control and ABA-applied explants, sampled 3 d after application, showed no differences in their abscission ratios and ethylene production. These findings indicate that a temporary IAA rise in the abscission zone, observed one day after application, is involved in ethylene production in ABA-induced citrus fruit drop.  相似文献   

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