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为了研究集约化育苗模式、降低农户劳动量,开展西瓜穴盘育苗和营养钵育苗对西瓜幼苗生长和质量影响的试验研究。结果表明:穴盘育苗嫁接工效高于营养钵育苗24%。各个苗龄的干物质含量均是穴盘育苗表现较好;根冠比只在苗龄50 d后营养钵育苗优于穴盘育苗;穴盘育苗在育苗初期和50 d后的壮苗指数分别高于营养钵育苗69%和3.76%。因此,综合嫁接工效、干物质含量和根冠比、各个苗龄壮苗指数的数据,穴盘育苗优于营养钵育苗,表现出较大优势。 相似文献
介绍了近20年来我国草莓在品种培育及推广,栽培技术,病虫害防治以及采后贮运保鲜等方面所取得的成就和进展,阐明了存在问题及解决方法,展望了未来发展。 相似文献
In the presence of 6-benzylaminopurine strawberry plants produce many axillary buds which grow into shoots bearing more axillary buds. Rooted plantlets, however, are only formed in the absence of added cytokinins. A technique that can be used to multiply large numbers of strawberry plants very quickly is described. 相似文献
After cold storage for various periods (42, 99, 155, 189, 227 and 259 days) strawberry waiting-bed plants cultivar ‘Elsanta’ were planted on six dates between January and August. Plant performance was evaluated simultaneously in a growth chamber under controlled environmental conditions and in a greenhouse. Starch content in the crown tissue was clearly reduced during the cold storage period. In the greenhouse trials a variable decline in fruit number and yield per plant was found in relation to the length of cold storage and the temperature conditions during the growth and harvest period. Also in the growth chamber, under a constant temperature regime, a significant decline in the number of flowers per plant developing up to anthesis was observed after increasing periods of storage. This indicates that it is not only stressing climatical conditions after planting which are influencing the performance of cold stored plants. Also, the length of cold storage strongly affects plant vigour and productivity. This is related to the carbohydrate status of the plants after cold storage. 相似文献
调查结果表明,目前黑龙江省的设施草莓生产存在栽培品种混乱、退化现象严重、种苗质量差、扣棚过早、设施结构不合理、授粉不良、种植模式单一、栽植密度偏低及病虫害防治不及时等许多问题。提出了开展品种适栽性研究,选择优良品种、培养利用壮苗、适时扣棚、改善设施结构、保证授粉良好、开展立体种植、合理密植、积极推广利用无病毒种苗、及时防治病虫害等改进措施和今后发展草莓生产的几点建议。 相似文献
草莓营养价值极高,是世界广泛栽培的浆果类果树。2018年世界草莓总种植面积37.24万hm 2,年产量833.71万t。2017年世界草莓总进口量94.75万t,出口量95.14万t。中国是世界上最大的草莓生产国,从1994年以来年产量一直居世界第1位,2018年中国草莓种植面积11.11万hm 2,年总产量296.43万t,占全世界的1/3。对全世界、各大洲、主要生产国的草莓生产现状和特点进行了阐述,对比了世界和主要国家的草莓进出口量,分析了目前世界草莓生产存在的主要问题,并对草莓发展趋势进行了展望,将对我国草莓产业及其宏观调控有较大的指导意义。 相似文献
The method of Critical Path Analysis has been applied to strawberry fruit production from runner propagation to first harvest in an experimental situation. The quantitative components of yield and the stages of their creation have been identified and arranged in sequential order.Analysis of crop data showed that large variations in yield potential arose early in development, from causes not identified in the experiment. In the fruiting season there was a substantial shortfall in realisation of existing potential due to inefficient fertilisation of ovules and poor berry development.The analysis indicates three phases of development where factors not yet examined can have a large effect on yield. 相似文献
从促进花芽分化、不同育苗方式和不同定植时期三方面对提高大棚草莓前期产量的影响进行了研究。结果表明:促进花芽分化能提早现蕾开花和采收,12月底前和1月底前增产明显,营养钵苗比对照增产205.1kg和232.3kg,假植苗比对照增产136.8kg。3种育苗方式前期是产量以营养钵育苗最高,其次为假植育苗。因假植育苗简便易行,更有推广价值。假植苗9月5日定植前期果产量最高,其次为9月15日,再次为8月25日。生产上以适期偏早定植,即9月上中旬为佳。 相似文献
根据对日本各草莓主产县的考察,结合相关文献,综合了日本草莓的生产特点,消费情况及生产现状,介绍最新推广的几个品种和先进的育苗技术,扼要分析了日本草莓的育种和栽培动向。 相似文献
A schedule was devised to produce glasshouse strawberries from December to March, which is a period when few English strawberries are on the market. In an experimental test, fruit of good quality was obtained at the times planned. Gross yields from ‘Red Gauntlet’ were approximately 50 % greater than those from ‘Glasa’ and the respective marketable yields were 67 % and 60 % of gross yields. Total crop weight increased linearly with the lateness of the season, while average fruit size decreased, also linearly. Yields per plant were variable, the greatest being more than double the average, and were correlated with the number of flowers and number of trusses. 相似文献
将丛枝菌根接种于日光温室连作草莓,分析了丛枝菌根菌对连作草莓营养生长、产量及重茬病的影响。结果表明,在甲醛与高锰酸钾混合消毒和在太阳热消毒土壤中,丛枝菌根菌均可显著增加连作草莓叶绿素含量,促进草莓营养生长,提高单株产量;显著提高SOD酶活性,降低MDA含量,增加细胞膜相对透性,增强根系活力,大大降低了连作草莓的植株死亡率,提高了相对防效。其中以在太阳热消毒土壤后接种G.mosseae效果最好。 相似文献
综述了植物生长调节剂在果树生产中的应用现状,包括对果树生长发育、开花结实、果实品质、休眠等方面的影响,并介绍了植物生长调节剂在果树栽培中的残毒问题。 相似文献
SummaryThree strawberry cultivars (Camarosa, Carisma and Andana) were grown during 1997 and 1998 seasons, at two locations (Cartaya and Moguer) within the area of Huelva (Spain). Three planting dates (11, 21 and 31 October) and three plant densities: low (35.3.25.cm; 50,793 plants ha ±1), medium (30.3.25.cm; 59,259 plants ha ±1) and high (25.3.25.cm; 71,111 plants ha ±1), were evaluated. Environment, genotypic and genotype-environment (G3E) interaction effects were significant in all characters. The Genotype 3 Planting Date (G3PD) interaction was a significant source of variation for all characters except for average fruit weight (AFW). The other interaction factors were not significant for any character. The G3E and G3PD were studied with the additive main effects and multiplication interaction (AMMI) model. The genotypes evaluated responded positively to high plant densities with maximum yield early and late in the season. Therefore, increasing density of planting is an effective crop management strategy to increase the yield characters except AFW. The study of G3PD interaction revealed that an early planting date (planting on 11 October) would give the highest yields. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to select growth models to describe strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa)fruit production. To do this, data on 16 treatments (combination of 2 cultivars [Albion and Camarosa], 2 origins [National and Imported], and 4 organic substrates mixed [70% crushed sugar cane residue + 30% organic compost, 70% crushed sugar cane residue + 30% commercial substrate, 70% burnt rice husk + 30% organic compost, and 70% burnt rice husk + 30% commercial substrate]) conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 4 replicates were used. Different parameterizations of the Logistic, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted for number and weight of fruits per plant (g) accumulated in multiple harvests. The model adjustment and parameter estimation were obtained by ordinary least squares, using a Gauss Newton algorithm. The selection of the best model was chosen by intrinsic and parametric nonlinearity. Among the adjusted nonlinear models, the best adjustment for both variables was achieved by the parameterization 2 of the Logistic model and parameterization 1 of the Gompertz model, because they had lower results with less parametric and intrinsic nonlinearity. However, care should be taken when using the Gompertz model because it tends to overestimate the production estimate and may cause misunderstandings in interpretation. 相似文献
1971年Fewler等首先由草莓花药经愈伤组织分化培养出不定芽并形成植株。 1979年 ,中国农业科学院果树研究所从草莓花药培养获得了单倍体植株(薛光荣等 ,1980 )。草莓花药培养可通过愈伤组织阶段经器官发生或胚状体形成完整植株 (IsacV等 ,1994 ;徐振南等 ,1995 ) ,但愈伤组织不定芽分化率较低。影响愈伤组织分化能力的因素是多方面的 ,其中包括愈伤组织本身的结构及生理状况 (王海波 ,1991)。冯双华等 1998年曾报道琼脂浓度对水稻花药愈伤组织诱导率、愈伤组织的形态及其植株再生具有明显的影响。近年的研究表明 ,以Gelrit… 相似文献
为了探讨植物生长调节剂对秋季草莓苗植株质量的调控,以法国3号草莓(Fragaria×ananassa Duch cv.French3)为材料,研究秋季叶面喷施50mg/L IAA、50mg/L6-BA或25mg/L GA3对草莓苗叶片光合作用、活性氧代谢和植株质量的影响。结果表明,晚秋叶面喷施这3种植物生长调节剂显著提高了叶片的净光合速率和叶绿素a、b含量,提高了SOD和CAT酶活性,同时降低了MDA和活性氧含量。另外,这3种植物生长调节剂处理显著增加草莓茎和根系的干重,使根冠比增加,IAA和6-BA处理还显著提高平均单株花量。因此,秋季叶面喷施50mg/LIAA和50mg/L6-BA可提高草莓苗植株质量。 相似文献
培育壮苗,培育优质的秧苗,是草莓获得早熟和丰产的基础。传统地利用已结过果的衰老植株在原地繁育秧苗,很难培育出大量合格秧苗。目前保护地多采用假植育苗。假植即在定植前选择生活力强、无病虫害的子苗移栽在事先准备好的假植苗床上进行一段时间集中培育。假植因移栽引起断根促发细根、初生根,增加根重,扩大根系,使草莓苗易活快长,苗旺苗壮,产量和品质得到大幅度提高。 相似文献
研究了相同光强下不同光质对丰香草莓生长发育的影响。结果表明,不同光质膜处理对草莓的生长结果、干物质分配和果实品质均有影响。与中性膜相比,绿膜和红膜下草莓植株的叶柄长度和叶面积显著增加,而蓝膜的叶柄长度和叶面积明显较低。光质不同也影响草莓干物质的分配,干物质向叶片和叶柄分配比例绿膜最高,蓝膜最低,其它膜之间相近。而干物质向果实、冠状茎和根系中的分配比例均以蓝膜最高,其次为红膜,绿膜最低,黄膜与中性膜相近。红膜下生长的草莓,产量最高、果实最大;蓝膜下可溶性固形物含量、抗坏血酸含量和固酸比最高;而绿膜下则产量最低、果实最小、可溶性固形物含量和固酸比最低。抗坏血酸含量的高低与不同膜中的紫外和蓝紫光的比例一致,与红光/蓝光比值相反。 相似文献
The application of plant growth regulators and the use of different culture media are common practices in potted ornamental crops. We report the results of a study to evaluate the effect of two substrates (peat moss or coconut fiber) and spraying 30 ppm paclobutrazol (PAC) on water resource management of zonal geranium ( Pelargonium × hortorum L.H. Bailey) seedlings growing in a greenhouse during spring–summer. Growth, water consumption, leaching, evapotranspiration rate (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and leaf water potential were determined. Plant growth was greater in peat moss (peat) than in coconut fiber (coconut), while the use of PAC decreased plant growth in both substrates, although more markedly in peat. Coconut produced a higher leaching fraction than peat in both PAC-treated plants and non-treated plants, although PAC application increased the leaching fraction in both substrates. Water consumption was lower in coconut than in peat and decreased in response to PAC. Peat was more effective at improving the water-use efficiency and increased the electrical conductivity in the leachate, while PAC decreased the latter in this same substrate. Daily ET showed a maximum of 200 mL/pot in peat and a minimum of 60 mL/pot in the coconut-PAC treatment. During the experimental period, accumulated ET values were higher in peat than in coconut, while the application of PAC reduced the value in peat but increased it in coconut. The evolution of ET per hour during the day showed that the highest rate (23 mL/h) was registered at midday in peat, while about 90% of ET occurred between 10 and 18 h in all treatments. When a cycle of water stress and recovery was applied, the peat induced the highest ET values of all treatments during the first days of drought, but the lowest ET after a week of drought. PAC modified this response, favoring a more balanced behavior of ET, although after the second cycle of drought this effect disappeared. Based on these results, the best strategy in normal irrigation conditions would be to use coconut fiber and not apply PAC, because this provides plants of excellent commercial quality with low water consumption. In plants at moderate water deficit PAC played a more important role than the substrate, improving the water status of plants with both substrates used. However, in the face of severe water stress the effect of PAC disappeared and peat acted as a better substrate than coconut fiber. 相似文献
法兰地草莓是我国南方地区及北方温室保护地栽培的主栽品种之一。该品种早熟,抗病性强,个大艳丽,品质佳,植株开张,生长势强,休眠浅。果实圆锥形,整齐,美观,果面平整无棱,鲜红色,有光泽;最大果重100g,平均果重达35g。酸甜适中,香味浓,可溶性固形物含量8%~9%。果实较硬,较耐贮运。为了探索该品种能否在玉州区种植,于2003年引进试种,3a的引种试验表明,法兰地草莓在本地区适应性强,成熟期提前,采果期长,品质好,引种获得成功,具有较高的推广价值,试验采用的技术措施在玉林地区可行。 相似文献