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4个甜樱桃品种在德州的引种表现及设施栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引入山东德州的4个甜樱桃品种美早、萨米脱、布鲁克斯、拉宾斯进行了日光温室栽培试验,对其性状表现进行了观察。结果表明,4个品种均表现生长良好,适应性强,结果正常,果实品质优良,可以作为德州地区日光温室的栽培品种发展。简述了4个甜樱桃品种在日光温室的栽培技术。  相似文献   

甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)属配子体型自交不亲和(Gametophyticself-incompatibility,GSI),遗传上由染色体上具有复等位基因构成的单一位点或基因座控制(称为S基因座)。在一个S基因座上,植物种群内可含有多个S等位基因,称为S基因。甜樱桃品种大多数自交不亲和,在生产中必须配置授  相似文献   

大樱桃常见优良品种及其配套高产优质栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大樱桃是欧洲甜樱桃、欧洲酸樱桃及其杂交种的总称,属蔷薇科樱桃属植物.在北方落叶果树中,大樱桃是继中国樱桃之后春季上市最早的果品,素有"春果第一枝"的美称,在调节鲜果淡季市场供应,满足人们生活需要方面,有着特殊的作用.其果实色泽鲜艳,晶莹美丽,营养丰富,外观和内在品质俱佳,被誉为"果中极品",具有极高的经济价值.近年来,随着市场经济的发展及人们消费水平的提高和饮食结构的变化,使水果生产的结构也发生了变化,小杂果不断升温,发展大樱桃热潮迭起,一些历史上很少栽培大樱桃的地区把发展大樱桃作为重点,规划果园,大批量从大樱桃生产区调入苗木,或在当地大面积育苗.为此现将生产上推广应用的品种及其配套高产优质栽培技术介绍如下,以方便广大果农.  相似文献   

66个甜樱桃品种需冷量的评价与聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同甜樱桃品种需冷量。【方法】2008—2013年应用7.2℃模型、0~7.2℃模型和犹他模型对11个甜樱桃品种的需冷量进行比较分析后认为,0~7.2℃模型作为需冷量的评价标准比较适宜,利用此模型对中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所樱桃种质资源圃保存的66个甜樱桃品种的花芽和叶芽需冷量进行评价,采用系统聚类法对甜樱桃品种进行分类,K-S检验法进行正态性检验。【结果】供试的66个甜樱桃品种需冷量值介于516~852 h,51个品种花芽的低温需求量低于叶芽;聚类结果显示,≤549 h的品种属于低需冷量品种,573~716 h的品种属于中需冷量品种,≥740 h的品种属于高需冷量品种,其中中需冷量品种占比约为88%;K-S检验结果显示,需冷量性状符合正态分布。【结论】以0~7.2℃模型评价国内各甜樱桃栽培区广泛栽培的品种大多属于中需冷量品种,需冷量值主要集中于550~720 h,甜樱桃品种需冷量的评价为国内栽培区的引种以及设施栽培确定扣棚控温时机提供了关键依据。  相似文献   

甜樱桃优质丰产栽培技术总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年春定植美早、砂蜜豆等甜樱桃,第4年始果,第6年进入盛果期,第8年666 7m2产量达1053kg,果实品质优良.介绍了甜樱桃建园、整形修剪、肥水管理、控长促花和保果及病虫害防治技术.  相似文献   

甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.,2n=16)原产于黑海沿岸和西亚,主要集中在欧洲、亚洲西部及美洲的美国和加拿大[1]。自19世纪70年代引入中国以来,甜樱桃栽植面积已有20万hm^2,适栽地区主要集中在胶东和辽东半岛。利用温室、塑料大棚或其他设施,通过调控环境因子,甜樱桃的栽培区域可以扩展到中国北方大部分地区。自20世纪90年代开始,中国首先从事甜樱桃的设施促成栽培技术研究,1994 年辽宁大连甜樱桃温室栽培取得成功,并在北方地区广泛应用,其中山东和辽宁已成为甜樱设施栽培的主产区[2]。  相似文献   

甜樱桃不同品种贮藏性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过试验,在常规栽培管理条件下,采用自行研制的甜樱桃专用保鲜剂和专用保鲜袋,预冷48h,于0±0.5℃下冷藏,拉宾斯、雷尼、巨红表现为最耐贮藏,红灯、佳红、红艳较耐贮藏,萨米脱和斯坦勒最不耐贮藏。  相似文献   

从果园建立、整形修剪、土肥水管理、花果管理、病虫害防治和预防晚霜危害等方面介绍了甜樱桃园的春季管理要点,为同时做好疫情防控和果园管理提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】探索甜樱桃新种质种内及种间杂交育种规律,提高南方甜樱桃杂交育种效率。【方法】以适宜浙江省种植的甜樱桃新种质为母本,以甜樱桃和中国樱桃为父本开展甜樱桃种内及种间杂交试验,调查坐果率、有胚率、胚败育率和F0果实品质等指标,进行杂交效率分析。【结果】授粉7 d后,供试母本的种内及种间坐果率都比较高,随果实发育,至授粉后28 d及成熟期都有不同程度较大幅度的下降。同母本种内杂交坐果率高于种间的。供试母本中‘朝阳一号’的种内、种间杂交坐果率均最高;坐果率最低的为‘长丰一号’的种间杂交组合。同一母本种内组合比种间组合有胚率高、败育率低。杂种胚成熟时败育率高,仅有4个组合可以得到未败育胚。杂交果未成熟胚败育率低这为胚培养提供了可能。供试母本‘朝阳一号’未成熟胚最好,坐果率高有胚率高败育率低‘;江南红’有胚率低,败育程度最高‘;长丰一号’及‘先锋’居中,母本优选‘朝阳一号’;供试父本未成熟胚中‘朝阳一号’和‘紫晶’较好。F0果实成熟期推迟,颜色及形状均表现出了母本果实开放授粉的色泽及形状;可溶性固形物种含量间杂交果低于种内的,均低于开放授粉的母本果实。为获得杂交后代,南方甜樱桃杂交育种可以采用3种方法:利用主产区的杂交后代在南方进行筛选;在南方杂交后进行胚挽救或者尝试混合花粉的开放授粉。【结论】甜樱桃种新种质种内及种间组合不同坐果率、杂种胚发育均存在较大差异。同一母本种内杂交坐果率高且败育率低。供试种质中‘朝阳一号’是较好的父母本。  相似文献   

王齐瑞 《果树学报》2005,22(6):719-721
以红灯为试材,探讨了甜樱桃覆草栽培对其开花结实情况的影响。研究发现覆草栽培可有效地提高甜樱桃结果枝叶片数,使叶片营养水平显著提高,平均花芽数量提高1-2个;同时可使红灯樱桃坐果率提高25.04-28.01个百分点。平均单果重增加18%;果汁的可溶性固形物含量增加1.17个百分点,花期滞后3-5d。  相似文献   


Based on the cDNA sequences encoding sweet cherry self-incompatibility associated ribonucleases (S-RNases), a PCR-based S-allele typing system for sweet cherry cultivars has been recently developed. Using this technique, we determined S-genotypes of the three newly released Japanese cvs Kouka-Nishiki, Beni-Sayaka and Beni-Shuho and one British cv Merton Glory that was classified as a Universal Donor, which is able to be used as a pollen donor for all cultivars in pollen incompatibility groups I to XIII. Furthermore, we also determined the partial sequences of the S-RNase genes of ‘Rainier’ (S1S4)‘ and ‘Sato-Nishiki (S3S6)’,which leads to the development of a more reliable S-allele identification method of PCR-RFLP for sweet cherry cultivars. Total DNA isolated from leaves of the four cultivars along with those from ten cultivars with known S-genotypes were PCR amplified with two sets of primers that were designed from DNA sequences encoding the signal peptide (Pru-T2) and two conserved domains (Pru-C2 and Pru-C4R) of sweet cherry S-RNases. By comparing the size of PCR products on agarose gel, the 5-genotypes of ‘Kouka-Nishiki’, ‘Beni-Sayaka’, ‘Beni-Shuho’ and ‘Merton Glory’ were suggested to be S1S3, S1S6, S4S6, and S4S6, respectively. Two of these three S-genotypes (S1S6 and S4S6) were found for the first time. DNA sequencing of PCR products from S-alleles of ‘Rainier’ and ‘Sato-Nishiki’ revealed that Ban II, Nru I, Apa LI and Ava I sites, respectively, were unique in the S1-, S3-, S4- and S6- sequences flanked by Pru-T2 and Pru-C4R primers. RFLP analysis of the PCR products using these enzymes confirmed that S1-, S3-, S4- and S6-alleles of the four cultivars contained the respective restriction enzyme recognition sites.  相似文献   

Paclobutrazol (1.6 g a.i.), applied to the soil beneath nine year old trees of two sweet cherry cultivars in 1983, controlled shoot growth better in the year of treatment than foliar sprays (1500 followed by 750 mg l-1) of the same chemical applied in late May and early June. Although no further treatments were applied, extension growth was strongly inhibited by both treatments in the two subsequent years and some inhibition persisted for four years after treatment. Inhibition of the shoot growth of both cultivars was more severe and persisted for several years longer for trees on ‘Colt’, compared with F. 12/1 rootstock. Paclobutrazol foliar sprays reduced yields in the year of treatment, and the residual effects of both soil and foliar treatments on yields were also negative in some years, particularly on the cv. Van. The reasons for these negative effects on yields were sought in studies of flowering density, flower quality and the efficiency of fruit set and retention.  相似文献   

中国樱桃与甜樱桃种质资源在我国的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了中国樱桃和甜樱桃在我国的分布情况,为我国樱桃种质资源的调查、收集和保存工作提供参考。  相似文献   


Cell suspensions of two sweet cherry cultivars (Prunus avium L.) ‘Sam’ and ‘Sweetheart’, and four cherry rootstocks: ‘Edabriz’ and ‘Weiroot 10’ (P. cerasus L.), ‘P. avium seedlings’ (Alkavo selection) and ‘Gisela 5’ (a P. cerasus P. canescens hybrid) were co-cultured for 14 d and their mass increase used to calculate an affinity index and the degree of compatibility between pairs of genotypes. Synergistic as well as antagonistic growth responses were observed among the various genotype combinations. The effect on growth was never significantly negative, or resulted in cell mortality. Co-culture of ‘P. avium seedlings’ and ‘Sweetheart’ had a significantly positive influence on the growth of ‘P. avium seedling’ cell suspensions, and co-culture with either of the sweet cherry cultivars had a very positive effect on the growth increase (GI) of ‘Edabriz’ cell suspensions. The GI of the sweet cherry cultivar ‘Sam’ was positively influenced by the presence of both ‘Weiroot 10’ and ‘Gisela 5’ in the co-culture chamber. The GI for the combination of ‘Sweetheart’ with ‘Gisela 5’ or ‘Edabriz’ was significantly lower than in the control, and none of the combinations with ‘P. avium seedlings’ or ‘Weiroot 10’ gave an increase in GI greater than controls of the scion cultivar ‘Sweetheart’ alone. The calculated degree of compatibility (DCcc) showed that the cultivar ‘Sam’ had no compatibility problems with the four rootstocks tested, whereas the combination of ‘Sweetheart’ and ‘Gisela 5’ had the lowest DCcc (= 0.80) which was concluded to be on the border between a compatible and an incompatible relationship. It was therefore concluded that a calculated value of DCcc < 0.80 would indicate an incompatible combination, and that values of DCcc > 1.00 would indicate healthy and strong combinations.Virus-induced incompatibility appeared to play a much larger role in explaining unsuccessful grafts observed in the nursery than previously assumed.  相似文献   

大连市金州区农业良种示范场为栽培面积100hm2的国家级甜樱桃标准化示范园区.本文介绍该园区概况及果品品种多样化、生产规模化和管理科学化等栽培管理经验.  相似文献   

大樱桃高产栽培技术总结   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
总结介绍了临朐县临朐镇月庄村大樱桃高产栽培的经验。该村大樱桃园主栽品种为红灯、先锋等,授粉品种雷尼、拉宾期等,定植后等6均平均666.7m^2产量1600kg,第7年达到2025kg。  相似文献   

不同甜樱桃品种枝条电导率的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了10个甜樱桃品种1年生枝条在不同低温处理过程中电解质渗出率的变化情况。结果表明.被测甜樱桃品种1年生枝条的电解质渗出率均随着温度的降低而增大;品种间对于低温的敏感程度不同,枝条的电解质渗出率存在着不同程度的差异。推测供试科樱桃品种的枝条平均冻害半致死温度在-30℃- -35℃之间;10个甜樱桃品种中抗寒能力较高的品种为胜利、早大果和红艳。抗寒能力较低的品种为短枝斯特拉、红灯、拉宾斯,友谊和意大利早红。  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a self-incompatible species. Determination of the S-genotypes of cherry cultivars is crucial for breeding and to select appropriate cultivars for cross-fertilisation and fruit set. In this study, we characterised the S-genotypes of 25 sweet cherry cultivars, some of which had being bred at the Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology (RBIP), Holovousy, Czech Republic, and others were European cultivars in the RBIP collection. S-genotyping was carried out by polymerase chain reaction using consensus primers for the S-RNase and SFB genes, and capillary electrophoresis. Nine different known S-haplotypes (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S9, S13, and S16) were identified and the cultivars were assigned to 12 incompatibility groups. One local cultivar, ‘Pta?ka z Plzně’, originated from a wild forest seedling and used as a pollinator, was assigned to Group 0 of universal donors. The pedigree of some cultivars was confirmed by their S-genotype. This study represents the ?rst comprehensive S-genotype screening of sweet cherry genetic resources in the Czech Republic and will be useful for the design of crossing programmes and orchard management of these sweet cherry cultivars.  相似文献   

法国甜樱桃主要分布于隆河流域、地中海沿岸和西南部穆瓦萨克、塔恩流域,以萨米脱、布瑞特、弗瑞姆、先锋和杜罗尼为主,采用乔化和矮化两种果园栽培。  相似文献   


We analysed the S-RNase genotypes of 23 crab apple (Malus spp.) pollinators and 102 cultivars of domestic apple (Malus pumila Mill.) by PCR amplification and digestion. Within the 23 pollinators, four pollinators, ‘Hopa’, ‘Jack’, ‘Pink Perfection’ and ‘Profusion B’, each had two unidentified S-RNase alleles. These cultivars should be useful pollinators for all domestic cultivars. Twenty-one of the domestic cultivars exhibited S-genotypes contrary to those expected from their supposed parentage, suggesting that one or both reported parents were wrong. We confirmed many of the S-RNase genotypes by pollination tests.  相似文献   

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