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We have evaluated the influence of four different peach rootstocks (Prunus pumila,‘GF 655/2’ ,‘Missour’ and ‘GF 677’ as a standard) planted in medium-heavy to heavy soil on phenological events (flowering and harvest date), growth, yield, fruit quality and mortality of peach (P. persica L.) scions of cv. ‘Redhaven’. At the end of flowering, there were no significant differences between the different rootstocks in the years 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004. In 2001, trees grafted on P. pumila reached the end of flowering 2 d before trees grafted on the other rootstocks. ‘Redhaven’ fruits ripened on the same day on trees grafted on the different rootstocks. The differences were only between years. The results showed that significantly less vigorous trees, according to their trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) and canopy volume, with the lowest yield, were observed on P. pumila rootstock. The rootstock P. pumila had a significant negative influence on fruit dimensions and mortality was 50%. Trees grafted on ‘GF 655/2’ rootstock produced significantly lower yields than those grafted on ‘GF 677’ or ‘Missour’ rootstocks. Only the ‘GF 655/2’ rootstock had root suckers. Trees grafted on ‘GF 677’ rootstock were significantly more vigorous than on the other rootstocks, and produced the highest yield with good fruit quality. The final canopy volumes of peach trees grafted on the different rootstocks were very different. The most vigorous trees were those grafted on ‘GF 677’ rootstock, where the final tree volume was 12.8 m3. Trees grafted on P. pumila and ‘GF 655/2’ had significantly lower TCSA values than on the other rootstocks.  相似文献   

Bal  Erdinc  Torçuk  Ali İzzet  Özer  Cengiz 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2022,64(2):127-133

The study was carried out to determine the effect of melatonin on quality and postharvest life of sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) cv. ‘Sweetheart’ during storage. The fruits were dipped at different concentrations of melatonin (0, 250, 500 and 1000?µmol l?1 for 10?min) and distilled water as control. The changes of sweet cherries were assessed at 7?day intervals by evaluating the following quality parameters: firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, respiration rate, color values (L* and chroma), ascorbic acid content, total anthocyanin content, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity. The results showed that increasing the dose to 1000?µmol l?1 melatonin had a remarkable effect on maintaining the quality of sweet cherry. 1000?µmol l?1 and 500?µmol l?1 melatonin treatments significantly inhibited the decrease in firmness, ascorbic acid, total phenols, total anthocyanin, antioxidant content and reduced color changes and respiration rate. However, the total soluble solids content and titratable acidity of the fruit were not influenced by melatonin applications. These findings indicate that melatonin treatment may be effective in maintaining quality and bioactive compounds of sweet cherry fruit.


This study compared physiological and physico-chemical changes in shreds of green papaya (Carica papaya L. ‘Kaek Noul’), taken from inner and outer mesocarp tissues, during storage at 7ºC for up to 8 d. Reductions in the flesh firmness of shreds, microstructure, colouration, dry matter content (DMC), and fresh weight (FW) loss, and in the rates of respiration, ethylene production, and enzyme activities were measured. The rapid loss of firmness of green papaya ‘Kaek Noul’ shreds taken from the inner mesocarp was attributed to the larger and more loosely arranged cells of the inner mesocarp compared to the smaller and compact cells of the outer mesocarp. Shreds taken from the outer mesocarp had a higher DMC [6.21–6.77% (w/w)] than those from the inner mesocarp [5.83–6.34% (w/w)] during storage at 7ºC. FW loss was higher for shreds from the inner mesocarp than from the outer mesocarp (0.89–1.12% vs. 0.39–1.00%, respectively). Colour values (h°) were lower at the end of storage for shreds from the inner mesocarp than shreds from the outer mesocarp (104.38° and 111.94°, respectively). Moreover, scanning electron micrographs of shreds from inner mesocarp and outer mesocarp tissues showed that the slower loss of firmness in shreds from the outer mesocarp could be attributed to having smaller and more compact cells, as well as to lower ethylene production by the outer mesocarp. However, this was not related to cellulase activity. This study indicated why processors prefer to use shreds from the outer mesocarp of green papaya.  相似文献   


Heirloom tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) such as ‘Cuore di Bue’ are highly appreciated by consumers for their outstanding quality and flavour. Nowadays, they are often grafted onto vigorous rootstocks in order to overcome several soil-borne diseases. The present study was conducted in 2007 and 2008 in Southern Italy. Plants of ‘Cuore di Bue’, an heirloom ‘oxheart’ tomato, were grown in a greenhouse either as non-grafted plants, or grafted onto two inter-specific (S. lycopersicum S. habrochaites) rootstocks (‘Beaufort F1’ and ‘Maxifort F1’) in order to evaluate their effects on vegetative growth, marketable yield, fruit quality, and the sensory properties of ‘Cuore di Bue’ tomato fruit. Growth analysis revealed that ‘Maxifort F1’ enhanced plant growth, particularly in terms of leaf area and leaf fresh weight. Grafted plants had higher leaf area ratios (by 13%) and higher leaf dry weight fractions (by 18%) compared to non-grafted ‘Cuore di Bue’ plants. Marketable yields increased by 20 – 25% in grafted plants in both years. However, total soluble solids (TSS) contents, titratable acidity (TA), and TSS/TA ratios were not significantly affected by grafting.Vitamin C contents decreased by 14 – 20% in both years in the fruit of plants grafted onto either rootstock. The sensory profiles of fruit were not modified by grafting, although taste panelists expressed a higher preference for purchasing fruit from plants grafted onto ‘Maxifort F1’. These results confirm that, when using the appropriate rootstock/scion combination, grafting can improve plant growth and the marketable yield of heirloom tomato fruit without reducing the sensory quality of the fruit or its biochemical parameters. However, grafting can reduce vitamin C contents and, thus, nutritional quality.  相似文献   

Fruit pigmentation in ripening cv. Gala, Schniga’ apples was monitored under the influence of fertigation weekly during 21 July–31 August 2009, i.e. 34 days before and 7 days after the optimal harvest date in Slovenia. The soil was a heavy loam clay with high humus content (2.8 %) and high acidity (low pH 4.9). The spectral indices NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NAI (Normalized Anthocyanin Index) were obtained by a PA 1101 on attached fruit on the transition between the ground and blush colour of the fruit surface. NAI increased slowly from 0.25 to 0.6 two weeks prior to optimum maturity. NDVI values fell from 0.9 to 0.2 before and during ripening, with significant changes starting ca. 3 weeks before and during the week after the optimum harvest date. Fertigation delayed fruit ripening viz harvest date by ca. 4 days. Fertigation delayed changes in the intensity of the fruit’s epidermal pigments, expressed as NDVI for 1 week and NAI for 4 weeks, respectively, but had no significant effect on fruit colour or NDVI and NAI values at the optimal harvest date. At this time, those fruits from the fertigated trees were firmer with a lower starch index compared with the un-fertigated control. Statistically, highly significant correlations were found (p?≤?0.01) (r?=?0.35 to r?=?0.91, R2?=?0.11–0.83) between all the studied spectral and standard parameters i.e. fruit fresh firmness, soluble solids content and starch index.  相似文献   


Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of drought during flowering for both container- and field-grown trees, and during fruit development for container-grown trees, on subsequent growth, flowering, yield and quality of the custard apple ‘African Pride’ in subtropical Australia. Moderate drought (ψL=–1.5 MPa) reduced shoot growth by 20–30% and increased the number of flowers per lateral by about 40% compared with well-watered controls due to reduced apical dominance and increased lateral branching. Overall fruit set was not adversely affected by drought. Drought also increased the number of fruit harvested per tree by 47% compared with well-watered controls. This response was mainly due to the increase in flower number per tree. Drought reduced average fruit size by 11% possibly due to effects on cell division in the first 4–6 weeks after fruit set or on net carbon assimilation. In summary, mild to moderate drought during the flowering period and fruit set increased flowering without adversely affecting fruit set, but decreased fruit size.  相似文献   


The effects of light, moderate, or heavy thinning (5, 10, or 20 cm between fruit, respectively), conducted before (7 d or 15 d), during, or after (7 d or 15 d) pit hardening (PH), on the incidence of split pits, fruit yield, fruit quality characteristics, and leaf mineral contents, were studied in the canning peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch.) cultivar ‘Andross’ over two growing seasons. The percentage of fruit with split pits increased by 58.2% in heavily-thinned trees compared with moderately- or lightly-thinned trees, and by 22.9% for the earliest time of thinning (15 d before PH) compared with thinning during, or after PH. Fruit fresh weight (FW) was greater in moderately- and heavily-thinned trees compared with lightly-thinned trees, but yields were similar among the different crop-load treatments. The latest time of thinning (15 d after PH) also had a negative impact on yield at first harvest and on total yield, fruit FW, and delayed fruit ripening compared to thinning during, and 15 d before PH. Total anti-oxidant capacities and phenolic contents were usually greater in fruit from heavily-thinned compared with lightly- or moderately-thinned trees only when thinning was conducted during, or 15 d after PH. Moreover, anti-oxidant levels were highest in fruit from the earliest-thinned trees. There was no significant effect of crop load, or of time of thinning application treatment on fruit colour, or on the K, P, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents of leaf tissues. In conclusion, light or moderate thinning during PH resulted in minimal split pits during processing, and in optimal yields and fruit quality characteristics in the canning peach cultivar ‘Andross’.  相似文献   

Recent trends towards greater fresh market use of ‘Bartlett’ pears has increased the need to extend its storage life to prolong the packing and marketing season in the United States Pacific Northwest region. Sixteen and 38%, respectively, of control fruit developed senescence disorders following 5 and 6 months of storage at ?1.1°C. Commercial standard controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions (O2 at 1.5 kPa and CO2 < 1 kPa) or edible coating (Semperfresh?, SF) prevent the appearance of senescence disorders for 5 months, but 9% and 16% of fruit, respectively, developed senescence disorders after 6 months. The combination of CA+SF completely inhibited senescence disorders for 6 months. Treatment with CA and SF, alone or in combination, maintained high-storage quality and developed ripening capacity with characteristic melting texture during storage. Senescence disorders were inhibited for 6 months by 0.3 µL l?1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), alone or combination with CA or CA+SF. In part these pears developed ripening capacity after 6 months of storage. The combination of CA+SF+1-MCP maintained the highest storage quality with dark green colour and hard firmness, which might be associated and proportional with reductions in ethylene synthesis and respiration rate after long-term storage.  相似文献   


Although it is one of the traditional fruits, persimmon production in Iran is only about 7,320 tons annually and there has been a decrease in cultivated acreage. The decrease in persimmon consumption can be attributed to the unpleasant astringency of the local Iranian cultivars. The producers' and handlers' lack of knowledge of techniques for removing astringency before sending the fruit to market has greatly influenced this issue. This study was conducted in order to develop recommendations for a simple and economical method for removing the fruit astringency of local cultivars. Fruits of a commercial cultivar (cv. ‘Shiraz’) in Fars province, Iran were harvested at the local commercial maturity stage (breaker stage). The fruits were dipped in ethanol (20, 35 and 50%), acetic acid (3, 6 and 10%), commercial vinegar, hot water (60°C) and tap water as control for 30 min. Some qualitative characteristics such as total soluble solids (TSS), vitamin C, total acids, pH and tannic acid of the treated fruits besides fresh weight changes were measured at 4-day intervals after storage at room temperature. Results indicate that vitamin C and TSS were highest in the 20% ethanol, hot water and 35% ethanol treatments. Total acid was highest in 10 and 6% acetic acid treatments. Tannins were highest in the control treatment and lowest in the 20% ethanol, hot water followed by 35% ethanol. Fruit juice pH was also highest in the 20 and 35% ethanol and hot water. Although tannic acid and total acid declined after treatment, fruit juice pH and TSS increased. Weight loss was lowest in the ethanol 20, 35 and 50%, and hot water treatments, respectively. Results suggest the use of 20% ethanol treatment with ‘Shiraz’ persimmon before short storage and supply to markets would be beneficial in improving consumer acceptance besides being commercially economical and practical.  相似文献   


‘Elstar’ is the latest-maturing commercial apple cultivar grown in Norway, with high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006, an experiment with four different crop loads [2, 4 ,6, or 8 flowers or fruitlets cm–2 trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), respectively] was established at two different stages [first bloom (FB), or 20-mm diameter fruitlets] and compared to unthinned control trees. Fruit growth was measured on individual fruit for each treatment throughout the season at weekly intervals. Thinning at FB gave a significantly lower final percentage fruit set than thinning to the same cropping level at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. However, fruit weights and soluble solids contents (SSC) were significantly higher, and the background fruit colour improved when trees were thinned at FB. The final number of fruit at harvest was less than the amount established at FB, or at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. There were significant differences between treatments in final fruit numbers per TCSA, which reflected the different crop loads. Fruit weights and SSC values were highest with the lowest crop load, and decreased with increasing crop loads. There was also a strong crop-load effect on the extent of return bloom per tree in the subsequent year. Trees thinned at FB had significantly more flower clusters than those thinned at the 20-mm fruitlet stage of. Untreated control trees had the lowest number of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load. Second year crop loads and fruit weights were highest when trees were thinned at FB to two or four apples cm?2 TCSA in the previous year. Trees with the highest crop load had the lowest crop load in the following year. Fruit quality was generally high for all treatments.  相似文献   


Plums (Prunus salicina cv. Songold) were cold stored according to a single-temperature regime comprising 28 d at ?0.5°C, and a dual-temperature regime comprising 10 d at ?0.5°C followed by 18 d at 7.2°C. After cold storage, the plums were ripened for 8 d at 10°C. Pectolytic enzyme activity, pectic composition, internal conductivity and gel breakdown were determined at seven stages during storage and ripening. Although not exposed to chilling temperatures prior to harvest, approximately 10% of the plums exhibited gel breakdown at harvest, indicating that the disorder cannot be classified solely as a cold-storage chilling disorder. The higher temperatures of the dual-temperature regime resulted in higher polygalacturonase activity than with the single-temperature fruit. Consequently, protopectin degradation and the concomitant production of water- soluble pectins were greater in the dual-temperature fruit. Single-temperature storage resulted in higher pectinmethylesterase activity during the latter stages of storage and during ripening. Increases in temperature after 10 d and 28 d in dual- and single- temperature fruit, respectively, were associated with significant increases in the viscosity of water-soluble pectins, internal conductivity and gel breakdown. The significant positive correlation between internal conductivity and gel breakdown suggested that membrane integrity is closely associated with development of gel breakdown.  相似文献   


Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle cv. ‘Paan’) native to South East Asia, has a distinct flavour and quality characteristics. Maintenance of the green colour in the peel of lime is a desirable quality attribute during storage. Post-harvest chlorophyll degradation in lime was studied in fruit stored at room temperature (30°C) at a relative humidity (RH) of 70 – 85%. Within 7 d of storage, the total chlorophyll content decreased to 53.9% of its initial level. The highest chlorophyllase activity (1.68 units mg–1 protein) was observed after 4 d of storage and declined thereafter. Peroxidase activity differed from chlorophyllase activity and increased significantly to 6.25 units mg–1 protein after 9 d of storage, (i.e., at the late maturity stage). Respiration rate and 1-aminocyclopropene-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase activity did not significantly affect the chlorophyll degradation process in lime.The total nitrogen content of lime peel was inversely correlated with its chlorophyll content. A higher soluble protein content was observed in yellow peel than in mature green peel. A colour index chart was developed for maturity stages 1–4 in lime based on peel colour changes from mature green to full-yellow, and its correlation with chlorophyll content and fruit quality attributes.  相似文献   

The effects of two oxylipins – jasmonic acid (JA) and 9, 10-ketol-octadecadienoic acid (KODA) – on ethylene metabolism and ethylene receptor genes were examined in peach fruit (Prunus persica L.) harvested at 88 days after full bloom (DAFB), in the pre-climacteric stage, and at 102 DAFB, at the beginning of the climacteric stage. Immediate post-harvest applications of either n-propyl dihydrojasmonate (PDJ) (a JA analog) or KODA stimulated ethylene production and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) concentrations in fruit that were harvested at 88 and 102 DAFB. KODA application significantly increased levels of ACC oxidase (PpACO1) expression at 5 and 8 days after treatment (DAT) in 88-DAFB-harvested fruit, and at 1 DAT in 102-DAFB-harvested fruit. Expression levels of ethylene response factors (PpERS1) were not influenced by either PDJ or KODA applications at 88 or 102 DAFB. In contrast, levels of ethylene-receptor-coding genes (PpETR1) expression in 88-DAFB KODA-treated fruit increased at 8 and 14 DAT. Expression levels of constitutive triple response (PpCTR1) in the untreated control fruit decreased with DAT in both 88- and 102-DAFB-harvested fruit.

These results suggest that certain oxylipins may promote ethylene production in peach fruit, and that PpETR1 and PpCTR1 may be associated with the autocatalytic system of ethylene production.  相似文献   


Orchards displaying calcium (Ca) deficiency are a common phenomenon worldwide, despite the presence of sufficient Ca in the soil and the plant. A 3-year trial was conducted between the 2007 – 2008 and 2009 – 2010 growing seasons to evaluate the contributions of soil and foliar Ca applications to Ca concentrations in ‘Braeburn’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) fruit. Ca(NO3)2 (Calflo; Yara Africa, Fourways North, South Africa) was applied as six separate foliar sprays until run-off. Applications were made at 1-week intervals between approx. 21 – 70 d after full bloom (DAFB) at 6.75 ml l–1. Soil applications of Ca (TropicoteTM; International ASA, Oslo, Norway) at 300 kg ha–1 were applied at fruit set, or after harvest, according to standard practice. Mineral analysis was conducted to assess the soluble Ca concentrations of whole fruit (without pips and stalks), to quantify the contribution of foliar sprays or soil-applied Ca. Fruit Ca concentrations were maintained at satisfactory levels (4.5 mg Ca 100 g–1 FW) at harvest by applying a series of six foliar sprays early in the season (for all seasons) during the trial period. Fruit Ca concentrations at 80 DAFB were highest in the treatments with foliar applications of Ca. In 2009 – 2010, Ca concentrations in apple fruit were lowest (8.38 mg 100 g–1 FW) for soil application of Ca at fruit set. Ca applications to soil after harvest in the previous season, and soil applications shortly after fruit set in the current season, did not significantly increase Ca concentrations in current-season fruit, providing soil Ca levels were above the minimum requirement for apple trees. A possible explanation is that apple trees regulate their uptake of Ca through the roots when soil Ca is available in sufficient quantities. This confirms the importance of active root growth for efficient Ca uptake by apple trees when applying Ca to the soil.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in 2007 and 2008 in order to determine the effects of irrigation frequency on the yield and quality parameters of dwarf trees of the apple cultivar ‘Gala, Galaxy’ in the first and second year of cultivation. Irrigation water was applied at 3?, 5?, 7?, and 10-day intervals as much as the amount of water consumed from the field capacity. Statistical analysis revealed that the effects of irrigation frequency on yield were significant. Since the trees used in the experiment showed mainly vegetative growth, the effects of irrigation frequency on the fruit quality characteristics varied. Irrigation water amount was applied as 355.7–446.5 mm and 359.2–538.9 mm to the experimental treatments in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The evapotranspiration measured was in the range 400.7–491.5 mm in 2007 but in the range 440.2–600.5 mm in 2008, while the yields in the same years ranged from 1.54 to 2.84 t ha?1 and from 2.61 to 6.06 t ha?1. Water use efficiency varied between 2.40 and 4.80 t ha?1mm?1 in the first year of the experiment but between 3.45 and 7.08 t ha?1mm?1 in the second year. The I2 treatment, in which the highest yield and water use efficiency were recorded in both years of the experiment under the experimental conditions, was determined as the irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   


Various fungicides, gibberellins (A417) and their mixtures were tested for the control of russet of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit in the major apple-growing area in Israel. Four foliar applications of captan, metiram, the strobilurins kresoxim-methyl, trifloxystrobin, azoxystrobin, or the polyoxin B compound Polar from the green tip stage to the end of the petal fall stage gave similar reductions in russeting, compared with the controls, but none eliminated it. Tank mixtures of the gibberellins (A417) Regulex and Perlan with captan, each at full rate, did not improve russet control, compared with each component alone at the same rate. Similarly, both captan and trifioxystrobin, and the gibberellin (A417) Cytolin or their mixtures at full rates provided similar significant level of control of russet on fruit. Fruit in the upper part of the tree had significantly more russet than fruit in the lower part of the tree, regardless of treatment applied. In addition, russet was more severe on fruits of trees grown in the west side of the row, than those of trees grown on the east side. Data suggest that factors other than fungicides, which may act by reducing russet-inducing microorganisms, may be involved in russet development.  相似文献   


Inorganic nutrient concentrations in leaves, xylem sap and fruit from ‘Hort16A’ kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. chinensis) vines grafted onto eight inter-specific rootstocks [A. deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa; A. eriantha Benth.; A. hemsleyana×eriantha; A. macrosperma C.F. Liang; A. chrysantha Merr.; A. kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim.; A. kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim.; and A. polygama (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim.] were measured over three seasons. The nutrients analysed were phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and boron (B). The objectives of these studies were to identify rootstocks which induced relatively high or low levels of nutrients in the scion cultivar, and to correlate the nutrient concentrations of the fruits with the incidence of storage disorders. The use of inter-specific clonal rootstocks had a substantial effect on the accumulation and concentration of inorganic nutrients in the fruit, leaves and stem sap of ‘Hort16A’ kiwifruit vines, but few consistent relationships were observed between fruit nutrient concentrations and the incidence of storage disorders. Vines on A. hemsleyana×eriantha accumulated high levels of P in their fruits, leaves and xylem sap, and high levels of Ca and Mg in their leaves and xylem sap. Vines on A. macrosperma accumulated high levels of K in their fruits and leaves. In general, vines on rootstocks with low vigour (i.e. A. polygama; A. kolomikta) accumulated relatively low levels of nutrients. The incidence of physiological pitting, a mineral-related storage disorder, was higher in fruit with lower Mg concentrations. While rootstock-induced differences in the vigour of vines had an important role in determining nutrient concentrations in fruits and leaves, some rootstocks clearly had a stronger inherent ability to absorb nutrients from the soil than others, independent of their effect on vine vigour.  相似文献   

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