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《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,95(3):239-249
Microcuttings (shoots each with two leaves) of Limonium ‘Misty Blue’ were cultivated in vitro for 28 days under photoautotrophic (sucrose-free culture medium; CO2 and photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) enriched conditions), photomixotrophic (medium with 30 g l−1 sucrose; CO2 and PPF enriched conditions) and heterotrophic (medium with 30 g l−1 sucrose; CO2 non-enriched conditions) methods. Several growth variables were measured during and at the end of cultivation: shoot fresh and dry weight, percentage of shoot dry matter, root fresh weight, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll and sugar content of leaves, stomatal density and size, net photosynthetic rate (NPR) and percent survival of plantlets ex vitro. Plantlets grown in photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic methods had more leaves, high chlorophyll and sugar contents, high NPR, and showed high percent survival. However, these plantlets possessed less number of stomata per square millimeter. In contrast, the plantlets grown by the heterotrophic method showed decreased values of these growth variables except for the number of stomata per square millimeter. These results indicate that CO2 enrichment for plantlets in vitro at a relatively high PPF would promote photosynthesis and hence growth of chlorophyllous explants/plantlets in vitro. The resulting plantlets were acclimatized better and sooner on ex vitro transplantation.  相似文献   

Flower clusters were removed at full bloom from ten year old ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ trees on M.9 rootstocks, over the whole tree, on alternate branches or on whole sides. Mean fruit weight per tree at harvest was linearly dependent on leaf area per fruit and on light interception per fruit, both relationships accounting for over 90% of the variance. These relationships did not differ between treatments, implying either a mobile pool of carbohydrate or photosynthetic adjustment within the tree to crop load. Measurements of leaf photosynthesis in July and September showed no statistically significant differences in photosynthetic rate of spur or extension shoot leaves on bearing or non-bearing branches. Although the treatments caused no overall effects on shoot growth or leaf area per tree, sides of trees without fruit had greater leaf area and shoot growth than did sides bearing fruit. Fruit mineral composition and percentage dry weight were not affected by treatment except where the treatments significantly altered fruit size. In the following spring, although the treatments did not affect the total number of flower buds produced, branches that were deflowered in the previous spring carried significantly more flower buds than did branches which had cropped.  相似文献   


The effects of salt (NaCl) applications of various concentrations (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L) for 6 months on ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Chandler’ strawberry varieties grown in perlite and perlite:zeolite (1:1) media were investigated. In order to determine the salt resistance of varieties, the tolerance index (T.I.) and tolerance ratio (T.R.) were calculated on the basis of total chlorophyll content, and leaf and root dry weight. Also, the ability of keep in balance for potassium:sodium (K:Na) ratio in the aerial part and roots of plants were considered. It was determined that the highest T.I. and T.R. values calculated on the basis of leaf and root dry weight in cv. Camarosa in both media. Concerning the evaluations calculated on the basis of total chlorophyll, the results indicated that ‘Chandler’ is more resistant in perlite medium, ‘Camarosa’ is more resistant in perlite:zeolite (1:1) medium. K:Na ratio decreased with increasing salinity in both varieties. However, it was determined that K:Na ratio is higher in cv. Chandler, i.e., 0.83 than in cv. Camarosa (0.61). As a conclusion, it was determined that ‘Camarosa’ was more resistant to salt than ‘Chandler’. In addition, regarding the salt resistant performance of plants, perlite:zeolite (1:1) medium had more effective results than perlite.  相似文献   

Plum crops in the UK are often uneconomically low because of unfavourable weather at blossom time leading to low fruit set. In view of the promising results obtained with fruiting hormones on other crops, the effects were investigated of mixtures of gibberellic acid, NN’-diphenylurea and 2-naphthoxyacetic acid applied to Victoria plum during the two months following full bloom. Large increases in set and subsequent yield were obtained with two applications. Treatment at 50% petal fall was detrimental to set, whereas treatment four weeks later was essential for improved set. Flowering in the year after hormone treatment was inhibited, the reduction being attributable to the increased crop load and to the use of gibberellin per se. The results are compared with those described by other workers using different cultivars, and the practical implications of hormone spraying discussed.  相似文献   

In 1989 and 1990, preharvest applications of 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (ethephon) at dosages from 50–400 mg 1’1 were applied to ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’ apples. In 1989, the greatest reduction in scald after storage on both ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’, relative to the untreated control resulted from applying 400 mg 1?1 ethephon five weeks before harvest and was 45% and 55% of controls, respectively. On ‘Granny Smith’ 400 mg 1? was also effective when applied three weeks before harvest. In 1990, preharvest applications of ethephon at either 200 or 400 mg 1?1 reduced scald in both cultivars relative to the controls. Ethephon applied six weeks before harvest had no dosage effect on scald reduction after storage. There was no consistent effect on fruit maturity at harvest from any treatment in either year, and no effect on quality of fruit out of storage.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators play a vital role in fruit growth and development. However, effects of compounds belonging to the group of brassinosteroids have not been fully investigated in sweet cherries. One relatively new and one commonly applied growth regulator, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide and GA3, respectively, were tested on ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’ sweet cherries to determine the effects on fruit quality and physiological disorders. The substances were applied with a handgun sprayer at full bloom and at the beginning of fruit development (shuck split) for a 2-year period. GA3 was applied at the concentrations of 25, 50, 100 mgL?1 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide at 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 mgL?1. A combined application of 100 mgL?1 GA3 + 0.1 mgL?1 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide was also applied. Effects of GA3 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide on fruit weight and size were evident for the concentrations applied and between the seasons for both of the cultivars. Combination of the both growth regulators and 100 mgL?1 GA3 alone produced longer fruits compared to the control trees in ‘Regina’. The 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide applications increased the firmness of the flesh slightly, but not to a great degree, compared to the GA3 applications alone. The brightness of the red color was better with GA3 applications in ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’. Brassinosteroid caused the fruits to have comparably dull red color. Total soluble solid contents of the cultivars were influenced by the substances and the year of the application. Stem resistance to separation from the fruit was under the influence of both treatments and seasons. In general, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide provided better stem resistance than the GA3 applications. There were no effects of the substances on the development of physiological disorders.  相似文献   

Trials in southern Tasmania examined the thinning effects of ethephon on ‘Gala’ and ‘Jonagold’ apples. Untreated controls were compared with ethephon thinning sprays applied at full bloom at 50,100,200,400,800 and 1 600 mg I“1 to both cultivars. Thinning of both cultivars was related to the concentration of the spray and in most cases logistic models were fitted. Thinning effectiveness was largely reflected in increased fruit weight and size. The ‘Gala’ fruit was still not large enough for Australian markets. Ethephon at 200 mg I“1 effectively thinned ‘Jonagold’ and produced the required increases in fruit size and weight. ‘Jonagold’ was overthinned by the high concentrations of ethephon, but this was not reflected in increased fruit weight and size. Ethephon also reduced vegetative growth at the higher concentrations which was considered an advantage. More work is required to establish specific recommendations for either cultivar.  相似文献   

Rootstocks-scion relations have critical consequences about nutritional status, tree vigour, resistance to pest and pathogens, yield and yield quality. In this study, we therefore investigated seasonal variations of leaf mineral nutrient concentrations in Satsuma mandarin’s cvs. ‘Okitsu’, ‘Clausellina’ and ‘Silverhill’ budded on different citrus rootstocks under Dörtyol-Hatay, Turkey ecological conditions. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and K (potassium) concentrations of the leaves showed slightly similar trend each other, in general these nutrients reduced from January to March–April, and increased during the growing season until mid- and late summer, then decreased until December. Despite rootstocks did not significantly affect the leaf N, P and K concentrations rootstock-scion relation was pre-eminent and nutrient dependent. Most conspicuous scion dependent changes were recorded for K concentration whereas P concentration was little influenced. In terms of scion-rootstock combination, the range of N and K concentrations were 2.11% (‘Okitsu’/sour orange) to 2.34% (Silverhill/sour orange), and 1.09% (‘Okitsu’/Carrizo citrange) to 1.39% (‘Clausellina’/Carrizo citrange), respectively; but P concentrations were highly similar %0.13 (‘Okitsu’/sour orange) – %0.16 (‘Clausellina’/Carrizo citrange), in the entire growing season. It can be concluded that there are considerable differences in nutrient uptake ability of scion-rootstock combination.  相似文献   


Yield and fruit quality parameters were studied during three years in a rootstock trial with ‘Mutsu’ apple. M.9 provided the highest total yield per tree as well as the highest quantity of intermediate and yellow fruit as compared with J.9, M.26 and B.9. Within similar colour categories, significant differences among rootstocks were also recorded for fruit starch degradation pattern (SDP), firmness, titratable acidity (TA), and soluble solids concentrations (SSC). Generally, the lowest SDP and highest fruit firmness was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and B.9. The highest TA was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and J.9 and the highest SSC in fruits from trees on rootstocks J.9 and B.9. However, considerable variations among years were also recorded. Correlation coefficients between rootstock and several yield and quality parameters revealed high correlation to SSC for green fruit and TA for medium and yellow fruit and some correlation to yield and number of fruits per tree.  相似文献   


The influence of partial substitution of agar by galactomannans in culture media supplemented with different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was studied on in vitro rooting of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivar ‘Durondeau’ and apple rootstock (Malus prunifolia Borkh.) cultivar ‘Marubakaido’. The galactomannans applied were obtained from Cassia fastuosa (cassia) and Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (guar gum) seeds. The results obtained with mixtures of agar and galactomannan (3 g l–1 each) were compared with those from media solidified with a standard concentration of agar (6 g l–1). The rooting of pear shoots was enhanced significantly in the presence of a mixture of agar plus cassia galactomannan compared to medium solidified with agar only. The modified media promoted a higher number of roots than the control, and increased the percentage of rooted shoots. A maximum of 84.8% rooting was obtained on half-strength MS medium (1?2MS) supplemented with 0.49 µM IBA and solidified with a blend of agar plus cassia galactomannan. For the apple rootstock, only the number of roots per shoot was influenced significantly by the addition of galactomannan to the rooting medium. The highest number of roots per shoot was 16.67 on 1?2MS medium gelled with a mixture of agar plus guar galactomannan supplemented with 4.90 µM IBA. The behaviour of the agar-galactomannan gel and the possibility of reduced costs when compared with systems containing only agar, suggest new biological and commercial applications for galactomannans.  相似文献   


‘Bartlett’ and ‘d’Anjou’ pears treated with 300 nl l–1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) did not soften to eating quality within 7 d, a desirable ripening period. A pre-conditioning method was evaluated as a means to re-initiate the softening ability of pears prior to marketing. Fruit were treated with 1-MCP and stored at –1°C in regular air, or in a controlled atmosphere for 2 – 9 months. After storage, fruit were pre-conditioned with nine temperature (10°, 15° or 20°C) and time (5, 10 or 20 d) combinations. Pre-conditioned fruit were then assessed for ripening ability following storage for 14 d at 20°C. The ripening ability of 1-MCP-treated ‘Bartlett’ fruit recovered in response to many pre-conditioning combinations of 10° – 20°C for 10 – 20 d, as indicated by a decrease in flesh firmness to 27 N or lower. The requirements for pre-conditioning regimes are storage atmosphere- and time-dependent. For ‘d’Anjou’ pears, no pre-conditioning combination resulted in re-initiating the ripening of fruit treated with 300 nl l–1 1-MCP. However, when the 1-MCP dose was 50 nl l–1, ‘d’Anjou’ pears ripened over an extended shelf-period with a substantial decrease in superficial scald. The results indicate that treatment with 1-MCP at approx. 50 nl l–1, combined with a pre-conditioning prior to marketing, is a potential means to control scald in ‘d’Anjou’ fruit. Re-initiation of ripening occurred concomitantly with a substantial increase in ethylene production. The control of superficial scald by 1-MCP in ‘d’Anjou’ pears was due to the inhibition of the biosynthesis of -farnesene and conjugated trienes.  相似文献   


Net photosynthesis, dark respiration and chlorophyll content were studied in plants of Codiaeum when transferred” from a glasshouse to photon flux densities 6, 18, or 66 μE m?2s?1 in growth rooms. The diurnal patterns of daily net photosynthesis and dark respiration were recorded during the first 12 days and 3, 7, 11 and 19 weeks after the transfer. Only plants transferred to 66 μE m?2s?1 reached a positive total net photosynthesis per day within the first 12 days. This was achieved only between the 12th day and 3 weeks when transferred to 6 μE m?2s?1. The rate of net photosynthesis increased until the 11th week and then declined, while dark respiration decreased until the 11th week and then increased. The diurnal patterns of net photosynthesis and dark respiration changed significantly with time of acclimatization. The rate of change in daily net photosynthesis and dark respiration was highest in the plants transferred to the lowest photon flux density. Changes in chlorophyll content of the leaves were similar to those in net photosynthesis.  相似文献   


We explored the potential of deficit irrigation (DI) applied at different times during the growing season for improving fruit quality and storage potential of ‘Braeburn’ apple growing in a commercial orchard. Because DI often reduces fruit size, effects of fruit size on fruit quality were also examined. The irrigation treatments were: commercially irrigated control (C), early deficit irrigation (EDI) applied from 63 to 118 d after full bloom (DAFB), and late decifit irrigation (LDI) applied from 118 DAFB to final harvest on 201 DAFB. Both EDI and LDI improved fruit quality in terms of increases in: dry-matter concentration (DMC) at harvest, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, and total soluble sugars both at harvest and after storage. The DI fruit had less weight loss during storage than did C fruit. Deficit irrigation affected the concentrations of a few individual aroma volatiles but not total volatile concentration. Incidence of physiological disorders was not affected by irrigation treatments. Mean fruit weight was lower in DI than in C but the difference was not significant. Among the quality attributes studied, only firmness and DMC were affected by fruit size with their values being higher in smaller fruit.  相似文献   


The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA), the concentration of which increases in grape berry skins at the onset of maturation (veraison), appears to be involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation. Preliminary tests suggested that exogenous applications of ABA could improve grape berry colour, but its high cost precluded the development of commercial applications. Recently, a lower-cost ABA production method was developed, which led to the evaluation of different concentrations of ABA, applied at or around veraison, on the quality of ‘Redglobe’ grapes. In two of three years of tests, several ABA treatments enhanced the anthocyanin content of grape skins. ABA, applied at approx. 300 mg l–1 at veraison, may be required to reliably increase pigmentation, and improve the colour of ‘Redglobe’ grapes. Although the total anthocyanin content was increased by ABA treatment, anthocyanin composition was not affected. Applications of ABA had few effects on fruit size or composition, although they did cause fruit softening, which is undesirable. A secondary objective of this study was to determine how the anthocyanin content of berry skins affected berry colour characteristics. Strong curvilinear relationships between anthocyanin content and lightness and hue showed that these colour characteristics were saturated by anthocyanin contents over 0.02 mg cm–2 of skin. These data suggest that colour measurements may be needed to evaluate the effect of cultural practices on colour in table grapes.  相似文献   


The effects of progressive water stress and subsequent re-hydration on fruit growth and mineral nutrient content were investigated in banana plants (Musa acuminata AAA, ‘Grand Nain’) under field conditions. Water stress was imposed by suspending irrigation from flower emergence for 63 d, then continuous re-watering was restored. These adverse conditions reduced fruit growth, fruit size, yield, and delayed fruit maturation. Fruit fresh and dry weights decreased with photosynthetic rate and soil moisture content during the stress period. In relation to nutrient accumulation, the main effect of drought was to reduce potassium levels, which is the major mineral nutrient in banana. In contrast, all the other minerals analysed either increased (i.e., calcium, sodium, iron and zinc), or remained stable (i.e., nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper) under the drought treatment, which generated a positive effect on the organoleptic properties of the fruit. After re-hydration, the mineral nutrient content of banana fruit was similar between stressed and non-stressed plants. The data illustrate the ability of banana to maintain relatively normal mineral contents and functional fruit tissues, which continued to expand after re-hydration, despite the long period of water stress. However, banana fruit lost commercial value, with a reduction in size and biomass after the water stress period.  相似文献   


Shade and chemical thinning treatments were applied to mature ‘Royal Gala’/M.26 apple trees either alone or in combination to study their effects on the pattern of abscission and growth of spur fruit. Natural fruit drop occurred in two distinct waves in both years; the first wave peaked 20 d after bloom (DAB) at a weekly abscission rate of c 15% in both years. The second wave of fruit drop in 2001 occurred earlier and was more intense than in the previous season. Application of NAA as a bloom thinner increased the maximum weekly abscission rate during the first wave of fruit drop in both years. Chemical fruit thinning treatments (Carbaryl in 2000, BA or delayed lime sulphur in 2001) had no effect on abscission or growth of spur fruit. Covering trees with 80% shade cloth for 3 d (2000) or 5 d (2001) stimulated a wave of fruit abscission that peaked c 10–15 d after removal of the cloth. Shade during the period from 20–25 DAB stimulated more fruit drop than earlier shade treatments, resulting in weekly abscission rates as high as 70%.There were no additive effects of combining thinning chemicals and shade treatments on abscission of fruit from spurs. However, additive effects of shade and thinning treatments were observed when measured as whole-tree crop density values, indicating that abscission of fruit from one-year wood was stimulated when low light conditions preceded application of (fruit) thinning chemicals. Shading trees from 34–39 DAB in 2000 resulted in a transient reduction and subsequent increase in the rate of dry-matter accumulation in fruit that were retained. Considerable challenges lie ahead in developing models of fruit growth that can account for the inter-dependent effects of light and crop load on fruit abscission and development that exist within an orchard environment.  相似文献   

A trial, at Spreyton in north-western Tasmania, studied the effects of Cytolin and NAA sprays on the thinning and shape of ‘Delicious’ apples. Untreated control and hand thinned trees were compared with trees treated with Cytolin or NAA alone, or in combination. Cytolin was applied at 25 mg 1~‘ at the king petal (KP) stage. NAA was applied at 8 mg I“1 at full bloom (FB) and 7,10, or 15 days after full bloom (AFB). Cytolin alone had no effect on thinning, fruit weight or on pip numbers but it did improve fruit shape. The combination of cytolin and NAA at FB overthinned. Cytolin and NAA combinations applied at all times after FB significantly decreased both mean fruit weight and pip numbers and reduced the percentage of fruit > 70 mm. All Cytolin-NAA combinations and the NAA treatments applied at 10 and 15 days AFB resulted in unacceptably high percentages of apples < 45 mm in diameter (pygmy fruit). It is recommended that Cytolin and NAA should not be used in the same spray programme. NAA alone is a most effective thinner at FB or seven days AFB.  相似文献   


The influence of exogenously applied indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on root and shoot development of leafy cuttings was analysed in Prunus cerasus P. canescens ‘GiSelA 5’, a dwarfing cherry rootstock, in two successive years. Compared to control cuttings, IBA application (4 g l–1 in 2003; 2.5 g l–1 in 2004) caused higher indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) accumulation in the cutting bases, but that did not influence the percentage of rooted cuttings, nor their survival in either year. However, IBA inhibited callus formation and, consequently, influenced the quality of the developed cuttings. Callus formation impeded root development, reducing the number of main roots, and inhibited the growth of the cuttings, reducing the average total length of shoots formed by individual cuttings. Callus formation was most reduced in the cuttings in the second experimental year, with high initial IAA concentrations.  相似文献   


Trial work over a two year period examined the aquatic herbicide endothal as a blossom thinner in conjunction with 6-benzyladenine (CyLex?) as a post-bloom thinner. The aim was to develop an effective thinning programme using endothal and CyLex?, to examine any interactions between the two chemicals, and to assess the impact of endothal on fruit quality. Time of application of endothal was shown to be critical in achieving a satisfactory level of thinning. Multiple applications of lower chemical rates were also successful, and may have potential to provide an effective programme for cultivars with long flowering periods, which are traditionally most difficult to thin. Addition of a surfactant to the spray mix significantly increased the thinning effect of endothal, resulting in severe over-thinning. This work has demonstrated that endothal is an effective thinner of red ‘Delicious’ apples. It is most effective when applied twice during the blossom period, the first application at 20% bloom and the second at 80% bloom. There is no advantage in increasing the concentration above 1.0 cm3 dm-3 (v/v). Endothal can also be effectively combined in a programme with the post-bloom thinner CyLex? applied at 150 mg l”1 at a spray volume of 12001 ha-1. Addition of CyLex? to the spray programme has the added benefits of increasing fruit weight and size. Fruit sugar content and firmness were both increased by application of endothal. The greater the number of applications the higher the firmness and sugar content of the fruit. Both these findings are additional benefits to the thinning effect. Both pip number and fruit length/diameter ratio were slightly reduced by endothal. Cylex and some endothal treatments increased the incidence of fruit russet.  相似文献   

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