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The development and distribution of the conducting tissue of tomato fruit in relation to salinity was studied by recording the number of vascular bundles in different layers of the fruit tissues at different growth stages in fruit grown at three levels of salinity (electrical conductivity, 5,10 and 15 mS cm'1). The uptake of safranin through the pedicel was used to locate the lignified xylem tissue in the bundles. Pericarp and placenta were supplied by separated vascular networks. Both the number and the density of vascular bundles (per cross sectional area of fruit tissue) were higher in pericarp than in placenta. The number of bundles decreased from the proximal (pedicel) half to the distal (blossom-end) half of the fruit, more so in the placenta than in the pericarp. The average density of bundles decreased from 1.7 and 0.6 bundles mm-2 in pericarp and placenta, respectively, to less than 0.1 bundles mm'2 during fruit expansion from dl4 to d31. The average density of bundles in layer 5 of the placenta was 2.5 times lower than that of the pericarp throughout fruit development. Salinity reduced the number of both total and stained bundles especially in the distal layer of the placenta. Therefore, xylem tissue development in the distal fruit tissue was substantially retarded at high salinity and this may be the anatomical basis for the initial Ca deficiency symptom of blossom-end rot in the distal placenta.  相似文献   

In addition to managing soil-borne diseases in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) production, grafting with resistant rootstocks may impact fruit quality. The ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) has been shown to extend shelf life of fresh muskmelon fruit. Postharvest characteristics of 1-MCP-treated melon fruit as affected by grafting, however, have not been well examined. This study was conducted to explore the influence of grafting with different rootstocks on ripening and quality attributes of 1-MCP-treated muskmelon fruit during postharvest storage. Grafted ‘Athena’ muskmelon with two commercial squash interspecific hybrid rootstocks including ‘Strong Tosa’ and ‘Tetsukabuto’ as well as non-grafted and self-grafted ‘Athena’ were grown in replicated field plots at the University of Florida Plant Science Research and Education Unit (Citra, FL, USA) during April–June 2010. Half-slip fruit from two harvests were treated with 1.0 μL L−1 1-MCP (18 h, 20 °C) and analyzed during storage at 13 °C. For fruit from the 27 May harvest, whole fruit and mesocarp firmness, titratable acidity, soluble solids, and ascorbic acid content were measured, while production of ethylene and CO2 was determined on fruit from the 29 June harvest. Grafting did not show a significant impact on fruit yield but affected the fruit shelf life significantly. Fruit from non-grafted ‘Athena’ and ‘Athena’ grafted onto ‘Strong Tosa’ demonstrated a shelf life of 31 d for the first harvest and 22 d for the second harvest. Shelf life of fruit from self-grafted ‘Athena’ and ‘Athena’ grafted onto ‘Tetsukabuto’ declined by 6 d and 3 d for the first and second harvest, respectively. Whole fruit firmness decreased by approximately 15.5% on average from 13 to 31 d except day 19 as a result of grafting, but to a lesser extent with ‘Strong Tosa’ rootstock. Mesocarp firmness of grafted melon was reduced by about 30.2% at days 13 and 19 compared to non-grafted ‘Athena’ fruit. In contrast, titratable acidity, soluble solid content, and ascorbic acid concentration were less affected by grafting. All the measurements except for ethylene and CO2 production declined during storage regardless of the grafting treatment. Compared with ‘Strong Tosa’ rootstock, ‘Tetsukabuto’ resulted in a more rapid ripening under 1-MCP application, as reflected by earlier increase in ethylene production and higher respiratory rate. The study demonstrates that grafting effects on postharvest ripening and quality of ‘Athena’ muskmelon can vary markedly with rootstocks used.  相似文献   

Fruit development and quality in strawberry cv. Rapella were influenced by salinity (+NaCl) treatments applied to the roots of plants growing in rockwool under heated glasshouse conditions. As salinity increased from 2.5 to 8.5 mS cm-1, fruit yield decreased. Analysis of the fruit showed that the reduction in yield was due to reduced water content, reflected by increasing dry matter percentage (8.32% at 2.5 to 9.78% at 8.5 mS cm-1). The concentration of reducing sugars and acids remained the same on a dry-weight basis after salinity treatment but, on a fresh weight basis, the decreasing water content increased their relative concentrations. Salinity levels had no significant effect on instrumental texture and colour measurements. Sensory evaluation of the colour, texture and flavour of strawberries showed significant differences in colour and flavour but no difference in texture.  相似文献   

利用小型研究型温室,人工增加UV-B(紫外线B),旨在探讨增加UV-B辐射对改善温室番茄果实活性物质含量、提高番茄营养健康性能和商品品质的可行性,为温室生产提供参考。试验结果表明,适度增加UV-B辐照后,番茄节间长度缩短,株高降低。但植株结果节数增加,番茄果实数量增多,果实体积略有减小。UV-B辐射诱导花青素、黄酮类化合物等次生代谢物质的积累,刺激果实抗氧化能力和抗氧化活性的提升。因此,温室适量增加UV-B辐射,能提高番茄的营养物质,改善温室番茄果实品质。  相似文献   

【目的】针对白皮石榴采后果皮褐变严重的问题,明确其采后果皮褐变的机制。【方法】以‘白花玉石籽’为材料,研究贮藏期间果皮褐变指数及相关生理生化指标的变化。【结果】贮藏过程中,果皮失重率及褐变指数随着贮藏时间的延长而逐渐增加。非酶促褐变指标还原糖和氨基酸态氮与褐变程度有显著相关性。还原糖呈先下降后小幅上升趋势;氨基酸态氮含量呈逐步降低的趋势;而5-HMF含量总体呈上升趋势。酶促褐变指标酚类底物、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性变化与褐变指数呈极显著相关。PPO活性持续下降;总酚含量先下降,然后随着褐变的发生而上升。果皮褐变过程也伴随着细胞渗透物的外渗和组织的衰老。与褐变指数的相关性分析表明,果皮褐变指数分别与失重率及还原糖、总酚、MDA含量呈显著正相关,与氨基酸态氮、PPO活性则呈极显著负相关。【结论】采后石榴果皮褐变既有酶促褐变也有非酶促褐变。  相似文献   

热处理对果蔬采后品质及病虫害的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
采后热处理是近年来快速发展的果蔬采后处理技术,广泛应用于改善果蔬贮藏期间的品质、增强抗逆性等 方面。从果蔬贮藏期间的生理生化、采后品质及防治病虫害等方面阐述了热处理的机理,讨论了热处理对果蔬衰老 方面的生理特征如色泽、风味、硬度(软化)、失重、呼吸、乙烯释放、酶活性等变化及与抗逆性有关的诱导蛋白质合成 及基因表达的影响,较全面阐述了热处理防治果蔬贮藏期间病虫害的机理如直接作用于病菌、害虫与提高果蔬的抗 病虫性等。  相似文献   

采后热处理对枇杷果实冷藏期间品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以解放钟枇杷为材料,研究热水和热空气处理对枇杷冷藏(4℃)期间品质的影响。结果表明,38℃36h和48h热空气处理均能够延缓枇杷果实可溶性固形物和出汁率的下降,阻止木质素、硬度、细胞膜透性以及果心褐变指数的上升,显著抑制枇杷果实腐烂的发生,冷藏后枇杷保持较好的食用品质。2组处理相比38℃热空气处理48h的效果较好一点,但是该处理出现了轻微的热伤害。50℃10min、20min热水处理导致严重的热伤害,加剧了枇杷果实的腐烂,在冷藏14d后失去了商品价值,该热水处理不适合枇杷果实的采后保鲜。  相似文献   

Tomato can be injured by two very important physiological disorders, namely blossom end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC). The purpose of this review is to describe these physiological disorders and to assess whether cultivar and cropping system can minimise their symptoms. Physiological Ca deficiency is usually related to the inability of the plant to translocate adequate Ca to the affected plant part, rather than to insufficient Ca levels in the growing medium. The first visible symptom of BER is a small darkened or water-soaked area around the blossom end of the fruit, appearing about the time the fruit begins to ripen. The spot darkens, enlarges, and becomes sunken as the fruit matures. Large lesions may show in concentric rings. FC is the splitting of the epidermis around the calyx or stem scar. FC is a physiological disorder, which mainly occurs when there is a rapid net influx of solutes and especially water into the fruit, while at the same time ripening or other factors reduce the strength and elasticity of the tomato skin. This review article gives an overview of the causes of BER and FC and summarizes growing methods aimed at reducing these physiological disorders of tomatoes.  相似文献   

The effects of six cultural treatments on (a) marketable yield, (b) percentage marketable plants and (c) percentage perfect quality curds produced, were studied on representative varieties of three groups of autumn cauliflower in experiments carried out over a period of five years. The treatments included a comparison of the use of graded and ungraded seed, transplanting and direct-drilling of the crop, different transplant ages, selection for uniformity at planting or thinning time, and plant density and nitrogen levels during the early seedling stage of growth.

In general the yields and quality of drilled and transplanted crops were similar with all varieties each year and neither the use of graded seed nor the nitrogen treatments had any significant effect on yield or curd quality. Both increasing plant density in the seedbed and increasing age of transplant caused a reduction in yield on most occasions. The effects of the treatments on yield and quality are discussed in relation to their effects on the maturity characteristics of the crops.  相似文献   

[目的]探究猕猴桃新品种皖金的采后贮藏特点,明晰其适宜的贮藏温度及包装膜袋厚度.[方法]试验分为两部分:首先将部分果实分别放入(0±0.5)℃、(1±0.5)℃、(2±0.5)℃,相对湿度(90±5)%冷库以及常温(CK1)下贮藏,定期取样测定相关指标,确定皖金适宜贮藏温度;在上述适宜贮温基础上,进一步优化贮藏条件,采...  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同杂交柑橘(杂柑)游离氨基酸(free amino acid,FAA)组分含量特征及其对风味品质的影响.[方法]采用高效液相色谱法对浙江省引种的15种杂柑的17种FAA含量进行检测,同时采用味道强度值(TAV)、主成分分析(PCA)及聚类分析进行综合评价.[结果]15种杂柑均检出17种游离氨基酸(FAA)...  相似文献   


The current practice of manual emasculation of tomato ¯owers for hybrid seed production is labour-intensive and contributes signi®cantly to the high cost of seed. Here we report on a photoperiod-sensitive, single gene male-sterile mutant (7B-1) in tomato which is 100% male sterile in long days (LD, minimum of 12.h daylength) in summer ®eld conditions, but produces many male-fertile ¯owers in short days (SD, 8.h). In LD, 7B-1 ¯owers contain stamens that are pale, short and in the anthers microspore mother cells are differentiated but meiosis does not occur, i.e. microspores and pollen grains are not formed. Unlike the wild type ¯owers, the style and stigma of 7B-1 ¯owers are well exposed and this allows for ready access for pollination without emasculation. In SD, mutant ¯owers possess normal-looking orange-yellow anthers that enclose the stigma and produce normal viable pollen, which when used for pollination of 7B-1 ¯owers yield good fruit- and seed-set. The 7B-1 seed in turn generate a 100% population of male-sterile plants all of which can be used as female parents for hybrid seed production. The female fertility is not affected in 7B-1 ¯owers in both LD and SD conditions. The 7B-1 mutant has been grown in various ®eld locations including, Saskatoon, California, Florida and in Chile, and at all locations it has shown stable male sterility. The 7B-1 mutant is a simple, natural and costeffective system that has a strong potential for use in commercial-scale production of tomato hybrid seed.  相似文献   

不同砧木嫁接对番茄生长及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨不同砧木嫁接对番茄产量和品质的影响,以'粉霸2000'番茄为试验材料,选择'美砧一号"砧霸一号'托鲁巴姆'强力砧'新纳姆'5个砧木品种进行比较试验,'美砧一号'砧木嫁接番茄成活率达90.67%,果实品质与对照无显著差异,单果质量0.24 kg,667 m~2产量7 002.79 kg,比自根苗分别增加了41.17%,58.97%。综合评价认为,'美砧一号'砧木嫁接番茄不仅成活率高,而且能显著促进植株生长,提高番茄产量,可作为番茄嫁接砧木选择的参考品种在盐城地区推广。  相似文献   

为明确茶皂素和噻菌灵混配对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌的抑制作用,采用菌丝生长速率法和共毒系数法测定了茶皂素、噻菌灵及其混剂对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌的室内毒力以及增效比率(SR),同时测定了茶皂素与噻菌灵混剂对沙糖橘采后青绿霉菌的防治效果及其对贮藏品质的影响.结果表明,茶皂素与噻菌灵配比为8:2时对柑橘青霉和绿霉病菌具有显著的防治效...  相似文献   

为了科学准确判断软枣猕猴桃果实采收期,以‘桓优1号’软枣猕猴桃品种为试材,在常规采收日(盛花后110 d)前0、5、10、15、20、25、30 d采收,测定了软枣猕猴桃果实成熟过程中单果重、果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量等指标,并探讨了细胞壁成分和相关降解酶活性的变化规律。结果表明:从常规采收日前20d开始单果重增重幅度较小,在常规采收日前15d总果胶、半纤维素含量大幅下降,水溶性果胶含量在常规采收日前10 d以后缓慢增加,而其他可溶性果胶成分则在常规采收日前5 d以后迅速增加,纤维素含量在常规采收日前20 d至15 d缓慢下降,在常规采收日前5 d迅速增加然后下降;多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性在常规采收日前15 d迅速增加然后保持平稳,β-半乳糖苷酶(β-Gal)活性在常规采收日前10 d开始缓慢增加,纤维素酶活性则一直缓慢增加,在常规采收日前5 d以后迅速增加。由此建议,软枣猕猴桃果实如需长时间运输或贮藏,宜在常规采收日前20 d(盛花后90 d左右)采收;直接上市则宜在常规采收日前5 d采收。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨杂交二代(F2)2个功能型苹果优株及对照品种‘嘎拉’的果实风味品质,旨在为新疆野苹果资源的利用保存及功能型苹果育种理论与技术提供基本资料。【方法】以2个功能型苹果优株‘红心7号’和‘红心9号’为试材,以栽培品种‘嘎拉’为对照,对果实的类黄酮组分、糖酸组分、挥发性成分等风味物质的组成和含量进行检测分析。【结果】‘红心7号’与‘红心9号’硬度、Ca、Fe、Zn和花青苷含量及抗氧化能力均显著或极显著高于‘嘎拉’;3个参试材料均以果糖和苹果酸含量最高,2个功能型苹果优株糖、酸总量均显著高于‘嘎拉’;‘红心9号’果实各类挥发性成分种类数和特征香气成分种类数最高,含量以‘嘎拉’最高,但‘红心7号’各类挥发性成分和特征香气成分的种类数及含量均最低;‘红心9号’与‘红心7号’类黄酮含量分别是‘嘎拉’的3.1倍和2.3倍,但‘红心9号’味感偏酸,而‘红心7号’味感甜酸适口,与‘嘎拉’基本一致。【结论】‘红心7号’硬脆多汁,甜酸适口,果实类黄酮、花青苷和Ca、Fe、Zn含量及抗氧化能力均显著或极显著高于‘嘎拉’。因此,从新疆红肉苹果杂交二代分离群体中能够选育出综合品质优良的功能型苹果新品系。  相似文献   

This study illustrates the effects of light quality as influenced by photo-selective shade nets (red, yellow, and pearl with 40% shade) and the widely used commercial black net (25% shade) on overall retail quality and phytochemical contents of three lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties (two green varieties, Ashbrook and Aquarell, and a red variety, Exbury) at after postharvest storage. Variety-specific responses were observed with respect to different coloured shade nets with regards to the accumulation of β-carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids (kaempferol, isorhamnetin, quercetin, myricetin, anthocyanin), and antioxidant activity at harvest. Growing var. Ashbrook under the pearl net improved the ascorbic acid and myricetin contents after postharvest storage. Var. Exbury (red) produced under the black net showed higher retention of ascorbic acid, and anthocyanin contents after postharvest storage. Also pearl net production improved the β-carotene content after postharvest storage in var. Aquarell. All lettuce types produced under the pearl nets showed less weight loss, and overall acceptance after postharvest storage. Spectral quality under the shade nets enabled us to improve the phytochemical content and antioxidant properties in light-sensitive varieties Ashbrook Aquarell and Exbury, during winter season.  相似文献   

采后红富士苹果色泽变化与氧化酶的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
供试红富士苹果在贮藏初期(1-4周)果皮的花青苷含量有一个再合成过程,且这种合成过程无需光照条 件。不同的贮藏温度条件下花青苷合成发生时期不一样。20℃条件下,果皮花青苷含量第2周增加了31.2%。从第3 周开始,果皮的花青苷含量急剧下降;0℃条件下,果皮的花青苷含量第4周有增加达到最高峰。不同贮藏温度条件 下果实的花青苷的降解速度也存在较大差异,在高温(20℃)条件下贮藏,SOD活性变化与苹果果皮内花青苷含量的 变化相吻合,表明SOD可减缓苹果果皮内花青苷的降解。POD存在2种调控机制:在贮藏前期,果实具有较高的 POD活性,能够清除H2O2,起保护反应。贮藏后期POD活性高促进了果实的衰老。而低温(0℃)条件下贮藏,除SOD 酶在贮藏初期增加外,其他相关酶活性在贮藏后期均保持较低水平,变幅较小,果实的花青苷含量在整个贮藏期间 变化不显著。  相似文献   

采后1-MCP和热处理对红富士苹果生理变化和贮藏品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
采用1-MCP(浓度为1μL/L,18h)、热空气(HA)38℃-96h及2者结合对富士苹果进行处理,处理后的果实置于(0±0.5)℃条件冷藏4个月,然后置于20℃条件下7d(模拟货架期)。试验发现在整个贮藏过程中所有处理组均能抑制果实的乙烯释放速率和呼吸强度,减缓果实硬度的降低。热处理组对固酸比的上升有显著作用,保持了较高的非水溶性果胶含量和较低的水溶性果胶含量。热处理在贮藏过程中对于果实硬度的保持与对照组相比起到一定的作用,但加速了果皮中叶绿素含量的降解。1-MCP处理组能够较好地抑制果实果皮的褪绿,保持果皮中较高的叶绿素含量,初期抑制细胞膜透性的上升,延缓果实的后熟衰老。结合处理组较好地保持果实膜的完整性,减缓了由热处理所引起的果皮叶绿素的降解,并保持较高的含酸量,保持了较好的风味品质。  相似文献   

The influence of cold storage, increasing fruit maturity and water loss on the ripening physiology of ‘Fuerte’ avocado was investigated. Fruit cold stored for 28 d at 5.5°C always subsequently ripened faster than non-stored fruits of a similar maturity. Non-stored fruit showed an expected decrease in ripening time with increasing maturity. In cold stored fruit the relationship between ripening time and maturity was less clear. Cold stored fruit lost less water during ripening than non-stored fruit of similar maturity, but lost water faster than non-stored fruit. Increasing maturity reduced the total amount of water lost during ripening. Cold storage increased the incidence of mesocarp discoloration which became more severe with increasing fruit maturity. Passive water infusion into fruit had no effect on the rate of fruit ripening (and water is obviously not involved as a ‘ripening trigger’) but totally inhibited the manifestation of postharvest browning disorders.  相似文献   

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