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现代苹果生产的终极目标是进行商品化变现。商品化要求果品要大小整齐,高桩,着色均匀。也就是要具有较高的标准。而苹果结果具有极大的随意性,由于花芽着生部位不一样、花芽的饱满程度不同等差别都会影响果实的品质。为了提高果实的商品性,生产中要加大人为干预措施,促使所产的果实质量标准一致。在加强综合管理的前提下,要重点强化花果管理。  相似文献   

Application of paclobutrazol at 1, 5 or 10 mg 1?1 by soil drench inhibited growth and increased chlorophyll content of leaf discs of cucumber and zucchini squash. The treatments also significantly postponed symptoms of chilling injury of seedlings at 5°C. The degree of protection from injury sustained at low temperature increased with increasing duration of the paclobutrazol treatment. Cucumber seedlings were more sensitive to chilling injury and were more responsive to the paclobutrazol treatment than seedlings of zucchini squash.  相似文献   

设施葡萄花果管理及果实品质提高措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花果管理是设施葡萄生产过程中重要的技术环节.花果管理的好坏直接影响着果品的商品性和内在品质.果实品质是果树栽培技术的中心目标,只有优质,才能提高果品在市场上的竞争力.因此,如何规范花果管理、提高果实品质成为当前生产上亟待解决的问题.温室葡萄花果管理和提高果实品质的主要技术措施如下:  相似文献   

美国黑莓,群众俗称"黑草莓",为蔷薇科黑莓属多年生藤本鲜食水果.原产北美,是第3代新兴水果,目前风靡欧美.1995年从美国引种成功,1997年被枣庄市科委列为农业重点开发项目.1999年进行了黑莓大棚栽培试验,结果表明果实、果色、风味与露地栽培较为相似,667m2(1亩)产量达820 kg,浆果成熟期比露地栽培提早86天左右,售价比露地栽培增长10倍(40~60元/kg),经济效益显著.  相似文献   

韩国列入统计范围的果树树种有苹果、梨、桃、葡萄、柿、柑桔、李等,苹果、梨、葡萄、柿、柑桔与五大主栽树种,从1995-2000年统计数字看,苹果面积、产量分别下降42%、31.5%,梨面积、产量分别上升39.11%、45.00%,桃、葡萄、柿、柑桔稳中趋升。近几年韩国育成的果树新品种在生产应用较多,已开始取代国外引进品种。矮化密植,V字形(设支架或网架)整枝,地下管理采用生草制或覆盖制,采用滴灌或微喷灌溉,注重土壤改良和增加土壤有机质,严格疏花疏果,是未来栽培管理技术体系的主要环节。  相似文献   

介绍了近年来加拿大苹果,核果类水果,葡萄,越桔,树莓,草莓,蔓越桔等果树的集中产区,栽培面积和产量以及进出口贸易情况。  相似文献   

阐述了山东省果树生产现状、基本经验和存在问题。分析了加入WTO后山东果树生产面临的机遇和挑战。提出了充分发挥资源优势,完善管理,优化结构,强化标准质量监督和加快社会服务体系建设等实现果树现代化生产和经营的对策。  相似文献   

介绍澳大利亚苹果、梨、葡萄、桃、李、杏、甜樱桃、柿、猕猴桃和越橘等主要落叶果树的生产现状及品种和砧木的选择、集约化生产和标准化管理、机械化作业的栽培模式和果品产后的处理等栽培特点。  相似文献   

近年来,绿色食品的生产已受到人们的普遍关注,但在果树生产中滥用农药和过量应用化肥的问题尚未得到根本解决.为探讨生产绿色果品的适宜方法,我们于2000~2003年在辽宁省普兰店市大农高效示范园区进行了保护地甜樱桃绿色果品生产技术试验,取得了预期的效果,示范园区于2002年7月通过中国绿色食品发展中心审核,生产的樱桃被认定为A级绿色食品,园区被命名为大连市绿色食品生产基地.现将试验结果报道如下.  相似文献   

DU Na-na  XU Dan-dan  HUANG Li-li 《园艺学报》2015,31(12):2301-2304
AIM: To observe the characteristics of estrous cycle of female ICR mice and ovariectomized mice that had reached sexual maturity stage. METHODS: ICR mice were randomly divided into 3 groups, normal group, sham operation group and ovariectomized group. After ovariectomy and sham operating, at the 8th day, the mice were taken vaginal smears twice daily (09:00 and 16:00) for 12 consecutive days. The feature of vulva in the mice and vaginal smear cytology, occurrence rate of regular estrous cycle, duration of estrous cycle and each stage duration of estrous cycle were recorded and observed. RESULTS: The characteristics of estrous cycle in normal group and sham operation group were similar. Nearly 85% of the ICR mice in sexual maturity stage showed regular estrous cycle. The majority manifested 6-day cycle (83%), and only a small number exhibited 5-day cycle (17%). Compared with 5-day group, the duration of oestrus was significantly increased in 6-day group (P<0.05). The number and kind of the cells in vaginal smear were a little different between 5-day and 6-day groups. The ovariectomized mice which showed irregular estrous cycle (76%) were characterized by continuous diestrus. CONCLUSION: Female ICR mice have the strain characteristics of estrus cycle.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the correlations among vascular dilation function, high-sensiticity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP) and endothelin-1(ET-1) in patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS: Flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) and nitroglycerin mediated dilation (NMD) were measured by high-frequency ultrasound in 65 patients with coronary artery disease and 33 cases in control group. hs-CRP and ET-1 were detected at the meantime. RESULTS: FMD and NMD were decreased significantly in patients with coronary artery disease compared with the control group, but in contrast, hs-CRP and ET-1 were increased in patients with coronary artery disease as compared with the control group. hs-CRP and ET-1 were negatively correlated with FMD and NMD, respectively (P<0.05), and FMD was positively correlated with NMD (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Vasodilation dysfunction exists in patients with coronary artery disease, which may result from the enhancement of hs-CRP and ET-1.  相似文献   


Oxygen consumption in boronia flowers after harvest was correlated with production of volatiles. In some cases, exogenously applied respiratory inhibitors (NaN3, 2 mM and KCN, 100 mM and 3 mM) were not present in sufficient quantities to inhibit respiration, and yet production of volatiles was inhibited: indicating the action of cytoplasmic enzymes in the conversion of precursors into volatiles after harvest. Post-harvest respiration, whether via normal or alternative pathways, is a requirement for production of volatiles. Production of volatiles concurrent with activation of the alternative pathway may suggest that ATP may not be required. Large buds and open flowers consume three times as much oxygen as smaller buds after harvest: one reason for the reduced amounts of volatiles produced after harvest in small and medium sized buds, and in early stages of flowering.  相似文献   

通过对东升等22个小果型红皮南瓜品种在海南海口和文昌试点分期播种,于果实成熟期调查各品种出现花瓜率、感染病毒瓜数及坐果节位等的观察试验,比较不同品种出现花瓜的差异,并分析其果实出现绿斑的原因,为生产提供参考。结果表明,不同小果型红皮南瓜品种花瓜率差异很大;父母本均是红皮的育种材料,通过正交方式杂交选育出的品种花瓜率普遍较低。初步得出:小果型红皮南瓜大田生产果实出现绿斑(花瓜)现象主要受品种本身遗传特性影响,与坐果节位没有关系;在海南省10月份播种,花瓜率与播种时间不存在规律性相关。  相似文献   

(接上期63页)1998年、1999年世界苹果产量 (单位:t)国家或地区  1998年产量1999年产量国家或地区  1998年产量1999年产量中国 19489900 22009180F以色列 102910 102910F美国51650004815000斯洛文尼亚102851102851F土耳其25000002500000F立陶宛100000100000...  相似文献   

(接上期60页)1996年、1997年世界杏产量 (单位:t)国家或地区  1996年产量1997年产量国家或地区  1996年产量1997年产量土耳其241000241000利比亚1450014500伊朗214616198000奥地利1342113421西班牙194900127800格鲁吉亚1200014000巴基斯坦188063190000新西兰1200011000法国175856150500以色列792012000意大利137033105516斯洛伐克73467000乌克兰12400012…  相似文献   


The potential for enhanced concentrations of essential oils (solvent-extracted floral products) in flowers from four genetically distinct clones of brown boronia (Boronia megastigma Nees) as a result of post-harvest incubation was assessed. Flowers were sampled throughout 48 h of incubation at 12 and 308C. There was significant variation in the changes observed between clones. Increases in the concentration of floral extract as a result of incubation varied from 3% to 19%, the maximum concentration of floral extract observed was 2.13% (dry-weight basis). The volatile portion of the extract increased by between 25 and 117%, and the concentration of b-ionone, the main volatile of interest, increased by between 45 and 181%. The maximum concentration of total volatiles observed was 0.47%, and of b-ionone, 0.165%; all values being expressed as a percentage of dry flower weight. The most significant increase in floral extract, total volatiles and b-ionone after harvest, occurred in clone 250. Increases in all components were greater as a result of incubation at 128C for 48 h compared with 308C for 12 h.  相似文献   


Pink mould is a disease caused by the common saprophytic fungus Trichothecium roseum (Pers.:Fr.). Pink mould rarely infects kernels of pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangeh.) C. Koch] in the southeastern USA, but the disease was a major problem in 2002. T. roseum enters the pecan fruit via scab lesions on the shuck caused by the fungus Fusicladoporium effusum, (G. Winters) Partridge & Morgan-Jones. This study examined the association between pink mould and weather during nut maturation. Average daily temperatures and two or more consecutive days of rainfall were identified as critical factors in 2002, and were compared with weather data between 1963 – 2001 when there was no recorded evidence of pink mould. Both the average daily temperatures and the number of consecutive rainy days during nut maturation were above the 40-year average in 2002. Consecutive rainy days during the nut drying period in 2002 were more than double the 40-year mean, implicating humidity as a critical factor in mould development at this time. Normal variations in temperature were minor factors in disease development following the initial infection. Thus, the onset of mould was associated with the development of scab lesions in late July, a combination of warm temperatures in September and October, and above-average humidity in September and during nut drying from mid-October until mid-November. This combination of factors occurred in only one year out of the past 41 years, explaining the rarity of the disease. The incidence of mould was sigmoidal, with the log-phase overlapping the period of rapid sugar accumulation in the kernel, and potential substrates for the mould to grow.  相似文献   


Blossom-end rot (BER) in pepper fruits is known as a “physiological” disease which is evoked by climatic and osmotic stresses (e.g., high temperatures and salinity) and by deficit irrigation management. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms involved in the stimulation of BER are still a matter of dispute. It has been proposed that BER occurs under cultivation conditions that accelerate fruit growth beyond calcium supply to the growing tissue. In the present study, we investigated this hypothesis by recording fruit growth and sugar metabolism under normal and BER-inducing conditions.The results showed that pepper fruits grown in a ventilated-cooled greenhouse, which ameliorated BER, had a higher initial growth rate than those grown in a non-cooled greenhouse, but had lower calcium concentrations in the fruit pericarp. Fruits that grew without ventilation-cooling had higher concentrations of apoplastic and symplastic sucrose and reducing sugars, and higher levels of symplastic starch than those that developed in a cooled greenhouse. Concomitantly, fruits that developed in a non-cooled greenhouse had lower acid invertase, sucrose synthase and fructokinase activities than those that developed in a cooled greenhouse. Accordingly, the non-necrotic part of BER-affected fruits had higher concentrations of symplastic starch, reducing sugars and sucrose than healthy fruits. These findings indicate that the occurrence of BER in pepper fruits was associated with impaired sucrose metabolism in fruit tissues, which led to reductions in growth rate and final size. Thus, the present findings negate the notion that BER occurs when fruit growth rate is stimulated, and favour the idea that direct impairment of fruit sugar metabolism and of normal fruit growth are involved.  相似文献   

春季西葫芦温室栽培已经进入中后期,春天又是一个气候多变之季,随之而来的高温:未脱的寒冷以及如何提高产量都会使春季的栽培呈现新的问题。  相似文献   

不同倍性西瓜果实维生素C含量比较研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以10个西瓜品种的二倍体及其人工诱导的同源四倍体、三倍体为材料,研究不同倍性西瓜成熟果实Vc含量的差异及果实发育过程中Vc含量的变化。结果表明,不同倍性西瓜中Vc含量差异较大,9个品种三倍体或四倍体的Vc含量高于二倍体(P<0.05);不同倍性西瓜果实中Vc含量变化规律基本相同,幼果期较高、果实膨大期较低、成熟期较高,且呈近似"V"型变化曲线。其峰值的出现顺序为2X、3X、4X,倍性越高,其峰值出现越晚。不同染色体倍性西瓜果实Vc含量较高的时期均为成熟期。  相似文献   

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