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为了探究嫁接对黄瓜生长、产量及果实品质的影响,将荷兰型短黄瓜‘春秋王2号’嫁接到‘五叶香’丝瓜砧木上,对植株田间生长、发病情况及后期产量、品质进行了测定。结果表明,移栽后的丝瓜嫁接苗在各时期测定的植株高度、茎粗度、叶片数、叶面积及净光合速率(Pn)都大于黄瓜自根砧嫁接苗,且病毒病发病率低,始花期比自根砧嫁接苗提早6 d,早期产量也较自根砧嫁接苗高,但后期增产不明显;果实中维生素C及可溶性蛋白含量与自根砧嫁接苗相差不大,可溶性糖含量显著降低,但游离氨基酸含量显著升高,说明以‘五叶香‘丝瓜为砧木嫁接黄瓜,在一定程度上能提高高温季节下黄瓜的产量,且该嫁接使得果实中游离氨基酸含量增加,提高了黄瓜的营养价值。  相似文献   


The availability and maintenance of embryogenic callus is a major limitation for large-scale application of somatic hybridization for citrus breeding. The suitability of cryopreserved callus as source of protoplasts was evaluated. Sweet orange callus were frozen by slow cooling and stored for two years in liquid nitrogen. Cryopreserved callus were fast thawed and used as source of material for protoplast isolation, protoplast fusion and plant regeneration, in comparison with control non-cryopreserved callus. No differences were found in protoplast yield, quality, growth and regeneration capacity between both callus types. Protoplasts isolated from cryopreserved callus were also successfully used in somatic fusion assays. Plants regenerated from protoplasts of the two sources had the same phenotypic characters and no differences were detected by microsatellite analysis. Availability of cryopreserved callus facilitates the development of breeding programmes based on somatic hybridization, avoiding the risks and high labour needs associated with standard maintenance by periodical subcultures.  相似文献   

Boron (B) is an essential microelement for higher plants and has important physiological functions in plant growth and development. Citrus plants are frequently exposed to B-deficiency, but knowledge regarding the effects of B-deficiency on rootstock growth, root morphology and genotypic variations in citrus is limited. To evaluate the variations in plant-growth parameters in response to B-deficiency, five citrus rootstocks seedlings that grown in modified 1/2-strength Hoagland's solution that contained 0.25 μM H3BO3 (moderate B-level, Control) or 0 μM H3BO3 (B-deficiency, −B) were investigated before and 90 days after treatment. There are significant genotypic variations in plant-growth parameters (dry mass, leaf area and seedling height), root-morphological traits and B-concentrations. B-deficiency inhibited plant dry mass and leaf area expansion of Fragrant citrus, Sour orange and Trifoliate orange seedlings significantly (P < 0.05), whereas no effect was found on the total dry mass of Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine seedlings. Further, B-deficiency reduced the root number, root length and root surface area in Fragrant citrus and Trifoliate orange significantly (P < 0.05); however, no significant effect was detected on these root morphological traits of Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine (P > 0.05). In addition, B-deficiency reduced the B-concentration in the leaves of all the five genotypes and the B-concentration in the roots of Fragrant citrus and Sour orange, none effect was observed on the B-concentration in stems of all studied genotypes and roots. However, there were significant relationships between the root-morphological traits and B-uptake efficiency. These results showed that Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine are B-efficient, Trifoliate orange is the moderate B-efficient genotypic rootstocks, whereas Fragrant citrus and Sour orange are B-inefficient genotypic rootstocks. In addition, Trifoliate orange was the moderate B-efficient rootstocks of five genotypes. The root-to-shoot dry mass ratio (R/S) and longer root numbers were higher in the Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine than that of Trifoliate orange, Fragrant citrus and Sour orange genotypes. That is to say, maintaining higher R/S and numerous longer lateral roots is very important in improving the B-efficiency and thus contribute much to the resistance of seedlings to B-deficiency in the Carrizo citrange and Red tangerine genotypes.  相似文献   

The responses to root zone salinity (0, 25 and 50 mM NaCl) by 40 citrus rootstock genotypes introduced from the People's Republic of China, measured as shoot chloride (Cl) and sodium (Na+) ion accumulation, growth and dry matter accumulation, were investigated under glasshouse conditions. Two experiments, one using aerated nutrient solutions and the other irrigated sand cultures, were conducted with plants grown from rooted cuttings taken from representative trees of different mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco and C. erythrosa Hort. ex Tan.), yuzu (C. junos Sieb. ex Tan.), Ichang papeda (C. ichangensis Swing.), sour orange (C. aurantium L.) and trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) genotypes. Two standard genotypes, viz. Rangpur lime (Citrus x limonia Osbeck.) and William's trifoliate orange were included in the experiments as reference controls.  相似文献   


Between 2004 and 2008, the effects of different grafting heights on sylleptic shoots were tested in the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, and cumulative fruit yields were evaluated. MM106 apple rootstocks were grafted 10, 20, 40, or 60 cm above soil level in August 2004. The results showed that an increased grafting height significantly decreased tree height in both cultivars. The tallest and shortest trees were observed at grafting heights of 10 cm (153.0 and 170.0 cm) and 60 cm (141.3 and 143.5 cm) in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, respectively.Among the various grafting heights tested, 60 cm in ‘Granny Smith’ and 20 cm in ‘Gloster’ gave the largest stem diameters (17.6 mm and 16.8 mm, respectively). The number of lateral shoots increased significantly with increased grafting height in both cultivars. The largest numbers of lateral shoots in ‘Granny Smith’ (10.75) and ‘Gloster’ (2.00) were obtained from a grafting height of 60 cm, while 2.55 and zero lateral shoots occurred at 10 cm grafting height in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gloster’, respectively. Shoot lengths decreased significantly by increasing the grafting height. Grafting heights of 10 cm and 60 cm resulted in the tallest and shortest shoots in both cultivars. Cumulative fruit yields were significantly affected by grafting height in both cultivars. The highest yield was found for a 60 cm grafting height in both ‘Granny Smith’ (11.295 kg tree–1) and ‘Gloster’ (4.818 kg tree–1).The results of this study suggest that grafting heights of 40 cm and 60 cm have the potential to promote branching and early bearing for apple fruit production in sustainable and organic agricultural systems.  相似文献   

大扁杏丰产栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵晓健 《北方果树》2010,(1):33-33,35
<正>近年来,阜新县随着国家农业综合开发和退耕还林工程的实施,从2002年起开始大面积推广栽植大扁杏,至2006年止,全县共发展大扁杏1万hm2。虽然阜新地区的自然条件比较适合栽植大扁杏,但由于栽培技术不科学,管理粗放,使得大扁杏的长势不佳,结果量不高。据2008年调查,全县各乡镇栽植的7年生大扁杏平均株产杏核仅0.6kg。而红帽子乡红帽子村刘辰  相似文献   

昌邑线穗梨是山东省地方名贵果品,果实呈纺锤形,金黄色,个大,平均单果重550g,最大达1250g;果肉细嫩、脆甜、汁液多,富含维生素C,极耐贮运。曾于1996年被评为山东省优质果品,获银奖,是一个有发展前途的优良品种。为了更好地发展昌邑线穗梨,确保果品优质高产,达到无公害果品标准,农业局自2000年起开始对昌邑线穗梨的栽培技术进行研究,2005年有666.7hm^2线穗梨取得了无公害农产品认证,平均666.7m^2产量4000-5000kg,效益达6000-8000元。现将优质无公害栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

All commercial citrus rootstocks are polyembryonic and propagated by seeds. Although these seeds produce uniform plant material most of the time, zygotic or polyploid citrus seedlings may arise. The aim of this study was to understand how zygotic or tetraploid rootstock could affect a citrus rootstock selection field trial. A trifoliate orange selection field trial, which was planted in 1974 and grafted with clementine, was re-investigated with respect to the presence of rootstocks that were not true-to-type. Among the 288 trees investigated, flow cytometry identified 2.4% of rootstocks as tetraploid and SSR markers indicated that 6.6% were zygotic. Yield data showed that the presence of tetraploid rootstock dramatically decreased (by about 45%) clementine fruit production. However, zygosity did not always affect fruit production and a range of effects were observed, from a slight increase in production to a 24% decrease. Exclusion of non-true-to-type genotypes from the production analysis indicated that the best candidate for rootstock was a clone previously ranked in the middle of the 32 rootstocks under evaluation. However, the presence of zygotic rootstock did not appear to cause any significant differences in fruit quality during the first 5 years of the investigation, which suggests that non-true-to-type plants cannot be identified by fruit quality parameters. This study indicates that tetraploid and zygotic rootstocks have a strong impact on citrus fruit production in orchards, and removal of off-type seedlings is required prior to planting in any agronomic trial.  相似文献   

黑宝石李为美国加州李十大主栽品种之首。昌乐县园艺场于2000年从山东果树所引进,经过5年的试栽,表现成熟期较早,无劣果,品质优良,早产丰产,耐贮运,抗旱、抗寒、抗病虫害等优良特性。在正常栽培管理条件下,栽后第2年平均株产2.1kg,第3年全部开花结果,平均株产8.6kg,第4、第5年分别为18.6、22.3kg。单位面积产量和售价明显高于当地其他主栽品种。2002—2004年,栽植面积分别为0.4、1.25、1.5hm2,黑宝石李在本地生长良好,果个大,品质优,结果早,丰产稳产,抗性强,产量和产值逐年增加,经济效益明显提高,市场潜力大,有着良好的发展前景。现将试验结果报道如下。  相似文献   

钙果高效丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙果是蔷薇科樱桃属的一种多年生矮小灌木.属我国特有果树。钙果集观赏、食用、牧用和药用价值于一体,具有抗寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄、适应性强的特点。其果实风味独特,营养价值极高,特别是钙的含量是普通水果的3~10倍,是老少皆宜的天然补钙佳品,深受广大消费者喜爱,市场前景极好,有潜在开发利用价值。为充分利用我区的野生钙果资源,我们于2006—2008年对选育和引进的钙果优良品种进行了丰产栽培试验。现简介如下。  相似文献   

Trunk-shake harvesting did not reduce subsequent crops of orange cvs Washington and Leng Navel, Marsh grapefruit or Frost Nucellar Lisbon lemon when they were harvested about the middle of their maturity season, but it reduced subsequent yields of Valencia orange. Ethephon (as Ethrel) reduced the average annual yield of harvested fruit over the four years of the trial for all cultivars except Lisbon lemon. Thus, despite the risk of reducing subsequent cropping, trunk-shake harvesting without the use of Ethrel enables up to 80% of the crop to be removed with the remainder to be hand harvested according to market demand and price.  相似文献   

近年来桂林市部分区域由于柑桔黄龙病的危害,已严重影响柑桔产业的可持续发展,其中苗木带病是引起黄龙病发生严重的重要原因之一,为此,笔者对全市柑桔苗木生产情况进行调查,并提出柑桔无病苗木生产对策。  相似文献   

Boron (B) is an essential microelement for higher plants, and plays a role in cell wall formation. Citrange seedlings with different amounts of B were studied through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. The results showed that the growth and development of new roots were evidently inhibited by B deficiency. Boron-deficiency significantly increased cell wall biomass (CWB) as a percentage of root fresh weight and the ratio of B concentration in cell wall to the total B in roots. The findings from CWB FTIR spectra showed the band at 3429 cm?1 under control condition was shifted to 3442 cm?1 after being B deprived, suggesting that the mode of hydrogen bonding was changed by B deficiency. Boron deficiency clearly decreased the peak height of carboxylic ester band around 1741 cm?1, but increased that of COO? stretching band around 1400 cm?1, suggesting that the relative amount and degree of esterification of carboxylic groups was decreased and pectin content and structure was altered. These results demonstrate that changes in amount, structure, and assembly of root cell wall polymers may be either specific or adaptive responses of citrange seedlings to B deficiency and FTIR can be an appropriate method to study changes in cell wall under B deficiency.  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility of using salt tolerant rootstock to increase fruit yield and quality of cucumber under NaCl stress, a greenhouse experiment was carried out to determine fruit yield, leaf relative water content, fruit quality, and mineral composition of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinchun No. 2), either self-grafted or grafted onto the commercial salt tolerant rootstock Figleaf Gourd (Cucurbita ficifolia Bouche) and Chaofeng Kangshengwang (Lagenaria siceraria Standl). Plants were grown in a substrate culture (peat:vermiculite:perlite = 1:1:1, v/v) and irrigated with half-strength Hoagland solutions containing 0, 30, or 60 mM NaCl. The results showed that salinity significantly reduced fruit yield of cucumber owing to a decrease both in mean fruit weight and fruit number. Rootstock had no significant effect on leaf relative water content. Plants grafted onto Figleaf Gourd and Chaofeng Kangshengwang had higher fruit number, marketable and total fruit yield than those of self-grafted plants under 0, 30, and 60 mM NaCl, which could be attributed to, at least in part, the higher K+ but lower Na+ and/or Cl contents in the leaves. Salinity improved fruit quality by increasing fruit dry matter, soluble sugar, and titratable acidity contents of all the plants, but had no significant effect on vitamin C content. In comparison to the self-grafted plants, plants grafted onto Figleaf Gourd and Chaofeng Kangshengwang had an overall improved fruit quality under NaCl stress owing to an increase in contents of soluble sugar, titratable acidity, and vitamin C, and a decrease in the percentage of non-marketable fruit and Na+ and/or Cl contents of fruits in comparison to the self-grafted plants, mainly under 60 mM NaCl. Overall, it is suggested that the use of salt tolerant rootstock could provide a useful tool to improve fruit yield and quality of cucumber under NaCl stress.  相似文献   

温室果树栽培是我国近十几年发展起来的一个新兴产业.杏树的温室栽培虽然刚刚开始,但它的经济效益却非常显著,是目前我国农村经济发展的一个新热点,是果农快速脱贫致富的新途径.随着我国改革开放、市场经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,对鲜果的淡季供应提出了更高的要求.因此,果树保护地栽培技术越来越受到了果农的青睐和重视.但是,由于我国温室果树栽培起步较晚,实践经验不多,缺乏成熟的保护地栽培技术,科学研究基本还是空白.从2000年开始,我们先后在夏县的瑶峰、庙前、水头、胡张、尉郭等乡镇发展温室杏333.3 hm2,其中瑶峰镇下埝底村发展近66 hm2.经过我们的专业技术培训和指导,使其年年高产、稳产,平均666.7 m2产2 500 kg,经济效益达2万元以上,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益.2002年省委书记田成平经过考察调研后,在这里召开了全省推广现场会,各省的有关专家多次前来参观考察,对我们的管理技术给予充分肯定.……  相似文献   

燕红桃,原名绿化9号,是北京市林果研究所杂交育成的品种。宽甸县1977年引入,目前全县已栽培933hm2,63万株,其中结果54万株,产量1.4万t。1990年开始我们进行燕红桃果实丰产栽培技术的研究,现总结如下。  相似文献   

拱棚马铃薯/番茄/马铃薯高效栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据作者在山东滕州的研究示范,本文从品种搭配、合理安排茬口、种子处理、播前整地施肥、播种、田间管理、收获7个方面阐述了拱棚马铃薯/番茄/马铃薯高效栽培技术。  相似文献   

我市地处鲁北平原和鲁中山区交接处,气候、土壤适宜枣树生长,特别是西南山区,野生酸枣资源丰富,荒山荒坡面积大,发展梨枣、冬枣具有得天独厚的优势。梨枣、冬枣是我市近几年新引进的稀有名贵品种,以果实大、品质佳、营养丰富、产量稳定、适应性强等优点,受到果树专家及广大果农的一致好评,发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

红花菜豆是豆科菜豆属中以嫩荚,种子及块根供食用的栽培种。别名赤花蔓豆、多花菜豆、龙不豆等多年生缠绕性植物,一般作一年生栽培.原产中南美洲,现世界各地均有分布。红花菜豆原来在我国栽培的面积较小,但随着外贸出口的迫切需要,我国的红花菜豆生产发展迅速。其产品已远销日本和非洲、欧洲、美洲等10多个国家和地区,成为我国出口创汇的重要产品。  相似文献   

1999年2月,灵宝市西阎乡东邱村从陕西省西安市葡萄研究所引进了“户太8号”葡萄,经过几年的发展,在该村建成了具有一定规模的优质葡萄生产基地,辐射带动了全乡400多个农户发展葡萄生产。2005年,该村葡萄面积达100.05hm^2,挂果面积80.04hm^2,666.7m^2产量达2000kg,总收入达400多万元,成为远近闻名的葡萄生产专业村。  相似文献   

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