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《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(1):29-44
A field experiment was conducted under sub-humid tropical conditions in Ethiopia using determinate cultivars Al-624, Al-436, CIP-388453-3(A) and CIP-388453-3(B) to study the effect of flowering and berry set on the growth, tuber yield, and quality of potato. Three treatments, viz. debudded, flowering, and fruiting plants were compared and standard growth analysis techniques were applied to study the growth pattern. Fruiting plants exhibited reduced leaf area index, tuber growth rate, and partitioning coefficient, but had higher crop growth rates and net assimilation rates. Fruit development reduced total and marketable tuber mass and tuber number without affecting the unmarketable component. Cultivars varied with respect to tuber yield, tuber number, size distribution, specific gravity, dry matter content, and nutrient composition. Fruiting reduced tuber specific gravity and dry matter content while increasing P, K, Mg, Fe, and Mn content of the tubers. Reproductive growth did not affect tuber Ca, S, Cu, and Zn concentrations. The field experiment demonstrated that reproductive growth restricts vegetative growth and reduces tuber yield and dry matter content of potato.  相似文献   

In a long term experiment on salt tolerance, ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) (cv. Umran) was grown in lysimeters artificially salinized with NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and MgS02. No plants survived the highest salinity of 20 dSm-1 electrical conductivity. Pruning weight and tree canopy area were reduced significantly at 5 dSm-1 but trunk diameter did not decrease until above 5 dSm-1 soil ECe. The concentration of Na, Ca, Mg and Cl in leaf tissues increased substantially with increasing salinity whereas that of K decreased. Higher salinity reduced the yield and fruit set but had no adverse effect on fruit quality. The 50% yield decrement was found to be associated with a soil ECe value of 11.30 dSm“'.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in a young high-density olive grove (556 plants ha−1Olea europaea L., cv Coratina) located in Southern Italy to evaluate the effect of different soil water availability on the vegetative and productive performances of olive trees also looking into the quality of the resulting oils. Trials were carried out over a 3-year period on trees subjected to irrigation and grown under rainfed conditions. Vegetative tree response, as shoot elongation and trunk diameter, was evaluated. Yield per plant, fruit characteristics, oil quality indices (free fatty acid content, peroxide value, UV adsorption at 232 and 270 nm, total phenols, α-tocopherol content) were determined for both irrigated and non-irrigated treatments in the ‘on’ years 1997 and 1999 (6th and 8th year after planting, respectively).  相似文献   

The effect on stomatal resistance of ethylene released from ethephon sprays has been studied in 8 species of plants. Ethephon always increased stomatal resistance, but in some species only slightly. In olive and peach, increased stomatal resistance in treated plants was associated with more abscisic acid in the leaf tissues.  相似文献   

The influence of Adara, CAB 6P, Gisela 5, MaxMa 14, Saint Lucie GF 64 (SL 64), Saint Lucie GF 405 (SL 405), and Tabel rootstocks onto vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Van’ and ‘Stark Hardy Giant’ (SHG) sweet cherry cultivars was studied during 10 years after grafting. The experiment was performed in the Ebro Valley (Zaragoza, Spain), on a heavy and calcareous soil. Significant differences in some of these parameters such as vigour, yield, fruit size, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), skin colour and fruit firmness were examined among rootstocks. In general, the highest vigour, annual and cumulative yield were induced by Adara rootstock, whereas Gisela 5 induced the lowest when grafted with both cultivars. The highest yield efficiency was induced by Gisela 5 due to its low trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), together with Adara, CAB 6P and Tabel for ‘SHG’ cultivar. Regarding fruit quality, Adara, CAB 6P and MaxMa 14 showed, in general, the highest fruit weight and the more attractive skin colour for both sweet cherry cultivars. Furthermore, the high yield shown by Adara did not significantly affect its fruit size. Cherries of trees grafted on Adara also showed high firmness, which implies a better resistance to post-harvest damage. CAB 6P showed a tendency to induce higher TA. Despite the higher firmness of fruits on Gisela 5 and its tendency to induce higher SSC and ripening index, the smaller size fruits together with the less attractive skin colour resulted in a non-interesting rootstock in terms of fruit quality for our growing conditions. Interesting correlations were found among quality parameters, such as the positive correlation showed by SSC with fruit weight and TA. The work demonstrates that the scion–rootstock combination influences some important sweet cherry attributes such as vigour, yield, fruit size, acidity, skin colour and firmness.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the effects of different quantities of nitrogen (N) and water applied through drip and furrow irrigation on fruit yield and water use efficiency (WUE) in eggplant is essential for formulating proper management practices for sustainable production. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the independent and interactive effects of four levels of N and different quantities of water applied through drip as well as furrow irrigation on eggplant fruit yield, agronomic efficiency of N and WUE. In the present field investigation, ridge planting with each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation were compared with drip irrigation at three levels of water: 100%, 75% and 50% of each furrow irrigation (designated as D1.0, D0.75 and D0.5). The four levels of N studied were 90, 120, 150 and 180 kg N ha−1 (designated as N90, N120, N150 and N180). The eggplant hybrid BH-1 was transplanted on August 5, 2004 at the spacing of 60 cm × 45 cm.  相似文献   

Alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) was grown in hydroponics with the nutrient film technique, in order to evaluate the effects of four buffer concentrations (1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2 mS cm−1) and two cultural cycles (summer-spring versus autumn-spring) in terms of growth, yield and fruit quality (dry and optical residues, sugars, acids, antioxidants, mineral composition). The longer summer-spring cycle gave a correspondingly higher yield than the autumn-spring one. The 1.3 mS cm−1 nutrient solution was the most effective in terms of overall and spring production. However, the autumn and winter yields were not affected by the buffer EC. Fruit quality did not change with the cultural cycle, but the berries harvested in the spring had higher vitamin C and sucrose content and lower nitrate content compared with berries picked up in the winter. Fruit quality was also improved when the nutrient solution concentration increased. From the productive point of view, the cultural cycle choice should be made considering that 71% of the yield of the more productive summer-spring cycle derived from the spring harvest. Moreover, as regards the nutrient solution strength, 1.3 mS cm−1 EC should be preferred during the spring season, whereas the 2.2 mS cm−1 EC proved to be best in the winter in terms of fruit quality.  相似文献   

Plastic film mulches are often associated with increases in plant growth and yield of vegetable crops. Few studies, however, report on the effect of plastic film mulches on root zone temperature on broccoli. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of colored plastic mulches on root zone temperature and broccoli plant growth and yield Broccoli (‘Packman’) plants were grown using plastic film mulch and drip irrigation. The treatments consisted of plastic film mulch (black, blue, gray on black, red, silver on black, and white on black mulches) and bare soil. Colored plastic film mulches affected root zone temperature and the accumulation of soil degree-days. Mean daily RZT, maximal daily RZT and degree day accumulation in the soil were highest in dark-colored mulches (blue, black, red, and gray) and lowest in light-colored mulches (silver and white), while minimal daily RZT was highest in silver mulch and lowest in white mulch. Silver mulch showed the smallest diurnal fluctuations in RZT among plastic mulches, with the highest RZT during the night and among the lowest in the afternoon. Colored plastic mulches also affected broccoli plant growth and yield, although the effect of mulches was more dramatic in the spring than in the fall seasons. Broccoli yield was linearly related to both the vegetative top dry weight and root dry weight of mature plants. Broccoli yield was little affected at mean RZT of <21 °C but increased with increasing mean RZTs above 21 °C up to 25 °C. Thus, broccoli plant growth and yield responded more favorably to dark-colored mulches than to light-colored mulches, suggesting that broccoli benefited from increased soil warming. No high RZT stress effects on broccoli plant growth or yield were observed in this study. Thus, this study suggests that plastic film mulches, particularly the dark-colored mulches, may be an option for spring broccoli production in areas with cool conditions early in the spring.  相似文献   


Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv. F144) were irrigated with low concentrations of mixed salts; the highest level (E.C. 7 dS m–1) simulated conditions used to produce quality tomatoes in the Negev highlands. CO2 enrichment (to 1200.mmol mol–1, given during the daytime) increased plant growth at the early stage of development. However, later growth enhancement was maintained only when combined with salt stress. In the absence of CO2 supplementation, overall growth decreased with salt (7 dS m–1) to 58% and fresh biomass yields to 53% of the controls. However, under elevated CO2 concentrations total plant dry biomass was not reduced by salt stress. CO2 enrichment of plants grown with 7 dS m–1 salt increased total fresh fruit yields by 48% and maintained fruit quality in terms of total soluble salts, glucose and acidity. Fruit ripening was about 10.d earlier under CO2 enrichment, regardless of salinity treatment. It is suggested that a combined utilization of brackish water and CO2 supplementation may enable the production of high-quality fruits without incurring all the inevitable loss in yields associated with salt treatment.  相似文献   

Thermoperiodicity, i.e. growth in the alternating temperature regime with the same diurnal mean compared with growth at the constant temperature at which optimal growth occurs, was studied at three plant population densities in four cultivars of Rosa hybrida L. Single-node cuttings with five-leaflet leaves were excised and grown as single-stemmed rose plants at an average photosynthetic photon flux density of about 260 μmol m−2 s−1 and supplied with carbon dioxide at about 1000 μmol mol−1. The optimal constant temperature regime was 22 °C day (20 h)/22 °C night (4 h); alternating temperatures were 23 °C day (20 h)/18 °C night (4 h). The plant population densities were 100, 131 and 178 plants m−2 of bench area. Thermoperiodicity was absent, or could not be detected, in the parameters related to the growth period, the formation of fresh biomass, the bloom quality, and most parameters related to shoot elongation. However, classic thermoperiodic effects of alternating regime were significant in the cultivars Red Velvet and Sonia, with shoot elongation promoted (7.1 and 10.5%, respectively) in the growth phase from onset of axillary bud growth until the flower bud became visible. Compared with the other two cultivars, plants of Red Velvet and Sonia tended to develop longer internodes. The results, obtained concurrently at three different plant population densities, suggest that thermoperiodicity can affect (single-stemmed) plant growth and development in R. hybrida. Increased plant population density also increased plant height at visible flower bud, but the bloom quality, expressed as specific fresh weight, and the flower height at anthesis was decreased at the highest density. Increased plant population density increased the number of five-leaflet leaves developed in Red Velvet, but had no effect on leaf number in Texas and Sonia, while, in Lambada the leaf number was decreased at the highest density.  相似文献   

Saffron is well known for its use as a condiment spice, as a dye and traditional medicine. Saffron is experiencing an increasing interest mainly due to its peculiar and manifold properties of the metabolic pool of its stigmas, mainly crocetin esters and picrocrocin. This species is cultivated in environments with very different climatic conditions and with very different corm rates from place to place, passed down over the centuries. The aim of this study was therefore the evaluation of the influence of rainfall, temperature and corm density on flower phenology, stigmas yield and main compositional characteristics of two saffron corms provenience. Flowering beginning in saffron seems to be influenced by the combination of temperature and soil moisture, whilst its flowering calendar proves independent of corm provenance, environment and plant density. On the contrary, the studied factors exert a strong effect on both total stigmas yield and qualitative characteristics: colder environment resulted in a higher flower production, but lower quality of stigmas. Flower number was positively correlated with the stigmas yield, but negatively with its unitary weight. The content of crocetin esters and picrocrocin has been evaluated according to the spectrophotometric ISO normative, which ranked the samples into three qualitative decreasing categories (I–III). The spectrophotometric data showed positive correlation with the unitary stigmas weight and negative with stigmas production.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,107(1):36-42
In clayey and calcareous soils without a stable irrigation and fertilization system, the type of rootstock can particularly affect both the vegetative and productive properties of ‘Suncrest’ peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) plants, and the qualitative and nutritional attributes of their fruit. The GF677 rootstock (P. persica × Prunus amygdalus) promoted the highest vegetative development, followed by Julior (Prunus insistitia). The ‘Suncrest’ on Ishtara [(Prunus cerasifera × P. persica) × (P. cerasifera × Prunus salicina)] and Barrier1 (P. persica × Prunus davidiana) had lower, but similar, plant vigour, but the latter rootstock differed in its higher production of pruned wood. The lowest adaptability to these cultivation conditions was observed for ‘Suncrest’ grafted onto Citation (P. persica × P. salicina), which showed the lowest plant development and production. For the plant yield, the ‘Suncrest’ grafted onto GF677, Julior, Ishtara, and Barrier1 were all similar. The fruit yield and both the canopy volume and pruned wood of ‘Suncrest’ grafted onto Ishtara showed a particular relationship, giving the best indices of yield efficiency and plant physiological equilibrium. Moreover, the same rootstock promoted the largest fruit size, while the smallest fruit were found on GF677 rootstock. The fruit from the Citation ‘Suncrest’ ripened 3 days early, while those from Barrier1 had a late fruit ripening. Firmness, soluble solids and the soluble solids to total acidity ratio were only affected slightly by the different rootstocks, while the total acidity of the fruit varied significantly according to rootstock; the fruit from ‘Suncrest’ grafted onto Barrier1, Julior, and Citation had the highest total acidities. The rootstock effects on the nutritional attributes of the fruit were relevant. The ‘Suncrest’ on Julior and GF677, followed by Ishtara, produced fruit with the greatest antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents. The ‘Suncrest’ on Citation and, especially, Barrier1 had reduced nutritional values of the fruit. The variations in antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents showed a positive correlation.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of electric vibration on the growth, yield and fruit quality of peach electric vibrators that provided intermittent perturbation of 6500 rpm for 15 min every 6 h were firmly attached to the trunks of peach trees. Electric vibration resulted in the reduction of shoot length by 80% but had no significant effect on fruit weight, acid content and Brix. In another experiment, electric vibrators (for 15 min every 2 h) were attached to the branches after summer pruning. The regenerated shoots from the treated branches showed more than 500% reduction in length compared to the untreated ones. Even the regenerated shoots of untreated branches nearby the vibrator showed 60% reduction in length. Ethylene production and ACC content in the shoot tips of treated branches were greater than that from control ones.  相似文献   

Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) plants of a typical landrace (‘Montelupone A’) from the Marche region (Italy) and three commercial cultivars (‘Apollo’, ‘Romanesco C3’, ‘Exploter’) were compared as a detailed analysis of their productive, morphological, qualitative, and nutritional parameters was carried out to characterise their particularities and suitability for the fresh market or the processing industry. Cultivar ‘Apollo’ stands out for its qualitative and agronomic aspects, with ‘Romanesco C3’ showing high flower head yield, as the most important Romanesco cultivar that is widely cultivated in central Italy. ‘Exploter’ shows high productivity and qualitative characteristics. The lower phenol content of ‘Exploter’ indicates its suitability for processing as a fresh cut preparation. The ‘Montelupone A’ landrace is characterised by beneficial nutritional values that indicate its use for fresh consumption and as a source of antioxidant compounds. The ‘Apollo’ and ‘Romanesco C3’ commercial cultivars show higher processing yield due to flower head characteristics. In particular, ‘Apollo’ has an interesting profile according to its technological qualitative and nutritional value. ‘Exploter’ differs in its high yield and suitability for the fresh market. Analysis of the ‘Montelupone A’ landrace confirms its interesting qualitative and nutritional values.  相似文献   

In a field experiment in the 1988-89 season, fertilizer formulations of NH4NO3, Ca(NO3)2, NaNO3, NaKNO3, and KNO3 as N sources were applied at 84 and 168 kg N ha?1 to onion plots direct seeded in the fall. A second experiment in the 1990-91 season tested the same N sources, except KNO3, at rates of 168 and 224 kg ha?1. Application strategy involved both splitting the total amount of fertilizer over two periods of the growing season (October–December and January—April) and the application frequency. With medium and high application rates (168 and 224 kg ha?1), NH4NO3, NaNO3, and NaKNO3, increased high-value jumbo and large onions (premium marketable grade). Increased premium grades was due to increased bulb size and weight. Only NH4NO3 and Ca (NO3)2 increased total onion weight when N rate was increased from 84 to 168 kg ha?1. Less frequent applications of split amounts of 84 kg N ha?1 reduced marketable weight in the 1988–89 season, but doubling the rate to 168 kg ha?1 restored the higher yields. At 224 kg N ha?1 in the 1990–91 season, differences in onion grades were more pronounced among the different N sources, and NH4 NO3 was superior in producing jumbo and large size onions. High N rates (224 kg ha?1) and more frequent applications of split portions also increased the weight of jumbo onions. Split applications, providing 33% of the total N in the first 12 weeks of the growth period plus three applications of 22% each in the second 12 week period, increased bulb size and maximized yield of premium marketable grades. Effect of N rate on onion rot was dependent on split methods of applying the N during early and late growth periods. However, reduction in onion rot by the split application strategy was dependent on N source. Bulb decay was highest with NH4NO3 and least with Ca(NO3)2 and NaNO3.  相似文献   

Stands of summer cauliflower were grown within polyethylene-covered tunnels along which a temperature gradient was imposed. Two tunnels were maintained at either normal or elevated CO2 concentrations. At the last harvest (88 days from transplanting) no interaction between CO2 and temperature on total biomass was detected. The total dry weight of plants grown at 531 μmol mol−1 CO2 was 34% greater than those grown at 328 μmol mol−1 CO2, whereas a 1 °C rise reduced dry weight by 6%. From serial harvests the radiation conversion coefficient was 2.01 g MJ−1 and 1.42 g MJ−1 at 531 μmol mol−1 CO2and 328 μmol mol−1 CO2, respectively, but was not greatly affected by differences in temperature. No effect of either CO2 or temperature on the canopy light extinction coefficient was detected. The rate of progress towards curd initiation increased to a maximum at 15.5 °C, and declined thereafter. Provided the effect of temperature was accounted for, CO2 enrichment did not affect the time of curd initiation. From serial harvests after curd initiation, the logarithm of curd weight or diameter were negative linear functions of mean temperature from initiation. Increases in curd weight and diameter at 531 compared with 328 μmol mol−1 CO2 were greater at warmer temperatures (27% at 13 °C compared with 47% at 15 °C, 57 days after initiation). Effects of CO2 on curd diameter were less than those on curd dry weight because the curd dry matter content was greater at 531 compared with 328 μmol mol−1 CO2. Thus, the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on fresh weight based yield parameters of cauliflower were less than the increase in total dry matter production.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,106(2):258-267
The establishment of new in vitro cultures from mature woody plants is often a difficult task due to the little growth of initial explants. Since the explant origin plays an important role, in this work the effect of the origin of the explants (micropropagated or conventionally propagated plants) on both establishment and multiplication of the in vitro cultures has been studied using different culture media. Best results during establishment were obtained with explants taken from micropropagated plants. The multiplication rate of new cultures was strongly affected by the type of propagation of the mother plants. Thus, while the cumulative number of shoots increased sharply in cultures originated from micropropagated plants, cultures originated from cutting-derived plants showed only a moderate increase. Culture medium composition influenced the multiplication rate. After nine subcultures, a significantly lower number of shoots was found on QL medium than on MS or on WP. The positive effect of micropropagation of donor plants on the establishment and multiplication of new in vitro cultures is discussed in terms of a possible reinvigoration during in vitro culture.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,107(1):43-50
This study was planned to evaluate the effect of preharvest calcium sprays on physicochemical aspects of cell wall components, activity patterns of pectin-modifying enzymes and susceptibility to brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) of peach fruits (Prunus persica L. cv. ‘Andross’). Six or 10 preharvest calcium sprays were applied with two different formulas (calcium chloride and an ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelated calcium form) in equimolar calcium concentration (0.12% Ca, w/v). After harvest, peach fruits were cold stored (0 °C, 95% R.H.) up to 4 weeks. Calcium content increased significantly in the calcium-sprayed peaches both in the peel (25–42%) and in the flesh (11–17%), 1 d after harvest. Calcium chloride sprays were more effective than those of chelated calcium, whereas the increase of calcium content in the fruits seems to be unaffected by the 6 or 10 calcium sprays. The increase of cell wall calcium corresponded to increase of calcium in the insoluble pectin fraction, whereas no differences were detected in the calcium of water-soluble pectin fraction. Ethylene production, respiration rate, uronic acid content and activity of pectin-modifying enzymes did not indicate substantial differentiations by preharvest calcium sprays as ripening progressed after harvest or cold storage. Calcium sprays resulted in significant decrease of brown rot development, although no effect on disease incidence was recorded.  相似文献   

Low yields of ‘Nova’ citrus hybrid are common in single variety plantings (plantings consisting of one variety) due to its sexual self-incompatibility. Self-incompatibility may be overcome by cross-pollination with other compatible varieties. Fruit quality and yield of ‘Nova’ citrus hybrid as well as of the ‘SRA63’ and ‘Marisol’ Clementines, when either they were self-pollinated in single variety plantings or each one of the two Clementine varieties was used as a pollenizer for ‘Nova’ in mixed plantings (plantings consisting of more than one variety), were investigated. The study was carried out for two successive years under the same environmental and cultural conditions using three single variety plantings (‘Nova’ × ‘Nova’, ‘SRA63’ × ‘SRA63’, ‘Marisol’ × ‘Marisol’) and two mixed plantings (‘Nova’ × ‘SRA63’, ‘Nova’ × ‘Marisol’).  相似文献   

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