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《Scientia Horticulturae》2002,95(3):203-211
Potted lychee trees (cv. Tai so) of varying vegetative flush maturity were grown under a range of temperature regimes and monitored for subsequent shoot structure and development. A combination of low temperature (15/17 or 18/13 °C day/night) and high vegetative flush maturity was necessary for floral initiation to occur. Exposure to high temperatures (28/23 °C) invariably resulted in the production of vegetative shoots, irrespective of flush maturity. Strong floral initiation was marked by the emergence of terminal panicles and accompanying axillary panicles. A decrease in vegetative flush maturity or increase in temperature (e.g. 23/18 °C) resulted in a decrease in axillary shoot formation and the production of several intermediate shoot structures. These included leafy panicles, stunted panicles, partially emerged buds and non-emergent swollen buds, often produced on the same tree. At 23/18 °C, closer synchronisation of initial flush maturity was required for the production of a consistent shoot-type. Trees with synchronised mature flushes (I-2) at 23/18 °C resulted in the production of swollen terminal buds. Healthy trees were maintained in this state for at least 11 months. These results indicate that both temperature and flush maturity can influence subsequent shoot structure of lychee. In the absence of either a strong floral temperature (18/13 °C) or strong vegetative temperature (28/23 °C), slight differences in initial flush maturity have greater impact on the type of emerging shoot formed.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2006,107(3):264-270
In this paper, we present a method to find DNA markers for traits of interest in lychee cultivars (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) using high-annealing temperature random amplified polymorphic DNA (HAT-RAPD) as an initial screening method. Using 5 arbitrary random primers, a wide range of polymorphic bands ranging from 200 to 5200 bp were produced. Bands of interest were then selected for sequencing and conversion to the more reproducible and robust sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Specifically, SCAR markers were found that distinguished lychee varieties requiring a sustained interval at low temperatures for flower induction versus those varieties that do not require such an environment, and another SCAR marker was found that amplified only the economically important Kom cultivar. These sequences shared similarity to known transposons suggesting a mechanism by which the temperature insensitivity may have initially developed.  相似文献   

胚珠发育与荔枝花型的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林晓东  吴定尧 《园艺学报》1999,26(6):397-399
通过荔枝胚珠发育观察发现,胚珠发育特点同花蕾外部开矿及不同花类型密切相关,提出了荔 枝不同类型花歧化发育的假设模式:胚珠在孢子母细胞时败育,严重萎缩,导致雄花的形成;若胚珠在功能大孢子出现前后败育,则在胚珠形成椭圆的、内含皱折的空腔,决定雄能花的形成;若胚珠能通过2核胚囊期,则建成雌蕊结构完整的雌能花。  相似文献   


Moderate day/night temperatures (20/15° v. 15/10°C) increased vegetative growth and reduced flowering in the seven litchi cvs Tai So, Bengal, Souey Tung, Kwai May Pink, Kwai May Red, Salathiel and Wai Chee. At higher temperatures (25/20° and 30/25°C), vegetative growth was promoted further and flowering eliminated. Temperature also influenced the type of inflorescence formed. More leaves were formed on the panicles of trees growing at 20/15° than at 15/10°C. All terminal shoots on all cultivars produced panicles at 15/10°C. The relative order for the amount of flowering at 20/15°C was: ‘Wai Chee’>‘Salathiel’>‘Kwai May Pink’>‘Tai So’>‘Bengal’>‘Souey Tung’>‘Kwai May Red’. Cultivars which were vigorous at high temperatures produced fewer panicles at 20/15°C and fewer leafless panicles at 15/10°C. Only small differences were observed in the leaf water potential and the nutrient status of the shoots at different temperatures. Vigour and flowering of the cultivars in the glasshouse generally reflected field performance in subtropical Australia (Lat. 27°S). Low vigour could be useful for selecting litchi cultivars for good fruiting in environments with warm autumns and winters.  相似文献   

对我国荔枝产区的钻蛀性害虫种类进行调查,并对主要害虫的发生规律进行描述,针对不同害虫提出了科学的防治措施。结果表明,发现的荔枝钻蛀性害虫共19种,隶属于3目12科,其中蛀干害虫9种,蛀果害虫10种;主要钻蛀性害虫为荔枝蒂蛀虫Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley、龟背天牛Aristobia testudo(Voet)和荔枝尖细蛾Conopomorpha litchiella Bradley。  相似文献   

热水结合酸浸处理对荔枝果皮色素含量与酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了98℃热水3s结合酸浸处理的荔枝果皮的色素含量与酶活性变化。结果表明:在(2±0.5)℃贮藏条件下,98℃热水3s结合酸浸处理降低果皮叶绿素、花色素苷与类胡萝卜素的含量,也降低类黄酮、总酚的含量与多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶的活性,改变上述指标在贮藏期间的动态变化曲线。讨论了热水处理技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】获得多酚氧化酶(PPO)基因启动子序列并初步分析其功能,为进一步研究PPO基因表达规律及应用PPO基因启动子提供基础。【方法】通过TAIL-PCR和接头PCR方法相结合获得荔枝PPO基因启动子序列并进行生物信息学分析,序列缺失结合瞬时表达法分析核心启动子调控元件。【结果】从‘妃子笑’荔枝基因组中克隆获得了1048bp的荔枝PPO基因启动子序列,含有多种顺式作用元件。不同长度的启动子序列均能驱动GUS基因在‘妃子笑’、‘无核’和‘紫娘喜’荔枝叶片和果皮中表达,但都不能驱动GUS基因在‘妃子笑’和‘紫娘喜’荔枝种子中表达。【结论】获得了荔枝PPO基因启动子序列并获得了其调控基因表达的部分规律。  相似文献   


Variations in the concentrations of cytokinins (CTKs) and abscisic acid (ABA) were studied in the pericarp of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit using the large-fruited cv. ‘Erdanli’ (55.3 g per fruit) and the small-fruited cv. ‘Huaizhi’ (20.9 g per fruit), as well as large fruit (32.4 g) from early blooms and small (20.8 g) fruit from late blooms on the same inflorescences of cv. ‘Feizixiao’ from the same commercial orchard in Guangdong, China in 2000. ‘Erdanli’ had higher concentrations of CTKs than cv. ‘Huaizhi’ on three out of six sampling dates during fruit development, and lower concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) from 40 d after anthesis. In cv. ‘Feizixiao’, fruit from early blooms had higher concentration of CTKs than fruit from late blooms at all sampling dates, and lower concentrations of ABA on three out of five sampling dates. Therefore, the former had a higher CTK:ABA ratio. These data suggest that a high CTK:ABA ratio favours fruit growth in litchi.  相似文献   


The pattern of leaf composition was investigated in three litchi orchards (cvs Bengal and Tai So) in subtropical Australia (Lat 27°S). Leaves were sampled from fruiting and non-fruiting branches from flowering to fruit harvest. The response to fruiting varied with the nutrient and the orchard. The major effect of fruiting was to reduce leaf K in two of the orchards. Leaf N, P, Zn and Na were lower in fruiting branches in a third of the orchards, while leaf Ca, Mg, Mn and B levels were higher. The levels of these nutrients in the other two orchards, and those of Cu and Fe, were not significantly affected by fruiting status. Strong seasonal effects from flowering to harvest on the leaf contents of most nutrients followed the typical pattern as leaves aged. Most nutrients were more stable during flowering to just after fruit set. The levels of most nutrients were similar in both leaf and fruit. The major exceptions were K which was about twice as high in the fruit and B which was five times higher in the leaves. The uptake of all nutrients continued throughout fruit growth in proportion to the accumulation of fruit dry weight and reached a maximum rate during the final period of aril (flesh) development. The relative order for final content in the fruit was: K>N>P>Mg>Ca>Na>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>B. The choice of branch type and time of sampling would influence the diagnosis for N, K, Ca, Mg and Fe at these sites. It is recommended that leaves for diagnostic purposes in litchi be collected from fruiting branches two to six weeks after fruit set.  相似文献   

以阶段观剖视荔枝的花芽分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄辉白  陈厚彬 《果树学报》2003,20(6):487-492
以阶段观剖视荔枝的花芽分化,重新审视了相关研究资料,对影响成花的关键因子作了阐释,廓清了一些概念性问题。引进了俗称的“白点”(拟改称“白小米粒”)作为“成花诱导期”和“花穗发端发育期”的分界标识。指出水分胁迫对于秋梢的停止生长和成熟是必需的,但对于花诱导本身则非所必需,因为尚无证据可证明干旱能够代替荔枝的低温成花诱导。荔枝成花诱导期需要低温,而花穗发端发育期则需要适度升温和水分。低温的成花诱导的效果不会被随后的水分增多所逆转。茎端感受诱导性低温时处于非细胞分裂的“静止”状态,而“白小米粒”的出现标志着茎端进入了细胞分裂的活跃状态。充分成熟的秋梢接受成花诱导的效果最佳,但未充分成熟的秋梢上处于“静止”状态的芽也可以感受诱导性低温,只是抽发的带叶花穗率往往较高。花穗发端发育期气温过高会导致花穗上叶原基的进一步发育成叶片和花序原基的萎缩,即俗称的“冲梢”。若诱导期经受的低温不足,则此情况会更甚。  相似文献   

荔枝液态胚乳对果实生长和脱落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 以种子正常型的‘白蜡’荔枝品种为试材, 通过针刺抽取液态胚乳的试验, 考察了液态胚乳对果实生长、脱落和大小的影响。研究结果表明, 针刺抽乳和不抽乳处理均显著促进落果和抑制果实的生长, 且处理时期越早, 对果实脱落和生长的影响越大, 如花后30 d处理后8 d的累积落果率达到93.3% ,花后36 d处理后15 d的累积落果率介于73.3% ~80%之间, 对照的累积落果率则均低于10%。针刺抽乳处理导致形成种子败育的小果实, 针刺不抽乳处理导致形成小核的小果实, 对照则产生正常大核种子的大果实, 说明早期种皮和液态胚乳的发育对荔枝果实坐果、种子和果实发育有重要影响。本研究结果直接证实荔枝果实组织间存在着种皮→果皮→假种皮的顺序性影响的“球皮对球胆效应”理论。  相似文献   

荔枝结果过程中内源激素变化及单性结果的诱导   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
具自然单性结果能力的‘禾虾串’荔枝,单性结果能力,与开花前后其子房内源GAs和CTK水平较高以及花后IAA持续升高,ABA持续下降有密切关系。内源激素平衡〔ABA/(IAA+GAs+CTK)〕的分析也表明,禾虾串子房在开花前后具有较高水平的生长促进物质,而不具单性结果能力的‘怀枝’(大核品种)子房则含有较高水平的生长抑制物质。联系果实发育期间的内源激素变化分析了禾虾串单性果较小的原因。应用2,4-D处理不授粉(去雄套袋)荔枝子房,仅妃子笑品种成功获得诱导性单性结果  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(1):145-151
Seedlings of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) were inoculated with two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita. Plant growth response and morphological changes induced by AM inoculation were investigated. Plant endogenous indoleacetic acid (IAA) and isopentenyl adenosines (iPAs) concentrations were determined. With mycorrhizal infection rate of 9.0–18.8%, plant biomasses increased by 13.5–30.1%. Leaf number, leaflet number, total leaf area and first order lateral root number were significantly increased by AM inoculation. Although G. margarita significantly increased plant P content and uptake, no significant difference in N nutrition was observed between mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) indicated the changes in IAA and iPAs induced by AM inoculation. IAA concentrations in shoots and in roots were 5–7 times and 2–5 times higher in mycorrhizal than in non-mycorrhizal plants, respectively. The iPAs concentrations increased by 1.7 times in shoots and by 1.9–2.5 times in roots, due to mycorrhizal inoculation. We suggest that the changes in endogenous phytohormone level may be responsible for morphological alteration induced by AM inoculation.  相似文献   

以荔枝20—30d龄幼胚为外植体诱导产生愈伤组织,并筛选建立了幼胚胚性愈伤组织系。胚性愈伤组织在附加2,4-D的MS培养基上诱导胚状体分化,在附加NAA和IBA的培养基中促进胚状体的发育和成熟。在体外胚胎发生过程中,形成大量各种类型的胚状体,其中出现不少异常胚;胚性愈伤组织继代培养过程中存在大量的染色体变异,这可能是产生异常胚的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

荔枝果实中含有玉米素、二氢玉米素和二氢核糖基玉米素。果实发育过程中细胞分裂素(CTK)含量的动态是:谢花后两周内含量最高,然后下降并稳定在低水平。用外源6一卞基氨基嘌呤(6一BA)处理,仅在果实发育初期有明显保果作用。果实采后贮藏期间CTK含量稳定在低水平;贮藏前用6一BA处理,能延迟果实衰老,提高果品质量。  相似文献   

黑叶荔枝焦核诱导的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少黑叶荔枝种子重量提高其品质,以青鲜素为诱导焦核的基本生长调节剂,通过不同浓度青鲜素处理以及与不同植物生长调节剂混合使用,研究了各种不同处理对黑叶荔枝产量及品质的影响。结果表明,MH浓度在800mg·L^-1时诱导黑叶荔枝焦核效果较好,黑叶荔枝焦核率随着MH浓度增大而增加,但过高浓度会导致严重的落果。用MH与其他植物生长调节剂处理可以减轻落果的问题,其中用MH800mg·L^-1+2,4-D5mg·L^-1对黑叶荔枝诱导焦核效果最好,焦核率可达8.79%,平均单核重下降20%以上,可以显著提高其加工品质,具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

糯米糍荔枝坐果与内源激素的关系   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
授 粉爱精是糯米糍荔枝花后子房正常坐果的刺激因子,授粉后子房ABA从开花当天的最高水平急剧下降,而IAA、GAa和CTK水平都升高,并在花后12天达最。地果期内源ABA水平有3次明显高峰,分别出现在3次生理落果高峰前1周左右;内源1AA和GAs则有2次明显较高水平,分别与果皮和假种皮的迅速生长有关;而CTK在胚败育前 保持高水平,胚败育后才降至较低水平。荔枝果实中GAs类有GA3、GA4+7、GA  相似文献   

李云昌 《广西园艺》2007,18(5):8-11
近年来,随着荔枝面积、产量的不断增加,荔枝市场已从卖方市场转向买方市场,卖果难问题日益严重。如何解决当前我国荔枝出路问题,众说纷纭。归纳起来,普遍认为当前我国荔枝存在的问题主要是:品种结构不合理,熟期集中,销售压力大,保鲜、贮运技术落后,加工量少等等,从而提出了相应的发展对策。本文以广西钦州荔枝,特别是以量大集中的黑叶品种为例,侧重分析2004年和2007年两个荔枝生产大年市场流通情况,重点从市场流通环节分析当前荔枝发展形势,并提出今后发展的一些思路。  相似文献   

糯米糍荔枝结果期叶、果营养消长及其与落果的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对糯米糍荔枝果实发育期间叶片和果实进行N、P、K、Ca、碳水化合物的营养测定,结果表明:荔枝果实发育前期对N的需求量最大,其次是K,果实后期发育对K的需求量大于N,果期叶片P的变化平稳,果实对P的要求不太敏感。前期和后期的生理落果均与N、K营养有关,其中前期与N、后期与K关系更大,中期胚败育期间,果实营养维持在最低水平,与该期落果直接相关。Ca素变化和碳水化合物的消长也与生理落果有密切关系。  相似文献   

采后操作对荔枝果实品质、失水与呼吸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了98℃热水处理、熏硫及结合酸浸等技术、包装方式与贮藏条件对‘黑叶’荔枝果实品质、失重与呼吸作用的影响。结果表明:热浸、熏硫结合酸浸处理可提高果皮酸度,对果肉可溶性固形物含量与酸度无影响;无包装自然放置与有孔或无孔塑料盒包装相比,无孔塑料盒包装的果实失重显著减缓;贮藏于4℃的热处理果实与对照果实有相似的失重曲线;无论包装方式与贮藏环境的温湿度如何,果实均不存在呼吸高峰;呼吸速率在贮藏初期随着果实失重的增加而下降,后期变化趋于平稳。  相似文献   

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