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The development of hermaphrodite cultivars of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) to overcome dioecism is a priority for all breeding programmes, worldwide. If successful, the number of pollinators in the orchard could be reduced, allowing more space for reproductive vines. Hermaphroditism and the expression of self-compatibility were studied in A. deliciosa, using the new kiwifruit cultivar, ‘Tsechelidis’, as a model. This plant material was chosen for investigation as its female flowers produced viable pollen. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression and nature of self-compatibility in ‘Tsechelidis’ and to evaluate its potential for breeding purposes. The expression of self-compatibility in ‘Tsechelidis’, between years, was investigated by controlled self-pollination of female flowers in the field and by microscopic studies on pollen viability in the laboratory. The commercial cultivar ‘Hayward’ and the pollinator ‘Matua’ were used as controls. Controlled self-pollination in the field confirmed that ‘Tsechelidis’ exhibited a degree of hermaphroditism and self-compatibility. Its flowers produced viable pollen and could set fruit of an acceptable size and quality after self-pollination, compared to open-pollinated fruit. The average fruit set percentage for ‘Tsechelidis’ was 34%, and ranked from 20% to 60% per vine, while the corresponding rate for ‘Hayward’ was only 4%. Microscopic studies on ‘Tsechelidis’ pollen revealed variations in pollen viability between different vines, which were even greater between different flowers on the same vine, ranging, in some cases, from 0% (absolutely sterile) to 70% (significantly fertile) per flower. Female control ‘Hayward’ vines were found to be practically sterile (0%), while male control ‘Matua’ vines were almost 100% fertile. The nature of self-compatibility in ‘Tsechelidis’ was investigated further by molecular analysis using the sex-linked sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers, SmX, SmY, and SmY1, and by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis. Hermaphroditism in ‘Tsechelidis’ was related to sex expression, as observed by SNP analysis, but complete genome mapping would be required to fully understand the mechanisms involved and to exploit this new genetic material for breeding purposes.  相似文献   


Inorganic nutrient concentrations in leaves, xylem sap and fruit from ‘Hort16A’ kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. chinensis) vines grafted onto eight inter-specific rootstocks [A. deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa; A. eriantha Benth.; A. hemsleyana×eriantha; A. macrosperma C.F. Liang; A. chrysantha Merr.; A. kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim.; A. kolomikta (Maxim. et Rupr.) Maxim.; and A. polygama (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim.] were measured over three seasons. The nutrients analysed were phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and boron (B). The objectives of these studies were to identify rootstocks which induced relatively high or low levels of nutrients in the scion cultivar, and to correlate the nutrient concentrations of the fruits with the incidence of storage disorders. The use of inter-specific clonal rootstocks had a substantial effect on the accumulation and concentration of inorganic nutrients in the fruit, leaves and stem sap of ‘Hort16A’ kiwifruit vines, but few consistent relationships were observed between fruit nutrient concentrations and the incidence of storage disorders. Vines on A. hemsleyana×eriantha accumulated high levels of P in their fruits, leaves and xylem sap, and high levels of Ca and Mg in their leaves and xylem sap. Vines on A. macrosperma accumulated high levels of K in their fruits and leaves. In general, vines on rootstocks with low vigour (i.e. A. polygama; A. kolomikta) accumulated relatively low levels of nutrients. The incidence of physiological pitting, a mineral-related storage disorder, was higher in fruit with lower Mg concentrations. While rootstock-induced differences in the vigour of vines had an important role in determining nutrient concentrations in fruits and leaves, some rootstocks clearly had a stronger inherent ability to absorb nutrients from the soil than others, independent of their effect on vine vigour.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to improve fruit set, yield, quality, marketability, and exportability of ‘Washington’ Navel orange. Pre-harvest foliar sprays of GA3, K, and Ca, either alone or combined, were applied at full bloom. The following treatments were applied: {control (T1), 25 mg/L GA3 (T2), 2% K2SO4 (T3), 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% K2SO4 (T4), 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T5), 2% K2SO4 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T6), and 25 mg/L GA3 + 2% K2SO4 + 2% Ca Cl2 (T7). All treatments improved fruit set, yield, physical and chemical characteristics, mineral content of leaves and fruit rind, and the percentage of exportable fruit in comparison to the control. Fruit set, fruit detachment force, peel firmness, and the mineral content of leaves and fruit rind were enhanced significantly with the combination of GA3 + K2SO4 + Ca Cl2 (T7) in comparison to all other treatments and the control. Results indicated that all foliar combination treatments improved fruit quality and marketability, and increased the percentage of exportable fruit and reduced the defects of non-exportable fruit.  相似文献   


Various fungicides, gibberellins (A417) and their mixtures were tested for the control of russet of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple fruit in the major apple-growing area in Israel. Four foliar applications of captan, metiram, the strobilurins kresoxim-methyl, trifloxystrobin, azoxystrobin, or the polyoxin B compound Polar from the green tip stage to the end of the petal fall stage gave similar reductions in russeting, compared with the controls, but none eliminated it. Tank mixtures of the gibberellins (A417) Regulex and Perlan with captan, each at full rate, did not improve russet control, compared with each component alone at the same rate. Similarly, both captan and trifioxystrobin, and the gibberellin (A417) Cytolin or their mixtures at full rates provided similar significant level of control of russet on fruit. Fruit in the upper part of the tree had significantly more russet than fruit in the lower part of the tree, regardless of treatment applied. In addition, russet was more severe on fruits of trees grown in the west side of the row, than those of trees grown on the east side. Data suggest that factors other than fungicides, which may act by reducing russet-inducing microorganisms, may be involved in russet development.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,29(4):347-358
In the subtropical banana-growing areas of South Africa, there is a pronounced and consistent tendency for fruit to be oversupplied in the spring (September–November) and undersupplied in the autumn (March–May). Under identical soil, planting material and general management conditions, a crop-timing trial with ‘Williams’ banana was established at Burgershall Research Station, Eastern Transvaal, to compare the effects of planting date (September, December, March), time of first sucker selection (5 and 10 months after planting) and density (1666 and 1250 plants ha−1) on yield and harvest season over 3 crop cycles.Cumulating the yield/ha/annum for the plant crop and first ratoon cycles, there was a small but significant decrease (4%) as planting date was delayed from September to December, and a larger significant reduction in yield (18%) with delay from December to March planting. While cumulative yield/ha/annum for plant crop plus first ratoon increased significantly (19%) at the higher density of 1666 plants ha−1, no differences occurred as a result of sucker selection treatment.March-planted bananas were harvested during the undesirable spring period, and this effect was largely carried over into the first ratoon and second ratoon cycles. December planting was optimal and September planting intermediate from a crop-timing viewpoint. Cumulating all 3 crop cycles, 50% of the total bunch harvest could be timed during the autumn from December planting at a density of 1666 plants ha−1. From September planting, the proportion of autumn-harvested fruit could also be increased by delaying the selection of the first ratoon sucker until at least 10 months after planting. Results demonstrated the in-field potential for overcoming the natural banana shortage in South Africa during autumn.  相似文献   


Single foliar sprays of paclobutrazol (PP333) at 300, 1000 or 3000 mg H applied at three different stages from full bloom to petal-fall in a year of average initial sets . and fruit size were equally effective in thinning ‘Conference’ pear, increasing the proportion of large fruits at harvest, but decreasing their absolute numbers. Sprays applied nine days after petal-fall reduced initial sets less effectively and, applied 21 days after petal-fall, were ineffective. Thinning was completed within 25 days after petal-fall. Shoot extension was initially retarded at all three concentrations, but later increased, so that the total growth made during the season was not reduced. Single foliar sprays at 300 or 1000 mg l?1 applied at 70% full bloom in a year of heavy set and small fruit size increased the numbers of large fruits in the >55 mm size category by 66% and decreased those of fruits <55 mm by a similar amount. The increase in the yield of fruits >55 mm and decrease of unsaleable <45 mm fruits was equivalent to about 3 and 2 t ha?1 respectively from a total average yield of about 17.5 t ha?1. In the same experiment, similar sprays counteracted the stimulation in the production of small fruits by sprays of gibberellic acid (GA) applied on the same day, but did not increase the harvest of large fruits. Sprays of paclobutrazol at 30 or 100 mg l?1 applied two weeks after petal-fall and then on three successive occasions at two-week intervals inhibited total extension growth per shoot during the season without affecting initial or final sets, fruit size or flower bud production. Single sprays applied at 100 mg l?1 in July reduced total extension per shoot almost as effectively as the repeated sprays. For more effective control of ‘Conference’ shoot growth, paclobutrazol may have to be sprayed later in the season than commercially recommended. Applied as a blossom thinner, paclobutrazol may increase the yield of large fruits only in years of heavy set and small fruit size, requiring that applications be delayed until set can be judged.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA) on anti-oxidant enzyme activities and photosynthetic capacity in ‘Sultana’ grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) were investigated under cold stress. When vines had an average of 15 leaves, 0 (control), 50, 100, or 200 µM ABA was sprayed to run-off on all leaves of each plant. Twenty-four hours after foliar spraying with ABA, half (n = 5) of the water-only control vines and half (n = 5) of each group of ABA-treated plants were subjected to 4°C for 12 h, followed by a recovery period of 3 d under greenhouse conditions (25°/18°C day/night). The remaining plants in each treatment group were kept at 24°C. Cold stress increased H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations in vine leaves, whereas all foliar ABA treatments significantly reduced their levels. Chilled plants showed marked increases in their total soluble protein contents in response to each ABA treatment. ABA significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, and ascorbate peroxidase in cold-stressed grapevine leaves. In contrast, cold stress markedly decreased the rates of leaf photosynthesis (A) and evaporation (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and chlorophyll concentrations in leaves, but increased intercellular CO2 concentrations (Ci) in leaves. Treatment with all concentrations of ABA resulted in lower leaf A, E, and gs values, but higher Ci values at 24°C. However, following cold stress, ABA-treated vines showed higher leaf A, E, and gs values, but lower Ci values compared to control vines without ABA treatment. The application of 50–200 µM ABA allowed chilled vines to recover more quickly when re-exposed to normal temperatures, enabling the vines to resume their photosynthetic capacity more efficiently following cold stress. These results showed that, by stimulating anti-oxidant enzyme systems and alleviating cold-induced stomatal limitations, ABA reduced the inhibitory effect of cold stress on the rate of CO2 fixation in ‘Sultana’ grapevine plants.  相似文献   


The effects of progressive water stress and subsequent re-hydration on fruit growth and mineral nutrient content were investigated in banana plants (Musa acuminata AAA, ‘Grand Nain’) under field conditions. Water stress was imposed by suspending irrigation from flower emergence for 63 d, then continuous re-watering was restored. These adverse conditions reduced fruit growth, fruit size, yield, and delayed fruit maturation. Fruit fresh and dry weights decreased with photosynthetic rate and soil moisture content during the stress period. In relation to nutrient accumulation, the main effect of drought was to reduce potassium levels, which is the major mineral nutrient in banana. In contrast, all the other minerals analysed either increased (i.e., calcium, sodium, iron and zinc), or remained stable (i.e., nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper) under the drought treatment, which generated a positive effect on the organoleptic properties of the fruit. After re-hydration, the mineral nutrient content of banana fruit was similar between stressed and non-stressed plants. The data illustrate the ability of banana to maintain relatively normal mineral contents and functional fruit tissues, which continued to expand after re-hydration, despite the long period of water stress. However, banana fruit lost commercial value, with a reduction in size and biomass after the water stress period.  相似文献   


‘Sunrise’ papaya fruit harvested at two stages of maturity [colour break (< 10% yellow peel colour) and 25% yellow peel colour] were treated with 100 nl l–1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) to determine its effects on ripening, on the activities and levels of gene expression of polygalacturonase (PG), pectin methyl esterase (PME), and βgalactosidase ( βGal), and on the degradation of cell wall components. 1-MCP delayed ripening and the onset of the climacteric, although the peak in the respiration rate was almost the same as that in untreated control fruit. Colour-break fruit treated with 1-MCP exhibited a continuous increase in ethylene production, but at a lower rate than in control fruit. Consequently, 1-MCP-treated fruit ripened with a concomitant reduction in firmness, which was accompanied by an increase in PG and βGal enzyme activities and gene expression. On the other hand, fruit treated with 1-MCP at the 25% yellow stage exhibited lower levels of ethylene production and developed pulp with a rubbery texture at the ripe stage which was attributed to reduced PG, βGal, and PME enzyme activities and gene expression. This was consistent with the higher level of cell wall polysaccharides measured in 1-MCP-treated fruit. The above results indicated that ‘Sunrise’ papaya fruit can be treated with 1-MCP at the colour break stage since they have a greater capacity to recover from the effects of 1-MCP than fruit treated at the 25% yellow stage.  相似文献   


Fruit quality traits are directly related to agronomic practices such as irrigation and fertilization, especially potassium supply since its effects on quality and water drought resistance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different combinations of potassium rate and application mode (in soil: 200S and 100S, foliar spray: 100F) with two irrigation regimes (FI: irrigation with 100%ETc and DI: irrigation with 66%ETc) on peach yield and quality parameters. The experiment was performed during two consecutive years. At harvest, only in the second year significant differences between treatments were observed in yield. In fact, potassium foliar spray, even in DI regime, improved yield. The fruit diameter was slightly affected by treatments in the first year. However, in the following season foliar potassium spray even in DI water regime increased fruit size. Concerning the firmness, no significant differences were observed in the first year except for the second year it decreased with DI strategy independently of potassium treatment. The soluble solids content was strongly affected by the treatments. The highest values were observed in 100F+DI treatment with no significant effect on acidity. Vegetative growth was affected only by water regime which DI reduced shoot length.  相似文献   

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