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The effect of leaf removal on the yield components, the fruit composition and the free and bound monoterpenol concentrations during maturation of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Italia’ berries were studied over two years (2002 and 2003). Results suggest that leaf removal treatments had no impact on berry and cluster weights, whereas it induced a significant modification in chemical composition of the fruit expressed by Brix degree, titratable acidity, and monoterpenol concentrations.  相似文献   


‘Anjou’ pears were harvested from the Mid-Columbia Experiment Station, Hood River, Oregon, at 67 N firmness, stored at –1° or 20°C for 85 d and periodically tested for sensitivity to 0 or 500 µl l?1 propylene for at least 14 d at 20°C. Climacteric ethylene of pears stored at 20°C remained at low levels and started rising on the 90th day. Pears chilled at –1°C required 70 d to ripen and produced climacteric ethylene immediately upon transfer to 20°C. The sensitivity of the fruit to exogenous propylene increased progressively with storage time at –1°C. However, the non-chilled fruit responded to propylene similarly to freshly harvested fruit during the first 55 d of storage, then similarly to –1°C-stored fruit up to 85 d. Anjou pear ripening events and the sensitivity of the fruit to exogenous propylene developed differently in storage at non-chilling temperature compared with chilling temperature.  相似文献   


The effects of environmental conditions, planting date and crown size on the timing, intensity and duration of cropping in the strawberry Fragaria × ananassa cv. Elsanta were investigated. Temperature was positively correlated with the rate of progress to fruiting whereas crown size had no effect. The first fruit reached harvest maturity after an estimated 891 day-degrees had elapsed above a base temperature of 2.9°C for waiting bed plants and 831 day-degrees above a base temperature of 2.4°C for cold stored plants. Temperature was negatively correlated with total yield, berry number and average berry weight for both waiting bed and cold stored plants of different crown sizes. Yield, berry number and average berry weight were positively correlated with crown size. The effect of temperature on the yield components appeared to be due to its effect on vegetative growth of the plants: canopy development was more limited at warmer temperatures. These results can be used to generate models to predict the effect of growth environment on cropping in strawberry.  相似文献   

The area of land occupied by exurban residential development is significant and has been increasing over the past several decades in the United States. Considerable attention has been drawn to the measurement of regional-scale patterns of land-cover change and assessment of its environmental and socioeconomic consequences. Yet little is known about the quantity of land-cover change within individual exurban residential parcels, which reflect homeowner preferences, land-management strategies, and the ecosystem services they generate. Similarly, little is known about the spatial autocorrelation of land cover among parcels and how it may change over time. Using a dataset delineating land-cover change within exurban residential parcels in southeastern Michigan from 1960 to 2000, the quantity and composition of land cover and carbon storage are examined. The spatial similarity of land-cover quantity among neighboring parcels is evaluated using local indicators of spatial association. Results show, among other findings, that (1) the number of exurban residential parcels, the quantity of tree cover, and amount of carbon storage increased steadily from 1960 to 2000; (2) the distribution of parcel sizes remained relatively constant and dominated by small parcels; (3) an increasing proportion of parcels were significantly similar to their neighbors; and (4) using a benefits transfer approach, new exurban parcels are estimated to store ~15,000–29,000 kg C over the study period. The measured changes in land cover and carbon storage improve our understanding of how ecosystem services may change in human-dominated landscapes and provide evidence that policy opportunities are available to increase carbon management.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the phenological changes in leaf nutrient contents in 10-years Vitis labrusca L. grapes grafted on 140Ru, 5BB and 5C rootstocks. In the experiment, changes of leaf macro and micro element contents from bud burst to post harvest period were investigated in the heavy clay soil conditions. Nutrient contents of leaf blades showed varied depending on the phenological stages and rootstocks (P < 0.01). P, K, Mg and Ca levels of leaf blade exhibited significant differences based on rootstocks and phenological periods between blooming and veraison. While Zn level was obtained sufficient on 5BB of grafted grapevines, it was found to be insufficient in grapevines grafted on 140Ru and 5C rootstocks. In general, grapevines were found insufficient for P, K and Mg nutrients. Total chlorophyll contents of leaves were found at high in the blooming period. Although the highest chlorophyll contents were found in the blooming period, it was determined at the lowest through to harvest. In the study, 5BB rootstock was evaluated to be favorable in terms of nutrient uptake.  相似文献   


Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle cv. ‘Paan’) native to South East Asia, has a distinct flavour and quality characteristics. Maintenance of the green colour in the peel of lime is a desirable quality attribute during storage. Post-harvest chlorophyll degradation in lime was studied in fruit stored at room temperature (30°C) at a relative humidity (RH) of 70 – 85%. Within 7 d of storage, the total chlorophyll content decreased to 53.9% of its initial level. The highest chlorophyllase activity (1.68 units mg–1 protein) was observed after 4 d of storage and declined thereafter. Peroxidase activity differed from chlorophyllase activity and increased significantly to 6.25 units mg–1 protein after 9 d of storage, (i.e., at the late maturity stage). Respiration rate and 1-aminocyclopropene-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase activity did not significantly affect the chlorophyll degradation process in lime.The total nitrogen content of lime peel was inversely correlated with its chlorophyll content. A higher soluble protein content was observed in yellow peel than in mature green peel. A colour index chart was developed for maturity stages 1–4 in lime based on peel colour changes from mature green to full-yellow, and its correlation with chlorophyll content and fruit quality attributes.  相似文献   

Environmental and genetic factors influence growth and bulb development of onions by affecting their physiology. Photoperiod plays critical a role in bulb development and determines the suitability of a cultivar for a particular region. Long days and high temperatures promote onion bulbing. Bulbing is regulated more by temperature than photoperiod, as determined by growing degree days. Far-red light promotes bulbing most effectively. High-temperature storage of sets (above 20–25°C) results in increased total bulb yields, while very high temperature (25.5–31°C) or temperature below 0°C depresses yield. Plant density has an impact on bulb size: the higher the plant density the smaller the bulb size. Onion is more sensitive to water stress during bulb formation and enlargement than during the vegetative stage. Nitrogen improves bulb development, but too much nitrogen promotes excessive vegetative growth and delays maturity. Growth hormones (gibberellins and ethrel) promote the growth and development of bulbs. Flowering and bulb formation in onion is regulated by different (Flowering Locus T) FT genes. Two antagonistic FT-like genes regulate bulb formation. AcFT1 promotes bulb formation, while AcFT4 prevents AcFT1 up-regulation and inhibits bulbing. There is a need to link our research with the genetics and physiology of onions, to enhance bulb yield.  相似文献   


The F1 allotetraploid Vaccinium uliginosum♂ Vaccinium vitis-idaea♀ was found to be fertile and genetically compatible at different cross levels with taxonomically and geographically remote Vaccinioideae species. This genotype offers a wide application for artificial selection in V. vitis-idaea breeding by the remote hybridization method and for the production of genotypes with predetermined properties adapted to a wide range of growth conditions.  相似文献   


‘Manila’ mangoes were stored at 6 or 12°C, while a control lot was ripened at 258C. Polyphenoloxidase activity was measured in pulp and peel of mangoes during normal ripening and chilling-stress conditions. Compositional parameters (textural hardness, pH, acidity, and soluble solids) were monitored during ripening and chilling injury (CI) was assessed by visual inspection. PPO activity increased in refrigerated mangoes but fruit stored at 6°C displayed greater activity than those stored at 12°C. Both temperatures produced a peak in enzyme activity at day 16 of storage. Peel browning and acidity correlated with PPO activity (r.=.0.9073 and 0.9818) at 6°C. After the PPO peak was observed at day 16, refrigerated mangoes showed lower enzyme activities; however external browning became more pronounced.  相似文献   

Softening process and total antioxidant activity were evaluated in kiwifruit differently exposed to light intensity and harvested at two different times (October 10 and November 14). Fruit was stored for 2 months at 0 °C (S1) and then maintained for a week at ambient temperature (S2). The results showed that fruit harvested later presented a faster softening rate during storage than fruit harvested earlier, even if antioxidant activity did not change. Light-exposed fruit showed higher flesh firmness than that of shaded ones. Polygalacturonase activity was higher in kiwifruit maintained for a week at ambient temperature after cool storage and, in particular the highest value was recorded in fruit harvested later. The behaviour of β-galactosidase was different: it did not show changes in fruit harvested later and significantly decreased in light- and shade-exposed fruit harvested earlier.  相似文献   


The formation of bud scales, transition leaves, true leaves, bracts and flower primordia were observed in buds removed from non-flowering sites on one year old shoots of apple ‘Royal Gala’. Buds were sampled from trees in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand (latitude 398S) during six successive seasons. The onset of flower development varied between seasons from 72 to 99.d after full bloom. Floral development was poorly synchronized within the populations of sampled buds, lasting 22 to 50.d. Differences in the onset and duration of flower development could not be related to seasonal differences in heat accumulation from full bloom. There was significant variation between seasons in the minimum number of appendages observed within buds that exhibited doming, which indicates floral development. In the 1998/99 season, doming was observed in buds that had only 15.7 appendages, whereas in the 1999/2000 season the minimum number of appendages within a bud that had initiated flowers was 17.5. When the data from all seasons were considered, the rate of appendage formation within developing buds was not consistently related to heat accumulation.  相似文献   

As the world’s population gets increasingly more urban, the preservation of urban green spaces becomes an important issue in the political agenda worldwide. These spaces may mitigate the negative environmental impacts of urbanisation and improve quality of life. Aiming to increase knowledge in urban biodiversity we compared the diversity of vascular plants and soil microbial communities (fungi and bacteria) in two contrasting typologies of urban green spaces (public gardens and remnant forests) in the city of Coimbra (Portugal). We found 252 taxa of vascular plants of which 58% were native and 42% exotic. Although overall diversity indices were similar in both typologies of green spaces, species richness and percentage cover of native taxa were significantly higher in forests than in gardens. Overall, plant communities in the two typologies of green spaces were distinct. We found high variability among gardens, which is consistent with vegetation in gardens being determined by man rather than by competitive or successional processes. Interestingly, the disparity between gardens and forests was also visible for both bacterial and fungal communities indicating an association between above and below-ground communities. We showed that, due to their origin, remnant forests harbour plant taxa with high conservation and ecological values. It also showed that gardens have higher percentage of exotic species, which led us to conclude that native plant species should be given more emphasis in these spaces. City planners should promote urban development by incorporating an ecological perspective into their management plans to enhance human health and global environmental quality.  相似文献   


‘Elstar’ is the latest-maturing commercial apple cultivar grown in Norway, with high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006, an experiment with four different crop loads [2, 4 ,6, or 8 flowers or fruitlets cm–2 trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), respectively] was established at two different stages [first bloom (FB), or 20-mm diameter fruitlets] and compared to unthinned control trees. Fruit growth was measured on individual fruit for each treatment throughout the season at weekly intervals. Thinning at FB gave a significantly lower final percentage fruit set than thinning to the same cropping level at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. However, fruit weights and soluble solids contents (SSC) were significantly higher, and the background fruit colour improved when trees were thinned at FB. The final number of fruit at harvest was less than the amount established at FB, or at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. There were significant differences between treatments in final fruit numbers per TCSA, which reflected the different crop loads. Fruit weights and SSC values were highest with the lowest crop load, and decreased with increasing crop loads. There was also a strong crop-load effect on the extent of return bloom per tree in the subsequent year. Trees thinned at FB had significantly more flower clusters than those thinned at the 20-mm fruitlet stage of. Untreated control trees had the lowest number of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load. Second year crop loads and fruit weights were highest when trees were thinned at FB to two or four apples cm?2 TCSA in the previous year. Trees with the highest crop load had the lowest crop load in the following year. Fruit quality was generally high for all treatments.  相似文献   


Dry-matter accumulation patterns and anatomical aspects of development and abscission of inflorescence buds borne on shoots of fruiting (BF) and non-fruiting (BNF) branches of bearing trees and in non-bearing branches of disbudded (NBD) pistillate trees of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) were studied from the end of May to mid September. In NBD trees, inflorescence-bud summer drop was negligible and, by the end of the growing season, dry-matter content in NBD buds was three times higher than in BF buds. The anatomical investigation showed that the inflorescence buds, irrespective of their being on shoots of fruiting or not-fruiting branches, undergo the same differentiation process, which is completed by the end of spring. In June and July, signs of degenerations are detectable in the conducting tissue of the buds that will abscise. The degeneration seems to precede and, presumably, trigger the onset of abscission layers, which may develop in different points of the inflorescence. It is suggested that the event triggering the onset of the abscission process precedes the phase of rapid embryo development and that it might be ascribed to the embryo in the phase following the first zygotic division.  相似文献   


Maturity and taste characteristics measured were better in large, heavy ‘Mineola’ fruit harvested from the upper, external southern side of the tree, than in small, light fruit harvested from the lower, internal and northern side of the tree. Harvest and storage of ‘Mineola’ fruit increased its juice content, while fruit remaining on the tree showed an increase in total soluble solids (TSS) and a decrease in acid levels, resulting together in an increase in TSS:acid ratio and improved taste.  相似文献   


Fresh ‘Patterson’ apricot was harvested at three fruit maturity levels and characterized with measurements of flesh colour, Brix, acidity and levels of specific sugars. Fruit from the three maturity classes were sun-dried under uniform conditions. Dry fruit was again analysed for the content of specific sugars before cold storage. Stored fruit were sampled periodically for colour coordinates L*, C* and H° during an eight-month period. The study was repeated for two harvest seasons. In each season, significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed between the three fruit maturity classes for Brix, acidity, C* and H8. Levels of specific sugars varied significantly (P≤0.01) with regard to fruit maturity class, tissue type and fruit status. Regression analysis of colour coordinate changes during the storage period indicated significant (P≤0.05) differences in rate of colour shift of L*, C* and H8 relative to fruit maturity class. While dried fruit of the immature class was of substandard quality after the storage period, both medium and most mature dry fruit were of sufficient quality to warrant marketing even after eight months of cold storage.  相似文献   


‘Korona’, ‘Elsanta’, ‘Bounty’ and ‘Senga Sengana’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) plants, were placed at constant temperatures of 9, 15 or 21°C and daylengths of 8 h (short day) or 24 h (long day). The plants were given different numbers of short-day (SD) cycles, and flowering and growth were studied. ‘Korona’ and ‘Elsanta’ were responsive to both short-day treatment and temperature, with optimum flowering at 15°C and 24 SD. ‘Bounty’ was more responsive to temperature, inducing flowers independently of the number of SD cycles at 9°C and 15°C. In ‘Senga Sengana’ flowering was induced independently of temperature and the number of SD cycles, indicating that it had a stronger dependence on other environmental effects. The effect of the number of short-day cycles and the temperature on vegetative growth variâtes such as the number of stolons and daughter plants, the length of flower trusses and petiole length were also studied.  相似文献   

In dense urban areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, current trends favor covering tree pits with porous-permeable pavement over installing grates or leaving the soil exposed. However, pavement cover potentially modifies soil moisture and temperature, altering tree growth and overall resilience, especially when coupled with heat stress and drought in a changing climate. This study evaluated the response of newly planted London plane (Platanus × acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’) trees to porous-permeable resin-bound gravel pavement and associated alterations in soil water distribution and temperature, in two distinct physiographic regions in Virginia, USA. Simulated urban tree pits were either covered with porous-permeable pavement or left unpaved, and root growth and depth, soil water content and temperature, and tree stem diameter measured over two growing seasons. At both sites, trees in paved tree pits grew larger than trees without pavement. Stem diameters were 29% greater at the Mountain site and 51% greater at the Coastal Plain site, as were tree heights (19% and 38% greater), and above ground dry biomass (67% and 185% greater). Roots under pavement developed faster and shallower, with many visible surface roots. In contrast, unpaved tree pits had almost no visible surface roots, and at the Mountain site only occupied an average area of 7 cm2 within the 1-m2 tree pits, compared with 366 cm2 in paved tree pits. Pavement may have extended the root growing season by as much as 14 days, as the average soil temperature for the month of October was 1.1 °C and 1.2 °C higher under pavement than in unpaved pits. Porous-permeable pavement installations in tree pits accelerated establishment and increased growth of transplanted trees, but may result in shallower root systems that can damage pavement and other infrastructure. In addition, shallow root systems may prevent water extraction from deeper soils, compromising drought resilience.  相似文献   


To find the most appropriate rates of application of plant growth regulator (PGR) thinning-agents for a common slender spindle apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchard, different volumes of dilute 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyladenine (BA) were sprayed ha?1. Mature ‘Jonagold’/M.9 trees, 3.0 – 3.5 m high and 1.2 – 1.5 m wide, planted in a single row system with 3,030 trees ha?1, were used. Significant thinning was observed in the case of dilute sprays of NAA at 10 mg l?1, or BA at 100 mg l?1, to run-off, using 2,000 l ha?1 or 1,500 l ha?1; while 1,000 l ha?1 did not result in sufficient thinning. Thinning using smaller volumes (250, 500, or 750 l ha?1) was also significant if the concentration of PGR thinner was proportionally higher (i.e., based on the 1,500 l ha?1 application rate of more dilute sprays of NAA at 10 mg l?1 or BA at 100 mg l?1). Spray distribution measurements in the crowns showed better spray deposits when higher water volumes (i.e., more dilute PGR solutions) were sprayed at all positions (bottom, middle, or top) of the canopy. At 2,000 l ha?1, 54 – 72% coverage of the leaf area was observed; but, at 250 l ha?1, coverage was only 10 – 21%. The lower 30% of the canopy was covered poorly when smaller volumes of water (250, 500, or 1,000 l ha?1) were applied. When 1,500 l ha?1 was sprayed, good coverage of the lower and upper surfaces of the leaves occurred, and no differences in canopy positions were measured. It was concluded that 1,500 l ha?1 (i.e., dilute PGR) spraying was the most appropriate volume to use when calculating the dose of NAA or BA to be applied ha?1 to common (3.0 – 3.5 m-high) mature slender spindle apple orchards on M.9 rootstock. This study was part of the ISAFRUIT Smartfruit Project, aimed at improving existing methods for apple crop regulation with more precise use of PGR thinning agents and with minimum impact on the environment.  相似文献   

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