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In a long term experiment on salt tolerance, ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk.) (cv. Umran) was grown in lysimeters artificially salinized with NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and MgS02. No plants survived the highest salinity of 20 dSm-1 electrical conductivity. Pruning weight and tree canopy area were reduced significantly at 5 dSm-1 but trunk diameter did not decrease until above 5 dSm-1 soil ECe. The concentration of Na, Ca, Mg and Cl in leaf tissues increased substantially with increasing salinity whereas that of K decreased. Higher salinity reduced the yield and fruit set but had no adverse effect on fruit quality. The 50% yield decrement was found to be associated with a soil ECe value of 11.30 dSm“'.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to study the effect of salicylic acid addition to nutrient solution and different postharvest treatments on fruit quality of strawberry cv. Camarosa after 7 days at 2 °C. Plants were irrigated with two complete nutrient solutions, with salicylic acid (0.03 mM) or without salicylic acid as the control. Fruits were then treated with eight different postharvest treatments (25 °C water, 45 °C water, 25 °C or 45 °C water containing CaCl2 (1%), 25 °C or 45 °C water containing salicylic acid (2 mM) and 25 °C or 45 °C water containing both CaCl2 (1%) and salicylic acid (2 mM)). Fruits which received SA in their nutrient solution had less weight loss and decay and higher firmness. All of the postharvest treatments improved fruit quality characteristics. Fruits dipped in salicylic acid solution had less weight loss, decay and a* (redness) and higher firmness and hue angle than control. Heat treated fruits had less decay and a* and higher hue angle than control. Fruits dipped in CaCl2 solution had less weight loss, decay and a* and higher firmness than control. Combination of the three postharvest treatments improved firmness, decay, weight loss and vitamin C.  相似文献   

A single foliar application of 2, 4 or 6% urea solution to ber cv Banarasi Karaka just before blooming in September significantly improved shoot growth, leaf number, area and weight, the best results being obtained following treatment with 4 or 6 % solutions. Flower number, fruit set and fruit retention were better in nitrogen-supplied plants. The size of the fruits and yield per tree increased with increasing concentration of urea and the highest yield (61 % greater than control) was recorded following 6 % spray treatment.  相似文献   

采后热处理在果蔬贮藏保鲜应用中的最新研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着消费者对食品安全和环境保护的重视,寻找安全的处理方法来保持果蔬采后品质和控制病虫害引起人们的广泛兴趣。采后热处理技术作为无毒的物理处理方法,能够应用于果蔬的病虫害防治,改变对逆境的反应,保持水果品质。在进入21世纪后,热处理受到世界范围内的广泛重视,研究和应用发展迅猛,出现了新的技术和理论。综述了近年来热处理领域的最新研究进展,包括热水喷淋(Hot water brushing,HWB)处理、射频(Radio frequencies,RF)加热处理法以及复合热处理法等对果蔬生理、品质和营养价值的影响及其作用机理。  相似文献   

毛叶枣采后病害与防腐保鲜技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
毛叶枣贮藏寿命特别短 ,在常温下只能贮藏 1周左右 ,超过这一时期 ,果实易失水 ,果皮皱缩、褐变 ,果肉也会发酵。另外 ,采后病害也会造成严重腐烂 ,据统计 ,发病率达 2 %~ 4 0 % [1] 。减少采后病害的发生 ,延长果实的贮藏寿命 ,是毛叶枣采后处理亟须解决的问题。研究发现 ,引起海南毛叶枣采后病害的病原菌有ColletotrichumgloeosporioidesPenz 、Bot ryodiplodiatheobromaePat、Rhizopusstolonifer (Ehrenb ExFr )Vuill 。本文综述了国内…  相似文献   


Rambutans rapidly lose their attractive appearance after harvest because of a superficial browning of the pericarp. The structure of the pericarp of rambutan fruit was studied with specific emphasis on the spinterns before and during the browning process. The spinterns contained many vascular bundles (15–20) with both phloem and xylem vessels. Plas- molysis of the cells was apparent before the occurrence of browning. In brown tissue shrinkage of the cells was severe and cells containing black contents were shown to be dead. There were many stornata on the spintern and these appeared to be always open. These observations support the view that the superficial browning of rambutan pericarp is related to water loss. The structure of the rambutan facilitates this loss of water.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the effects of light quality as influenced by photo-selective shade nets (red, yellow, and pearl with 40% shade) and the widely used commercial black net (25% shade) on overall retail quality and phytochemical contents of three lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties (two green varieties, Ashbrook and Aquarell, and a red variety, Exbury) at after postharvest storage. Variety-specific responses were observed with respect to different coloured shade nets with regards to the accumulation of β-carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids (kaempferol, isorhamnetin, quercetin, myricetin, anthocyanin), and antioxidant activity at harvest. Growing var. Ashbrook under the pearl net improved the ascorbic acid and myricetin contents after postharvest storage. Var. Exbury (red) produced under the black net showed higher retention of ascorbic acid, and anthocyanin contents after postharvest storage. Also pearl net production improved the β-carotene content after postharvest storage in var. Aquarell. All lettuce types produced under the pearl nets showed less weight loss, and overall acceptance after postharvest storage. Spectral quality under the shade nets enabled us to improve the phytochemical content and antioxidant properties in light-sensitive varieties Ashbrook Aquarell and Exbury, during winter season.  相似文献   

顶香(Flavortop)油桃采后,在常温下硬度与可滴定酸线性下降,过氧化物酶活性在采后第5天最高(0.5815OD/min),乙烯释放量在第6天出现高峰(5.5024μL/kg/h),第7天果实即衰老,顶香油桃采后经抑霉唑350~600mg/L防腐处理后,装入0.04mmPVC袋内,同时放入乙烯与二氧化碳吸收剂,在0θ恒温下贮藏70d能很好地保持其原有的色、香、味及质地;贮藏90d,则有个别果实发生腐烂,但仍能基本上保持其风味与质地,有较高的商品价值。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨果实发育期间多次喷施赤霉素结合采后热水处理对‘苹果梨’低温贮藏过程中黑皮病的控制。【方法】以‘苹果梨’为材料,用50 mg·L-1赤霉素分别于幼果期、膨大期和成熟期对果实进行喷施,果实采后用45℃的热水浸泡15 min,研究低温(0±1℃)贮藏条件下果皮黑皮指数的变化,分析酚类物质含量、细胞膜完整性及抗氧化酶活性,观察表皮结构及表皮细胞超微结构。【结果】赤霉素及热水单独或复合处理均可有效降低‘苹果梨’冷藏期间的黑皮指数,其中以复合处理效果最好,贮藏120 d时,黑皮指数仅相当于同期对照的30.8%。处理均抑制了酚类物质积累,降低了丙二醛含量和多酚氧化酶活性,维持了细胞膜的完整性,提高了超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性,其中以复合处理效果最为明显。同时,复合处理减少了果实表皮裂缝,增厚了表面保护组织,维持了细胞膜和细胞壁的完整性。【结论】果实发育期间喷施赤霉素结合采后热水处理可有效减轻冷藏期间‘苹果梨’的黑皮病,黑皮病控制机制与维持细胞膜的完整性、提高抗氧化酶活性、减少酚类物质积累、增加果实表面保护组织厚度密切相关。  相似文献   

采后1-MCP和热处理对红富士苹果生理变化和贮藏品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
采用1-MCP(浓度为1μL/L,18h)、热空气(HA)38℃-96h及2者结合对富士苹果进行处理,处理后的果实置于(0±0.5)℃条件冷藏4个月,然后置于20℃条件下7d(模拟货架期)。试验发现在整个贮藏过程中所有处理组均能抑制果实的乙烯释放速率和呼吸强度,减缓果实硬度的降低。热处理组对固酸比的上升有显著作用,保持了较高的非水溶性果胶含量和较低的水溶性果胶含量。热处理在贮藏过程中对于果实硬度的保持与对照组相比起到一定的作用,但加速了果皮中叶绿素含量的降解。1-MCP处理组能够较好地抑制果实果皮的褪绿,保持果皮中较高的叶绿素含量,初期抑制细胞膜透性的上升,延缓果实的后熟衰老。结合处理组较好地保持果实膜的完整性,减缓了由热处理所引起的果皮叶绿素的降解,并保持较高的含酸量,保持了较好的风味品质。  相似文献   


The effect of storage temperature on ripening, shelf life and chemical composition of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) fruits stored at 10,15,20 and 25°C was studied. The safe range of storage temperature was found to be between 15 and 20°C, with maximum shelf life at 15°C. The ripening of fruits was observed on days 4, 6 and 9 of storage at 25,20, and 15°C respectively. The colour of the pulp, texture, taste and flavour of ripe fruits held at 25 and 20°C were superior followed by fruits stored at 15°C. At 10°C, the fruits became hard with surface blackening, messy pulp and less sweetness. The major changes during ripening were a continuous decrease in fruit firmness and starch content and a continuous increase in TSS and sugars, the changes being more rapid at 25 and 20°C than at 15 and 10°C. The acidity and ascorbic acid contents increased slightly during the initial stages of ripening followed by a decline, in the fruits stored at different temperatures. Custard apple fruits stored at 25 and 20CC had a clear climacteric peak whereas those stored at 15 and 10°C did not show any distinct rise in respiration rate. Ethylene peak (2.40 µl kg–1 h–1) coincided with the respiratory climacteric at 25CC storage, corresponding with the peaks in TSS, sugars, ascorbic acid and acidity.  相似文献   

Sweet cherries (Prunus avium (L.) ‘Lambert’ and ‘Blackboy’), lemons (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f. ‘Lisbon’) and peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, ‘Summerset’) were stored at 77–83, 90–94 and 95–99% RH (high humidity) at near-optimal storage temperatures after harvest and treatment with fungicides. High-humidity storage did not increase the storage life of peaches held at 0°C, but the life expectancy of cherries (both cultivars) was extended by 7–10 days at 0°C, and of lemons by at least 4 weeks at 10°C when fruit were stored at 95–99% RH compared with levels below 95%. The beneficial effects of high humidity were attributed to retardation of peel desiccation and associated reductions in fruit deformation, peel de-greening, chilling-injury and decay in lemons and to the maintenance of a fresher stalk and a firmer, less shrivelled fruit in cherries. High humidity had no effect on decay in cherries or peaches, but it significantly reduced weight loss and delayed the appearance of shrivel in peaches stored at 0°C. However, after storage at high humidity for 4 weeks, peaches ripened with low rates of C2H4 evolution and showed severe low-temperature injury, slight peeling-injury and a poor flavour ex-store.  相似文献   

热处理对果蔬采后品质及病虫害的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
采后热处理是近年来快速发展的果蔬采后处理技术,广泛应用于改善果蔬贮藏期间的品质、增强抗逆性等 方面。从果蔬贮藏期间的生理生化、采后品质及防治病虫害等方面阐述了热处理的机理,讨论了热处理对果蔬衰老 方面的生理特征如色泽、风味、硬度(软化)、失重、呼吸、乙烯释放、酶活性等变化及与抗逆性有关的诱导蛋白质合成 及基因表达的影响,较全面阐述了热处理防治果蔬贮藏期间病虫害的机理如直接作用于病菌、害虫与提高果蔬的抗 病虫性等。  相似文献   

热水和1-MCP处理对杧果贮藏效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了常温下热处理、1-MCP处理及热处理结合1-MCP处理对杜果果实贮藏效果的影响。结果表明:热处理能有效控制杧果采后炭疽病的发生,改善果实外观,提高好果率,延长贮藏时间,但使呼吸增强,不能抑制果实后熟和减少果实失重率;1-MCP处理能降低果实在贮藏过程中的呼吸强度,抑制果实的后熟,减少果实失重率,但对炭疽病的防治无效;热处理结合1-MCP处理在一定程度上结合了2者的优点,该处理既有效的控制了炭疽病的发生,又延缓了杧果果实的后熟进程,延长了贮藏时间,且对杧果果实的品质无不良影响。所有处理对成熟时的可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量及糖酸比无影响,且对蒂腐病的防治效果也均不理想。  相似文献   

The state of Morelos, Mexico has gradually become an important producer of gladiolus. Some preconditioning treatments of corms are empirically done causing uneven emergence and low quality of flowers. In this investigation, before planting, gladiolus corms var. ‘Blanca Borrego’ were dipped in chitosan (chitosan reagent and commercial chitosan Biorend®), in hot water at various temperatures and in treatments combined with Biorend® at 1.5% and hot water. Results indicated that the most influenced variables were corm germination, number of flowers per spike, number of cormlets and vase life. Overall, the commercial product Biorend® at 1.5% accelerated corm emergence in approximately 4 days, the number of flowers increased by 2–7 and the vase life extended for 3 days. The number of cormlets was also duplicated. Corms dipped in the commercial chitosan Biorend® at 1.5% at different intervals of time were not greatly affected except for the emergence and number of cormlets. However, for this experiment there were significant effects on the number of leaves and flowers because of the interactions between chitosan and the immersion time. The temperature of 55 °C affected plant development because emergence was delayed by 6 days; and there were less number of leaves, flowers and cormlets. On the other hand, the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum in naturally infected corms was 0% at temperatures of 55 °C and 50 °C. Immersion times (0, 10, 15 and 20 min) in hot water at 50 °C did not show significant effects on plant development and vase life. Corms dipped in Biorend® at 1.5% and hot water at 50 °C accelerated their emergence for about 1–7 days, the number of flowers increased by two, extended the storage life for 1–3 days and increased the number of cormlets. The integration of these two treatments -Biorend® and hot water- might be a good option for increasing the gladiolus plant quality and vase life.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同厚度的保鲜袋自发气调包装和乙烯吸收剂对‘玉露香’梨采后生理和贮藏品质的影响,为生产应用提供技术参考。【方法】分别将商业成熟的‘玉露香’梨采用0.02 mm PE袋、0.02 mm PE袋+乙烯吸收剂、0.03 mm PE袋、0.03 mm PE袋+乙烯吸收剂、0.04 mm PE袋和0.04 mm PE袋+乙烯吸收剂扎口处理形成自发气调环境,于温度(0±0.5)℃、相对湿度90%~95%条件下贮藏,并以0.02 mm PE袋不扎口为对照处理。定期监测不同包装袋内O2、CO2和乙烯浓度,在‘玉露香’梨冷藏150 d和210 d时测定各处理果实叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素含量、果实硬度、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、抗坏血酸、货架期呼吸强度和乙烯释放量等理化指标,并调查果心褐变情况。【结果】采用扎口处理的不同厚度保鲜袋内气体成分在第35天时达到平衡,气调能力水平由高到低依次为0.04 mm PE袋0.03 mm PE袋0.02 mm PE袋,CO2浓度最高可达到3.2%,最低为0.9%。与其他厚度保鲜袋相比,采用0.03 mm PE袋包装进行自发气调处理能够抑制果皮叶绿素含量、Fm、Fv和Fv/Fm的下降,果实硬度与对照无显著差异,但果心褐变指数显著高于对照,可溶性固形物含量显著低于对照。【结论】0.03 mm PE袋的自发气调可使环境维持在O2为18.7%~19.5%、CO2为1.2%~1.5%时有效保持‘玉露香’梨果实果面绿色,但降低了果实可滴定酸、维生素C等内在品质,同时增加了果心褐变程度。乙烯吸收剂对保绿效果不明显,因此,需要自发气调结合1-MCP处理,从而既达到保绿效果,又能有效维持果实内在品质的目标。  相似文献   

1-MCP对不同成熟度粉红女士苹果贮藏生理和品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭燕  马书尚  朱玉涵  赵刚 《果树学报》2007,24(4):415-420
以粉红女士苹果为试材,研究了1-MCP对不同成熟度果实贮藏生理的影响。结果表明,用0.5μL/L的1-MCP在20℃下处理粉红女士苹果24h,显著降低果实在0℃贮藏期间呼吸速率、乙烯释放速率和ACC氧化酶活性,延缓果实硬度和可滴定酸含量下降。虽然不同成熟度的果实呼吸高峰和乙烯释放速率到达平台期的时间不同,但1-MCP处理对不同成熟度果实品质的影响无明显差异。SDS-PAGE分析表明粉红女士苹果在贮藏过程中出现了分子质量分别为37.1、18.0、16.6ku的3条特异性蛋白条带,1-MCP处理显著抑制特异蛋白表达,延缓特异蛋白出现的时间。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(3):383-392
The effects of cold storage of mature potted plants on postharvest leaf and flower quality were investigated in several cultivars of three major groups (Oriental, Asiatic and LA) of hybrid lilies (Lilium spp.). Mature plants were stored in darkness at 3 °C for 2 weeks before placing them in a postharvest evaluation room (22 °C) and were compared with plants moved directly to the evaluation room. The efficacy of GA4+7 plus benzyladenine (BA) treatments (applied just before cold storage) for preventing cold-induced postharvest disorders in each cultivar was also evaluated. In all cultivars, cold storage caused several adverse effects on postharvest quality, including accelerated leaf yellowing or browning, bud abortion and reduced flower or inflorescence longevity. Leaf abscission was observed only in Oriental-hybrids. Treatment with GA4+7 plus BA significantly reduced these disorders and improved the overall postharvest quality after cold storage. While different cultivars differed greatly in their sensitivity to cold storage, all the cultivars benefited from GA4+7 plus BA treatment. Experiments indicated that GA4+7 plus BA treatments could be applied as early as 2 weeks before the mature bud stage without compromising the positive effects.  相似文献   

采前钙钾处理对甜樱桃果实品质和贮藏效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在预备试验基础上,于采收前15 d,通过3个浓度Ca(NO3)2与KH2PO4配合对甜樱桃喷布,结果表明,处理的果实品质好于对照,Ca2 K 能够抑制果实中POD、PPO活性,降低MDA含量,并且随浓度增加抑制作用增强,Ca2 K 处理果实腐烂率比对照降低1.34%~13.54%,褐变率降低10%~25.3%.  相似文献   

近年来,对于梨果实组织结构的研究,越来越深入,也越来越广泛。从梨果实发育过程中组织结构变化到组织结构变化与果实品质和耐贮性等相关性的研究,以及从单一薄壁细胞到包括石细胞在内的研究,都有广泛的开展。综述了梨果实组织结构的维护及其与梨果实品质、耐贮性方面的相关性的研究进展,最后对我国梨果实组织结构的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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