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Environmental and genetic factors influence growth and bulb development of onions by affecting their physiology. Photoperiod plays critical a role in bulb development and determines the suitability of a cultivar for a particular region. Long days and high temperatures promote onion bulbing. Bulbing is regulated more by temperature than photoperiod, as determined by growing degree days. Far-red light promotes bulbing most effectively. High-temperature storage of sets (above 20–25°C) results in increased total bulb yields, while very high temperature (25.5–31°C) or temperature below 0°C depresses yield. Plant density has an impact on bulb size: the higher the plant density the smaller the bulb size. Onion is more sensitive to water stress during bulb formation and enlargement than during the vegetative stage. Nitrogen improves bulb development, but too much nitrogen promotes excessive vegetative growth and delays maturity. Growth hormones (gibberellins and ethrel) promote the growth and development of bulbs. Flowering and bulb formation in onion is regulated by different (Flowering Locus T) FT genes. Two antagonistic FT-like genes regulate bulb formation. AcFT1 promotes bulb formation, while AcFT4 prevents AcFT1 up-regulation and inhibits bulbing. There is a need to link our research with the genetics and physiology of onions, to enhance bulb yield.  相似文献   


The effects of heat injury induced by long exposures were evaluated in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa ‘plants’) Camarosa in this study. Seedlings were grown in 14 × 12 cm pots using perlite for three weeks at 25/10°C day/night temperature, and watered daily by modified 1/3 Hoagland nutrient solution. Half of the plants were transferred to a growth chamber with a constant 25°C, 16/8 h (light/dark) photoperiod regime and 1200 lux light intensity for a week to acclimate the plants. Temperature was increased stepwise (5 K per 48 h) to 30, 35, 40°C and finally to 45°C. In addition to others, plants were transferred from the outside to the growth chamber, at each temperature step to impose a heat shock. Leaf relative water content (RWC, %), loss of turgidity, chlorophyll content (Spad value) and heat-stress tolerance (HTS; LT50) were measured in control and stressed plants. Total soluble proteins and total DNA were extracted from the leaves following the above treatments using standard procedures and total protein contents were determined using a Bradford assay. In general, effects of gradual heat stress (GHS) and shock heat stress (SHS) on the variables studied were mostly significant, except for chlorophyll content, while the effect of temperatures was significant for all the variables. Interaction between the heat stress type and temperature treatments was not significant for leaf RWC, loss of turgidity and chlorophyll content. Data also indicated that total protein and DNA contents were changed significantly by heat stress types (GHS and SHS) and/or temperature treatments. The plants exposed to GHS exhibited a significant increase in HST compared with the plants exposed to SHS (LT50 of 41.5°C and 39°C, respectively). Consequently, gradual heat stress increased HST in strawberry leaves. Increased HST may be associated with the accumulation of several heat-stable proteins in GHS plants.  相似文献   



Treelines and forest lines (TFLs) have received growing interest in recent decades, due to their potential role as indicators of climate change. However, the understanding of TFL dynamics is challenged by the complex interactions of factors that control TFLs. The review aims to provide an overview over the trends in the elevational dynamics of TFLs in Norway since the beginning of the 20th century, to identify main challenges to explain temporal and spatial patterns in TFL dynamics, and to identify important domains for future research.


A systematic search was performed using international and Norwegian search engines for peer-reviewed articles, scientific reports, and MA and PhD theses concerning TFL changes.


Most articles indicate TFL rise, but with high variability. Single factors that have an impact on TFL dynamics are well understood, but knowledge gaps exist with regard to interactions and feedbacks, especially those leading to distributional time lags. Extracting the most relevant factors for TFL changes, especially with regard to climate versus land-use changes, requires more research.


Existing data on TFL dynamics provide a broad overview of past and current changes, but estimations of reliable TFL changes for Norway as a whole is impossible. The main challenges in future empirically-based predictions of TFLs are to understand causes of time lags, separate effects of contemporary processes, and make progress on the impacts of feedback and interactions. Remapping needs to be continued, but combined with both the establishment of representative TFL monitoring sites and field experiments.


Recent research on how the structure and physiological development of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) plants are controlled by genotype and the climatic environment is reviewed. Some older work, especially on plant structure relations, is also included. Physiological differences between annual- and biennial-fruiting plant types are highlighted. One major difference is the different requirements for flower formation. While biennial-fruiting cultivars have an absolute low temperature (≤ approx. 15°C) requirement for floral initiation, annual-fruiting cultivars readily initiate floral primordia at temperatures as high as a constant 30°C. Also, while biennial-fruiting cultivars are facultative short-day plants with a critical photoperiod of 15 h at intermediate temperatures, flowering is promoted by long photoperiods in at least some annual-fruiting cultivars. However, the essential difference that determines whether the shoot life-cycle becomes annual or biennial is that, in biennial-fruiting genotypes, floral initiation is linked to the induction of bud dormancy; whereas, in annual-fruiting cultivars, floral initiation is followed by direct flower development. Although this is genetically determined, it is a plastic trait that is subject to modification by the environment. Thus, at low temperatures and under short photoperiods, the majority of initiated buds also enter dormancy in annual-fruiting cultivars, with tip-flowering as a result. Practical applications are discussed, and it is concluded that our present physiological knowledge-base provides excellent opportunities for the manipulation of raspberry crops for out-of-season production and high yields. It also provides a firm platform for further exploration of the underlying molecular genetics of plant structures and response mechanisms.  相似文献   


Evidence suggests that a high intake of fruits is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and lowered plasma cholesterol, but the specific effects of individual types of fruit, fruit fractions, and processed fruit are less well-studied. Apples are among the most frequently consumed fruits, and human and animal studies on apple may help to clarify the effect of this fruit on CVD risk markers. The aim of this mini-review is to summarise current evidence for a lowering effect of apple on the risk of CVD and plasma cholesterol levels, and to investigate whether such an effect is influenced by fruit processing or the form of intake. Possible mechanisms behind the cholesterol-lowering effect of apples are also considered. All relevant published experimental studies in humans and animals were identified within the open literature. Nine human studies were identified, of which four concerned the effects of whole apples, two the effects of dried apples, and three the effects of filtered apple juice. Additional studies considered specific apple components. In general, there was a cholesterol-lowering effect, in the range of 5 – 8%, after the intake of approx. three whole apples, whereas the consumption of apple juice (375 – 720 ml) had no effect on plasma cholesterol levels and may result in adverse effects on plasma triglyceride levels. Limitations in the study designs did not allow us to draw conclusions on the effect of the intake of whole, dried apples (15 – 52 g). We also identified a total of nine experimental studies in animal models. Feeding with apple products resulted in decreased levels of plasma (11 – 43%) and liver (23 – 67%) cholesterol in the majority of studies. There was an increased excretion of bile acids (3 – 56%) and cholesterol (5 – 41%) in rats fed with apple products. Based on the current evidence from human observational and intervention studies, it seems likely that a reduction in plasma total and LDL cholesterol occurs after a dietary intake of apples, which could lead to a decreased risk of CVD. On average, a daily intake of approx. three apples resulted in a decrease in total cholesterol of 5 – 8% (approx. 0.5 mmol l?1). The consumption of filtered apple juice may result in adverse effects on plasma triglyceride levels. Evidence from animal studies suggests that the major mechanism behind the cholesterol-lowering effect of apples involves an increased clearance of plasma cholesterol due to enhanced faecal excretion of bile acids and cholesterol.  相似文献   

The management of urban landscapes concerns existing urban open spaces such as public parks, playgrounds and residential green spaces. It involves many different actors and organizations and its practice is of importance for the sustainable development of cities. As a research field, it needs further theoretical development and common definitions. For example, the central term ‘management’ is seldom defined in the relevant literature regarding an urban landscape context, and public participation in management processes is unusual. This paper introduces urban landscape management as an overarching concept that brings together knowledge about management of urban landscapes from fields such as urban forestry, park management and landscape planning. Based on a literature review, a common understanding of management in an urban landscape context is proposed, including organizational and strategic aspects of managerial activities. Our approach is that urban landscapes are ultimately managed to provide user benefits. Urban landscape management can be viewed as a complex process that includes a number of different actors, elements and relationships, mutually affecting each other. This view supports future studies of urban landscape management and its role in sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

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